1、One Dark Pro. 安装次数:4,439,317. Atom 设计的经典 One Dark 主题,下载榜第一名,质量无需多言。融合了良好的配色方案和舒适的视觉风格,多个版本可选,非常适合喜欢黑夜模式的开发人员( 半夜敲代码美滋滋?)。 2、Dracula Official. 安装次数:2,886,381 Pełna obsada filmu Mroczny Rycerz (2008) - Batman, z pomocą porucznika Gordona oraz prokuratora Harveya Denta, występuje przeciwko przerażającemu i nieobliczalnemu Jokerowi, który chce pogrążyć... 大家好! 我們非常興奮地宣布 《Dark Hours》現已進入搶先體驗階段! 準備好,讓這個劫案之夜開始吧! 《Dark Hours》是一款最多可4人合作的生存恐怖遊戲。你們的劫案因超自然事件而被打斷,你的強盜團隊現在被困在一個邪惡的存在中。忘掉你的計劃,你現在的任務是生存。探索並合作尋找出路 ... Mroczna materia (2024) - Profesor fizyki Jason Dessen zostaje porwany i budzi się w alternatywnej rzeczywistości, gdzie jego życie wygląda zupełnie inaczej. Dark and Darker開發商遭警方上門搜查!遊戲會因此延期嗎?IRONMACE盜用資料案件新發展! 情報 這次的一般場匹配系統更新只能說是 为什么vscode亮色主题都很刺眼,而eclipse和idea的那种白色就很自然。我把在网上搜索到的那些高赞的亮色… 让windows11随日出日落自动切换浅色和深色模式. 近几年来,电脑和手机都已经加入了“深色模式”,深色模式是在通过大量的“人因研究”后,对文字前景与深色背景对比度以及文字和系统图标的颜色进行优化处理,确保人眼观看感受一致、舒适和易读的一种模式。 1.找武器商人買Falchion(刀尖缺一角那個)請挑一把8塊錢的就好,34攻擊力幾乎是基本武器的1.5倍傷害,攻速又快的單手武器,可以等他出8塊的一次囤很多把備用。 Dark and Darker. 無情的硬核第一人稱幻想地牢冒險深不可測的命運等待著勇敢者和愚蠢者願意深入到古老城堡的毀壞深處。 和你的朋友一起,用你的勇氣、智慧和狡猾來發現神秘的寶藏,打敗可怕的怪物,同時比其他狡猾的尋寶者領先一步。 Dark (2017) - Zaginięcie dzieci ujawnia podwójne życie i nadszarpnięte relacje członków czterech rodzin, łącząc się z wydarzeniami sprzed trzydziestu lat.
2024.11.28 20:30 Conspiratorymadness {Dark Summoner to Dekiteiru}
submitted by Conspiratorymadness to AnimeOutOfContext [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 20:30 Tomegunn1 I've hated every job I've ever had. AMA.
I've been a "working professional" since 1990, and have been employed at several major corporations, one of which is in the top five on the Fortune 500 list, to smaller, locally owned businesses, and nonprofit organizations. I've hated every job I've ever had. Ask me anything.
submitted by Tomegunn1 to AMA [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:30 k_lypso John Ramsey: “We will find you. I have that as the sole mission for the rest of my life.”
Does anyone else find this statement odd? He said this less than a week after the crime. It sounds like he didn’t believe the case would be solved, at least in his lifetime.
submitted by k_lypso to JonBenet [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:30 each_thread New missile plan by US-Japan eyes Chinese invasion of Taiwan
submitted by each_thread to Conservative [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:30 Damned-scoundrel Mod-Idea/ mock-up by myself l; hope you enjoy it!
Is this stupid? The answer is an unequivocal yes. Ideally I would’ve added mock-ups for running mate slides for:
submitted by Damned-scoundrel to thecampaigntrail [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 20:30 Ok-Tomato400 Hány, különböző nemzetiségű szexpartnered volt és melyik volt a legjobb?
Melyik volt a legrosszabb?
submitted by Ok-Tomato400 to askhungary [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:30 a7x111 Refferal Code for $2000 off
Tesla is offering 0% APR on Model 3 and Model Y. And when you use my referral link, you can get up to $2,000 off as well
submitted by a7x111 to teslareferralcode [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:30 Thehighlife808 CMC or Pacheco
Who should I start? Worried about CMC playing in Buffalo’s weather.
submitted by Thehighlife808 to Fantasy_Football [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:30 8_LivesLeft Has anyone expeirenced long-term withdrawals/side effects from common nasal decongestants such as Sudafed? Specifically Oxymetazoline?
And could you tell me potential side effects of prolonged use? I used it for about 3 years everyday. Ive now managed to kick the habit for 2-3 months. Just wondering if it can causs longterm effects that disappear with time. Thanks
submitted by 8_LivesLeft to Allergies [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:30 Clear_Natural5913 An interesting mushroom I found on my Thanksgiving walk
I found this in Washington State! 🍄🟫🌲 submitted by Clear_Natural5913 to mycology [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 20:30 Interm-Traveler Conor McGregor sculpture removed from Irish Wax Museum following civil case
submitted by Interm-Traveler to ireland [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 20:30 joeabs1995 Paladin build help - Z5
I want to start playing paladin, i realised he gets mostly dmg from str, but also from con and int which seems encouraging.
Should i invest in int?
Any recommended ways of investing points between str, dex, con and int?
Any advice would be nice and appreciated.
submitted by joeabs1995 to Zenonia [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:30 PCWC_Trint Help me decide (Top 3 Monitors for value)
Need help deciding between my top 3 for monitors for value (in my opinion) if 90 dollars extra for led is worth it & if ips or va cause as much as I game I will always be watching shows & movies more cuz pause-able lmao, below I listed every difference between my top 3 monitors other than things that don't matter to me I/O ports, weight, thickness, & things that were the same.
$350 msi mag 322upf 32" 4k ips lcd 160 hz
Height 432mm & width 727mm
Brightness 350nits
contrast ratio 1000:1
$440 msi mag 323upf 4k ips led 160 hz (I can get on ebay for $340 refurbished tho)
has amd freesync premium pro vs both others have amd freesync premium
Height 432.4mm & width 727.1mm & so for H/W it has only .4mm more height, .1mm more width than the 322upf lmfao
Brightness 440nits
contrast ratio 1000:1
$500 LG 32gq750-b 4k va lcd 144hz (technically 31.5")
pixel density is 139ppi vs both others having 137 ppi (i'm assuming due to also being slightly smaller=slightly higher density?)
Height 420mm & Width 714mm
Brightness 400nits
contrast ratio 2500:1
submitted by PCWC_Trint to buildapcmonitors [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:30 vxl757 Question about Rough country Lasfit bed mat.
For anyone that has either, does it cover the drain holes in the bed? I have the OEM tonneau cover with the drain tubes so I was wondering if you could move to not obstruct them.
submitted by vxl757 to ToyotaTundra [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:30 Jamiesvol2 Happy thanksgiving!!
submitted by Jamiesvol2 to femboy [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 20:30 gabriel_GAGRA Optimising a backtracking exhaustive search algorithm
I need help optimising a backtracking algorithm that exhaustively searches an optimal solution for the “machine’s scheduling of tasks” problem. Basically, there’s an m number of machines and an n number of tasks (both inputted in a file), with a different duration for each task. Every machine is exactly the same.
I need to find an optimal schedule of those tasks (the one that makes the longest working machine have the least possible duration) and print it in terminal. My code already does that, but it does struggle with some larger inputs (which is expected), but I’m trying to find out how could I improve the performance. (it’s a university assignment and the best solution gets some extra points).
I will put my code here (do note that it was translated to English using ChatGPT though), altogether with the makefile I’m using to compile (the commands are “make”, “./ep5 input7.txt”) and an example of input file.
The relevant function here is “void scheduling”.
/Quicksort functions/ void swap(int *a, int *b) { int temp = *a; *a = *b; *b = temp; }
int partition(int d[], int id[], int low, int high) { int pivot = d[id[high]]; int i = low - 1; for (int j = low; j < high; j++) { if (d[id[j]] >= pivot) { i++; swap(&id[i], &id[j]); } } swap(&id[i + 1], &id[high]); return i + 1; }
void quicksort(int d[], int id[], int low, int high) { if (low < high) { int pi = partition(d, id, low, high); quicksort(d, id, low, pi - 1); quicksort(d, id, pi + 1, high); } }
void sortIndirectly(int n, int d[], int id[]) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { id[i] = i; } quicksort(d, id, 0, n - 1); }
/Schedule assignment function/ void scheduling(int m, int n, int d[], int current_task, int loads[], int schedule[], int optimal_schedule[], int *sorted_tasks, int current_max_load, int *best_makespan) { if (current_task == n) { if (current_max_load < *best_makespan) { *best_makespan = current_max_load; memcpy(optimal_schedule, schedule, n * sizeof(int)); } return; }
// Compute remaining total duration and max task duration int remaining_time = 0; int longest_remaining_task = 0; for (int i = current_task; i < n; i++) { int task_duration = d[sorted_tasks[i]]; remaining_time += task_duration; if (task_duration > longest_remaining_task) longest_remaining_task = task_duration; } // Calculate total assigned time int total_assigned_time = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) total_assigned_time += loads[i]; /*This approach ensures that the lower bound is a conservative estimate, accounting for the worst-case scenario where the load is as evenly distributed as possible while still considering the longest task and current maximum load.*/ double average_load = (remaining_time + total_assigned_time) / (double)m; int lower_bound = (int)ceil(fmax(current_max_load, fmax(average_load, longest_remaining_task))); if (lower_bound >= *best_makespan) { return; // Prune this branch } int current_task_duration = d[sorted_tasks[current_task]]; // Assign tasks to machines for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { if (i > 0 && loads[i] == loads[i - 1]) continue; // Skip symmetric states // Prune if assignment exceeds current best makespan if (loads[i] + current_task_duration >= *best_makespan) { continue; // Prune this branch } // Assign task to machine schedule[sorted_tasks[current_task]] = i; loads[i] += current_task_duration; int new_max_load = loads[i] > current_max_load ? loads[i] : current_max_load; // Recursive call scheduling(m, n, d, current_task + 1, loads, schedule, optimal_schedule, sorted_tasks, new_max_load, best_makespan); // Undo assignment (backtrack) loads[i] -= current_task_duration; }
}int *loads = mallocSafe(m * sizeof(int)); int *schedule = mallocSafe(n * sizeof(int)); int *sorted_tasks = mallocSafe(n * sizeof(int)); // Initialize machine loads to zero for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) loads[i] = 0; // Sort tasks in descending order of duration sortIndirectly(n, d, sorted_tasks); scheduling(m, n, d, 0, loads, schedule, optimal_schedule, sorted_tasks, 0, &best_makespan); free(loads); free(schedule); free(sorted_tasks); return best_makespan;
}FILE *input; if ((input = fopen(argv[1], "r")) == NULL) { printf("%s: input file %s cannot be opened.\n", argv[0], argv[1]); return -1; } int m, n; fscanf(input, "%d %d", &m, &n); int *duration = mallocSafe(n * sizeof(int)); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { fscanf(input, "%d", &duration[i]); } printf("Input file name: %s\n\n", argv[1]); printf("m = %d n = %d\n\n", m, n); printf("Tasks: "); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) printf("%d ", i); printf("\nDuration: "); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) printf("%d ", duration[i]); printf("\n\n"); int total_task_duration = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { total_task_duration += duration[i]; } int *optimal_schedule = mallocSafe(n * sizeof(int)); LARGE_INTEGER frequency, start, end; QueryPerformanceFrequency(&frequency); QueryPerformanceCounter(&start); int optimal_duration = OptimalSolution(m, n, duration, optimal_schedule); QueryPerformanceCounter(&end); double elapsed_time = (double)(end.QuadPart - start.QuadPart) * 1000.0 / frequency.QuadPart; printf("Execution time: %.3f ms\n", elapsed_time); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { printf(" %d %d\n", i, optimal_schedule[i]); } printf("Optimal schedule duration: %d\n\n", optimal_duration); fclose(input); free(optimal_schedule); return 0;
}2024.11.28 20:30 Due_Constant1346 PDO threads for laugh lines
At this point I want a lifted affect, not to be filled (don’t suggest fillers)
Not ready for a face lift
Does anyone have any experience with PDO threads.
I know they’re temporary but I’m happy with even a month of it for a trip I’m going on
submitted by Due_Constant1346 to 30PlusSkinCare [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:30 Past-Armadillo-7638 )HERE’S! WAY TO WATCH Northern Iowa vs North Texas LIVE STREAMS ON TV CHANNEL Reddit
)HERE’S! WAY TO WATCH Northern Iowa vs North Texas LIVE STREAMS ON TV CHANNEL Reddit Do you know what would be the best way to watch the Basketball 2024 Basketball in my case? Where and how is Way to Watch The Basketball streams FRee, Hey fellow Basketball 2024 viewers. I am a new Basketball fan and with no Basketball TV available looking for a good option to watch games here in the land down under. Here's How Can i find Basketball free streams options I've been wanting to watch more games lately, but most online links I've found either skip frequently or are lower quality. But lately I have gotten really into Basketball and finally i found a great way to watch Basketball live for free recommend...
Basketball match info:
submitted by Past-Armadillo-7638 to rarebeauty [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:30 ShallotAny2654 ISO 2 GA Friday Passes!
Looking for two Friday passes GA, wanna see subtronics 😭
submitted by ShallotAny2654 to ApocalypseZombieland [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:30 HorrorDudeBro Is this 2000 point army good? (Synaptic Nexus)
Hive Fleet Klyntar
Warlord: Neurotyrant w/ Synaptic Control (125 pts)
Tervigon w/ Power of the Hive Mind (185 pts)
The Swarmlord (240 pts)
x2 Units of Gargoyles x4 Units of Termagants
Other Datasheets:
Barbgaunts (55 pts) Carnifex (115 pts) Exocrine (135 pts) Neurogaunts (45 pts) Neurolictor (90 pts) Psychophage (95 pts) Screamer-Killer (145 pts) x6 Von Ryan’s Leapers (140 pts) Neurothrope w/ 5 Zoanthropes (200 pts)
submitted by HorrorDudeBro to Tyranids [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:30 Practical-Address-70 IBCC Both Equivalence
Hi just a quick question, so far I have completed most of my document checklist and see no option for submitting the equivalences. Do we have to email them separately or are they going to ask for it later on like when you get an offer letter?
submitted by Practical-Address-70 to LUMS [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:30 dumbilias What u all think about auto tune
I make music, I play guitar and I sing a bit u an say 6/10. When I record something I use autotune. And some reverb and a little bit of delay. The thing I do t song rap or that type of music where I max out the autotune to make it robotic. I just use it to make my voice sound more stable in certain notes and less vibrating. I don't know tbh. Is it a way of singing or not.
submitted by dumbilias to singing [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:30 pgjake Qual è il vostro tipo di pasta preferito?
Da piccolo adoravo le farfalle, ma adesso i fusilli sono i miei preferiti. Se nò un formato che mi piace veramente tanto sono gli gnocchetti sardi, veramente sottovalutati.
submitted by pgjake to CasualIT [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:30 Standard_Mirror9620 Stremio different dubbings
Hello, is there any way how to add more dubbings to Stremio? I am mainly using Torrentino or TPB+. I would like to add for example Czech language to some shows like The Simpsons or TBBT.
submitted by Standard_Mirror9620 to StremioAddons [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 20:30 Aggressive-Wear5847 ZAMAZENTA WB 598580975232
submitted by Aggressive-Wear5847 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]