2024.11.28 10:00 Muted-Ad476 I don't know if you're okay with dating pale girls
submitted by Muted-Ad476 to DateOrNot [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 10:00 CronoDroid 241128 Minju's Pink Cabinet (Guest: THE BOYZ Eric & Sunwoo) - Episode 3: Why is this coming out of the bag? In THE BOYZ's bag
submitted by CronoDroid to illit [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 10:00 Heatdem26 Daily Thread November 28, 2024
submitted by Heatdem26 to InstaInfluencerSnarks [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 10:00 cindyselene_ Après achat stubhub
Hello everyone, I bought my tickets yesterday on StubHub, and I’d like to know the next step. Has anyone else purchased tickets there and knows how it works? Another question, I noticed that the seat numbers weren’t listed on the ad; is that normal or concerning? Are there risks of scams or fake tickets? I need to book my flight from Europe, so I wouldn’t want to lose money if the tickets weren’t real. Thank you.
submitted by cindyselene_ to stubhub [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 10:00 Maccuo Gift card con circuito di pagamento online
Forse il titolo sembrerà strano, forse perché non so neanche io esattamente che cosa “voglio”.
In breve io e i miei amici stavamo pensando di regalare ad un nostro amico, per il compleanno, una gift card per dei voli aerei perché lui ama viaggiare.
Abbiamo visto che non esiste una gift card universale ma ogni compagnia aerea offre la sua. Ci è subito venuto in mente che magari il nostro amico vorrà scegliere quale compagnia usare anche in base ai prezzi che offre ciascuna, quindi non vorremmo prendere per forza una gift card Ryanair o ITA Airways (ad esempio).
Ho pensato che potremmo regalare una “carta vera e propria” con circuito mastercard o visa in modo tale che il nostro amico possa prendere il volo della compagnia che preferisce senza essere vincolato dalla gift card iniziale.
Qualcuno sa se esite? Ad esempio se fosse possibile richiedere una card senza firmare contratti o inserire nominativi/dati personali ecc?
In breve ci serve una carta che quando esaurisce il credito, automaticamente diventa inutilizzabile e va buttata, senza alcun vincolo o altri “problemi”.
Grazie per l’attenzione e spero sia tutto chiaro😅
submitted by Maccuo to ItaliaPersonalFinance [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 10:00 ky13 How do I progress from here in Beggar Idle? [spoiler]
submitted by ky13 to incremental_games [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 10:00 Heatdem26 Daily Thread November 28, 2024
submitted by Heatdem26 to CourtneyShieldsSnarks [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 10:00 RipTooth Fiio K7 vs Schiit Magni Unity
I just bought Sennheiser HD600s and I'm looking for a Dac and Amp combo. Both of these have good reviews and are a similar price range. Which would make more sense?
submitted by RipTooth to audiophile [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 10:00 lennyalex What would you do if the person you were with was perfect in every way but you never felt “the spark”
This person is perfect for you on paper, but you never had that feeling of falling in love.
For context, I’ve been dating someone for 6-7 months. Rationally she is everything I would want in someone to settle down and spend my life with, though when I listen to my heart, it just isn’t in it. As they say, I love her but I’m not in love with her. Looking further down the line I wonder how much that “spark” really matters if you found someone who in every other way is perfect.
So guys, what would you do? Trust your head or trust your heart? Do you think the spark matters in the long term?
submitted by lennyalex to AskMen [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 10:00 zingying_1901 yall dont need context
submitted by zingying_1901 to ihadastroke [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 10:00 Impressive_Event_579 that one jalen hurts edit
this is gonna be like finding a needle in a haystack but there was this one jalen hurts edit that had “resonance” playing. i remember there being super bowl clips so it would have had to been after. i had it saved but now it’s unavailable. the edit was beautiful though 😭🙏
submitted by Impressive_Event_579 to HelpMeFindThis [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 10:00 notVirgin_at_21 Most precious hotwheels
A friend gifted me these. First hotwheels i ever got as gift. 🥹 So happy submitted by notVirgin_at_21 to Hotwheelsindia [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 10:00 Clean-Ant-1342 Is it possible to be Promiscuous but not flirty? If so how do you guys get involve in ONS?
I have a few male friends who are sluts but not flirty at all, in fact they are quite shy. He says that he is very popular in his university and girls approach him for ONS because of his looks. According to girls in their university my male friends are very hot and handsome. And even i agree that my friends look no less than models. So I want to know that if you are so popular and handsome then girls will approach you for hookup? Because I have seen many boys who are very shy and not flirty at all and then later I find out that he is a slut.
submitted by Clean-Ant-1342 to Adulting [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 10:00 josylad Hiring: ERC-funded bioinformatics postdoc: Unravelling the eukaryotic post-transcriptional regulatory code at VIB
VIB is hiring a ERC-funded bioinformatics postdoc: Unravelling the eukaryotic post-transcriptional regulatory code
Location: Leuven, Belgium
Who we are
The lab for Systems Biology of Kevin Verstrepen is a research team at the VIB-KU Leuven Center for Microbiology. Our team focuses on genomics, genetics, epigenetics, transcriptomics and evolution, using yeast as a model. We combine wet lab and computational research to investigate how biological systems work and evolve and use this knowledge to generate superior microbes for use in a greener industry. Please visit us at Verstrepenlab.sites.vib.be and Verstrepen laboratory for more information.
The lab is located at KU Leuven, one of the oldest and most prominent universities in Europe, consistently ranked within the top 50 worldwide universities. Leuven is located 10 miles from Brussels, with frequent direct train connections to Brussels airport.
Job description
Are you interested in breaking the code of posttranscriptional regulation, a central, yet understudied m
Learn More and Apply: https://app.resumeset.com/jobs/erc-funded-bioinformatics-postdoc-unravelling-the-eukaryotic-post-transcriptional-regulatory-code-22076/
submitted by josylad to RedditJobBoard [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 10:00 Aggravating-Leg-8606 Doing cock tributes for anything kik enisa121 Discord kdkdkend
submitted by Aggravating-Leg-8606 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 10:00 AutoModerator TTC 35+ Daily Chat! November 28, 2024
What's on your mind? This is your 35+ place to chat about whatever's on your mind - all of your cycle updates, questions, concerns, rants, and raves can be dropped here! Off-Topic chat is also welcomed. If you're new to the sub, please jump right in!
Reminders: use TW when needed and share mentions of positive pregnancy tests in the pinned Results thread only.
submitted by AutoModerator to ttc_35 [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 10:00 CartographerSharp193 Bordsteinkante🚬
submitted by CartographerSharp193 to ichbin14unddasisttief [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 10:00 wiquus Siema zamowilem pierwsza pake z cnfans i chce sie upewnic czy wszystko git bo widzialem pare wpisow podobnych ( nie znam sie ale wydaje mi sie ze wszystko git z paka ) dzieki za odpowiedz z gory
submitted by wiquus to FashionRepsPolska [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 10:00 monokurobaku [PC][2000s-2010s] Japanese game with cutscenes in different animation styles
PC for sure, but it could be on other platforms too.
I'm not sure what it's called, but it looked like a mix between a platformer and a beat 'em up.
Estimated year of release:
I'd say late 2000s to late 2010s.
Graphics/art style:
Anime for the most part, and then there were cutscenes that were in completely different and unique animation styles.
Notable characters:
The main character was a teenage girl with long dark hair and an eyepatch. I think she had a best friend with blond hair who was also an important character in the story.
Notable gameplay mechanics:
Basically the gameplay was in 2D, you had to fight enemies while moving forward without stopping, and a huge monster appeared behind you sometimes and you had to outrun it.
Other details:
I remember two specific scenes: there's a scene where the main character is getting ready to go to school, and she lives in shipping containers that she can move around to get from one to the other. There's also a scene at the end of the game where the main character strangles a little girl with a unicorn horn. The game had a pretty long title and I think there was a subtitle that went "The [adjective] Life of [full Japanese name of the protagonist]".
I really hope someone can help me find this game! I've been looking forever.
submitted by monokurobaku to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 10:00 riddleman01 Who encouraged Abraham Lincoln to make Thanksgiving a national holiday?
Who encouraged Abraham Lincoln to make Thanksgiving a national holiday?
His mother
Founder of Macy's
Inventor of Coca-Cola
Author of “Mary Had a Little Lamb”
Correct Answer: https://www.riddlesanswer.com/who-encouraged-abraham-lincoln-to-make-thanksgiving-a-national-holiday-2/
submitted by riddleman01 to dailytriviaanswers [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 10:00 EskanderLa-mendoza What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by EskanderLa-mendoza to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 10:00 xxsilver_rabbitxx Ayup! how are we?
submitted by xxsilver_rabbitxx to mcyt_on_crack [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 10:00 bluekleio Is maca safe for women with endometriosis?
Im taking maca for my Libido. Im 30years old woman with endometriosis. Is it safe for me?
submitted by bluekleio to Supplements [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 10:00 Virtual_Dare_5156 Is this fair?
submitted by Virtual_Dare_5156 to AnimalJam [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 10:00 WhatUpBigFella Rajon Rondo lights it up in Charlotte with 14/8/20!
submitted by WhatUpBigFella to kings [link] [comments]