Dark World Support

2024.11.28 20:29 MasterOfChaos72 Dark World Support

Dark World Support Got inspired due to Rata’s video on it. It’s mainly just retrains of the two vanillas, a couple of cards that mention Dark World in their flavour text and 1 original card because I like sets of 5. Here’s the text if you can’t read it:
Zure, Commander of Dark World Level 4, Dark, Fiend, Effect ATK/DEF: 1800/1500 If this card is discarded to the GY by card effect: Special Summon this card, then, if it was discarded from your hand to your GY by an opponent's card effect, You can Special Summon 1 Fiend monster from your hand. During your Main Phase: You can reveal 1 Level 4 or lower “Dark World” monster in your hand; Special Summon 1 monster from your Deck with the same name, then discard the revealed monster. You can only use this effect of “Zure, Commander of Dark World” once per turn.
Renge, Iron Wall of Dark World Level 4, Dark, Fiend, Effect ATK/DEF: 100/2100 If this card is discarded to the GY by card effect: Special Summon this card, then, if it was discarded from your hand to your GY by an opponent's card effect, this card cannot be destroyed by battle or card effects. While you control this face-up card, “Dark World” Spell/Trap cards cannot be targeted or destroyed by your opponents card effects.
Carcol, War Machine of Dark World Level 6, Dark, Fiend, Effect ATK/DEF: 500/2500 If this card is discarded to the GY by card effect: Special Summon this card, then, if it was discarded from your hand to your GY by an opponent's card effect, inflict 2000 damage to your opponent. Once per turn: You can reveal 1 “Dark World” monster in your hand; Inflict damage to your opponent equal to half the revealed monsters ATK, then discard 1 Fiend monster.
Panton, Scientist of Dark World Level 1, Dark, Fiend, Effect ATK/DEF: 400/400 If this card is discarded to the GY by card effect: Special Summon this card, then, if it was discarded from your hand to your GY by an opponent's card effect, this cards original ATK and DEF becomes 2500. Once per turn: You can send 1 “Dark World” monster from your Deck to the GY, then target 1 monster your opponent controls; its name is treated as the sent monsters name for the rest of this turn.
Dark World Illusions Continuous Trao If a “Dark World” monster is sent from your hand to the GY by a card effect; For the rest of this turn, all monsters on both players fields are treated as Fiend monsters. During the Main Phase: You can reveal 1 “Dark World” monster in your hand; Special Summon 1 Dark Illusion Token with the same original Type, Attribute, Level, ATK, and DEF as that revealed monster, then discard the revealed monster. You can only use this effect of “Dark World Illusions” once per turn.
submitted by MasterOfChaos72 to customyugioh [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:29 DeusMerucriusMagna Aonius

Aonius submitted by DeusMerucriusMagna to HeroForgeMinis [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:29 mangomonster12 The situation with house music and vocalists

Hey everyone,
I'm looking to work with a vocalist on a track house. If you're interested, send me a message of some of your work!
Thank you
If you want to hear some of my music it's camo coyote on Spotify
submitted by mangomonster12 to WeAreTheMusicMakers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:29 CatcrazyJerri Is Whatsapp the same as texting?

I know this sounds stupid bt is sending a message on Whatsapp the same as texting someone?
submitted by CatcrazyJerri to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:29 Xeno-Chronic Made a custom Lego Minecraft minifig of my Minecraft skin!

Made a custom Lego Minecraft minifig of my Minecraft skin! submitted by Xeno-Chronic to lego [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:29 Ransom_X Raegan > Jess

Am I the only one who prefers Raegan?
I just realized how insufferable Jess was when we got Raegan, she was so funny and smart.
submitted by Ransom_X to NewGirl [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:29 Rekter712 If i buy the Viewer Pass after the Major begins, will i be able to get tokens and prizes or not?

I do not have enough money rn tu buy the pass, by i will in like 5 days. I will still get the tokens and prizes if i buy the pass after?
submitted by Rekter712 to GlobalOffensive [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:29 yRaven1 [PC] [Lich] [Price Check] So this Lich came up, what's the estimate a price? Worth selling it?

[PC] [Lich] [Price Check] So this Lich came up, what's the estimate a price? Worth selling it? https://preview.redd.it/ycu50ivncp3e1.png?width=1815&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b81c0f5e56db2ce890e0e4eb0347a4e2c571e08
submitted by yRaven1 to wartrade [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:29 Khmarych Some of my drawings in Transformers Go Go style

Some of my drawings in Transformers Go Go style Still learning this style.
submitted by Khmarych to transformers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:29 Maleficent_Twist_812 what are the best/funniest historical facts?

submitted by Maleficent_Twist_812 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:29 BekahG18 Wheezing Raid Please Jojn

My code is 642956709896
submitted by BekahG18 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:29 JennyKumeOficial My leggings in all angles

submitted by JennyKumeOficial to leggings_aesthetic [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:29 PowerfulCobbler9146 OASC Space power

Hi folks
For the OASC interview, to what degree is Space Power needed? Is it something that they would want in-depth knowledge of like air power?
submitted by PowerfulCobbler9146 to RoyalAirForce [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:29 wootin84 Is it legal to buy apparel and decals from official state police websites?

Is it legal to buy apparel and decals from official state police websites? Is it legal to buy and wear clothes from state trooper websites? Would that be impersonation? Same thing for vehicle decals.
submitted by wootin84 to AskLE [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:29 Unhappy_Internal8888 Fly Press (restoration advice welcome)

Fly Press (restoration advice welcome) https://preview.redd.it/z93vkjaqcp3e1.jpg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3a98975675855a608b625acc21f293dc4789404
I have been looking for a larger Fly Press for a while now and managed to snipe this beauty (Sweeney and Blocksidge at least a No10) within an hour or so of it being listed on eBay.
From what I have been told, it is in functional condition. Besides the visible surface rust, is there anything I should expect might be wrong with it? I would appreciate any advice on how to restore it to its former glory.
This is kind of an appreciation post, can you blame me, though?!
submitted by Unhappy_Internal8888 to Blacksmith [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:29 DryActivity9955 28 m bored, looking to chat it up with someone!

Had an early thanksgiving dinner and now I’m just chilling in bed for the rest of the day. Would love to make so new internet friends! Pretty much down for whatever, just trying to kill the boredom!
If you want to chat shoot me a chat!
submitted by DryActivity9955 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:29 CraigSchwent Purchasing a Maverick for business

Might be ordering a Maverick for business, it wouldn't be driven much as it would be used out of state for only one large account that I would fly out once a week to Philadelphia, PA to service.
Is there a huge advantage between AWD or FWD, and then the Ecoboost vs Hybrid? Does the hybrid get a lot better range?
Is there anything in particular I should order to make the truck better? Would be getting a hard tonneau cover.
Other than that, since it's a work truck, I don't care about trim level with how little I'd be driving it. Rental car is a no go because I would need to store equipment in the truck for when I fly in.
submitted by CraigSchwent to FordMaverickTruck [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:29 dan4220 Ai Code Documentation Tools any good?

Hi there,
is anyone using or tried one of those AI Code development tools? If so, how are you finding them?
submitted by dan4220 to developers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:29 Singularity-girl Food and Menstrual Cycles: What to Eat and When

Today, let’s talk about one of the most fundamental aspects of human existence: food. It fuels us, keeps us alive, and is something we typically can’t survive without for more than 70 days. Now, let’s zoom in on the intersection of food and menstruation — specifically, what you should eat during different phases of your menstrual cycle to feel your best.
The Phases of the Menstrual Cycle First, a quick recap: the menstrual cycle consists of four main phases:

  1. Menstrual Phase (Days 1–5)
  2. Follicular Phase (Days 6–14)
  3. Ovulatory Phase (Days 15–17)
  4. Luteal Phase (Days 18–28)
These are based on a typical 28-day cycle. However, cycle lengths can vary widely, particularly for those under 20 or over 50. For instance, the Harvard School of Public Health found that menstrual cycle lengths vary by an average of 4–11 days depending on age and factors like weight or ethnicity.
Cravings During the luteal phase, many experience heightened cravings for foods high in sugar, salt, and fat — think chocolate, pastries, and fried snacks. A study conducted on Brazilian undergraduate students confirmed this. However, these cravings don’t necessarily translate to significant changes in overall energy intake or macronutrient distribution. So, while you might want chocolate, it doesn’t mean your body always needs it.
Appetite Appetite changes align with hormonal fluctuations. Research from Physiology & Behavior shows02003-9) that energy intake often decreases around ovulation (when estrogen peaks) and increases during the luteal phase (when progesterone peaks). On average, people consume about 10% more calories in the luteal phase. These hormonal shifts also affect mood and food preferences, with a notable increase in sweet and high-fat foods during this time.
Energy A narrative review in Nutrition Reviews found that energy intake is typically lower during the follicular phase and peaks during the luteal phase. This variation mirrors hormonal changes and suggests that dietary planning could help manage energy levels throughout the cycle.
What to Eat for Menstrual Health
  1. Vitamin D and Calcium: A systematic review published in Nutrition Research Reviews found that vitamin D and Calcium may help reduce menstrual discomfort. Consider foods like fortified cereals, leafy greens, and dairy products, or supplements if recommended.
  2. Zinc and Curcumin: These anti-inflammatory agents found in foods like pumpkin seeds and turmeric might alleviate cramps, though more research is needed (same review).
  3. Balanced Dietary Patterns: Studies in BMC Women’s Health suggest that avoiding excessive processed foods and focusing on whole grains, fruits, and vegetables can reduce the severity of menstrual pain.
  4. Energy-Rich Foods: During the luteal phase, when energy demands are higher, opt for nutrient-dense options like nuts, seeds, and healthy fats (Nutrition Reviews)
Conclusion Your menstrual cycle isn’t just a hormonal rollercoaster — it also impacts how you eat, crave, and metabolize food. By aligning your diet with the phases of your cycle, you can potentially ease discomfort, balance energy levels, and improve overall well-being. Whether indulging a little in chocolate during the luteal phase or focusing on vitamin-rich foods throughout, understanding this connection is a powerful tool for managing menstrual health. Eat wise, and let your body thank you.
submitted by Singularity-girl to cyclesyncing [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:29 NoEstablishment7127 محتاجه حل للمشكله دي

دلوقت انا شغاله مع شركه في القاهره وكان الاتفاق ان الشغل من البيت وتمام اشتغلت لمده خمس شهور ولقيتهم غيروا كلامهم واحنا دلوقت هنرجع الاوفيس مع ان معايا اسكرينات من الاتش ار وكذا حاجه بتاكد كلامي الفكره ان مش في يوم وليله هلاقي سكن عالاقل محتاجه شهر ادور وانا من النوع الي بيحب خصوصيه مش بسكن مع اي حد ولا سكنت مع حد قبل كده ولما دروت علي سكن لقيت احقر اوضه فردي ب 3000 جنيه في مدينه نصر جنب الشغل عشان اوفر مواصلات ولو سكنت ابعد هتبقي هي هي مش عارفه اعمل معاهم ايه ده عكس الاتفاق والمشكله ناس كتير معترضتش ومش فارق لانها من القاهره والمشوار من اسكندريه للقاهره كبير اوي ومرهق 😟
submitted by NoEstablishment7127 to EgyRemoteWorkers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:29 Burider What happened to my favorited?

Logged on today to find all my favorited servers gone except community servers. Grinded last night to have some bp’s for this week while im off work. Im confused as I thought bp’s wernt supposed to wipe anymore on certain servers?
submitted by Burider to RustConsole [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:29 The_ChadTC I'm not saying the meme is bad. I'm saying some people laughed at it for the wrong reason.

I'm not saying the meme is bad. I'm saying some people laughed at it for the wrong reason. https://preview.redd.it/qaomov4kcp3e1.png?width=2495&format=png&auto=webp&s=2058b381438653c4e0a5684fa878f91b8f4f0a9c
submitted by The_ChadTC to Grimdank [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:29 Tiny_guy1098 Message from rogers

Message from rogers So as stated in a previous post, I am joining freedom home internet.
I have the activation scheduled for tomorrow between 12 & 2pm.
My question is why did I receive this message from rogers?
Anybody know? Thanks
submitted by Tiny_guy1098 to freedommobile [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:29 SeaElection9062 guess who !!

(i hope this is the right flair)
submitted by SeaElection9062 to GachaClub [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 20:29 Maliwali1980 Found in suburban woods, Southern Ontario Canada: bone sticking out of a tree

Found in suburban woods, Southern Ontario Canada: bone sticking out of a tree It’s been naught on and it’s pretty big. Sticking out from the bottom of the tree. Please tell me it’s not human.
Location is a small wooded area between housing developments. I was walking my dog.
submitted by Maliwali1980 to whatisthisbone [link] [comments]
