2024.11.28 09:59 Ixian_No5h1p Lange 1 Perpetual Calendar & New Strap for the Lange 1
submitted by Ixian_No5h1p to ALangeSohne [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 09:59 _cheesecakecat_ Außenmeniskusläsion, Problem in die Berufsschule zu gehen
Hallo! Also vorab kleine Infos; ich mache eine Ausbildung im Gesundheitsbereich, wo die Fehlzeiten sehr streng getaktet sind. Ich bin aufgrund von vorherigen Krankheiten (z.b. zwei längeren Coronainfektionen) schon auf eine Verlängerung der Ausbildung angewiesen. Nun zu meinem Problem: Ich hab mich auf der Arbeit verletzt, zählt aber nicht als Arbeitsunfall. Verdacht auf eine Außenmeniskusläsion, das MRT muss ich noch abwarten, das ist in zwei Wochen. Mein Knie kann ich eher semi gut belasten, lange laufen, Treppen oder Schuhe zubinden gestalten sich schwierig. Ich würde gerne weiterhin zur Berufsschule gehen, damit ich nicht noch mehr Fehlzeiten ansammle, da ist aber folgendes Problem. Die Berufsschule befindet sich an einem Hang. Um dorthin zu gelangen muss man entweder von unten steil Bergauf oder von oben steil Bergab laufen, anders geht es nicht. Zusätzlich muss ich mit dem Bus ein paar Stationen fahren und zu der Bushaltestelle laufen. In dem Schulgebäude an sich sind auch sehr viele Treppen, wobei ich da ja wenigstens Spielraum habe bei der Belastung des Knies. Ich weiß nun nicht, wie ich das anstellen soll richtig. Einerseits wäre es gut hinzugehen, um eben keine Fehlzeiten weiterhin aufzubauen. Andererseits meint mein Partner, dass das sinnfrei ist mein Knie da noch weiter zu belasten nur damit ich da nicht noch weiter Fehlzeiten ansammle und am Ende hab ich noch mehr Probleme mit dem Knie. 🫠
Ich weiß einfach nicht, was ich machen soll. Ich möchte diese Ausbildung beenden, aber dann auch in einem anderen Bereich arbeiten. Momentan arbeite ich in einem Klinikum. Wenn sich die Verlängerung der Ausbildung auf 1,5 Jahre erstrecken sollte, würde ich tatsächlich sogar kündigen, weil ich glaube ich nicht so lange da arbeiten möchte und kann. Mir geht es psychisch auch auf die Substanz (weswegen die Fehlzeiten auch hoch sind).
submitted by _cheesecakecat_ to Ratschlag [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 09:59 YolkBrushWork The George W Bush Run
Joe Biden Donald Trump Barack Obama Hello everybody, I've finally done the George W Bush Run for Suzerain. -Wealthy Background -Law Student -Student Council George W Bush remarks the first US President to fail the Constitutional Reforms(wow even Trump and Obama succeeded) but he is also the first US President to go to war with Rumburg and win. Now George W Bush going to war with Rumburg obviously resembles the War with Iraq. Now you may be asking "Why did George W Bush reform Education?" Well George W Bush actually ran on the platform of Educational Reform funnily enough and he did initiate funds for education in real life, personally a more realistic run is an education reform failure but this is what it is. George W Bush funnily enough did the highway IRL so I made him do the Highway in Suzerain though which is rather ironic since the railway does more for business rather than the Highway. I also purposefully crushed the economy so it could be like the 2008 recession. And of course Lucian Galade as Vice President to Mirror Dick Cheney. The Bill Clinton run is next. submitted by YolkBrushWork to suzerain [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 09:59 Puzzleheaded-Drink-3 who wants to hang out
no seriously let’s go to salaam mall submitted by Puzzleheaded-Drink-3 to Jeddah [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 09:59 wall_booban [s2 act 3 spoilers] Am I the only one weirded by the fact that VI still calls Powder Jinx? I understand when they were enemies but they aren't anymore. I imagine hearing the word "jinx" gives VI a lot of pain as she is the one who originally called her so.
submitted by wall_booban to arcane [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 09:59 Inside-Plum9381 About making girls as friends
There's a girl I’ve gotten to know who shares similar interests with me, and I was initially just looking to be friends. We usually have good chats and even go to class together in the mornings. I know quite a bit about her by now for over 2 months. With guys, I feel like after two months of knowing each other, we’d already be solid friends. But with her, things feel more complicated.
For example, she takes very little time to respond to messages. But in the evenings, she often avoids me taking in person. Even though we’ve been friendly during the whole day. Sometimes, during our in-person chats, she’ll mention events or places I should check out, and it makes me wonder if she wants me to ask her to go to those events with her. But I don’t see her in that way.
I’ve also noticed things like her checking out my outfits, scanning my face, and playing with her hair while talking to me. It’s confusing because I can’t tell what she’s thinking. Is she just being friendly, or is there something else going on? Any advice girls?
submitted by Inside-Plum9381 to Crushes [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 09:59 himanshitty Gave NMAT today, Should I be concerned about the QA cutoff?
same as title submitted by himanshitty to CATpreparation [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 09:59 birbbies Snowboarding
Hi we are looking for 4 others to share the costs of snowboarding on 23rd Jan 2025 in Kiroro.
It would be 80,000 yen for 6 pax for private english lessons.
Please dm me if interested!
submitted by birbbies to Hokkaido [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 09:59 Dramatic-Bison3890 Scale this bullshit: Superman force rotate the earth & turning back the time
submitted by Dramatic-Bison3890 to powerscales [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 09:59 Zealousideal_Gur1763 This link gives u 100 free followers
Create an account and try it out
submitted by Zealousideal_Gur1763 to instagramfollowers [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 09:59 xo2sassy would you date a gym girl like me
submitted by xo2sassy to MirrorSelfieSFW [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 09:59 schuler_69 One Day in October
submitted by schuler_69 to ambientplaylists [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 09:59 Coldsteelpot AMA, me bored
submitted by Coldsteelpot to boykisser2 [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 09:59 GloomyCurator fit chick in the gym
submitted by GloomyCurator to SexyButNotNude [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 09:59 dww0311 Movement question re: holiday
I have a PE package inbound. It hit Memphis shortly after midnight. Am I correct in assuming it will just sit in Memphis over the holiday and then be forwarded on to local early on Friday?
submitted by dww0311 to FedEx [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 09:59 carcarvrooms The Story So Far - What You Don't See (Tide Pod Marble) LP
15th Press - 1000 units - TIde Pod Marble submitted by carcarvrooms to VinylReleases [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 09:59 geumryul 241128 Kim Sujung instagram update
submitted by geumryul to mnetiland2 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 09:59 Relative_Head_9707 Calling all Cucks. Surrender your GF to me. NO FAM NO IRLS. session 05fe6c8dbbaa04ff5940353be216ca5b7db20925f7bf57da56ca487540aa122731
submitted by Relative_Head_9707 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 09:59 Used_Cell2501 What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Used_Cell2501 to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 09:59 Embarrassed_Abroad70 Barcelona prepared to sell club captain if he does not respond to renewal offer soon | Live Streams, Free Score & Result, Online Update, TV Channel Schedule and More 🔴
submitted by Embarrassed_Abroad70 to fotbals [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 09:59 soupyshake IINE Switch Dock Cable alternative?
Hi, I'm using this dock by IINE for 1yr+, and so far it hasn't disappointed me. However, I'm worried I might lose the cable in the future, so I am looking for a backup. I tried normal USB-C cables, but they don't output video. So far, the only one that works to output video is the cable that came included. Any ideas?
submitted by soupyshake to Switch [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 09:59 King-Kaeger_2727 "Living Life' - [Maru & Xplicit The Paracosm] - (Prod. Ryini Beats)
I don't post on here newly enough... Me and my girl have been making music together lately, this is our most recent one. All of our other songs are up on my YouTube channel and find me everywhere as Xplicit The Paracosm 👍🏿💕⚡🤘🏿💯🧿 submitted by King-Kaeger_2727 to Bandlab [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 09:59 HighwayPopular4927 Sam Dylan nach dem Sommerhaus wiedersehen über... Theresia?
Oder habt ihr ne andere Meinung wen er meinen könnte submitted by HighwayPopular4927 to Laesterschwestern [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 09:59 WinGroundbreaking248 Where does Negative meter go?
Hello, I'm trying to set up a doorbell Detection. I just need to find out which wire activates the phone to ring when the doorbell is pressed. I know it's one of these wires (p1?) so I will put the positive meter on them one by one, but where does the negative meter go? submitted by WinGroundbreaking248 to ElectricalEngineering [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 09:59 Elegant-Umpire2051 Kik, Pepco milyen boltok munkahely szempontjából?
Mostanában, bár lehet a karácsony miatt, de látok ezekre egy jó pár részmunkaidős állást. Milyen ezeken a helyeken dolgozni? Az ünnepi időszak után kitesznek?
submitted by Elegant-Umpire2051 to jobshungary [link] [comments]