My take on each of the large firearms.

2024.11.28 11:00 AfroPuf My take on each of the large firearms.

I wrote a short summary for how I feel about each large firearms and the people who main them. I've also included how sweaty I find them on a scale of 1-10. The sweat range isn't strictly about the weapons' objective strength, instead how its perceived by the players going up against it.
Full-auto - Sweat range (1-4)
You're mostly just vibing, not really tryin to put anyone on a poster. Likely a team oriented player, who doesn't mind helping out new players and generally not too concerned with the outcome of the match. Everyone underestimates you because you're using the Full-auto, however that just leaves them with zero excuses when they lose to 'tHe WoRsT gUn In ThE gAmE'. I have the deepest respect for you guys though, to endure the constant disadvantage, to enter each match fighting an uphill battle against all those Bursties and TacDaddies, you are truly the grittiest factions players.
Frontier Rifle - Sweat range (2-6)
Typically a support type, using a crafter or medic class as a means to build up parts before switching to your main loadout with purchasables. People will give you shit if you combo, but let's be honest, are you really gonna handicap yourself because some dude is crying about how cheap it is. Here's a question, what on earth did you do to those poor FN players for them to outright ban you? Seriously, they'll put up with modded VAR turds and demon bursties and yet deny YOU a seat at the table... gimme a break. I will say this though, frontier mains make for some of the most reliable teamates.
Semi-auto - Sweat range (3-7)
Could be out for a nice laid back game, maybe out for blood, and everything in between. Probably been running this weapon since its glory days and just don't have the heart to put it down. You must have hella high points/minute because everything about this weapon is ridiculously expensive. As far as I can tell there's two types of semi users, the loud in your face balls-to-the-walls rushers, and the silenced covert types who always seem to be behind you, tucked away in a corner. The fact that I can't call the semi overpowered or weak just proves how mid-tier this weapon is. Most of us kinda just put up with you guys, as we don't really have any valid reason to hate on you, so there's that I guess.
Bow - Sweat range (1-6)
No weapon is as satisfying to use as the bow, you know this, but only because you spent countless hours getting obliterated by every other weapon in the game. You could have given up at any point and ran back to the comfort of your 'previous favorite' but you didn't. Now you're part of a special breed of factions players, who've ascended beyond bullets. Yes, in a perfect world and on paper, this weapon should be OP, considering its arrow re-usability, shooting over cover and one-taps to the head. Unfortunately this isn't a perfect world and you aren't that guy. Just accept the burst and tac as the top two and move on with your life.
Variable - Sweat range (4-8)
An itchy trigger finger is what you have, plain n simple. Hittin frame perfect fire rate feels like reaching some sort of zen mode and nothing gets you harder than being accused of using a modded controller. In fact, for most variable mains, that accusation alone is a rite of passage, in a way, its confirmation that you finally 'made it'. This weapons' fire- rate has completely ruined your timing with other guns except for the 9mm and maybe the enforcer.
Hunting rifle - Sweat range (3-9)
You've always used long-range weapons in shooters, and this game is no different. Headshots have become your only source of nourishment. Some of you will actually justify using the quick reload glitch and simultaneously shit on players who combo. Just like the frontier, handicapping yourself out of some sense of ego or pride makes no sense. We're out here with bursts and tacs bro, pull your head out yur ass and use every advantage available...except exploits cuz thats not cool.
Tactical Shotgun - Sweat range (7-10)
You are the scourge of factions, the mere sound of your weapon is enough to cause players to rage quit immediately. People somehow hold more hate for tac mains than lagswitchers, wallbangers and crabwalkers. Some might even say you're pure evil, however, after years of playing this game, I've come to the conclusion that you are a necessary evil. As much as I hate this weapon, the pain and stress you cause burst users gives me immense pleasure, because no one, and I mean NO ONE, hates the tac more than a burst user.
Burst rifle - Sweat range (9-10)
You are sweatyness incarnate. We're talkin bout the most OP weapon in the game, and your sorry ass runs it every match. You guys are like those top melee players who main Fox, but wouldn't even crack the top 100 using any other character. While the rest of us stragglers were challenging ourselves by mastering new weapons, you spent that entire time stroking your little burst. So few of you are actually OG burst mains, you weren't there before it became god-tier. The only thing you hate more than the tac is the knowledge that you can't perform as well without your burst.
submitted by AfroPuf to thelastofusfactions [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:00 AutoModerator 🌳 Nature Walk Photo Megathread - November 2024

Share the interesting photos you've accumulated from the past month while you've been out walking or hiking.
Did you come across animal tracks, berries, flowers, rocks, moss, insects, animals, streams, fossils, algae, bird nests, blossoms, waterfalls, or beautiful landscapes? Post it here!
Did you take a before and after photo of a trash pick up? Post that here too!
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2024.11.28 11:00 Madame_President_ Thursday's daily topics are: friends, family, romance, and community; i.e. social relationships.

We'll post ~8 articles on WOC and relationships. Please discuss articles by using the comment feature for the post. For all other discussions, please use this post's Live Chat feature.
submitted by Madame_President_ to AskWomenOfColorOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:00 Then-Phrase-9716 Blue Screening only on COD

Came to the Reddit to get some opinions on what the next steps should be. Woke up today and for some reason I can’t run cod for more than 10 minutes without blue screening. I’ve tried to scan and repair through I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled the game. Ran a virus and malware scan which both came back clean. Pc was built ~4-5 years ago with newly installed gpu and cpu in the past year. Never had an issue until today. Tried to get an error code from the blue screen but my pc rebooted too quick for me to see. I’ve been playing this game since launch which was almost a month ago and had zero issues until today.
Specs: RTX 4060 AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D RAM: Corsair DDR4 idk the speed but not the best
If any other specs are needed let me know. Don’t know them off the top of my head but could grab them from the settings. Any help would be appreciated. Idk if it’s repairable or if I need to get diagnosis ran through a PC repair company.
submitted by Then-Phrase-9716 to PCRepair [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:00 Yeetusgod_yeet What word comes to mind with this chapter?

submitted by Yeetusgod_yeet to sypherpk [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:00 New_Buddy_5872 How long would it take to complete these?

How long would it take to complete these? submitted by New_Buddy_5872 to IdleOutpost [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:00 BearIllustrious7960 23m aus. Any real Australian girls on here?? Hmu on session

submitted by BearIllustrious7960 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:00 Low-Neck-4685 Target Range - data now available in rCloud

Good for anyone else like me who's downloading data of interest into a spreadsheet. Good luck!
submitted by Low-Neck-4685 to Rapsodo [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:00 EmotionalCicada8694 Arcane is over , not the characters!

The title arcane is about jayce and viktor, in the recent afterglow they are confirmed to be dead , designated into atoms.
The title was never about jinx , vi ,ekko snd caitt. Those characters were subplots because they interact with jayce snd Viktor.
The show titled arcane is over for one simple reason, Viktor's and Jayce's character arcs are fulfilled and met their current final potential. Jinx and ekko's potential just started. Jinx being Powder again and having a new start in life and ekko finding a way to make z drive ( he will make it again) vi and vait are preparing for a bigger threat also is the reason why their story ends are so open .
Simply because those weren't ends to begin with but new character arcs to prepare them for a bigger and wider world . I don't get why people think riot and the writers will suddenly forget such worthy to invest characters ( both for writing potential snd money profit because they are really famous) .
Of course they will return to the next show , revealing that cait is half ionian is not a random fact but a little sneak peak on how the universe will progress ij the next , also jinx heading towards the Ocean ( ionia is a island nation) snd the noxian invasion haven't happened yet and Singed gave noxus chem weapons ( powder will get lots of ptsd from that).
And lastly they will definitely have a show back in p&z if not now afte the ionia show . So for the next show our faves will be more as deuteragonists or side character with potential plots with the new ones and with each other. Ekko and jinx is in the interest of the creators so we might have s continuation on their story as with vi snd and jinx.
But in conclusion, just because the title changes doesn't mean the characters are forgotten, Viktor and jayce are dead that's why arcane ended.
submitted by EmotionalCicada8694 to loreofleague [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:00 MissMatriarch I’m sorry, what?

I’m sorry, what? submitted by MissMatriarch to apexlegends [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:00 AutoModerator Daily Advice Thread - November 28, 2024

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submitted by AutoModerator to apple [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:00 penta_verse 241128 PENTAGON Twitter update with Hui, Jinho

241128 PENTAGON Twitter update with Hui, Jinho submitted by penta_verse to CubePentagon [link] [comments]

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[selling] Forever21 mini jumpsuit @349/- only with free shipping ✨🤌🏻 S size
submitted by Kiki2024_ to IndiaThriftCorner [link] [comments]

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2024.11.28 11:00 HenryHyacinth Hey guys. What are flows of cost?

Hiii. I have a question, currently studying my intro course to financial accounting. Reading chapter on Merchandising Operations.
There's a subsection on Flow of Cost. Can someone summarise this in a way that does not involve a lot of terminology? I tried looking it up and there's info on this relating to manufacturing, but I'm reading a chapter on merchandising so I'm not sure whether the same thing is applicable.
submitted by HenryHyacinth to Accounting [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:00 New-Boysenberry-8875 AUCTION zombie db red Keruku !

AUCTION zombie db red Keruku ! SB: 5k HB: none AB: 50k (high for bidding purposes)
submitted by New-Boysenberry-8875 to CreaturesofSonaria [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:00 AutoModerator Triumphant Thursday Thread for the Week

Make a top-level comment if you want to brag about something regarding your personal finances!
Click here for the most recent past "Triumphant Thursday" threads
submitted by AutoModerator to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:00 FieldOk1703 Show me anything 050f254c722977ffba317e98a4344cfae943b249b6bdf2f014bf4b158c3846801d

submitted by FieldOk1703 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:00 JamesPoel Is this AIO radiator orientation okay?

First rebuild of my PC and I've replaced pretty much every component besides the case.
I am running a 4070 super and a 9800x3d. My case is a phanteks p350x and the pump is a 240r V2. All my fans are 120mm.
My case doesn't have a top mounting option for a radiator (not enough space) so I have had to mount the radiator on the front.
I see a lot of information regarding the orientation of the radiator. Is having the tubes at the top rather than the bottom okay or should I flip the radiator 180 degrees?
Whilst we're at it, I would also value any advice on what else I can do to cool my system, would adding an extra exhaust harm my cooling (create negative pressure) or improve it, given that I only have space for two intake fans and they are currently all 120mm? My system runs very cool, I just want to see what the options I have.
submitted by JamesPoel to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:00 piemachineindustries Wrinkled soles for you! 💜‼️💙

Wrinkled soles for you! 💜‼️💙 submitted by piemachineindustries to Wrinkledsolesonly [link] [comments]

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Scopriamo i migliori regali uomo beauty e skincare Natale 2024, tra cofanetti dedicati alla barba e kit per la pelle.
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Coach bag from mybag? Has anyone used mybag to buy a coach/other branded bag before? It says they’ll have lori in stock soon and I’ve been desperate to find a lori/bella bag here in the UK but some reviews say it’s not reliable… am a bit cautious of buying off vinted in this case
submitted by rrkym to Coach [link] [comments]

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