Where do you think I am from based on states I’ve flown in/out of?

2024.11.28 13:53 JottaGiboo Where do you think I am from based on states I’ve flown in/out of?

Where do you think I am from based on states I’ve flown in/out of? Happy Turkey Day!
submitted by JottaGiboo to TravelMaps [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:53 Intelligent-Good693 QC from Fisherman

QC from Fisherman Please check how good they are
submitted by Intelligent-Good693 to DesignerReps [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:53 Gold-Kaleidoscope856 Bed bug bite?

My building had a problem with bed bugs a few months ago and now i'm worried they might be back. I've noticed a couple black dots on my sheets as well as little pink bumps on my back and hip which I won't post. I have this on my arm and i'm wondering if it could be a bite?
submitted by Gold-Kaleidoscope856 to bugbites [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:53 gendormaskome Just Blinds Black Friday Deals 2024

Follow this link for Just Blinds Black Friday Deals 2024. Access the latest deals and promotions by visiting the link, featuring a constantly updated list of coupons, promo codes, and discounts.
submitted by gendormaskome to DiscountEnergizing [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:53 Nine-tailed-Duck What’s this part of the face called ?

What’s this part of the face called ? This is like the only image i remember that shows it visibly, is it something everyone has? Or does it come with things like fat/age? Been very interested in it recently-^
submitted by Nine-tailed-Duck to Anatomy [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:53 Flat_Explanation_849 Percentage of adults in the United States identifying as LGBT

Percentage of adults in the United States identifying as LGBT submitted by Flat_Explanation_849 to Indiana [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:53 DigLost5791 Theon hunts a turkey in the first book. It’s Thanksgiving. Upvotes to the left.

Theon hunts a turkey in the first book. It’s Thanksgiving. Upvotes to the left. submitted by DigLost5791 to asoiafcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:53 Beneficial_Pie_7329 Which certification should I do

Which software engineering certification course should I take. I am basically new to coding (know basics of c). I am currently doing bachelors in software engineering and would like to start working part time.
Which certification should I pursuit (in the next 2 months) so that I can get a part time job, or is it impossible?
Also I am also considered taking CCNA, would that be any good for a decent part time job where I won't be just trading my time for money (but also part time)? This can be done in two months from people who I know, but would it be beneficial for software engineering (I am thinking not).
thanks for your time, please guide.
submitted by Beneficial_Pie_7329 to ITCareerQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:53 rudr369 Pandit ji said ... Nothing is good. Just wanted to ask about carreer and marriage.

submitted by rudr369 to vedicastrology [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:53 nastarmaster Мудак ли он?

Привет, после прошлого поста спустя 3 недели я перевёлся в другую школу и всё идёт нормально кроме одного. Моя двоюродная сестра будем назавать её "Вика" и я учимся в одном классе, но есть один человек которого мы будем называть "марк" как-то странно себя ведёт. Марк это парень моей сестры, всё было хорошо до недавнего времени. Он начал ну оочень сильно просить вику поцеловать его с языком (как бы это противно не звучало) или 5 раз в просто, но это ещё не самое лютое. недавно Марк попросил вику скинуть ему область выше живота но ниже шеи (не пишу не откровенно потому что для меня это не прилично) а потом вообще оборзел и начал говорить что у него нет ни кого дома и звать её к себе (думаю вы поняли о чём я) а потом начал очень сильно агрессировать если не уступить ему место рядом с викой. После этого у меня вопрос, мудак ли он?
submitted by nastarmaster to rusAskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:53 Straight_Midnight559 T5 or T6?

I’m currently in the market for a P3 S60, and so far I’ve found two examples I’m considering. One is a 2011 T6 with 162,000 miles, the other is a 2012 T5 with 120,000 miles. I know the 5 cylinder engines suffer from a piston ring issue, and it has not been stated by the seller of the T5 that this problem was fixed. Is there anything else I should ask about or look for on either of these cars? My main focus in buying is reliability and longevity.
submitted by Straight_Midnight559 to Volvo [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:53 -it-was-available- Daily Re-meme #144

submitted by -it-was-available- to isfj [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:53 Sweet-Elephant-1663 Come own me on my sisfriends. They get me sooo horny 053990b3cb2be18f8e97c6e251801bbd646b3f5848646107782f5d182908a82d02

submitted by Sweet-Elephant-1663 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:53 Crouch_Holmes Promblems with update mod on 1.15.*

Hello everybody! I have problems. Firsts sounds. Seconds files. I've want update my mod on 1.15.* but it broke. You're can see their in logs. Part of logs writed at the post.

[15:32:25][no_game_date][pdx_audio_sdl.cpp:962]: Sound with name 'ui_special_project_started_sound_01' already added [15:32:25][no_game_date][assetfactory_audio.cpp:467]: Could not load sound file 'sound/gui/gtd/audiofiles/ui_special_project_started_sound_01.wav' in file: sound/gui/gtd/gtd_gui.asset line: 46 [15:32:27][no_game_date][pdxassetutil.cpp:1098]: Duplicate texture 'GER_paratrooper_specular.dds' found (current path 'gfx/models/units/special_forces/GER_paratrooper_specular.dds', previous path 'gfx/models/units/GER_paratrooper_specular.dds') [15:32:28][no_game_date][virtualfilesystem.cpp:286]: Could not open file: common/characters/country_leaders.txt, error: fopen() failed: [15:32:28][no_game_date][virtualfilesystem.cpp:286]: Could not open file: history/states/1-1.txt, error: fopen() failed: 
submitted by Crouch_Holmes to hoi4modding [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:53 Bun1696 Save my cookies and teams

Save my cookies and teams I’m not good at the game since I stopped playing for a while but came back again, and I don’t understand the new metas, nor character builds. I think my cookies aren’t the best and I wish for some feedback and tips for my cookies builds and team recommendations. Here are some of the cookies I use, teams for arena and world exploration.
submitted by Bun1696 to CookieRunKingdoms [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:53 Prestigious-Rip-8338 First time in Ante 14, (lost on this blind)

First time in Ante 14, (lost on this blind) submitted by Prestigious-Rip-8338 to balatro [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:53 dubai_tips The best areas to live in Dubai, if you dont have a Car

If you’re one who prefers to live car-free and use public transport for whatever reason, Dubai has got you covered. Living in Dubai without owning a car is not only possible, for some people it might even be more convenient, especially if you choose the right location to call home. The city has one of the world’s most modern and transport systems, including buses, taxis, trains, trams, ferries, and soon an inter-emirate train service as well as futuristic transport services like the air taxi and hyperloop.
Checkout the complete list here: The best areas to live in Dubai
submitted by dubai_tips to DUBAIHOMES [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:53 Jose_De_Munck No me vayan a dar hate por esto, pero...

....tuve que borrar el post anterior relativo a la Venezuela Post 10-E 2025 por la cantidad de tarad0s que no sé si es que son trolls oficialeros o qué. En el expresé claramente que luego de esa fecha nuestro presidente es EGU, con miles de actas que lo confirman, y ya el chofer pierde cualquier investidura (que de paso ni legalidad tenía pero bueno) así que AHORA SÍ se convierte en un ciudadano más...y sale (para variar) un cabecegvo que ique "si, pero, no, es que el no va a perder la inmunidad porque tú sabes, es que al juramentarse, la asamblea le va a volver a dar la legalidad, que si el tesejota, bla bla bla"...Y yo ique "O SEA...Y ESTE MMGV QUE???". "ASAMBLEA"??? "Legalidad" a un chofer que vociferó publicamente "DE AQUI NO ME SACA NADIE!!"???
Por plastemdas jalabolas como ésos. y los cdsm infiltrados es que aún estamos en este mdero y esta incertidumbre, donde encontrar un contratista honesto (que son los que me dan trabajo a mí y otro coñazo de gente) es más dificil que conseguirle dientes a una gallina porque se han ido a la quiebra o al extranjero, o los han coaccionado y no pagan salarios decentes.
Asi que hasta aquí llegó esto. Si no estás de acuerdo en lo que TIENE que pasar el 10, no vengas a decirlo aquí y anda a j*der a otro lado. /rant mode off.
submitted by Jose_De_Munck to vzla [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:53 DragonPAul_Z Ever wonder what the Vows would be If RoboCop & Terminator got married?

Terminator: Come with me if you want to live... Happily ever after
RoboCop: Dead or a wife, you coming with me
submitted by DragonPAul_Z to Jokes [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:53 mujohnt Sneaky🤗

Sneaky🤗 submitted by mujohnt to petslover1 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:53 EdgarNeverPoo Duitsland roept bezoekers van kerstmarkten op om “zeer waakzaam” te zijn voor terreuraanslagen - Ook in ons land “waakzaamheid geboden”

Duitsland roept bezoekers van kerstmarkten op om “zeer waakzaam” te zijn voor terreuraanslagen - Ook in ons land “waakzaamheid geboden” submitted by EdgarNeverPoo to Belgium4 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:53 verfmeer Woah! This is Unbelievable

Woah! This is Unbelievable submitted by verfmeer to interestingasfuck [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:53 UnionWizardo Appreciation post for MurfsYT13

I have seen so many storylines by fans, through long articles or trying to make some through video games or just on some subreddit.
But MurfsYT13 has really gotten my attention, his storytelling is through the roof, it feels like what Triple H would book in real life.
He even predicted Cm Punk to be the fifth member for the OG bloodline.
He is awesome in his craft, and really delivers with the best quality in every video. I love the fact that he uses these 2k games as it is, there are no mods that he uses or some out of the box editing, it's just the games as it is. He is phenomenal.
submitted by UnionWizardo to WWEGames [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:53 Equivalent-Flow-4223 🌇 sunset

🌇 sunset submitted by Equivalent-Flow-4223 to naturephotography [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 13:53 Top-Flatworm979 Have/Need

Have/Need What I got, what I need! Let’s be friends!
submitted by Top-Flatworm979 to MonopolyGoGiving [link] [comments]
