2024.11.28 11:41 D_Pic_By_Myself Who’s that commander
Good evening everyone! I saw that video on TikTok and my eye caught up on this. Do you have any idea what this card is? I figured that if anyone would know, it would be here submitted by D_Pic_By_Myself to MTGCommander [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 11:41 Faction_Chief /r/worldnews - https://www.aa.com.tr/en/asia-pacific/azerbaijan-summons-polish-charge-daffaires-over-president-s-visit-to-armenia-border-region/3407358
submitted by Faction_Chief to NoFilterNews [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 11:41 Faction_Chief /r/worldnews - https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/putin-says-russia-could-strike-decision-making-centres-kyiv-2024-11-28/
submitted by Faction_Chief to NoFilterNews [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 11:41 anotherrandomname2 After 25 years of marriage, my wife finally convinced me to go see a shrink. It's sad how I've never seen her again afterwards
submitted by anotherrandomname2 to TwoSentenceHorror [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 11:41 Turbulent_Property_4 Silo: qual è il vero significato del 'pulire' nella serie tv sci-fi
Il tema della "pulizia" è spesso presente negli episodi di Silo ma che cosa vuol dire realmente? La serie di Apple+ ha solo accennato al suo vero scopo
Quello della pulizia è sicuramente un tema ricorrente negli episodi di Silo, la serie sci-fi di Apple+ che dopo il successo dei primi episodi è tornata con una seconda attesissima stagione. Proviamo dunque a scoprire quali sono le ragioni precise per cui le persone vengono inviate all'esterno per "pulire".
Prosegui la lettura
submitted by Turbulent_Property_4 to malatidiserie [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 11:41 bluemouf old enough by now
Imagine being so desperate for relevance you try to associate your show with one that eats it's lunch on every level. submitted by bluemouf to RWBYcritics [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 11:41 5toner670 Parental Leave (육아휴직)
For context my girlfriend is a foreigner teaching at an English School, and I am a Korean national (all be it I've lived abroad most of my life).
My girlfriend is currently pregnant and we're having the baby next year. Due to the nature of teaching English in Korea, we have come to a decision that she should get some rest before giving birth and would apply for parental leave (육아휴직 which is different from 출산휴가 maternity leave). We've both checked with the Ministry of Employment and Labor about whether she could take the leave and we were told it was possible (recent law change allows parental leave during pregnancy). But my girlfriend's school director has turned down her application for leave. We've asked verbally once and once through a written application. It's unlawful and disgusting but we don't want to escalate the situation unless totally necessary. I would not hesitate to report her school if anything happened to my partner or our baby, but still don't want anything to come back and bite us in the ass.
I guess I'm not really looking for answers here, just want to vent about how much it angers me that school directors would go to such lengths to lie and scheme foreigners.
submitted by 5toner670 to teachinginkorea [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 11:41 displayofahuman BFDIA 16 (artist's rendition)
submitted by displayofahuman to BattleForDreamIsland [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 11:41 serj88 Fermă de boți la PSD sau manevră Georgescu?
În acest moment, pe Facebook Reels mi-au apărut multe Sponsored video-uri similare sau identice, de pe multe conturi, cu același mesaj de la Victor Ponta, DAR toate comentariile sunt pro-Georgescu și anti-PSD. Any idea what's going on?
submitted by serj88 to Romania [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 11:41 Spirited_Ambition_68 Lost Eye To Bungee. Great Training Video
Just found this. Looks recent. No other info. submitted by Spirited_Ambition_68 to SafetyProfessionals [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 11:41 MaterialCritical9299 avocado and tuna on toast💚🤎
submitted by MaterialCritical9299 to goodrestrictionfood [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 11:41 LegalBison9251 Coldplay Ahmedabad tickets
Selling coldplay tickets
Ahmedabad, 25th January 2025
Block L upper Bay 3
4 tickets (3 together + 1 seperate) Restricted view
Selling at reasonable prices
DM for prices.
submitted by LegalBison9251 to Tickets [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 11:41 FillinThaBlank Red Bull has NASCAR drivers coach F1 drivers in dirt racing.
Tsunoda and Lawson get coached by SVG and Zilisch submitted by FillinThaBlank to NASCAR [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 11:41 Comfortable-Room1622 Pro D2 : Duel de haut vol entre Brive et Montauban
submitted by Comfortable-Room1622 to VibrezRugby [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 11:41 Comfortablel4ke Two young children injured, one seriously, after dog attack in Hastings on 26 November
submitted by Comfortablel4ke to BanPitBulls [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 11:41 juan09carlo #instax #hongkong How many shots does it take to center the subject? It took 3 shots.
submitted by juan09carlo to youtubepromotion [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 11:41 canberratradie101 Bank and crypto referrals that I pay bonuses on
Hey, feel free to Dm me if you’re interested in completing some referrals. Will pay bonuses on each one you complete!
Virgin Money 22.5 + 5
Z02O14. https://virginmoney.com.au/referral?referrerCode=Z02O14
Ubank 30 + 10
53MHY5K https://www.ubank.com.au/refer-a-friend
Upbank 10 + 3
ING 100 + 50
OKX 20 + 5
Independent Reserve 10 + 2
Swyftx 10 + 2
Coinstash 10 + 2
Btc.com 10 + 2
CoinSpot 10 + 2
Raiz 20 + 5
Feel free to ask for references. I’ve just paid a couple of people over the last week
submitted by canberratradie101 to beermoneyAus [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 11:41 HortensjaMordi Finally now! It's my time!
Albums arrived! I can tell you two things. KQ album distributor does not know how to proper pack international shippings, and I have huge bias deficiency😭 submitted by HortensjaMordi to ATEEZ [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 11:41 blopbloopblooop [Offer] X'MAS CARDS🎄 [SG to WW]
Hiiiiii all!! Haha i've been speedily getting my cards readyyy and i'm now open for another batch of offers! I would love to spread the love this Holiday season by sharing Christmas / Festive cards with you all! :D All cards will be non-religious in nature. If you'd like one, please fill in the form below, and comment a Christmas emoji down below
[no comment no card, for my own tracking purposes - ALOT of people didn't comment aft submitting in my last post so...]:
I'll be closing the form when i'm overwhelmed as i will be focusing on getting all cards out within the next week or so for all my international pals to receive it before Christmas 🌟
Wishing y'all happy holidays and a wonderful Christmas ahead! 🎄
submitted by blopbloopblooop to RandomActsofCards [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 11:41 Varionator Hi
submitted by Varionator to gaybrosgonemild [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 11:41 TelevisionConstant70 Pokémon: 20,000 cards unwrapped live will be donated to charities
submitted by TelevisionConstant70 to GEARRICE [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 11:41 LowEndBike Any cities with active local post-hardcore music scenes?
I am a musician who actively plays in the local original punk scene in Milwaukee. A few of my tunes are clearly PHC and some other bands in our area have PHC elements, but we tend to play in the punk/hardcore scene. There is a similar issue with ska bands in the city, who just add color to the punk scene rather than have a scene of their own. Back in the late 90s/early 2000s, I intensely followed the PHC scenes in DC, Chicago, and Omaha. The creative energy that emerges from musicians with similar visions collaborating and showing each other what they are doing is fantastic.
Are there any cities in the US that have self-contained PHC music scenes at the current time?
submitted by LowEndBike to PostHardcore [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 11:41 snoefteDK Save money on your new Tesla!
Save money on your new Tesla! Feel free to use my link. https://www.tesla.com/referral/martin285267 submitted by snoefteDK to teslareferralcode [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 11:41 Paczal9 Miért nem képes a magyar posta becsengetni?
Az a szokásos már, hogy becsengetés nélkül dobják be a kis értesítőt, és futnak is tovább. Ez is dühítő, de a mai még rosszabb volt. Angliából jött a csomagom (két zenekar merch póló volt benne, mindenki tudja, hogy túlárazottak😅), előre ki volt fizetve. Nem kaptam értesítő e-mailt, sem sms-t, nem hívott a futár és nem is csengetett be. Hallottam volna, egy atomtámadás riadó hangját idéző csengőnk van. Szomszéd szólt, hogy lóg ki egy csomag a postaládából, az esőben. Az egész postaláda az utca felőli oldalán van a kapunak, postás felnyitja a fedelét, én meg ki tudom nyitni az elejét kulccsal. Na most, ez a csomag nem fért be, szóval a kedves futár ahelyett, hogy becsenget, úgy döntött hogy belegyömöszöli a postaládába a csomagot ameddig belement. Mikor kimentem simán ki tudtam húzni a zárt postaládából, tehát bárki elvihette volna. A boríték foszlott szét, a benne lévő pólók is vizesek voltak. Írtam a postának, ezen felül lehet valamit tenni? (Videót nem engedi csatolni, úgyhogy csak két ilyen jóképességű fotót mellékelek, másodikon azt szeretném bemutatni, hogy zárt postaládából is ki tudom szedni.) submitted by Paczal9 to askhungary [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 11:41 Yodgh [College: Statics-Equillibrium] Need help with my Free Body Diagrams.
Hello, I'm trying to solve this problem, but Im utterly confused right now. My FBD at member CD is using the principle of Two forces, but it became problematic when I created the FBD for the Pin C, it is now impossible to be in equilibrium unless R has no y component, but if this happen it contradicts the FBD in member CD. Please help me, thanks. submitted by Yodgh to HomeworkHelp [link] [comments] |