2024.11.28 08:50 Few_Purchase_8917 Khushi Dubey
submitted by Few_Purchase_8917 to BeautifulIndianWomen [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 08:50 Shot_Past8216 Wieso wird mein Kurs nicht aktualisiert?
Wieso steigt überall der Kurs aber nicht bei Trading212? Die Kurszeiten sind hier von 09:00 bis 17 Uhr? submitted by Shot_Past8216 to wallstreetbetsGER [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 08:50 z8Qx-z1Xs AIのスケーリング則が限界に直面、「学習データや学習量を増やせばAIの性能が上がる」という状況はすでに終わっている
submitted by z8Qx-z1Xs to newsokuexp [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 08:50 wfan19 SEKTION Wall Cabinets on ground?
I am looking to redo my entry way closet to something like this:
I have 210cm of wall-to-wall width to work with.
My idea was similar to the reel, starting from the left:
-two 50cm PAX wardrobes -one Sektion wall cabinet with 2 drawers (46x37x51 cm) -one Sektion wall cabinet with 2 drawers (61x37x51 cm) -filler for remaining gap
The reel showed the Sektion wall cabinets sitting on the ground...is this okay?? Would feet be needed?
Given the depths are different, I was going to bring the wall cabinets forward to be flush with the PAX. Given there is a kickplate with the PAX, what could I do (if anything) to make the combo PAX + Sektion look more uniform/cohesive.
This is my first venture into IKEA hacks!
submitted by wfan19 to ikeahacks [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 08:50 Last-Complex-2543 DAEU… Grosse arnaque ? Ou vraiment équivalent au bac ?
Bonjour à toutes et à tous. J’ai 21 ans, et j’ai malheureusement arrêté l’école à mes 15 ans à cause de beaucoup de choses.
J’ai donc pas eu mon brevet, et j’ai évidemment pas eu mon bac non plus. Le problème, c’est que je souhaite plus tard travailler dans l’audiovisuel. Mais pour entrer dans l’école de cinéma que je vise, c’est au minimum un bac (DAEU accepté évidemment).
J’ai commencé les cours du DAEU début Octobre. Jusqu’ici tout vas bien.
Mais j’aimerais savoir si le DAEU est vu comme un stricte équivalent au bac ? Est ce que si je pose des vœux pour des écoles de cinéma par exemple, je risque de me faire refuser a 95% ?
Dans ce cas le DAEU serait peux être en théorie équivalent au Bac, mais il n’ouvrirais que peu de porte.
Est ce que ici des gens on eu accès a des grande école très sélective avec un simple DAEU ?
Et aussi, pour ceux qui on passer l’examen. Est ce que le DAEU est super compliqué ?
submitted by Last-Complex-2543 to etudiants [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 08:50 michaelnoir [November 28th, 1924] The Inquiring Photographer: "Baron Palle Rosencrantz, the Danish writer, says that women are unfit to govern except in the home. Do you agree with him?"
submitted by michaelnoir to 100yearsago [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 08:50 LovelyClementine What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by LovelyClementine to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 08:50 TheOneHorne Take $1400AUD off your Tesla Model 3 or 7 with my referral code
submitted by TheOneHorne to teslareferralcode [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 08:50 Additional-Serve-547 How can you tell if you are unattractive?
I'm starting to come to the realization that I'm probably below average looks-wise, and it kinda sucks. Whenever I meet up with friends and they compliment eachothers' appearances the most I get is a "and you look good too" as an afterthought. When we hang out and talk about guys that they like they don't even mention me, kinda like they never think I would have a chance with anyone. I've always thought I looked decent before, but now I realize that I'm a little too tall and probably overweight. The more I analyze the more problems I find, and it's just getting me really down. Any advice?
submitted by Additional-Serve-547 to TheGirlSurvivalGuide [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 08:50 McSmitty07 Physical Pokémon Pocket
Has anyone tried playing a physical match using the rules of Pokémon Pocket? Just curious how well it would translate.
submitted by McSmitty07 to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 08:50 odeszameowchan How do I tell my cousin I just peed her bed
Visiting for thanksgiving and cannot believe it
submitted by odeszameowchan to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 08:50 kaddymate Town of Victoria Park Parking - credit
Anyone's bank account get spammed with a few cents of credit from Town of Victoria Park Parking? I haven't even visited that area for months.
Just wondering if there's an explanation or some kind of complex scam in motion.
submitted by kaddymate to perth [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 08:50 Dry-Lunch224 Guys...
submitted by Dry-Lunch224 to countpixelscirclejerk [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 08:50 SuccessfulJacket5118 QC Jordan 4 “Off White” GX Batch by RepSun😛
W2C: https://weidian.com/item.html?itemID=7240102012&spider_token=d458 Price : 450¥ but if u buy direct use “edoxey” code for 15$ discount trough WhatsApp WhatsApp: +86 193 0504 0493 submitted by SuccessfulJacket5118 to fashionreps2 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 08:50 PantlessTemplar Stash tab positioning question
Anyone have this problem where everytime you log back into the game, within some categories some stash tabs are messed up? Already tried to rename and switch to another cate.folder to reposition but they still switch position on relog.
submitted by PantlessTemplar to LastEpoch [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 08:50 Purnima92 I'm fucking crying. My friend and I started a new koop game and we married and then we discovered that we could get children as well. We cried Tears of Laughter yesterday
submitted by Purnima92 to MedievalDynasty [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 08:50 Dragonfox_Shadow Item Rarity Support
Do we already know if there will be Item Rarity Support gem?
I want to try to start with Contagion ED as my 1st build, and I'd like to use Item Rarity in Contagion like I did in PoE1.
submitted by Dragonfox_Shadow to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 08:50 drexv27 Kobo ebooks preorder
preorder for any ebooks on kobo basically nonexistent,i mean you're getting billed when the book already out,at least for me there's no difference between normaly buying an ebook that's already out and kobo preorder.
submitted by drexv27 to kobo [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 08:50 LonerMe69 Regarding acads
am a dulla w exact 7 after 2-1, how do i pull my cg to 7.5+ by the end of 3-2? What exactly is the roadmap
submitted by LonerMe69 to BITSPilani [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 08:50 THEGONKBONK Hornsby & Halo #1 Review: Beyond Good and Evil (8/10)
GONKBONK REVIEWS: HORNSBY & HALO #1 As 2024 comes to a close, Ghost Machine continues its hot streak this year of standout titles with Hornsby & Halo. Following the successful takeoff of The Rocketfellers, writer Peter J. Tomasi is back with another all-ages tale set within Ghost Machine’s ever-expanding universe. This time, he's joined by artist Peter Snejbjerg to deliver a story that balances good and evil, blending cosmic stakes with a fresh, coming-of-age twist. Read the full version of this review here. Review: Hornsby & Halo takes a fresh approach by exploring its story through the lens of adolescence and self-discovery. This debut issue introduces readers to Zach and Rose, focusing on their contrasting lives, and the central theme of nature versus nurture. Writer Peter J. Tomasi shows off his knack for crafting authentic, emotionally grounded characters. The issue shines brightest in its character-driven moments. Zach and Rose’s mirrored experiences highlight both their differences and their unspoken connection, laying the groundwork for a story that feels as personal as it does cosmic. The issue really hits its stride by its tail-end when Zach and Rose’s more supernatural natures begin to surface. The pacing picks up, injecting an energetic twist that hints at the chaos and self-discovery to come. Peter Snejbjerg’s art is also a perfect match for the series’ tone. His clean, expressive lines and rounded character designs strike a great balance between grounded realism and whimsical fantasy. Colorist John Kalisz enhances this dynamic with warm, inviting tones for Rose’s world and darker, colder hues for Zach’s, visually emphasizing the stark contrasts in their upbringings. Hornsby & Halo #1 is a promising start to another family-friendly gem from Ghost Machine. While the issue takes its time setting the stage, it successfully introduces the comic’s two endearing protagonists, a fascinating central conflict, and plenty of room for character development. As Zach and Rose grapple with their true natures, readers can expect a thought-provoking exploration of identity, choice, and destiny. Image: Image Comics Why You Should Read Hornsby & Halo:
2024.11.28 08:50 18fries U think Vox will notice me if I cover myself in five pounds of salted butter?
submitted by 18fries to hazbin [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 08:50 sabertooth753 Had a look on the kings sub, and appearantly he's their savior
submitted by sabertooth753 to MkeBucks [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 08:50 ZaigoStova Pack ice bay bay
submitted by ZaigoStova to totalwarhammer [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 08:50 Consistent_Crew9245 Quien para deslecharnos con unas amigas ?
submitted by Consistent_Crew9245 to Tiktokersv2 [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 08:50 meharchouhand Trainee Resident doctors of reddit, whats the most nfsw thing have you noticed working at the hospital?
submitted by meharchouhand to AskReddit [link] [comments]