2024.11.28 17:29 Intouchable944 comparacion de personas conmigo, algo no cuadra.
yo dije en ateriores posts que tengo baja empatia, que apuebo la hipocresia y la falsedad, que la pedofilia no me molesta, que si un niño le pega a su madre me causaria gracia, que si veo un acto de xenofobia o racismo no me molesta, que apoyo el egoismo y el no dar la cara y ocultarse y hacer todo disimuladamente.
si ven mi aspecto me veo decente, no fumo, no bebo, no parezco delincuente.
tengo conocidos son personas que viven en mi mismo barrio en los barrios circundantes.
hablan muy feo como en la calle un lenguaje de maleante, fuman, beben, roban, y se drogan, algunos se juntan con delincuentes de verdad con armas.
si comparo mi forma de pensar con la de ellos son diferentes es de esperarse que alguien asi tenga pocos valores y les guste el mal pero son lo contrario, tienen sentido de pertenencia, no les gustan las mentiras ni los delatores, tienen empatia, odian la hipocresia y a los falsos.
eso esta extraño porque es de esperarse como ya dije que sean peores que yo o iguales.
conozco a una mujer de la vida nocturna llena de tatuajes, bebe, se droga, andan con tipos que han estado presos pero tiene una mentalidad opuesta a la mia como mencione, a ella no le gusta la infidelidad, ni las madres que tratan mal a sus hijos, tambien odia la hipocresia y a la gente que hace todo dismuladamente para no dar la cara.
cualquiera que me conociera en verdad diria que soy alguien muy ruin y puede que lo sea en verdad, pero aqui lo extraño es comparar el tipo de persona yo parezco tranquilo y de confiar y ellos parecen delincuentes.
esta raro eso.
submitted by Intouchable944 to VivimosEnUnaSociedad [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:29 Different_Till_9937 Cn fans haul
How much would shipping be on two pairs of shoes and a t shirt
submitted by Different_Till_9937 to CNfans [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:29 FaultZealousideal687 Zacian with 2 locals 560552665131
Send requests quick
submitted by FaultZealousideal687 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:29 firebirdjoe92 New update
As anyone else noticed problems with the ai driving since the new update. I can only set destination to the main roads. It thinks my farm is unreachable
submitted by firebirdjoe92 to farmingsimulator [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:29 nikscribbles We're Thankful for you!
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2024.11.28 17:29 GreatCover3442 the innocent adventuress Kanna [fan-made]
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2024.11.28 17:29 ElHozielle Luna Sobron
submitted by ElHozielle to beautiesofgolf [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 17:29 contemptandrage 20, socially isolated, looking for long-term friends
hi, I'm Kit, I'm 20 and from New York (state, not city)
I'm quite private and reserved. I like to remain behind the comparative privacy and anonymity of text and my monitor
I'm on the autism spectrum, so I've always struggled slightly with socialization
my hobbies and interests include cars, photography, repairing things, and reading
feel free to send me a message, I don't bite!
sexual or romantic advances not welcome.
submitted by contemptandrage to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:29 xatfi Suomeen naseva voittosumma Eurojackpotista – Tässä oikea rivi
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2024.11.28 17:29 RelativisticReporter Revolutionary Breakthrough: Nonlinear Compton Scattering Achieved with All-Optical Setup
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2024.11.28 17:29 FoodStamp_Hustla Restarting life- no manual needed
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2024.11.28 17:29 Nope9991 Vikings or Cowboys Defense?
What say you?
Also Schoonmaker, Dissly(Questionable) or Noah Gray?
submitted by Nope9991 to FantasyFootballers [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:29 blazed_dhandho META a Bearish 🐻 take
While Meta Platforms Inc. (META) has shown strong performance, there are several reasons to consider a bearish outlook, particularly in the context of economic uncertainty, regulatory risks, and valuation concerns. Here’s why:
2024.11.28 17:29 ImaRamora Pepe is a class of its own
Every other top meme coin is a doge spinoff. submitted by ImaRamora to Pepecryptocurrency [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 17:29 MarlboroSim96 ⚽️Turkey-Day Footy⚽️
⚠️(Tail At Your Own Risk)‼️
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2024.11.28 17:29 sheniroh DEEZL & Dual Damage - DIGITAL DAMAGE (Official Video)
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2024.11.28 17:29 Drendari Drawing until Reze returns 80
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2024.11.28 17:29 BingingChillin What's the best webseries/tvshow you have watched on netflix??
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2024.11.28 17:29 federal_ndp_newsbot Conservative vote against GST break shows they work only for the ultra-rich
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2024.11.28 17:29 Independent_Salary70 If you had a pet parrot, what would be the first thing you would teach it to say?
submitted by Independent_Salary70 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:29 SamronDE Empfehlung für Spinnrute
Hi Leute, ich stehe kurz davor mir meine erste vernünftige Angel zu kaufen, schwanke aber zwischen 2 Modellen und wollte gerne einmal eure Meinung dazu hören.
Modell 1: 2,40m, 40g Wurfgewicht Modell 2: 2,70m, 60g Wurfgewicht
Beides sind 4-teilige Reisesteckruten (Sportex Black Pearl), da ich viel unterwegs bin.
Angel möchte ich primär aktiv auf Hechte und andere Raubfische, will mir allerdings Optionen offen halten, da ich noch recht neu in der Materie bin. Daher suche ich nach einer guten Allroundrute. :)
Für Modell 1 spräche für mich das einfachere Handling, für Modell 2 evtl. die Möglichkeit größere Fische damit zu angeln.
Freue mich auf eure Rückmeldungen :)
submitted by SamronDE to Angelfreunde [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 17:29 Ghoxt45 How do i improve the build morr
How do I improve the build more? I will definitely get her sword in 5.3 so factor that too please. submitted by Ghoxt45 to clorindemains [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 17:29 egoistastic Is hiori in the game? And how do I get him?
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2024.11.28 17:29 AutistCore Epiduo purge left me with scars?
Hi, so I have been using epiduo for like 2 weeks. Then my cheek started to burn and pimples started to appear. I put pimple patches on them and they left me with 2 acne scars. Does anyone know the cause or if this will heal? submitted by AutistCore to acne [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 17:29 Hubbo2907 WB ZAMAZANTA 232386634254
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