utf8_encode() and utf8_decode convert data from and to ISO-8859-1. In a modern web site setup where the database, the database connection, and the output page encoding are UTF-8, it will not be necessary to do those conversions any more. Good question, and James’ answer is the only one with actual performance data for Python 2.x for some of the suggested approaches. Learn how to find a value in a list using Python with examples and code snippets. I think you need to push a revert commit. So pull from github again, including the commit you want to revert, then use git revert and push the result. If a single row was filtered from a dataframe, one way to get a scalar value from a single cell is squeeze() (or item()): Here is a nice script that will help you find which method is most efficient for your case: import timeit from itertools import chain string ... Prerequisites: You need to be able to run PowerShell as an administrator; You need to set your PowerShell execution policy to a permissive value or be able to bypass it In the python built-in open function, what is the exact difference between the modes w, a, w+, a+, and r+? In particular, the documentation implies that all of these will allow writing to the file... Try parseInt function: var number = parseInt("10"); But there is a problem. If you try to convert "010" using parseInt function, it detects as octal number, and will return number 8. How to iterate over rows in a DataFrame in Pandas Answer: DON'T *!. Iteration in Pandas is an anti-pattern and is something you should only do when you have exhausted every other option.
2024.11.28 16:49 ASHLEYKHAOZ a gang of fatties
there was 7 of them but they refused to all get in the frame submitted by ASHLEYKHAOZ to fatsquirrelhate [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 16:49 Dull_Cook7864 AITA for lying to my boyfriend about my bodycount?
I (23F) have been with my boyfriend (24M) for a year. Early in our relationship, he was very persistent about knowing my body count. I didn’t feel comfortable sharing because it’s part of my past that I’m not proud of. I worried he might judge me for something I can’t change. I realize now I probably should have told him the truth right away, but I really liked him and didn’t want to risk things. I believed he loved me for who I am now, not for my past. To me, body count has never been an important topic and shouldn’t define a person, but I still felt guilty for not being honest.
Recently, I confided in a coworker from my church—someone I trusted—about this and asked for their advice. They suggested that if the topic came up again, I should consider being honest with my boyfriend. To my shock, less than a week later, they told him everything I had shared with them in confidence. They even added things that weren’t true. I was hurt and blindsided when my boyfriend confronted me, yelling and accusing me of being a liar.
What hurt even more was how he brought it up with my mom after she called to check on me. He told her about my past in a way that felt unnecessary and humiliating.
We’ve since talked and cleared the air, but I’m left feeling betrayed by both my coworker and the way this all unfolded. I’m still trying to process my emotions and figure out what this means for me moving forward.
submitted by Dull_Cook7864 to AITA_Relationships [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 16:49 BabaHarp22 From trying to fit in a frame with his idol to actually playing with him!
submitted by BabaHarp22 to ViratKohli [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 16:49 StunninKam this pair is sooo cute <3
submitted by StunninKam to GirlsInSkirts2 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 16:49 boogersugarhelp Anyone know a good pie shop open today?
Looking for a couple decent pies I can bring to my fams house. Been in a rut and can't get myself to bake or make anything
submitted by boogersugarhelp to orangecounty [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 16:49 ShoddyEducation Help me choose M3 color! Space gray or midnight?
View Poll
submitted by ShoddyEducation to macbookair [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 16:49 gallipoli307 Grandparents got confused
submitted by gallipoli307 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 16:49 kippenmelk Regels voor jou maar niet voor mij
https://preview.redd.it/4k84je979o3e1.png?width=734&format=png&auto=webp&s=db76898e7f8c25a8a90293fcb5e4234782594610 submitted by kippenmelk to PolitiekeMemes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 16:49 b1gballz69 finally feeling good about my sexuality
I love lesbians so much like actually what the hell everyone is so beautiful I love girls with all my heart 😩
submitted by b1gballz69 to LesbianActually [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 16:49 Novel_Method_6253 Zamazenta on me add 557785231028
Zamazenta on me add 557785231028
submitted by Novel_Method_6253 to PokemonRaids [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 16:49 LiefLayer Porcini Mushroom Risotto
submitted by LiefLayer to ItalianFood [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 16:49 DistractiveMind New series 75MK?
Hi, i was searching for a TV and I found the model U75MK in a local store, but I couldn't find it on internet, only in my country Hisense page and it says "new series". Can anyone help me with some info? I know there's a K series that released on 2023 and the U series on 2024 so I'm quite confused
submitted by DistractiveMind to Hisense [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 16:49 BingsDesigns “Evanesce” by me
submitted by BingsDesigns to DigitalArt [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 16:49 IrishWonder4 Happy Thanksgiving everyone...Except for these two. No one is thankful for them today
submitted by IrishWonder4 to fishtanklive [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 16:49 OhToTheZo Give thanks by Sending
Exactly what the title says, payment links are in my profile. Thank whomever you pray to for my existence submitted by OhToTheZo to findommes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 16:49 Prudent_Sir4353 فضفضة (طويل)
منذ بضع سنين سألني اذا كان لدي وقت للنقاش النقاش انتهى بانفصالنا
اقول للقارئ انني الآن بخير بفضل الله اذا قارنت حالي اليوم بتلك الليلة
كانت ليلة سواد وعتم قلب وكنت أتمنى الموت مع كل نفس، وكل نفس كان حربة تنهش صدري، وكل خطوة أثقل من أختها. كان الناس تسري عليهم قوانين جاذبية نيوتن إلا أنا، كانت الدنيا تسحقني تحت نعليها.
قبلها بأيام فرشت سجادة الصلاة ودعوت الله أن يقدره لي إن كان في الأمر خير وأن يصرفه ويصرفني عنه إن كان غير ذلك. كان دعاءً على مضض، ولم أحسب أن شطره الثاني سيتحقق. كنت في غفلة وكنت أرى حالي مثل حال باقي الفتيات. ألتقي بحبيبي ثم أتزوجه ثم أعيش حياة سعيدة. أو هكذا كنت أحسب حياة الفتيات... بكل سذاجة. أم هي براءة؟ لا أدري
تعرفت عليه سنة قبل أن نتواعد، كل انحناءات قلبي كانت تحتوي شخصه. ليس هناك أي منطق من حبّي له. كان شخصًا عاديًا. له عيوبه، وحسناته. وحسناته أكثر من عيوبه. هذا من منظوري، ووجهة نظره تختلف.
كنت أحسبه دعوة مستجابة. وكنت أرى في ذلك حُسنًا. قمت ليل رمضان قبل أن نتواعد واسمه يتردد على لساني "اللهم فلان" "اللهم فلان". وأُعطيت ما أتمنّى. أظنّك الآن أيها القارئ استنكرت ما أقول. كيف أدعو الله بما حرّمه؟ لا أريد أن اهتك ستر ربّي لي ولكن أقول لك أنني كنت على شفا حفرة من النار.
"فلما نسوا ما ذكروا به فتحنا عليهم أبواب كل شيء"
لم يحدث بيننا أي تلامس ولكن كانت هناك تجاوزات بالكلام. ظنّي بالله خير أن دعائي في جوف الليل هو الذي نجّاني، أن لحظة سحب السجّاد من تحتي قبل أن يحدث أي شيء، أو هكذا أرجو. رغم سوء حالي وانغماسي في معاصٍ لا يعلمها إلا الرحمن.
كانت اللحظة التي أيقنت فيها أن لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله. كان سبب التصاقي بسجادتي انكساري التام وهزيمتي النكراء. كانت أشقّ أيام حياتي على قلبي.
الآن أنا بخير. كنت دائمًا بخير، لكنني لم أكن أعي ذلك. مرّت السنين وانتقلت من لومه إلى لوم نفسي، من الحزن على الفراق إلى الحزن على ظلم نفسي. لكن مع كل ذلك التغيير هناك معيار واحد ثابت، ما زلت أحبّه.
انتقلت من أن أدعو بردّه إليّ، ثم لاقتصاص "حقّي" منه، ثمّ لاقتلاع شخصه من قلبي، إلى أن رضيت بحكم الله، إلى أن صرت أكّن له الخير. لا أتوقّع مقابلًا. أدعو له ولنفسي الهداية، وأعيش باقي عمري وأنا راضية بقدري.
قلّت دموعي. تأتي أيام أحسب نفسي انتصرت على تعلّقي به، وأنني بحمد الله تخلصت من ذاك التعلق، وبعض الأيام اشتاق لشخصه وابتسم مع نفسي، وبعض الأيام يكاد يقتلني الاحساس بالذنب ولا يخلصني من ذاك الشعور إلا أن التزم سجادتي وأنا أتوسّل إلى الله أن يتوب عليّ. وهذه الدائرة التي أعيشها الآن، ومع ذلك أراها نعمة، أنني مع كل ذلك نجوت من الغرق في حرمات الله.
لا تواصل بيننا. لا أدري أين هو، غيّرت رقمي، مسكني، حياتي، كل شيء تغيّر. كل شيء فيني تغيّر. كل ما يعرفه عنّي تغيّر. إلّا حبّي له. بقي الثابت الوحيد. أظنّه تخطّى. أرجو أنه تخطّى، أنّه نسي، أنه نال العوض. هذا أملي، كي يكون هناك أمل أنّ هذا الثابت سيتغيّر أيضًا.
الحمد لله.
submitted by Prudent_Sir4353 to sudanese_content [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 16:49 Elroderino (Offer) Fall Guy 4k MA, A Nightmare On Elm Street 4k MA (Request) Offers, prefer newer releases
Let me know what you have. I’m pretty picky at this point, but always looking.
submitted by Elroderino to uvtrade [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 16:49 Top_Report_4895 Thanksgiving at The Kent Farm by Jake Wyatt.
submitted by Top_Report_4895 to superman [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 16:49 Ninac4116 Which profession usually attracts the best looking people on average?
submitted by Ninac4116 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 16:49 OkuroIshimoto Why does Alpha, leader of the WHISPERERS, have a super loud double-barrel shotgun?
The Whisperers have other guns, and it’s not entirely unbelievable that they would be able to find silencers, why doesn’t she have something that can be silenced at the very least? Having a weapon that loud goes entirely against their primary method of survival.
submitted by OkuroIshimoto to thewalkingdead [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 16:49 Cute_Extension_3784 Konfederacja: Wołyń, Wołyń! gdzie ekshumacje? Tusk: ok, będą ekshumacje. Berkowicz:
submitted by Cute_Extension_3784 to BekaZPrawactwa [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 16:49 WillingDelay4973 Preso multa in Svizzera, denuncia penale ma non posso lasciare il paese
Buonasera, scrivo per presentarvi la mia situazione attuale. Sono un ragazzo italiano, poco più di vent’anni, studio in Svizzera (Lugano), dove nelle ultime settimane sono praticamente certo di aver commesso due eccessi di velocità (entrambi casi gravi), facevo i 70/80 su strada con limite 50. Ormai non dormo la notte, avendo letto che mi aspetta in entrambi i casi una denuncia penale, non vorrei finire in prigione e tantomeno sporcare la mia fedina in Svizzera (ma quest’ultima mi sembra ormai tardi da recuperare). Cosa mi consigliate? Sicuramente pagherò le multe non appena mi verranno notificate, in questo modo eviterò almeno la rogatoria internazionale? Dovrò cambiare università e non entrare più in Svizzera per evitare il processo? Grazie in anticipo
submitted by WillingDelay4973 to Avvocati [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 16:49 wewdwtnizrub Roadtrippers.com Black Friday Coupon Code
Here is the Roadtrippers.com Black Friday Coupon Code
Unlock Savings of up to 90% with Roadtrippers.com Promo Codes in November 2024.
submitted by wewdwtnizrub to dealssofjuly [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 16:49 FunctionBoring5989 What’s the scariest story you know that is 100% true?
submitted by FunctionBoring5989 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 16:49 New_Telephone7941 Help!!!! What should I Get?
What should I get in these 4 gems. Looking for Long lasting, budget friendly descent winter everyday perfume. Thanks in advance and Happy Thanksgiving 🙏🦃 Spice Bomb Extreme JPG LMLP SWSYI Valentino Born in Roma Hope to get descent suggestions. Thanks in advance submitted by New_Telephone7941 to Colognes [link] [comments] |