Help installing KOReader to Kobo Libra Colour using macOS Sequoia 15.1.1

2024.11.28 20:50 Easy-Tart2414 Help installing KOReader to Kobo Libra Colour using macOS Sequoia 15.1.1

Hello, I hope someone on here can help me, I just received my KLC and I have been trying to install nickelmenu, Nickelclock and KOReader on my new device. I managed to troubleshoot and install nickelmenu and Nickelclock as most of the installation guides are geared towards windows but I have hit a roadblock with installing KOReader as mac will not run the install script as it's not from a verified source. Is there any other war to instal it? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance🙂
submitted by Easy-Tart2414 to kobo [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:50 Zsracher Los ministros y exfuncionarios de Petro enredados en el caso Ungrd, según la Corte

submitted by Zsracher to Colombia [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:50 FragrantCouple2440 Happy thanksgiving, hope all eat well..

submitted by FragrantCouple2440 to sixwordstories [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:50 Every_Ad7984 Bro the truth is spreading! The government can't take all of us!

Bro the truth is spreading! The government can't take all of us! submitted by Every_Ad7984 to girlsarentreal [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:50 SortProfessional2595 I might cry 💀

These Jordan borders bro 😭
submitted by SortProfessional2595 to AgeOfCivilizations [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:50 Wildcroc11 Bears ML 👀

submitted by Wildcroc11 to sportsbetting [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:50 Enough-Apricot-7923 Hair help

I’m honestly at a loss on how to take care of my hair. It’s taken a long time for my hair to return their natural curl and now that it has it’s two different types. One half of my hair is (I think) a 2C and the other half is a 2B regardless how much I scrunch when it’s wet. I need it low maintenance because honestly I’m scatterbrained and hopefully can build up to a more detailed hair care regime.
Additional info: I have recently had a balayage, thinning of my very thick (and is still too thick if you ask me), and layers cut in my hair to reduce the weight but it hasn’t helped. I’m prone to frizz big time. I suffer from an oily scalp too so I try to avoid oils - however my hair line does get really dry.
submitted by Enough-Apricot-7923 to CurlyHairUK [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:50 One_Asparagus6276 Booze ideas for white elephant party

At my work we do a white elephant booze exchange. We aren't supposed to spend more than $25. Last year I bought a bottle of Flor de Cana rum and the person who picked it said it was great. I don't want to repeat the same bottle this year, but I also don't want to bring in something that doesn't taste good. So I'm looking for suggestions of liquor or wine that tastes good for $25 or conversely something that would stand out in the same price range like a skull shape bottle, etc...
submitted by One_Asparagus6276 to alcohol [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:50 _idontknoe Urgent need of hm code 😭😭please dm

submitted by _idontknoe to IndianBeautyDeals [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:50 MrBelgium2019 Here are some doodles (and some drawings) of mine

Here are some doodles (and some drawings) of mine submitted by MrBelgium2019 to doodles [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:50 workitoutwombats JoJo Siwa on friendship with G Flip, Dance Moms pyramid ranking, Disney Adults & TikTok | Interview by triple j

JoJo Siwa on friendship with G Flip, Dance Moms pyramid ranking, Disney Adults & TikTok | Interview by triple j submitted by workitoutwombats to SiwaSnark [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:50 Substantial_Wafer5 New accounts /usernames

This isn't really a cam question but my IG was banned about a month ago along with my snap. I've had them for two years and had quite a following. I'm devastated because those accounts all had the same username so it was easy for people to find me. I love the idea of everything being uniformed. I still have my link tree but I can't post pictures obviously. I can't even remember how I got so many followers in the first place. If I remember correctly I was just requesting accounts. How do you guys promote your IG?
Also I was really successful at first and then took several months off so I know I've hurt a lot of my fanbase. I still have a really good following on my cam sites and some good regulars that I communicate in various other ways. Do you think I should just rebrand entirely?
submitted by Substantial_Wafer5 to CamGirlProblems [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:50 mikr666 Suivi conso électrique Linky

Bonjour Je me suis fait installer Linky cette semaine, j’habite dans l’Eurometropole de Strasbourg. Ma question est la suivante : comment je peux suivre ma consommation en ligne depuis mon smartphone par exemple? Je n’ai rien trouvé sur mon espace client sur le site de l’ES…? Merci
submitted by mikr666 to Strasbourg [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:50 NoAdvice4734 WiFi to Ethernet Transparent Bridge Issues

I'm trying to use my ESP32-C6 with the W5500 Ethernet module as a transparent bridge to extend my Wi-Fi network to ethernet devices. The idea was for the C6 to connect to my Wi-Fi router (STA mode) and forward traffic between the Wi-Fi network and the W5500. Here's the wiring and the jumbled code I am using.

Xiao C6 GPIO W5500 Module
Code: ```cpp
include include include const char* ssid = "ssid"; const char* password = "pskpass"; IPAddress ip(192, 168, 1, 110); IPAddress gateway(192, 168, 19, 1); IPAddress subnet(255, 255, 255, 0);
byte mac[] = { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED };
EthernetClient ethClient; WiFiClient wifiClient;
void setup() { Serial.begin(115200);
Ethernet.begin(mac, ip); delay(1000);
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(500); Serial.print("."); } Serial.println("Connected to Wi-Fi!");
Serial.print("ESP32 Wi-Fi IP: "); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); Serial.print("Ethernet IP: "); Serial.println(Ethernet.localIP()); }
void loop() { WiFiClient wifiClient = WiFi.available(); if (wifiClient) { EthernetClient ethClient = Ethernet.available(); if (ethClient) { forwardData(wifiClient, ethClient); } }
EthernetClient ethClient = Ethernet.available(); if (ethClient) { WiFiClient wifiClient = WiFi.available(); if (wifiClient) { forwardData(ethClient, wifiClient); } } }
void forwardData(Client& source, Client& dest) { while (source.available()) { char c =; dest.write(c); } while (dest.available()) { char c =; source.write(c); } } ```
Logic: submitted by NoAdvice4734 to esp32 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:50 Illustrious-Law8648 In ROTS, why did Palpatine capture himself?

The more I think about it the more confusing it gets. Since Palpatine orchestrated both sides, why did he send Grievous and a huge fleet to capture him on the most important planet in the galaxy? Since he always wanted the Republic to win, why did he launch an invasion against them? What does he accomplish by getting captured by his own army and acting as a prisoner, it doesn’t make any sense since as a prisoner he can’t do anything. If it was to have Anakin battle Dooku, I could think of some many ways he could have arranged it, such as in the Clone Wars when they battled on Naboo where Dooku was at the dinner table like Vader on Bespin.
submitted by Illustrious-Law8648 to StarWars [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:50 HauntingPainting4133 This entire website

This entire website submitted by HauntingPainting4133 to comedyheaven [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:50 IncredibiliSSS So how real is it to get to lvl90 of I'm currently 33

I kinda forgot about this season and remembered about it this morning ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
submitted by IncredibiliSSS to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:50 No-Direction-9764 Top 5 Music Apps for BlackBerry Passport & Classic! Tested and Working in 2024

Did you know your Passport or Classic can still deliver an amazing music experience? Whether you’re streaming your favorite playlists or listening to high-res FLAC files, I’ve tested and compiled the Top 5 Music Apps for BlackBerry 10 devices!
📱 What’s in the video? ✅ Spotify – Stream millions of songs effortlessly. ✅ Deezer – Get personalized playlists and offline playback. ✅ Poweramp – Customize and tweak your audio like a pro. ✅ Neutron Music Player – Audiophile-grade sound quality for FLAC/ALAC. ✅ Native Music Player – Simple, reliable, and still awesome!
💡 Bonus Insight: These apps aren’t limited to the Passport and Classic—they also work great on other BlackBerry 10 devices like the Z10, Z30, Leap, and Q10. Some even have superior audio hardware for an enhanced experience!
📺 Watch the full video here: 👉
💬 Let’s talk in the comments: What’s your favorite music app on BlackBerry?
🔔 Subscribe to my channel, entrylevela1, for more retro tech tips and tricks!
submitted by No-Direction-9764 to BlackberryPhoenix [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:50 Safe-Particular6512 I heated the house to 34 degrees and I’ve not had humidity over 40% all week

Is anyone else on the Agile tariff from Octopus energy? Well, at the weekend it was negative pricing, so from 5am until 9:30am, I cracked the A/C up to 30 degrees and also plugged in some electric/oil heaters.
Anyway, long story short, the house was 34 degrees and only dropped to 24-25 degrees upstairs until the kids went to bed and it started cooling down.
The RH dropped to 25-30% all day and since then, my whole house which is normal 60-70% RH has been around 40%.
It’s very strange. I thought that the general humidity would have been totally dried out for a day or so but it’s stayed low all week.
I just thought it was strange and wanted to share.
Also, 35 degrees felt like I was in a zoo where they’d have a tropical butterfly or bird house. It was pretty unbearable.
submitted by Safe-Particular6512 to DIYUK [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:50 Berry-Fantastic Happy Thanksgiving! Sonic and the Gang are gathered for the feast for potluck styled dinner, what food do you think they would bring to the table?

Its just a fun thread, what do you think? Here is my thoughts
Sonic: Three Bean Casserole
Tails: Potato Salad
Knuckles: Sweet Potato Yams (No marshmallows)
Amy: Fruity Jello Salad
Vanilla: Pineapple Upside-down cake
Cream w/Gmerl's help: Cranberry sauce
Vector: Sugared Ham
Espio: Vegetarian Onigiri
Charmy: Dinner Rolls
Shadow: An attempt at Deviled Eggs
Rouge: Savory Puff Pastry bites
Omega: Cajun Fried Turkey
Ray: Stuffing
Mighty: Green Beans
submitted by Berry-Fantastic to SonicTheHedgehog [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:50 CharmingHold1889 Ktm duke 125 2018 adding cc

I was wondering what i should look for if i want to add more cc to this bike, maybe 200 or somin seeing as im asking this question i am definitely not qualified to do this myself . But i was just curious how one would determine what to use, like i saw some people talking about som athena 160cc but when i looked it up is was max 2015 bikes only so im just wondering if someone would like to impart me with some new knowledge.
submitted by CharmingHold1889 to motorcycle [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:50 acorneyes the real dallas flag someone else made has way too much going on. let's keep it simple.

submitted by acorneyes to Dallas [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:50 Numerous_Eye8642 My Alberta License plate collection

My Alberta License plate collection submitted by Numerous_Eye8642 to alberta [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:50 AcanthisittaMean8417 Advice?

Advice? submitted by AcanthisittaMean8417 to WH40KTacticus [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:50 Babyflower81 8 months sober - How are you spending the holiday (if you celebrate Thanksgiving)?

I just hit 8 months sober 2 days ago.
Last year around this time, I was already 1 full bottle of wine into the day. Use a little to baste the turkey and drank the rest while I was cooking... and probably headed to the overpriced liquor store open to grab a magnum (1.5L) bottle and I'd drink all of that before the evening too.
I'd struggle to make it through cooking everything, carve the turkey and then probably go pass out, without eating the meal I spent all day cooking.
We were invited to spend the day with family this year, but they all binge drink on the holidays and I just don't feel like being around that.
So, this year, I've drank a pot of coffee by now. The turkey is smelling great and because I'm cooking a huge meal and only have my husband and son here to eat it, we are going to make extra plates and give them out to people in my community that want a homecooked meal and don't have anywhere to go or the means to make it themselves. I've got 7 people coming by to pick up to go meals when its all done in a few hours.
Feels like a much better way to spend the holiday.. not around alcohol and sharing the meal with others who will appreciate it.
Wishing you all a wonderful, sober Thanksgiving!
submitted by Babyflower81 to stopdrinking [link] [comments]