Calling all musicians! I’m curating my Spotify playlist, "Apøcryphals," packed with killer indie rock, metal, and alternative tracks. If you’ve got a song that fits the vibe, I’d love to hear it. Drop your music here and let’s grow this playlist together

2024.11.28 14:50 theNoyre Calling all musicians! I’m curating my Spotify playlist, "Apøcryphals," packed with killer indie rock, metal, and alternative tracks. If you’ve got a song that fits the vibe, I’d love to hear it. Drop your music here and let’s grow this playlist together

submitted by theNoyre to rockmusic [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 booksandmagicstars Devastated, need encouragement

I got a 150 on the October LSAT. I was PTING 160+ I feel so discouraged and dumb after this result. I’m going to take again in February, but still feel like I am not good enough. How did my score go down that much? I am just so discouraged. I have the LSAT Bibles. Please anyone leave me a good studying routine for this upcoming test. I am willing to make the LSAT my entire personality.
submitted by booksandmagicstars to LSAT [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 ShibaGwinu Any way to get help while overseas?

A tl;dr would be: I'm currently in the UK on a youth mobility scheme visa, I'm living with my boyfriend and we're struggling financially a bit ( we want to move out of his families home but we can't afford it until i get a job ). I'm having trouble finding work. is there anything i can do to get help ? I was in the process of attempting to get on DSP when i was in Aus, would this be worth pursuing ?
submitted by ShibaGwinu to Centrelink [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 AvailableWeather358 .

. "Piracanjuba" is a famous choccy milk company in Brazil
submitted by AvailableWeather358 to woosh [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 theipaper Six things to know about assisted dying before forming an opinion

submitted by theipaper to uknews [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 Seamus578 New game about the Sierpiński triangle

I created a "game" about the Sierpiński triangle where you take 3 points, randomly place an aditional point. Then half way between the new point and one of the original 3 points, you create a new point that becomes the new starting point. It creates a pattern of triangles inside the original triangle.
I created this in Godot 4.3 using very little tutorials(a first for me). I did not use audio as it would get disrupted by the huge amount of calculations for placing the pixels.
Each dot is a single pixel so you may not be able to see the original 3 points.
Please let me know what you think of it. I only did this as a test to see if I could do it.
This is based on information found at
submitted by Seamus578 to itchio [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 harvester-of-sorrow1 a little palworld meme using brandon rodgers

a little palworld meme using brandon rodgers submitted by harvester-of-sorrow1 to Palworld [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 EggplantNo8833 İldikeila

İldikeila submitted by EggplantNo8833 to turkish_celeb [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 Happy_Dog9607 Can repeated shocks from a dog collar lead to a seizure in a predisposed person

Me, my brother, cousin and boyfriend slowly went up to level 99 on a dog collar in a competition. My boyfriend who had seizures as a kid and only recently (6 months) had them show up again had a seizure after we all went to a ferris wheel. The EMTs said it could’ve been caused by overstimulation but my bf and I have been on Ferris wheels multiple times and never had this happen. Could the shocks have played a part?
submitted by Happy_Dog9607 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 dinomujovic2 Uhhhh...

submitted by dinomujovic2 to ExplainTheJoke [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 LeastCounter8447 Make me cum to my irls from there socials for her tits kik and tele cuhhhhh556

Make me cum to my irls from there socials for her tits kik and tele cuhhhhh556 submitted by LeastCounter8447 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 hunnybun444 What are the chances of us getting a 10 X multiplier or a high multiplier for black Friday?

i’m just wondering if also it’s likely to give us any high multiplier to look forward or high quality GWP?
submitted by hunnybun444 to Ulta [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 JeannieRush Casa Boys

Let me do a survey. Which Casa boy did you bring back to the Main Villa?
View Poll
submitted by JeannieRush to fuseboxgames [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 Sea-End-8576 Suche 2-3 Tankard Tickets für den 6.12. und zahle 50€ pro Ticket!

submitted by Sea-End-8576 to Wiesbaden [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 No-Sock9049 Spell recommendations

I'm about to start a new playthrough and this time around I want to be a mage because in all my 200 hours of playing this game I have used a total of like 3 spells. It is a entire area of the game I have never touched on. So can you recommend me some spells.
submitted by No-Sock9049 to Eldenring [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 vipinvestor1988 Die Zukunft der Presbyopiebrille brauchen Ihre Hilfe! Nehmen Sie sich an unserer Studie teil!

Wir sind ein universitäres Forschungsteam, das eine Studie über Presbyopie-Brillen durchführt und wir freuen uns auf Ihre geniealen Ideen! Wenn Sie über 40 Jahre alt sind und Erfahrung mit Alterssichtigkeit (Schwierigkeiten beim Sehen in der Nähe) haben, laden wir Sie herzlich zur unseren Probandengruppe ein. Worum es geht in der Studie: Video-interview: Ein 60-90 minutiges Online-Interview Ihre Aufgabe: Teilen Sie uns Ihre Erfahrungen mit einer Presbyopiebrille mit, damit wir Ihre Bedürfnisse, Vorlieben und Probleme besser verstehen können. Entgelt: Als Dankeschön für Ihre Zeit und Arbeit erhalten jedejede Teilnehmer*in nach dem Interview 100 Euro.
submitted by vipinvestor1988 to Ratschlag [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 sickboy6_5 Bring back After School Specials

Most of us (at least in the US) grew up watching an after school special every so often. I thought it would be interesting if they brought them back, but still geared towards GenX as we are today.
“The Sandwich Generation” Two siblings in their 50s are overwhelmed by caring for their aging parents while also supporting their adult children. A forgotten family photo helps them find humor and reconnect with each other in the middle of their hectic lives.
“What Happened to the Band?” A group of middle-aged friends reunites to revive their high school garage band for one last gig. They confront unresolved conflicts, forgotten dreams, and the realization that growing older doesn’t mean giving up on the things that brought them joy.
“The Algorithm Ate My Mojo” A once trendy ad exec feels invisible in a world obsessed with social media. After her teenage daughter helps her go viral with an embarrassing meme, she learns that visibility doesn’t equal value and that authenticity has always been her strength.
“The Last 401(k)” A group of old friends reunites for a camping trip after one of them loses their job. During the trip they face their fears about retirement, finding new purpose and whether it’s too late to make their mark.
“The Time Capsule” A group of former high school friends opens a time capsule they buried in 1983. They are forced to face their younger selves’ hopes and dreams and are inspired to tackle fears and pursue long-lost ambitions before it’s too late.
submitted by sickboy6_5 to GenX [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 Sinayne A Peaceful Great Hunger

A Peaceful Great Hunger submitted by Sinayne to hoi4 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 Educational_Two_4632 New board what yall think?

New board what yall think? submitted by Educational_Two_4632 to NewSkaters [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 rivieradog A&E and Emergency Room staff - how often have you had to remove “Christmas Tree” shaped objects from patient’s bums?

submitted by rivieradog to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 jellybones2 Has anyone tried the new shawarma place in bullfrog mall?

It used to be DT but now it’s something else. Just wondering if it’s any good. Thanks!
submitted by jellybones2 to Guelph [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 GhostPepperFireStorm How would the impact of rapid melting of arctic sea ice due to potential military activity in the region be different than the gradual melting we are currently experiencing?

submitted by GhostPepperFireStorm to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 Aquamanstuntdouble Happy Thanksgiving. Thanks for all the recent love ✌️

Happy Thanksgiving. Thanks for all the recent love ✌️ submitted by Aquamanstuntdouble to BeardAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 bandageddoll What’s your favorite lyric?

Besides absolutely all of CakeWalk I’d have to narrow it down to “You don’t have to pretend that it’s sweeter than it is.” That line has gotten me through some SHIT.
submitted by bandageddoll to lucyloone [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 14:50 PartyClubGame In the game, you'll encounter several unique chefs, and we wanted to share the inspirations behind their designs. It was especially fun to individually craft each character’s concept and bring them to life this way.

In the game, you'll encounter several unique chefs, and we wanted to share the inspirations behind their designs. It was especially fun to individually craft each character’s concept and bring them to life this way. submitted by PartyClubGame to Unity3D [link] [comments]