雙11要到了,來跟大家分享台灣買淘寶的支付方式,網路上已經有滿多人整理很詳細,但最近發現綁定中國信託帳戶支付方式,相對來講比之前條碼繳款方便許多,就乾脆花幾個小時整理一下,⭐手續費表格,最划算手續費是 - 淘寶,教學,網購 一、前言,這篇文主要是針對舊戶(因為我是舊戶),根據自己的心得還有計算,分享這張卡到底適合哪些人使用,又是否有其他更好的選擇,如果有錯還請不吝指教!,二、這篇文適合誰看?- 不知道怎麼用這張卡的人,- - 玉山,解析,信用卡 如標題,最近想要在Zaiko 這個平台購買演唱會的門票,但是在付款的地方出現「信用卡上的名稱」的選項(如圖片),想詢問一下,那個部分是要填寫卡片持有人的中文名字還是英文名字呢?因為我的卡片是郵局的Vi - 信用卡,詢問 说起做实验,就会涉及到Run Card,这是让制造部帮助你不按照正常流程来做实验的东东。开的Run Card越多,制造部就会越恨你。当年的Jamin以2年半超过1000张Run Card成为MFG第一“公敌”。其实像PIE每个人的Run Card数目都不少,数百张都是很正常的。 PIE会直接面对客户。 想找找有沒有%數高 回饋又無上限的卡,有這種卡嗎?我大多時候都用apple pay 或百貨公司買東西,偶爾有line pay也會用,我發現狗狗卡最高也才回饋1000,就算刷再多也只有1千⋯⋯,想請問有 CVV,即Card Verification Value,而Mastercard称作Card Validation Code(CVC),VISA CVV和MC CVC都由卡号、有效期和服务约束代码生成的3位或4位数字。一般写在卡片磁条的2磁道用户自定义数据区里面。 显卡(Video card,Graphics card)全称显示接口卡,又称显示适配器,是计算机最基本配置、最重要的配件之一。就像电脑联网需要网卡,主机里的数据要显示在屏幕上就需要显卡。因此,显卡是电脑进行数模信号转换的设备,承担输出显示图形的任务。 billing address,即信用卡账单地址。 要求提供billing address往往是为了验证信用卡使用者是否为持有者本人,所以通常billing address应该和shipping address是一致的,但也有部分购物网站接受不同的shipping address,也就是说付款人的信用卡账单地址和收货人及寄送地址不一样,支付时验证不这么严格,所以大家 ... 廣受年輕人喜愛的 Dcard 是台灣最大的匿名交流平台,舉凡時事話題、感情心情、吃喝玩樂、學習工作等,都有卡友陪你聊! ㊁ 溫馨提醒 在辦信用卡前,你必須注意的 7 件事 都幫大家整理好囉~ 海外刷卡會有 1.5% 手續費,因此建議選回饋大於 3% 的信用卡 建議至少帶 2 種發卡組織的信用卡,推薦 VISA 跟 Master card 刷卡時,建議選擇「當地貨幣」,不要選台幣,價格會更漂亮 ️ 記得檢查信用卡上英文姓名與護照上姓名相同 ...
2024.11.28 13:53 Justthreeguardians Whatnot card show pickups
submitted by Justthreeguardians to yugiohshowcase [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 13:53 Head-Lawfulness8411 Food for 1 year old?
Meet Winnie. She is a very picky eater and I have the hardest time feeding her. What dog food should I try? She likes to pick apart leftovers we eat but I want her on a good dog food. suggestions plz!
submitted by Head-Lawfulness8411 to Yorkies [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 13:53 Yilales [Discussion] Bonus Book | Before They Are Hanged by Joe Abercrombie | Part II: So This is Pain (chapter 36) through Part II: Jewel of Cities (chapter 38)
Welcome back to our discussion of Before They Are Hanged! These chapters take us deep into the haunting ruins of Aulcus, where ancient horrors still dwell. From Shanka attacks to underground pursuits, and from moments of unexpected intimacy to bitter morning-afters, we see how survival can bring people together... and sometimes tear them apart. Even in a dead city, life finds a way to complicate things! 🗡️💔🏰
A note about spoilers:
The First Law series is an extremely popular book series. Keep in mind that not everyone has watched or read any of these items. This book may be the first time a person learns about it. Please keep 's rules on spoilers, and the consequences for posting spoilers, in mind.
Everyone has a different perception of what is a spoiler, so here are a few examples of what would be spoilers:
2024.11.28 13:53 ViperTheKillerCobra Apps not using audio according to Audio MIDI configuration
Trying this again as last post got no comments.
Trying to do something very simple, swap the left/right audio channels on my external headphone. It has worked in the past, but I recently discovered that they have swapped back, and despite my changing and applying the configurations on Audio MIDI, with the test working as intended, no other apps that use audio seems to recognise this change.
Is there anything I can do about this?
submitted by ViperTheKillerCobra to MacOS [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 13:53 TheBarracksLawyer Make sure to CC me too
submitted by TheBarracksLawyer to OfficeSpeak [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 13:53 S-A-V-A Blursed Denmark
submitted by S-A-V-A to blursedimages [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 13:53 Inevitable-Date170 Just bought this massive chunk of Elmwood calcite rough material. What to do with it?
Should I turn it into 4 or 5 smaller more esthetic specimens or leave it as the big mamma it is? Theres big beautiful crystals on the back too. submitted by Inevitable-Date170 to Minerals [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 13:53 lMMORTAL99 [Sauce?]
submitted by lMMORTAL99 to animeindian [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 13:53 Heul_Darian I wish to talk about what SUDA did for Ghostricks.
SUDA brought 2 very very interesting cards the first one I want to talk is Twins of the Eclipse, for those who don't know what it does here is the effect. This card which was made for ryzeal is one of the best cards Ghostricks can go into with the Angel line. Unlike Ryzeal Ghostricks don't lock themselves into rank 4s so this card can show the full scope of its power especially with Angels soft once per turn effect. This card alone gives the angel line 3 new paths it can go through. To showcase all those 3 I'll use this hand, 2 card hand of terrortop + Siren, siren can be any monster but for a 40 card Ghostrick deck it is the best one to draw as long as your ratios are at around 50% since she will dump Ghostricks in grave for you to recover and search more backrow in the process. The first one is an one card combo of simply terrortop. I presume the angel line is already known but for those who don't know any 2 level 3s/2s/1s can get you into a Ghostrick Xyz to go into angel then angel detach the Ghostrick xyz to get shot then use shot to revive the Ghostrick xyz and go into the second angel. From there we will search a second time and get renovation, those of you who play Duel links know where this is heading, those who don't renovation is an in-archetype metaverse. We will use our 2 Angels and go into Twins of the Eclipse, we will use her effect to detach one material. Then we got 2 choices, the first is to send it to grave with gravity controller, The second is now that we have detached a material we can go into Armored Fortress. We use Armored fortress to search full armored and armored xyz, eclipse then triggers and revives angel with a Ghostrick Xyz which we can use to search a third time and grab Mansion. We then use Angel to summon Festival and use armored xyz to equip twins of eclipse to festival. The end result will look like this. https://preview.redd.it/yvmlicuazm3e1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=2fcb6d3d693c26a1b5040d161df43cf7948ba51f This is a monster removal, a revive, a main deck Ghostrick search and a floodgate field with shot as follow up for 1s/3s. However we don't necessarily need to search those 2, we can search Break to revive angel and alucard if festival is popped though we lose on the revive, we can search ghostrick or treat to get in on the early burn, scare since we haven't normal summoned yet, night since we have a face up Ghostrick monster to start blocking attacks, vanish tldr any 2 Ghostrick backrow are searchable its just that renov + field is the most powerful. For 1s specifically we can even equip Dullahan to festival and go into necroquip. Let's go through the same line but this time we use Siren, siren can be any monster in this case. Here the line remains the same till eclipse, you got 2 options. If you have drawn one of the armored backrow you can use the extra monster and go into I:P to send her to grave, then you revive angel search and then you go into armored using that angel for 1. The board will now look like this. https://preview.redd.it/6qyjuqis1n3e1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=417df6ffb9860d3b7fb84150b807b03c5dd60944 This also presents us with 2 options. By using armored for eclipse on I:P we achieve 2 things, first I:P can't be beat over with your average joe nor can she be destroyed by card effect. You can also use Lancer and revive him right after in case you haven't managed to use the effect and lancer can get armored back next turn to repeat this process. If you use it on fortress once you use the trap you can revive angel with a mat to be able to go up to link 4 and then you can recover an angel from grave, personally I don't recommend going to link 4 cause you also lose the eclipse loop that armored + lancer provides. S:P is 2 interruptions and is more than enough, in fact because the extra will get very tight once I introduce the next card I'd go to S:P instantly and cut the middle man. The third line is the most spicy. Siren here is any level 4. we will summon siren before going into eclipse and use her and one of the angels to go into Eclipse, we then shall do the exact same line till the revival of the third angel. We now have 2 Angels on the field so the I:P has been upgraded into a UDF. It will look like this. https://preview.redd.it/772f6fbj3n3e1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd1c284b114f2eb748f43577f1c9833d7ba36af8 These are the 3 basic combos with eclipse and honestly on their own they are possibly the second best support they have gotten in the past 4 years. If only they had something like Ghostrick invitation in Duel links....... The second card I want to talk about is Lightless shadow. I recently found that if you use a small BA engine you can use 2 level 3s to link climb into her and lightless shadow can special summon any Ghostrick from hand but most importantly if you use tour guide you don't need to send graff with cherubini so what does that mean for Ghostrick? You can summon ANY LEVEL 3 Ghostrick from Deck, haa.. that sounds familiar. Anyways it looks like this. PS You can send and special any level 3 light/dark like for example jowgen, please don't do that. :( Just summoning her into a Ghostrick and then pass for one interruption isn't really that busted unless you also have 4 other traps in hand. However this line can seamlessly integrate the angel line with a level 3 special, so here's what an 1.5 card combo of tour guide + any level 3 can do.
https://preview.redd.it/fqou9uf39n3e1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=0cbbdc7c2e8fe7dc9dc97ab511bb462ce1a6283f This is a pop, a book, a search from jiangshi for a hand trap, a monster removal from lancer, a revival from eclipse, follow up with lightless, shot and armored xyz and in case of destruction break will revive both angel and alucard. Lightless comes back during end phase so that's why it isn't on the field. Lightless works extremely well with eclipse even if you lose the armored loop you can revive eclipse with lightless, send her back to grave to revive lancer and restore the armored loop. Meanwhile the Ghostrick xyz will constantly recover their cards and with break + shot in rotation you will never run out of bodies. This line also has other things it can do, few examples, you can search a 4th time by reviving alucard with lightless, you can get more bodies if you drew any Gt by sending mummy, both those lines can be done separately so if your hand is tour guide and hand traps you can just go into the xyz, you can still go for the floodgate field plan by searching mansion + renov, you can use the Gt for festival and search ghostrick or treat etc.. On top of that this non-linear combo has going second tools, Zeus is a no brainer, but S:P is there, as you can see UDF didn't appear but he is there for subsequent turns and Unicorn is essential in cases you didn't draw extenders and want to go into lightless. All this backed by recursions, revivals, mulligans and targeting dodge. With all these tools all this deck needed was Gas so the end result is this. https://preview.redd.it/42jm9prrcn3e1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=37ebd2934afd9b8d9eb7407a7919402204cd74cd I can't wait for the cards to reach master duel and try it in a more live setting. Through all this though I still wish for support for my favorite archetype new modern hand traps would help a lot to deal with the majority of the archetypes issues. Till the next Halloween. submitted by Heul_Darian to yugioh [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 13:53 olivia_1863 I got banned for saying the apes were coming can I be unbanned please
submitted by olivia_1863 to TheKM [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 13:53 interestingfactoid Karoline Leavitt Torpedoes WaPo Over Sketch Report Tying Trump To Random Act Of Racism
submitted by interestingfactoid to NewRepublicans [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 13:53 LoveNaike99 Mr. Robot: Red Wheelbarrow
I'm in Italy and I NEVER had the chance to find this book. It was always not avaliable over here when I looked for it on Amazon. Now, I'm a bit of obsessed and would really love it. I see there is a Kindle version of the book, does any one of you have the book and can tell me if a digital version would still be worth it? I usually don't make big differences about papedigital books, but this is something I'd prefer printed instead than digital, you know...
submitted by LoveNaike99 to MrRobot [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 13:53 jateruy This game with some tuned rendering config really is something...
200% r.ScreenPercentage with some light/shadow params. The visuals really come appreciable.https://preview.redd.it/wo6toll8dn3e1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=01f6bbb5d0ad9591ef2e67777ea2ce1167ad9828 https://preview.redd.it/hur94by4dn3e1.png?width=1201&format=png&auto=webp&s=d075352166de147d6942e4bfca6f694c98c072cc https://preview.redd.it/btq7cg3edn3e1.png?width=1344&format=png&auto=webp&s=f00070aae8d42a1c82542d97dd6ea988603b263d Even getting some very prominent details shown on the fabrics https://preview.redd.it/p4ffrk7jdn3e1.png?width=867&format=png&auto=webp&s=03b94ea90cfb1f5505f6edaf748ef0c01262ea59 submitted by jateruy to WutheringWaves [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 13:53 Intelligent_Dealer46 Igreja Universal quer arrendar mais horários na TV Gazeta Aqui Tem Fofoca.
submitted by Intelligent_Dealer46 to ateismo_br [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 13:53 Present_Green2934 [Arcane Season 2, Act 3 Spoilers] WAAAAAHHH 🥺🥺🥺
submitted by Present_Green2934 to ArcaneAnimatedSeries [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 13:53 GlobalFlower3 LF Shiny Iron Hands, Shiny Iron Treads; FT Shiny Roaring Moon, Shiny Flutter Mane
Looking for one of each, have one of each for trade
submitted by GlobalFlower3 to PokemonScarletViolet [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 13:53 abjinternational Tottenham Hotspur vs Roma Live Streaming – UEFA Europa League Clash
submitted by abjinternational to sportsnewstoday [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 13:53 mingji17 Architecture
There is no updated sample test available on the website. I called them today to ask about this, but was told to either check from a different device or to just prepare from the given syllabus. Since the design aptitude portion is newly introduced, how are we supposed to get an idea about the questions without any sample papers? Also, if someone finds the updated sample paper lmk because I've tried checking from different devices but only end up with the old test pattern.
submitted by mingji17 to NUST [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 13:53 abjinternational Tottenham Hotspur vs Roma Live Streaming – UEFA Europa League Clash
submitted by abjinternational to footballlivewatch [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 13:53 theTrueLocuro What are ways I can increase virtues in my everyday life?
So I'm new to Stoicism and trying to think of ways it can affect my life. wisdom, temperance, justice, courage
temperance - stop overeating (LOL).
wisdom - study stoicism more
justice - volunteer or donate
courage - speak up more (I'm a pretty non confrontational person)
But anything else? So virtue is the only thing that matters. not money, social status, etc.
submitted by theTrueLocuro to Stoicism [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 13:53 Zetsu85 🔥 Nous sommes ravis d’annoncer que Bitget vient de lancer Tomarket Points (TOMA) en pré-marché. Les utilisateurs pourront trader les Tomarket Points en avance, avant que le pré-marché ne commence. Plus d'infos ici : https://www.bitget.com/fr/support/articles/12560603818974
submitted by Zetsu85 to bitget [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 13:53 WadeWilson9012 Photoshoot for RND | November 2024
submitted by WadeWilson9012 to KeiraKnightley [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 13:53 aldiwasser Feedback zu Lollipopping & Entlaubung?
Hallöchen, Meine drei Pflanzen kommen morgen in die vierte Blütewoche. Ich hab sie vorhin gelollipoppt, bin mir aber unsicher, ob ich genug weggeschnitten habe. Ich frage mich auch ob ich allgemein genug entlaubt haben oder ob hier noch mehr wegkann. Auf den Bildern sieht man wie’s vorher aussah und wie sie jetzt aussehen. Denkt ihr das passt? Würde mich sehr über Feedback freuen :) Sorte ist Banana Punch von Barney‘s Farm submitted by aldiwasser to Canbau [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 13:53 kentromania Chicco Stroller Black Friday Deals 2024
Check out the link for Chicco Stroller Black Friday Deals 2024. Once on the website, you'll have access to a variety of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly to help you save on your purchase.
submitted by kentromania to LimitedDiscount [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 13:53 undeadcorporation892 Bioshock Remastered (Epic Games) Laggs absurdly bad and crashes in the title screen.
Hey, so I (linux noob xd) installed Bioshock via Lutris yesterday and all was fine until this morning. Some shaders/assets werent loading like posters and things likes floors and walls, they were in a very low quality and I decided to follow some tutorials to increase performance and that. I ended installing gamemode (it did nothing) and ended up by reinstalling the nvidia drivers from the official nvidia page. After learning a bit more of the linux terminal i installed the drivers. after I turned on my pc again, the display was at default 720p i think and i changed it back to 1920x1080 while i was opening bioshock if not just before opening it. After that, the game was going at 5 fps with an absurdly low poly resolution, I changed it back to 1920x1080 (in game) but it resolved nothing. I've reinstalled the drivers from the driver manager but the situation is the same. Even the reset to default settings pop-up after a crash happens does nothing. Any advice?
(In case is needed)
Ryzen 5 3600x, Rtx 3060 and 16 gb ram.
Thank you so much
submitted by undeadcorporation892 to linux_gaming [link] [comments]