2024.11.28 20:30 GiantDwarfy Avstralija sprejela prepoved uporabe družbenih omrežij za mlajše od 16 let
Kak lahko to v Sloveniji dosežemo?
submitted by GiantDwarfy to Slovenia [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:30 Proud-Deal-889-gel Give me some Headcanons about Rouge
Rou submitted by Proud-Deal-889-gel to SonicTheHedgehog [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 20:30 Practical-Two-7507 Advice on my current routine?
I train to failure for every exercise and I'll expand my calisthenics routine after developing more skills in that area
Monday: Chest and Triceps Dumbbell Bench - 3x5 Incline Bench - 3x5
Cable Chest Flys - 3x10 Carter Extensions - 3x10 Katana Extensions - 3x10
Tuesday: Back and Biceps ISO Rows - 3x10 Barbell Rows - 3x10
Barbell Shrugs 3x10 Cable Curls - 2x5 Bayesian Curls - 3x10
Wednesday: Legs Squat - 1x1 2x3 Hack Squat - 3x5 RDL's - 3x8 Leg Curl - 2xFailure Leg Extension - 2xFailure
Thursday: Chest/Back and Shoulders Lat-Pulldown - 3x8
Rear-Delt Fly - 3x10 Chest Press - 3x10
Cable Chest Flys - 3x10 Machine Shoulder Press - 3x10 Side Lat Raises - 3x10
Friday: Calisthenics / Stretches Pushups - 3xFailure Pull-ups - 3xFailure
Dips - 3xFailure Sitting Toe Touches - 30 Seconds Each Quad Stretch - 60 Seconds Each Butterfly Stretch - 60 Seconds Hip Flexor Stretch - 60 Seconds Each Cobra Stretch - 60 Seconds
submitted by Practical-Two-7507 to WorkoutRoutines [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:30 Asleep-Shift-8190 Issues with aqua soil and low pH
I’ve been having a ton of frustrating with the ADA aquasoil. This is the second tank I’ve set up with aqua soil Amazonia version 2 where the pH stabilizes at 4.5. I have added NOTHING but the aqua soil and hakkai stone (doesn’t affect pH/KH/GH). Yet the pH is still super low. I’m using RO water. All the other hobbyists tell me theirs is at around 6.5. There is no way that is true based on my experience (unless you use seiryu stone or something to boost pH/KH). What is going on here? Is this what others are experiencing?
submitted by Asleep-Shift-8190 to PlantedTank [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:30 Oreonko22 Rubber contact noise
I have this noise coming from my front passenger wheel( sounds like rubber contacting something as it spins). When Im driving low speeds and let go of throttle sometimes the car feels resistant and then frees itself(this cycle repeats). I checked the bearing by tryna move the wheel on the hub and also tried swaying the car in motion to see if it's while turning a certain way but no results from that. There's also a burning smell can't quite relate it to something. Any ideas?
submitted by Oreonko22 to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:30 som_random_dude_ I cant join a deathmatch in dust 2
i just hopped on cs2 and was just trying to warm up with a deathmatch and got kicked instantly? i just killed three people and BOOM i get kicked by vote? now i cant even join a deathmatch i can join other maps fine but not dust 2
submitted by som_random_dude_ to counterstrike [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:30 Perfect_Tomorrow_661 What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Perfect_Tomorrow_661 to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:30 bakermafia what was the hour of reclamation?
submitted by bakermafia to Centaura_Roblox [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:30 Particular_Simple_79 Cap and gown question
I completely forgot to order my cap and gown for the winter graduation does the bookstore have some in person?
submitted by Particular_Simple_79 to gmu [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:30 No-Video-2277 How do I mod AC Unity from FitGirl?
I can't mod it trough Vortex and I have no idea how to do it, so can someone help?
submitted by No-Video-2277 to CrackSupport [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:30 Bilirki Project Lupara
Is it worth buying the Project Lupara catalog (will I have the time to get all the prizes in it) or do I wait for the next one?
submitted by Bilirki to OutlastTrials [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:30 Morg075 241128 - Lara IG Story Update
submitted by Morg075 to katseye [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 20:30 saucisse_piment Kit 70 airsal
Bonjour 😃, je ne sais pas lequel prendre, les deux kits ont 6 transfert mais l'un a 2 segments et la sortie d'échappement est oval est ce que ça vaut le coup de prendre l'autre niveau fiabilité et puissance.merci submitted by saucisse_piment to Motardie [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 20:30 Jesusaragonxx HELP
Im in the last station and Tom is block:(
submitted by Jesusaragonxx to RDRSuperstar [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:30 DecepySwag Happy Thanksgiving, hope yall have a great day with ya friends and family
submitted by DecepySwag to kof [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:30 Faddi2022 One of us ONE OF US ONE OF US!!!!
I won da 50/50
submitted by Faddi2022 to ChascaMains [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:30 elsirmisterman Jaden = 🗑️
Trade him.
submitted by elsirmisterman to timberwolves [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:30 Lebaneseaustrian13 How to deactivate the commentaries of Mike Tyson?
Like they asked me if I wanted to download them I said yes but the commentaries are really bugging me right now. I can I deactivate them?
submitted by Lebaneseaustrian13 to HeadBall2Official [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:30 catchingaheffalump Good women's tailor recommendations - Indian and Western!
Hi! I'm looking for a tailoseamstress/boutique recommendations who make good quality Indian and Western clothing. Please let me know if you have first hand experience getting things stitched from someone too and the cost! Any leads are welcome. Thank you in advance!
submitted by catchingaheffalump to thane [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:30 Rolandojuve Jumo Into the Void
submitted by Rolandojuve to Quotes_Hub [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:30 Override976 hi
can i have ram submitted by Override976 to protogen [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 20:30 Mad3InHeav3n Connecting external SSD to PC
Hi, my GF bought a new computer and her old pc had some viruses. Is it safe to plug the external ssd to her new pc and using windows defender while connected in case it had some virus? I know autorun is not a thing anymore and that's why I am asking
submitted by Mad3InHeav3n to antivirus [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:30 Mrwobblesonyoutube i made a "recruit me" video for Onlyfangs, if i get in, what should I sing for tyler
submitted by Mrwobblesonyoutube to loltyler1 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 20:30 Legitimate-Chip-8387 I (20F) want to meet this guy for the first time but I'm kind of unsure...
I (20f) met a guy online (24M) and he asked me if I wanted to meet sometimes to hook up (we talked about it first, it wasn't completely out of the blue)
I said yes, because honestly I want to, but also I'm kind of scared... it would be the first time I meet someone like this and I'm scared something bad might happen, I really don't know what to expect... Any advice? Precautions I should take? Should I just call the whole thing off?? Thank you in advance <3
submitted by Legitimate-Chip-8387 to dating [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:30 WisestAirBender Why is it ok to share physical game discs but no platform offers digital sharing?
So physical games have been sharable sincr forever. People can choose to sell them to each other or just give it away. Either way the original publisher and developer do not make any more money.
But when it comes to digital games why dont any stores like steam allow users to trade or sell or simply giveaway the games to another account? Heck, even sharing you password is seen as cheating the system.
submitted by WisestAirBender to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]