Very sorry wlahi for this aabo.

2024.11.28 11:39 Itchy_Comfortable_29 Very sorry wlahi for this aabo.
The glance after he punched his face says everything. Could you imagine that soldier earns max 200$ and that tyrant idiot earns countless money for every month. Makes me so sad since last night. Let’s pray our country we don’t have any hope since we have these people in our government and they are leading. 😭😭😭
submitted by Itchy_Comfortable_29 to Somalia [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:39 Signal-Owl-2771 Newest Leaf😮‍💨💚🌱

Newest Leaf😮‍💨💚🌱 A
submitted by Signal-Owl-2771 to Monstera [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:39 kalanimcd Found my first demonstrator unit, which was also the one I needed the most

Found my first demonstrator unit, which was also the one I needed the most Found it at the Oil Refinery. Photo taken at the Sawmill while on break, waiting for daytime so I can continue
submitted by kalanimcd to DerailValley [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:39 Jaded-Growth-1014 Who's funkos mascot wrong answers only (in comments)

submitted by Jaded-Growth-1014 to TopPops [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:39 werew0lfsushi What fashion should i reference when making a gem OC?

submitted by werew0lfsushi to LandoftheLustrous [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:39 Nite-Prow1er Test

submitted by Nite-Prow1er to WhatIsMyCQS [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:39 Kooky-Reputation-268 Something Something Portal 2 fan game logo

Something Something Portal 2 fan game logo A Portal 2 fan game logo for something that I may or may not make.
submitted by Kooky-Reputation-268 to Portal [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:39 Peculiaridades Kuriose Fakten über exotische Tiere. Erfahre mehr als 50 interessante Fakten über Großkatzen, Wölfe, Koalas und weitere exotische Tiere in unserer Doku.

Kuriose Fakten über exotische Tiere. Erfahre mehr als 50 interessante Fakten über Großkatzen, Wölfe, Koalas und weitere exotische Tiere in unserer Doku. submitted by Peculiaridades to BesonderheitenDerWelt [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:39 Extreme_Interest7643 Recomendação de Psiquiatra

Olá a todos! Precisava de recomendações de Psiquiatra (preferencialmente mulher) na zona de Fafe/Guimarães. Obg a quem puder ajudar 🙏
submitted by Extreme_Interest7643 to SaudeMentalPortugal [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:39 tushar1411 React Black Friday Deals 2024

Hello Everyone,
Just like last year, I’ve curated a comprehensive list of the best Black Friday deals specifically for React developers. You can explore the list here:
React Black Friday Deals 2024
Most of the discounts are already live, while I’m awaiting announcements from a few more. If you happen to spot any react-related deals that I’ve missed, please feel free to drop a comment, and I’ll make sure to add them to the list.
Happy deal hunting! 🚀
submitted by tushar1411 to reactjs [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:39 United_Tear2013 Mew in" FINAL DESTINATION 3 (2006)

Mew in Those eyes 👀
submitted by United_Tear2013 to MaryElizabethWinstead [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:39 Forsaken-Law6815 I am losing sleep over my ex

We kept in touch as friends, but after breaking up I realized that I like her more than friends. 5 years after breaking up, we keep in touch on and off(not so much recently). Though things are different between us now, and it doesn’t seem like we are getting back together, I can’t stop thinking about her. It has become a real problem. I don’t look at or make eye contact with other girls and I don’t know why… Maybe I have been single too long or I’m too awkward for dating right now? I want to message or call her but I have recently and she usually doesn’t respond. She accidentally came into my work the other day and it was so awkward we hugged and that was all… I tried talking to her and she scurried off. I know I am supposed to move on and forget about her. The problem is I don’t know how. Our relationship has been complicated and ultimately when we were official I treated her badly. I would like another chance with her but I understand only she can make that decision for us.
submitted by Forsaken-Law6815 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:39 DarkBlade0909 What ammo should I use? For farm lockdown

What ammo should I use? For farm lockdown I saw this gunsmith in 1ceStreams vid but idk what bullets to use for farm lockdown
submitted by DarkBlade0909 to ArenaBreakoutInfinite [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:39 Theoskaroskar NOAA Atlantic update for November 28. Quiet. Good!

NOAA Atlantic update for November 28. Quiet. Good! submitted by Theoskaroskar to cayosantamaria [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:39 nonwalter [Amazon] Tricot - A N D (Brown & Tan color-in-color) - $18.80

Tricot - A N D - $18.80 @ Amazon direct
submitted by nonwalter to VinylDeals [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:39 InfluenceBulky4453 Dili ganahan ma postpone

Ako lang ba? Ako lang ba ang dili ganahan ma postpone basta gisabutan na pila ka adlaw. And then in a minute dili ra madayun. Wtf
Hate lagi kaayu ni nako ing-ani na feeling, napalaw na feeling. Ganahan ko basta kana na day ang schedule, kana najud.
Am I bad?
submitted by InfluenceBulky4453 to Cebu [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:39 EmylyMoran ¿Cómo cierro sesión?

Hola chic@s se que puede parecer broma pero no, no lo es... Llevo recién una par de días usando esta app y no encuentro donde cerrar sesión :(. Ya busqué en Google y le dice que en mi avatar, se abre un menú desplegable y abajo dice "cerrar sesión", PERO NO ME APARECE, intenté desinstalar e instalar la app y efectivamente se cerró pero no quiero instalarlo y desinstalarlo cada vez que desee cerrar. Psdt. No sé burlen, solo soy nueva.
submitted by EmylyMoran to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:39 Impasta_WithPasta 1000-THR FISHMOVER

1000-THR FISHMOVER submitted by Impasta_WithPasta to SuddenlyUltrakill [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:39 Zero-23kc Jerez 2025 MotGP race & Thank you!

Jerez 2025 MotGP race & Thank you! Thanks to the suggestions from the people in this group, I was able to buy Jerez 2025 tickets. Buying from the circuit probably saved us about close to €100.
We also need help regarding where we could stay so that we can have the best experience possible.
  1. Right now our plan is to stay in Seville and make the to and fro journey. What would be our options? (We won’t be having/renting our own private vehicle).
  2. Staying at Jerez de la Frontera is not an option since the price is almost 2-3X everywhere.
  3. Is Cádiz a good option for our stay?
  4. Please do provide any other alternatives.
Thank you guys once again!
submitted by Zero-23kc to motogp [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:39 Ok_Category4340 Any n.l stories about paying for sex? 056117761419fd68db04c6ec7980dd3624bf84837b00cfb1f6ab6a50570a608d00

submitted by Ok_Category4340 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:39 kiquetor Les facilité el trabajo de redactar una ley para el club que estaria bueno que la consideren

La presente ley tiene como objetivo proteger el honor y la dignidad del Club Boca Juniors, así como garantizar la integridad y el respeto por el juego del fútbol. Además, tiene como objetivo castigar a los jugadores infractores que cometan actos de traición, cobardía o simple ineptitud en el campo de juego, como viene pasando en los ultimos 10 años.
Para los efectos de esta ley, se entenderá por:
- "Jugador infractor": aquel jugador que, en una final de fútbol nacional o internacional, cometa alguno de los siguientes actos:
- Sea expulsado del partido por conducta impropia, como por ejemplo, escupir a un árbitro o hacer un gesto obsceno a la hinchada rival.
- Cometa un gol en contra, como por ejemplo, marcar un gol en propia puerta o hacer un pase a un jugador rival que termine en gol.
- Cometa un penal, como por ejemplo, hacer una falta en el área penal o agarrar la pelota con la mano dentro del área penal.
- Se lesione a último momento cuando no hay cambios, como por ejemplo, hacerse un corte en la ceja o torcerse el tobillo.
- Cometa cualquier otro acto que sea considerado como una falta grave contra el club y el juego del fútbol, como por ejemplo, hacer un gesto de burla a la hinchada rival o negarse a jugar un partido importante.
- "Comisión de fútbol": .......................................... (dejo este espacio para que se definan a si mismo.
- "Club": el Club Boca Juniors en todas sus disciplinas y con el poder de todos sus socios, incluyendo los adherentes que no pueden asistir a los partidos.
En caso de que un jugador sea considerado como un "jugador infractor", la comisión de fútbol y el club, en todas sus disciplinas y con el poder de todos sus socios, tomarán las siguientes medidas:
- El jugador infractor será expulsado del club de forma permanente y no podrá jugar fútbol en ninguna otra institución o país.
- El jugador infractor será obligado a realizar un curso de "Reeducación para jugadores de fútbol" durante un mínimo de 6 meses.
- El jugador infractor será obligado a realizar trabajos comunitarios en la ciudad de Buenos Aires durante un mínimo de 1 año.
- El club intentará, por todos los medios posibles, que el jugador infractor trabaje como limpiador de alcantarillas en la ciudad de Buenos Aires durante un mínimo de 5 años.
En testimonio de lo cual, se firma la presente ley en la sede del Club Boca Juniors, en la ciudad de Buenos Aires, a los [insertar fecha].
[Insertar firma]
submitted by kiquetor to BocaJuniors [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:39 Jfernando12 Ignore the red flags 🤫 🚩

Ignore the red flags 🤫 🚩 submitted by Jfernando12 to ClothedCurves [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:39 taconpou New OTA update released for galaxy fit3‼️

New OTA update released for galaxy fit3‼️ submitted by taconpou to GalaxyFit [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:39 holmsius Kažkas čia bus :)

Kažkas čia bus :) submitted by holmsius to Japonija [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:39 CommitteeBulky4133 Teen man of the house needs help

There have been thefts going on in my area and last night only 3 thieves went infront , and from side of my house. They didn't do anything but one day someone might do try to break in.
So out of all the houses in my neighborhood, mine is the biggest.. which makes it the perfect target one day.
I have some cameras but they are of potato quality. I have a dog but its all bark no bite, infact i believe it will start playing with the thieves if they break in.
My house has two main gates, one is in the main street and another in a street which belongs to us only .
And it has a large open area too like garden or lawn.
I want to get hold of some usable weapons, good quality cameras ,prolly a good German shepherd , Fence wires with current in them etc
Please tell me ,how do i defend my home.
I forgot to tell that im a 16yr old boy , my father is in the military and i live alone with my mom. So basically im the man of my house. And im really serious about this.
Thanks for reading, make sure to leave ur opinion without hesitation. Good day.
submitted by CommitteeBulky4133 to homedefense [link] [comments]