Anyone have one they want to part with?

2024.11.28 17:50 ca1989 Anyone have one they want to part with?

Anyone have one they want to part with? If I have any you need I'll happily send them your way!
submitted by ca1989 to FamilyIsland [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:50 Departure_Level pls help im freaking out in a foreign country

Age: 21
Sex: F
Height: 165cm/5’5
Weight: 50kg
Duration of complaint: 2 months
Location: Australia
Any existing relevant medical issues: N/A
Current medications: N\A
a little background I've had this rash for about 2 months now and it consistently gets worse.
at first it was only on my arms and chest so I went to the emergency because I thought it was an allergic reaction to something, they gave me antihistamines and a pat on the back even though it looked like a variation of the bubonic plague.
i took the antihistamines (2 a day for a week) but nothing happened. It started spreading to my back and stomach.
after the week on them I decided to see another doctor, they said it was a fungal skin infection because of the heat (even though it started before summer did) and told me to shower with nizoral 3 times a week.
i did just that for 2 weeks and it did absolutely nothing. now it's spread to underneath my boobs and my legs even though it was never there before.
i wasn't able to see another doctor because i had to go overseas and im not going back home for another 6 weeks. I don't know what to do, it keeps getting so bad and I don't know what's worse, the constant urge to itch or the excruciating pain I feel when i give in.
I've been googling but it's barely any help when there's no example pictures on dark skin. please help what could it be?? I've attached images in the comments under a thread
submitted by Departure_Level to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:50 Sea-Maybe-9979 Freeze Watch Notice on WWAY is annoying

Do they think people living here so delicate and unaware that we need a constant crawl across the screen during the day to tell us that it MIGHT get below 32 degrees tonight?
submitted by Sea-Maybe-9979 to Wilmington [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:50 SolidYe zamazanta 970417826504

submitted by SolidYe to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:50 darkknight_178 Question on ECAM450.86.T Eletta Explore

Hi All,
I am interested in buying this mainly for the cold brew functionality (and occasional hot mocha/latte/americano). However, my wife doesn't drink coffee and I feel paying for this when I am the only one in the house drinking coffee would be a waste of money.
Can this machine help with hot cocoa/chocolate and/ or tea (both of which my wife drinks), or will the machine only help with frothing milk but not with anything else?
submitted by darkknight_178 to superautomatic [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:50 RogueBromeliad Aristóteles considerava que a felicidade era o equilíbrio, a harmonia e a prática do bem. Tem algo que resume isso melhor do que dar um gavetão num cara com fotinha de anime?! Qual seria a sua definição da felicidade?

Aristóteles considerava que a felicidade era o equilíbrio, a harmonia e a prática do bem. Tem algo que resume isso melhor do que dar um gavetão num cara com fotinha de anime?! Qual seria a sua definição da felicidade? submitted by RogueBromeliad to FilosofiaBAR [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:50 Lovetotravelinmycar Happy Thanksgiving, I’ll be thankful to get this sweater off.

Happy Thanksgiving, I’ll be thankful to get this sweater off. submitted by Lovetotravelinmycar to Chihuahua [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:50 trappit-312 Those that are skipping or always skip Thanksgiving…what do you do with your day?

For the first time ever, I’m just not feeling it. It doesn’t feel like a holiday. I’m 36/F and live at home for financial reasons.
For the past few years, my family has gone out to eat for Thanksgiving as my mom got tired of cooking/cleaning/hosting. We all would help for all three, but it’s still tiring overall to host.
I had zero problem with that. Loved it! We typically do Texas de Brazil and were supposed to do Fogo de Chao this year.
However, we got invited to my brother’s gf’s parents house. I like his girlfriend. She’s awesome, but I don’t know her parents and it feels off going to some random family’s house for our family holiday. It feels like our family doesn’t have any kind of tradition anymore, and it sucks.
I thought of a Friendsgiving, but I’m the loner type who doesn’t really have friends. I feel tired like not socializing and having to be fake with people. May just walk my dog, play my ps4, and order uber eats. Maybe see if TopGolf is open.
What will you all be doing?
submitted by trappit-312 to thanksgiving [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:50 ResponsibleAd4073 This took 2.5 hours. Why does it not look any good? How can I make the clouds more 3d? I tried but couldn't make it work. How do I make the perspective better? How can I make the people actually look like people and not... like that?

This took 2.5 hours. Why does it not look any good? How can I make the clouds more 3d? I tried but couldn't make it work. How do I make the perspective better? How can I make the people actually look like people and not... like that? submitted by ResponsibleAd4073 to ArtCrit [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:50 FalsettoChild Draught Handle to Pipe?

 Draught Handle to Pipe? Recently happened upon this cold brew coffee tap handle. I think it's black walnut. Wondering what to make from it. First thought was turning a basic pipe as I recently met someone with a lathe.
My beginner questions are...
  1. What would be a good beginner level project for this piece?
  2. Is it enough material to make a pipe? 7" x 1⅜" x 1⅜" - Not sure how much is hollowed.
2a. Do I remove the metal threads in order to find out, or should I leave them there until I'm ready to turn?
  1. If I can make a pipe, I see black walnut is a safe wood to use but might this be stained, coated or permeated by something potentially poisonous?
3a. What to coat the pipe with that's safe? Tung oil? Beeswax? Outside only or in bowl too?
Thank you in advance.
submitted by FalsettoChild to BeginnerWoodWorking [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:50 ProfessionalTone6682 Some girl travels back in time through a magical portal.

What is that children's book about a scottish mother and daughter duo who move to australia but come back later? The mother's name is Rosamund. The daughter discovers some sort of a portal and is transported back in time to the era of Mary, Queen of Scots. She is said to be descended from a noble family? I am not quite sure.
submitted by ProfessionalTone6682 to whatsthatbook [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:50 Aggressive-Dirt-7719 Mbappe pravě teď🤣

submitted by Aggressive-Dirt-7719 to czech [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:50 JJMillon 2 brothers on the 4th floor 🔥Never Alone (Breakbeat Redrums)

2 brothers on the 4th floor 🔥Never Alone (Breakbeat Redrums) submitted by JJMillon to BreakbeatMusic [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:50 NEVERTHEREFOREVER Yum

Yum Source:
submitted by NEVERTHEREFOREVER to DungeonMeshi [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:50 thrwwy2402 Fgt 60d for learning

hi all,
Got a hold of some old deprecated fortigates 60d. I know they are completely end of life and support but was wondering if they would still be useful as a learning tool. I'm exploring the fortinet certification path since my workplace is a fortinet shop.
I also understand that the max firmware is 6.X.x, which may also reduce the things I could learn from it.
Lmk if I should or shouldn't spend my time on this.
submitted by thrwwy2402 to fortinet [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:50 Bright-Chip8285 Part from trauma or part of my personality?

I have an aspect of my self (you may well call it a part) that I cannot quite grasp the nature of.
It shows up via my automatic response to sb critisizing sth not related to me. I usually respond by being baffled at the act of critisism itself, call them cold and uncaring etc. I think you get the idea.
What blows my mind is that it is causing me to have no opinion on the subject being critisized. So I don't know what I think of the subject of critique, I never ask myself if I agree with the critisizm or not, and I always land the job of a "friend-of-all-people" because of this.
I don't like when I get like this. It doesn't fully feel like me. Yet some part of me must be scared to let it go, because I continue to have this response.
Any thoughts? Appreciate you guys. 🫣
submitted by Bright-Chip8285 to InternalFamilySystems [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:50 fuck_peeps_not_sheep [homemade] sausage cassaroll and two types of bread (white batons and brown mutiseeded wholegrain)

[homemade] sausage cassaroll and two types of bread (white batons and brown mutiseeded wholegrain) submitted by fuck_peeps_not_sheep to food [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:50 KittyBackPack Payment issues on website?

Curious if anyone buying today on website is having issues? Basically they are blocking all cards. Three completely separate ones not linked to same banks or companies. I’ve checked, nothing’s been compromised from the institutions.
submitted by KittyBackPack to YankeeCandles [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:50 VisibleIntern Room available in Vancouver

Hi all,
I have a room with 2 twin beds available in Vancouver, was hoping to trade the room with a ticket to the event.
If anyone is looking for a place to stay and have an extra ticket.
submitted by VisibleIntern to erastour [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:50 reddit_lss_1 Test Title 28-November-2024 17:50:10

Test body 28-November-2024 17:50:10
submitted by reddit_lss_1 to lssAuto [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:50 kimme Nasjonalt utbrudd av salmonella

Nasjonalt utbrudd av salmonella submitted by kimme to Sapmi [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:50 Elegant_Victory_6902 Has any little slut woke up today wanting to fuck a good cock?

submitted by Elegant_Victory_6902 to Tiktokersv2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:50 birddiefly Do you think high skilled immigration is going to be made harder with the advancement of far right?

Just asking your opinion. Please notice that I'm referring to HIGH SKILLED IMMIGRATION, and it has nothing to do with taking refugees.
submitted by birddiefly to Finland [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:50 Skubratts New NL animated!

New NL animated! submitted by Skubratts to northernlion [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:50 RockLover37 Animated isekai Anime

Animated isekai Anime submitted by RockLover37 to AnimeART [link] [comments]