Should I message her ??

2024.11.28 09:56 Melodic_Process_4829 Should I message her ??

probably gonna do it anyway, but if someone says do it then I’ll do it🙂
submitted by Melodic_Process_4829 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:56 riddleman01 Gozer die geluiden maakt met zijn gewrichten. (7) letters

submitted by riddleman01 to nlcryptisch [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:56 Middle_Much Got her from special Invocation banner

Got her from special Invocation banner 81 pulls
submitted by Middle_Much to WatcherofRealmsGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:56 Technological-Master T72A platoon or bmp 1

I’m trying to choose between these two platoons but I don’t know which one is more fun and/or better any suggestions?
submitted by Technological-Master to warthundermobile [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:56 UnlikelyTrick1670 Section change

VIPs First year section ho skta?iss year ya next?
submitted by UnlikelyTrick1670 to IPUniversity [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:56 Delicious-Status9043 I was just looking up how far David Sweat was from Canada after his escape from Dannemora and found this on the map.

I was just looking up how far David Sweat was from Canada after his escape from Dannemora and found this on the map. submitted by Delicious-Status9043 to DunderMifflin [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:56 Azulis87 Coût du prêt à taux zéro

Bonjour à tous,
Je viens de faire une simulation de prêt avec une banque. Il y a une partie financée par un prêt à taux zéro. Ce que je ne comprends pas c'est que le TAEG est de 0,41% et que le coût du prêt est de 4000€ ... Le prêt a taux 0 n'est pas censé me coûter rien justement ... ? La banque me dit que c'est le coût du financement et des frais de garantie, est ce normal ?
Merci pour vos retour !
submitted by Azulis87 to vosfinances [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:56 jaykyungsoo Made a little farewell art for Pocket Camp 💛⛅️🌻 @ticoyaki

submitted by jaykyungsoo to ACPocketCamp [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:56 PieceAffectionate460 New findings on Russia's #Doppelgänger campaign reveal ties to the defense ministry, intelligence unit 54777, and the Agency of Social Design. #Correctiv's research highlights their role in hybrid warfare targeting #Ukraine and #Westernnations.

submitted by PieceAffectionate460 to UkraineConflict [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:56 EskanderLa-mendoza What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by EskanderLa-mendoza to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:56 Sweet-Pangolin-1381 Should I keep lunox or put someone else

Should I keep lunox or put someone else I’m lvl 150 and I wanna get awaken arcus miya but also lunox what should I do? Should I keep lunox or miya
submitted by Sweet-Pangolin-1381 to MLA_Official [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:56 Infermieriattivi La metanalisi sulle complicanze Midline/PICC richiede dei cambiamenti

La metanalisi sulle complicanze Midline/PICC richiede dei cambiamenti submitted by Infermieriattivi to InfermieriAttivi [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:56 ExoThijs Cleansheet Soccer 25% off
submitted by ExoThijs to OculusDiscountLinks [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:56 Sad-Departure2781 $PIKA is a Lifestyle

$PIKA is a Lifestyle submitted by Sad-Departure2781 to officialpikamoon [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:56 _Paooo_ 24, M

LF someone to take my first time and guide me if possible. Currently in Metro Manila for work kaya weekends lang makakapag travel. Can't host also. I'm 82kg at 170cm, so on the overweight side.
submitted by _Paooo_ to PHR4Rhookups [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:56 RSPS_317 40+ Pop always - 90+ Pop on Weekends - SnowRSPS has everything Wonkaland has, but more - Rust Console Community Server - Lookup SnowRSPS - AutoKits - "i need metal" Emote gives SECRET 1 FREE m2 !

Rust Console Community Server with AutoKits & Discord Shop. - SnowRSPS
rustconsole #rustpvp #rustgame #rustpc Try our PC servers aswell.
I need wood = FREE Hourly Building Mats
I need stone = FREE Daily Full Metal AK kit
I need metal = FREE [1 time only] M2 kit
submitted by RSPS_317 to RustConsoleCommunitys [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:56 Fren98 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Fren98 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:56 simp-of-legend Idk

Lets make rulez
submitted by simp-of-legend to wholesomememerz [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:56 Brief_Bullfrog_5715 Day 59 of posting memes everyday until PvZ heroes gets updated.

Day 59 of posting memes everyday until PvZ heroes gets updated. submitted by Brief_Bullfrog_5715 to PvZHeroes [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:56 Crypto_Rich1512 Muốn học piano, làm sao đây

Hello , mình cũng đã lớn đi làm dc vài ba năm rồi, giờ muốn học đàn piano thì cách nào là cách hay nhất nhỉ?
Đi học trung tâm, 1 kèm 1, hay mau đàn về tự học?
submitted by Crypto_Rich1512 to TroChuyenLinhTinh [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:56 Goddess_Ranyo222 Ebony Domme

I just recently started this journey and I'm struggling so hard to locate subs who are actually genuine and want to spend.. I genuinely want be a safe community with no scammers
submitted by Goddess_Ranyo222 to paypigsupportgroup [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:56 44Tomati there's no way to get the remaining coins without real money, right?🥲

there's no way to get the remaining coins without real money, right?🥲 submitted by 44Tomati to geoguessr [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:56 fr0stv0id1 Does anyone know if The Burns music will be coming back to spotify?

submitted by fr0stv0id1 to TheBurns [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:56 Ayase-Momo Learn how to be a perfect 彼ピッピ(boyfriend) from Okarun o((>ω< ))o. (Cute story found on Youtube that I wanted to share with you guys.)

Just want to share this cute story made by a youtube:
It is in Japanese, was thinking about translating the dialogue in details but in the end I lost patience(Maybe in the future I will try again to do a more precise translation.).
Here, instead I think I will just outline the story a bit:
So Okarun went to find Momo in her class room just to discover that she has taken the day off. Muko and Miko told Okarun that Momo was having a bad day due to menstrual pain. Okarun as a young guy doesn't know anything about how painful it is, so he tries to learn about if from Muko. Muko describes the pain and told him to pay Momo a visit and try to be gentle and caring with her. They told him to get sweet food.
Momo suffering from pain received a message(Yes, apparently she has a phone in this story...) from Muko to put on cute clothes. While Momo is still confused Okarun arrived.
Okarun arrives at Momo's place with bunch of desserts. He explains why he is here and ask about how she feels. Momo immediately understood Muko's message and getting a little frustrated. Momo tries to send him away by telling him that she had medicine and is now feeling much better, but Okarun can tell from her expression that she is in pain.
Momo is in severe pain keeps on trying to send him off. Okarun getting frustrated called her an idiot, but proceed try to take care of her. Momo being in too much can't be bothered to ask what Okarun is doing.
Later on Okarun brought Seiko's stomach wrap to her(LOL). So basically Okarun tried to take care of Momo by making her feel relaxed and keep her warm. Momo shocked asked him why is he doing all these. Okarun explained that Muko taught him about things, and that he didn't know before that women have to suffer such pain each month. Momo being understanding saying it's normal for guys to not know about these things.
Okarun saying something really nice and sweet before proceed to call Momo an idiot to not taking care of herself.
Anyways, Okarun brings out the sweet food (pudding and chocolate). Momo is thrilled.
Okarun then in a true nerdy fashion explains to Momo why she shouldn't drink green tea due to it containing caffeine, and why warm soya milk and milk are better... Then he prepares to leave.
Momo looks "sabishii". She invite Okarun to stay and have dessert with her.
Okarun just truly happy to have dessert with his friend(This is quite fitting for his character tbh).
So they eat together and Okarun said something sweet making Momo feeling embarrassed. Then Momo said thank you to Okarun for everything and invited him to have dessert together again later.
Second day back at the school: Miko and Muko tease Momo..
That's roughly what the story is about, I skipped quite a bit of dialogue in the above outline but I hope it's still readable.
Some part of the story feels a little out of character for these two tbh, but it is really a quite wholesome and cute story. In particular i think guys should learn how to be a good boyfriend lol😜
There are other stories from this youtuber that are pretty funny and wholesome too(Probably good for the heart of Momokarun rooters).
Okay hope you guys enjoy it.
Peace out!
( •̀ ω •́ )y
submitted by Ayase-Momo to Dandadan [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 09:56 fifty_four HIlkay Gundogan: We can do better, stay humble. HE SAID THE WORDS

“It’s still early in the season. There are still a lot of games to play and a lot of things can happen, not just on our side but at every other team. But obviously we have to look at ourselves and try to do the things we can do better, as quickly as possible. We take it, stay humble, head down and try to put in the work in the next few days and prepare as good as possible for a tough game.”
What is jerk, what is real life, I just don't know any more.
submitted by fifty_four to soccercirclejerk [link] [comments]