Colombo Floods - Flying Tomorrow

2024.11.28 17:38 Past-Performance-237 Colombo Floods - Flying Tomorrow

My partner is due to fly to Colombo from Jaipur tomorrow morning but is very worried after reading the news of a cyclone and flooding. She has to leave India tomorrow due to visa running out. Can anyone tell me how severe the situation currently is? She planned to stay in Colombo for a few days and then head south. Should she fly in and head inland (ie. Kandy) or stay away entirely? It's hard to gauge the severity from news articles. I gather flooding is also quite common, but there is also more rain forecast. Thanks for your help!
submitted by Past-Performance-237 to TravelSriLanka [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:38 thedudewith_oneball The masculine urge to stick your head in an industrial shredder

submitted by thedudewith_oneball to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:38 Electronic-Cry-923 Whats the best advice to give to someone when moving in with a gf/bf?

submitted by Electronic-Cry-923 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:38 DonnaShirley Which Titles To Use on My Resume? Am I Just Overthinking?

I’ve been in my current role for five years, but as I don’t see any promotions on the horizon, I’ve decided to start exploring new opportunities. When I was first hired, my offer letter specified the title of Senior Accountant. However, during my annual reviews, the title mentioned was consistently Senior Financial Analyst, and my boss has always introduced me as an analyst.
After the first three years, I was informed I’d be transitioning to FP&A work, which I performed for a year. Recently, my boss communicated that I will now be focusing solely on accounting as a Senior Accountant.
Given these title variations, I’m unsure which title(s) I should list on my resume. Am I overthinking this, or do you have any guidance on how best to approach this?
Thank you for your time and insights!
submitted by DonnaShirley to Accounting [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:38 UmmanEmeksiz Need Advice About BH Fitness Equipments and Other Brands

I'm looking for a fitness equipment company with a good price-performance ratio for the gym I’m planning to open.
Someone recommended a brand called BH Fitness, but since I haven't heard much about it, I'm unsure. Does anyone have experience with this brand?
Additionally, which other brands would you recommend? I’d appreciate it if you could share your experiences.
submitted by UmmanEmeksiz to GymOwnerNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:38 Namaste4Runner420 Happy Thanksgiving

submitted by Namaste4Runner420 to AlkalineTrio [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:38 Faith-3 Please 🙏

Please 🙏 submitted by Faith-3 to Faith_3 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:38 ArkaKoltuktaSaXo She knows… she knows…

She knows… she knows… submitted by ArkaKoltuktaSaXo to Jaharia [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:38 Hymyyn Move - Anyma & Cassian Remix

I am the only one who is hoping for this remix to get released ?
submitted by Hymyyn to EDM [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:38 Hollingsworthin First deep day on a real powder board

First deep day on a real powder board submitted by Hollingsworthin to snowboarding [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:38 CarobVirtual2133 Sound Design Functions in Cubendo
Hi, I've recently come across this video showing some cool Reaper scripts for sound design. I can imagine these being useful for my sound design workflow, especailly the nvk_Create and LKC Variator but ideally I would like to stay in Nuendo, my DAW of choice. Hence, was wondering if these are possible in Cubendo?
submitted by CarobVirtual2133 to cubase [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:38 RiskTraditional7295 Where to buy Xmas tree ornaments

Yeah, that's pretty much it. I want to avoid IKEA but don't wanna spend all my salary on decorating a tree. I know about Micasa but I did not find that many things there. Suggestions very appreciated!
submitted by RiskTraditional7295 to zurich [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:38 No-Debt-4795 Improv Nights at Art Bar in the New Year

Improv Nights at Art Bar in the New Year submitted by No-Debt-4795 to usask [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:38 XRPcook Late Night Pork Ramen

Late Night Pork Ramen Some quick late night pork ramen...
The pork was previously marinated in gochujang, tamari, mirin, pear, ginger, garlic, shallot, and red chilis then frozen so all I had to do was thaw then brown 😂
The broth was chicken stock simmered w/ onion, garlic, red chilis, and tamari.
Start with the broth and a 5 minute egg, set the egg in the fridge to cool it so it's easier to handle later.
Chop up some bacon and slice some garlic then cook both until crispy.
Brown the pork in the same pan, drop the noodz, and assemble once they're done.
Top it with some scallions and the egg then enjoy!
submitted by XRPcook to drunkencookery [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:38 Catilus [OC] [ART] Voidopus – D&D Creature + Miniature – by Catilus

[OC] [ART] Voidopus – D&D Creature + Miniature – by Catilus submitted by Catilus to DungeonsAndDragons [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:38 jjfratt3 Viltrox 13mm f1.4 vs Rokinon 12mm f1.4

Moving out to Utah this year to mainly focus on snowboard videography/photography. I also make travel videos and am into photos of every sort. Is the Viltrox worth the extra $300? Will the Rokinon be good enough for video? I won’t be able to fiddle much with the camera while out on the mountain, especially in harsher conditions, kinda need to just set it and shoot. Will the manual focus of the rokinon need to be adjusted too often while i’m out shooting on the mountain? Or is it wide enough you don’t have to worry about that? I really like the size and price of the rokinon. The viltrox costs more then i’d like to spend, and is a bit bulkier then i’d like for what i’m doing. Any thoughts? If the Rokinon could handle what i’m looking to do, snowboarding fast paced while videoing, then i’d rather go with that. But I have no experience with either, so let me know what you think, thank you!
submitted by jjfratt3 to fujifilm [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:38 k009034 At The Tram Stop

At The Tram Stop submitted by k009034 to streetphotography [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:38 FocusOnSanity [PC] W: Runes H: Ask

Greetings! I’m just a chill tarnished who’d like to get all the runes back that that piece of shit, Gostoc, stole from me, after every death to Godrick.
Message me to hash out any further details.
Thank you, and happy Thanksgiving!
submitted by FocusOnSanity to CypherRing [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:38 HappyBend9701 Gibt's morgen wieder Blutbad?

Nachdem die Amis heute gezwungen waren Zeit mit ihren Familien zu verbringen anstelle dessen Linien dabei zuzusehen wie sie auf und ab gehen während wir den ganzen Tag spielen durften muss es denen doch richtig in den Fingern brennen und dann haben die morgen nur nen halben Tag Zeit...
Ich habs gefühl ich lösch am besten mein TR Account morgen um 15:29
submitted by HappyBend9701 to wallstreetbetsGER [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:38 ItsOnlyConnor More Crowd Interactions

Not gonna lie, the crowd feels extremely bland during songs, you can barely hear them while playing a song so it doesn't really for like a concert, which doesn't really make too much sense, considering [on high end graphics] there's atleast over 500 members in the crowd. Really just more interaction in the crowd might make the game feel more alive, like the crowd get's louder during a chorus and whatnot, or they begin booing you if you preform badly.
submitted by ItsOnlyConnor to FortniteFestival [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:38 Fickle_Cricket28 Super Bowl Tickets for a Lion fan

Here’s a probably ridiculous question.
My stepdad, who raised me after my dad passed and legitimately would give you the shirt off of his back, while fixing your roof and car, is the biggest Lions fan. Born and raised, living in Michigan, has watched every game even through 2008 (lol).
I want to buy him a SuperBowl ticket if Lions get in. I’m willing to spend multiple thousands, but I’m not sure how it works. I could only afford one for him, but I don’t know when’s the best time to look. After the teams are announced? He doesn’t have money, so he’s not a season ticket holder. He’s also older and probably couldn’t figure out the apps or anything, but I’m willing to look if I know where.
Definitely a determined noob.
Any tips?
submitted by Fickle_Cricket28 to NFLNoobs [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:38 nayr-26 241129 Jisoo for DIOR Beauty

241129 Jisoo for DIOR Beauty submitted by nayr-26 to BlackPink [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:38 lotterdog Happy Thanksgiving, rs_x

submitted by lotterdog to rs_x [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:38 UneducatedThesaurus Is it better to get tons of fur at once or get it all separately over time

Is it better to get tons of fur at once or get it all separately over time Hello- It's about time for me to start work on this loveable boy. I'm going to start with a head, hand paws, and two tails (a floor dragger and a standard) but I'm caught up on fur.
I worry about having too much and not enough. Is it better to just order what I think I'd need for say the head and if I need more just get more as the time comes?? I'm ordering the fur from BigZ but the minky from Howl's.
(Art by GhostedRaven, bought as an adopt on Etsy. Character is mine.
submitted by UneducatedThesaurus to FursuitMaking [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 17:38 Prize_Ad_7036 Manifesting against climate change

I need help quickly manifesting against climate change because it’s almost December and it was colder last year in the United States and nothing would ruin Christmas 🎄 more than unseasonably warm weather
submitted by Prize_Ad_7036 to Manifestation [link] [comments]