H: weps, misc, plans. W: leaders

2024.11.28 11:32 GapRevolutionary1055 H: weps, misc, plans. W: leaders

H: weps, misc, plans. W: leaders submitted by GapRevolutionary1055 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:32 rcfb1709 Public Mobile Canada: for $10 bill credit use code: 7W2MEK check the details to earn more points with their subscription plan

Use the following referral link to get the one-time $10 bill credit: https://publicmobile.ca/en/ab/plans?referral=7W2MEK
More ways to earn points
Attractive 5G and 4G subscription plans
submitted by rcfb1709 to referralcodes [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:32 braziliantapestry Recommend me your favorite book of memoirs

I'm currently reading "In my father's court" by Isaac Bashevis Singer and am truly loving it, might become one of my favorite books. I've also read "Educated" by Tara Westover and really liked it!
submitted by braziliantapestry to suggestmeabook [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:32 EmployerMiserable793 How much is my take home?

So on my wisely pay from amazon, my pretax earnings is $954.59 and I can take out $439.12 If I don't take anything out is that my actual pay the 439.12?
submitted by EmployerMiserable793 to AmazonFC [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:32 melfi0 What is up with Tiptrans.com lately?

Anyone using this company for freight forwarding? I've used them from China for over a year but now I get zero feedback when I try to contact them. Also the payment provider I've used to fill up my account there doesn't send money to this recipient anymore. I've tried WeChat, telephone and email. Anyone else have issues? Or not? Any and all knowledge on this is appreciated.
submitted by melfi0 to shipping [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:32 Quadruplebacon When sad, crochet Apollo

When sad, crochet Apollo He's be coming with me everywhere bringing sunshine during Winter. Also a doodle of him by me for comparison of the inspiration
submitted by Quadruplebacon to Apollogreekgod [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:32 GreenProduce4 My lows are almost always gone when I am weightlifting regularly

The god damn doctors are right. exercise IS good for you. I’m on seroquel, but other than that, therapy and a stable relationship - exercise has been almost the literal crank to my mental well-being. This morning I had the biggest low ever - I’m talking laying on the ground, suicidal ideation, staring at the ceiling unable to move, and my partner woke up, put me in gym clothes and gently brought me to the gym and right after I did my workout regimen I was stable again and was able to go to work. like literally just like that. and this is been my experience for the past year. Achieving stability has come with me having a regular workout routine. But also, it’s kind of fucked up how when I stopped working out this week my lows were literally back. That’s chronic illness for you, forced to be healthy. double edged sword.
submitted by GreenProduce4 to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:32 KingOfCopenhagen Some thoughts on NA beer types

My experience is that the hint of a yeasty taste of a non-alcoholic beer is very hard to hide.
Another thing that is very hard to fake is the fact that beer, even a weak lager, is thicker than an NA.
Certain beer types are better and come closer to beer than others.
IPA, NEIPA, and EIPA all have enough hops in the taste to hide the yeasty taste. So those three are definitely my Besides the thickness you almost can't tell you are drinking a NA... and those beer types are already prety thin viscosity wise, to begin with, so the difference is negligent.
Porter, Stout and Bock do also hide the yeasty taste. These are thick beers, so they just feel weird.
Lager and Witbier does an okay job. I have never tasted an NA beer that tasted precisely like a regular one of the same brand, like I have with the IPA group, but they are usually pretty okay.
Pilsner and Weissbier just stay away. I have yet to taste a pilsner or a weissbier that didn't clearly taste like an NA. Tasted okay, but not like beer. And if I'm drinking something that doesn't taste like beer, I would rather drink soda, mocktail, or even juice.
Again, in almost every group, there are outliers that are really bad or really good. These are just my thoughts on the types and where, on average, to find the beast NA.
submitted by KingOfCopenhagen to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:32 Public_Citron2609 Help and advice please.

Help and advice please. I’m at an impasse to know what my strongest team/ heroes are can anyone suggest which heroes I should be focusing on at the moment please.
submitted by Public_Citron2609 to EmpiresAndPuzzles [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:32 WomerGuy Sucks to be poor yet right 🤣

If only I had more money originally when I bought the shares 😅
submitted by WomerGuy to trading212 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:32 Familiar_Ad_4885 Norske stadion burde ha tak over hele banen

Med det klimaet vi har her, så burde alle fotballstadion ha tak som kan åpnes og lukkes.
submitted by Familiar_Ad_4885 to NorskFotball [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:32 hamburgerbelly First Time Viewer's thoughts halfway through the show

Coincidentally I started watching DH on the week of its 20th anniversary and I'm obsessed (I was born the same year so I was not conscious enough to watch it during its original run lol). I'm currently on s4e13 "Hello, Little Girl". (I started this draft a couple days ago when I was actually halfway through the show, but ended up watching more so now I'm on s5e16 "Crime Doesn't Pay".)
Long story short, fuck Tom Scavo you piece of shit, Susan Mayer your face card is insane but you're insufferable, and fuck Lynette for thinking her husband's life was worth more than Ida Greenberg's cat. I now understand why the first two flairs on this subreddit is "A Tom Scavo Complaint" and "Susan Mayer Hate".
I'm just gonna list off my thoughts:

Anyway these are all the thoughts I could think of. If you made it this far thanks for reading! There's probably a lot of grammatical errors but this is a reddit post not a thesis so I'm not too worried about that. Also I typed this out on my phone so I couldn't do much regarding the layout.
Feel free to disagree or debate me on any of it! The Tom Scavo hate is ingrained in me though so you can try but I won't budge for that one lmao. I know Edie's death is coming up soon so I'll add my thoughts on that later. 😭
Happy Thanksgiving, Happy last Thursday of November, have a happy however you choose to spend today!
submitted by hamburgerbelly to DesperateHousewives [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:32 singhkomila Amazon Black Friday to kick off on November 29 in India

Amazon Black Friday to kick off on November 29 in India submitted by singhkomila to GadgetBridgeDotCom [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:32 Daninoc99 Frontend developer looking for job

Hi guys, can you please recommend companies looking for remote frontend developer (Vue.js) Thank you in advance!
submitted by Daninoc99 to ITCareerQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:32 Z_Motion New Code Retrospective in wraith vault!

submitted by Z_Motion to geometrydash [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:32 Icy-Conflict6671 Need help with Lost Evolution rom

I just posted this but something happened to it (mods if there is an issue with my post i kindly ask that you shoot me a message about it) but i need help loading the translated rom
submitted by Icy-Conflict6671 to digimon [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:32 TheAussiePiee r/StarWarsHunters Discord server

The Star Wars: Hunters subreddit is excited to announce that instead of creating a third Discord server, we have decided to partner with one of the largest and most active community discords, The Ultimate Hunters, to serve as the central hub and beacon for the community. Here’s why this partnership is the perfect fit:By partnering with The Ultimate Hunters Discord, we’re ensuring that the Star Wars: Hunters community has a unified and thriving home, with unparalleled support, engagement, and opportunities for players to connect and grow. This partnership marks a new era for the subreddit, and we can’t wait to see the community flourish!

By partnering with The Ultimate Hunters Discord, we’re ensuring that the Star Wars: Hunters community has a unified and thriving home, with unparalleled support, engagement, and opportunities for players to connect and grow. This partnership marks a new era for the subreddit, and we can’t wait to see the community flourish!
Discord Server: discord.gg/theultimatehunters
submitted by TheAussiePiee to StarWarsHunters [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:32 Bubbly_Department_28 The key to long-term recovery, a harsh truth.

Addiction is not something you control; it's something that controls you. The truth is harsh—very few people who slip up once and "give in" can ever regain control without deep personal work and unwavering commitment. For those who try to justify "just one more" hit, it’s the addiction lying to you, trying to survive. The addiction doesn't care about your intentions, your dreams, or your future; all it cares about is getting you back in its grip, even if it's just for one more time.
A slip-up is not normal. It's not okay. A relapse isn't part of the recovery process; it is the addiction winning. Once you give in, even for a moment, the consequences are far worse than just the physical act of using. Every time you let the addiction back in, it gets stronger, your resolve weaker, and the next fight gets that much harder. When you wake up after that slip-up, with the regret and the guilt, understand this: that moment of weakness was your addiction trying to survive. It wasn’t a moment of normal imperfection—it was your chance to either destroy it, or let it regain control over your life. And sadly, many let it back in.
Here’s the cold, hard truth: the more you give in to that temptation, the slimmer your chance at long-term recovery becomes. Every single time you slip, you push yourself further into the cycle of self-doubt and despair. One slip doesn’t just mean “I messed up this time,” it means: "I’ve given the addiction another foothold." The further into that cycle you go, the harder it becomes to get back out. Each slip leads to more slips, and soon enough, you're lost in the addiction again.
The addiction wants you to believe you can control it, that you can just have "one more." But if you could control it, you wouldn't be an addict in the first place. You cannot moderate the use of something that controls you. There is no “just one” when addiction is involved, no “manageable” amount. The substance is designed to take over, and it will exploit every moment of weakness. It doesn’t care that you wanted to quit yesterday or that you have regrets now. It only cares about feeding itself, and it will convince you to keep going, even when you know it’s wrong.
And here's the hardest part of it all: relapse sets you back further than you think. It doesn't just erase the progress you made; it makes it so much harder to even try again. After a slip, you’ll feel that familiar "high" again, and it will make quitting seem like an impossible task. You’ll convince yourself, “It’s too hard to stop now; I might as well enjoy it again.” The addiction knows this—it’s the easiest way to pull you back in.
At that moment, when you’re on the edge of slipping, you need to remember that every part of your addiction will try to tempt you. The cravings will hit hard, but they will pass. The urges to "just have one more" are temporary, and you can get through them. If you give in, you’ve just given the addiction exactly what it wanted: to pull you back in. You will feel worse than you did before, and it will make the next time that much harder.
The message here is simple: if you’re serious about getting off the substance, you have to make the decision not to touch it again, no matter what. No "slip-ups," no "just this once." You’re not an addict because you can’t have one or two; you’re an addict because once you start, you **cannot stop**. The addiction will always find a way to trick you into thinking you can control it, and it will always make the next relapse harder to recover from.
If you're really ready to quit, you need to commit fully. Every time you give the addiction the benefit of the doubt, it’s winning. The longer you keep slipping, the longer you will remain trapped. This isn’t about being perfect; this is about making the decision to never give the addiction another chance. No excuses, no justifications—it’s about choosing to get back up every single time you’re knocked down, and never letting the addiction back in.
The cold truth is that relapsing is often the beginning of a longer, darker journey back into addiction, and it’s one that gets harder and harder to escape from each time. And this is exactly why you can’t afford to give in.
Take control of your life, make the decision, and don’t give the addiction any more ground. This is the moment you can choose to fight back, no matter how tempting it gets. You’re stronger than the addiction. The only thing standing between you and freedom is your own decision to stay free. And that decision has to be made over and over, every single day.
Addiction is real, it’s relentless, but you have the power to say no. And if you keep saying no, eventually it becomes easier. But it starts now. It starts with this decision. Be relentless in your resolute.
submitted by Bubbly_Department_28 to leaves [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:32 Rubberduckforprez Not bad for 4 hours

submitted by Rubberduckforprez to Traeger [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:32 chessboardtable What are your preferred BA wins during this century?

2000 Ellen Burstyn 2001 Nicole Kidman 2002 Renée Zellweger 2003 (the winner) 2004 Kate Winslet 2005 Felicity Huffman 2006 Meryl Streep 2007 (the winner) 2008 (the winner) 2009 Meryl Streep 2010 (the winner) 2011 Rooney Mara 2012 (the winner) 2013 (the winner) 2014 Rosamund Pike 2015 (the winner) 2016 (the winner) 2017 Margot Robbie 2018 Glenn Close 2019 Scarlet Johansson 2020 Carey Mulligan 2021 Nicole Kidman 2022 Cate Blanchett 2023 (the winner)
submitted by chessboardtable to oscarrace [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:32 elf0curo Volcano (1997) by Mick Jackson ■ The story was inspired by the 1943 formation of the Parícutin volcano in Mexico

Volcano (1997) by Mick Jackson ■ The story was inspired by the 1943 formation of the Parícutin volcano in Mexico submitted by elf0curo to scifi [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:32 No-Pepper1891 Unasked opinion but the portfolio recommendation posts are getting outta hand ffs

It's just that recently the number of posts on almost every community asking for "recommendations" on their portfolio which already have crores and idk how much profit or getting irritating.
It's not like I personally am jealous or hate success but it is just that seeking attention and approval by flexing your portfolios current value serves no purpose for those who wanna learn and discuss. Really counterproductive and useless, ofcourse it satisfies the person posting it cause it gives them one days fame but fr though, grow up and he helpful if anything.
P.S- If you disagree, kindly ignore. Just wanted to let it out lol. If you're one of those redditors who I talked about, congratulations and no offense 😭😭😭😭😭😭
submitted by No-Pepper1891 to IndianStockMarket [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:32 Limeload_ Advice for MS in CS as a Bootcamp Grad

Hey everyone!
I’m a bootcamp grad with a non-CS undergrad degree (in fashion design) and want to pursue an MS in Computer Science. I’ve looked into UIC and Northeastern’s Align program but would love recommendations for schools that are flexible for non-traditional students (online or evening options would be great).
Also, do bootcamp grads usually need to take bridge courses, or can that be skipped sometimes?
I’m in Illinois, so any advice on programs here or financial aid tips (FAFSA, etc.) would be awesome!
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Limeload_ to gradadmissions [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:32 bnyryn Amazing tattoo of someone who has since punched an old man in the head and also been found guilty of sexual assault.

Amazing tattoo of someone who has since punched an old man in the head and also been found guilty of sexual assault. submitted by bnyryn to agedlikemilk [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:32 Vux69 I dont enjoy leagues. Am i wierd?

just wondering.
submitted by Vux69 to 2007scape [link] [comments]
