Considering 2 subclass homebrew rules - valid?

2024.11.28 21:50 Wokeye27 Considering 2 subclass homebrew rules - valid?

Hi All,
Got a campaign starting up, was considering two dnd2024 subclass homebrew rules to improve game balance.
Was seeking advice if the following two measures (related to classes players have expressed interest in): 1) Vengeance paladin: Vox of emnity is not transferable between creatures. reason: apply nerfbat to constant adv attacks. 2) hunter ranger: either an earlier concentration-free Hunters mark (lvl7), and/or make superior hunters prey hit every time during a turn. reason: +1d6 to another creature is naf
submitted by Wokeye27 to onednd [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:50 felfoxxx7 Minha namorada está grávida de outro.

Sou (H27) ela (M26) , tínhamos um relacionamento de 10 anos ( sim , nunca a pedi em noivado e casamento ) começando a namorar cedo e tínhamos em mente nos estabilizarmos através de concurso primeiro. Quando fizemos uns 7 anos de relacionamento me envolvi sozinho com drogas e comecei a me descomprometer com minha responsabilidades , escondi dela até completarramos 9 anos de relacionamento ( pois já era evidente , e eu dizia que era depressão) . Ela ainda sim pelo sentimento , aceitou , mas comecei a desonha-la , com a minha imagem , nunca encontrei um dedo nela , mas estava um relacionamento no qual eu a manipulava pelo que parecia. Enfim ela conseguiu através de pessoas próximas que eu já não era mais o mesmo e terminamos , foi um choque pra mim Porque apesar das drogas eu a amava demais ou talvez era acostumado demais com ela , sofri muito. Ficamos 3 meses separados , e eu consegui largar as drogas e focar em fazer uma graduação , em refazer a minha vida , afinal de contas a vida está passando ( um detalhe importante, perdi tudo que tinha bens , amizades, prestígio , acumulei dívidas , a única que ficou comigo depois da (M26) do minha mae ). Então , a 1 semana a atrás minha irmã me conta que a (M26) está grávida, porém pelo que eu entendi foi uma transa de uma noite e o rapaz não quis assumir, a (M26) quer criar sozinha , por que o rapaz não quer. Por orientação da minha Irma a minha (M26) entrou em contato comigo explicando a história por consideracao aos anos que tivemos juntos e achava que deveria me falar pessoalmente ( ela nao me sugeriu nada, literalmente só explicou a situação) . Então, eu ainda gosto muito dela e ela de mim ( ela nao queria que eu propusesse assumir esse filho por conta do medo das drogas, e a história se repetir , então eu propus que observassemos até final da gestação como ficaria nossa relação ela está com 4 meses ) , sei que filho é uma responsabilidade , eu quero assumir essa criança , por amor e eu sinto que é um dever pelas coisas que eu fiz ( posso estar até me culpando demais ) , gostaria de saber a opniao de terceiros, pra reafirmar a minha ou incrementar , ou até mesmo redefinir minha decisão pelo bem comum.
submitted by felfoxxx7 to desabafos [link] [comments]

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2024.11.28 21:50 Striking_Potato_6123 Is this worth more than I think?

I just started collecting this month, and from what I understand, this radiant Greninja is a fairly sought after card. I know it’s not worth a lot, but it’s certainly more than most other cards I own, which are worth a few cents.
I use the collectr app to track my collection, and neither there nor anywhere else on the internet can I find any of this card with the kanji on the lower right of the art box. Do I have something so rare it isn’t on collectr or do all radiant greninjas have this kanji?
submitted by Striking_Potato_6123 to PokemonCardValue [link] [comments]

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2024.11.28 21:50 KindaIndifferent Third time doing the thing.

I love the turketta. Always a hit. Only things I do differently are using the skin from the thighs back and breast and use meat glue to make sure the skin adheres to the meat.
submitted by KindaIndifferent to seriouseats [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:50 FlamingoFantastic692 5 years with my 3504

5 years with my 3504 I have my 3504 for 5 years and still going strong. Figured to give them a deep conditioning being have a long 4 day weekend , Happy Thanksgiving 🦃
submitted by FlamingoFantastic692 to RedWingShoes [link] [comments]

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2024.11.28 21:50 Cyrus3v One hour recording with Audio Split and not Synced

Just finish to record one hour video, to open it in Camtasia and see that first the video and audio are split. Something that I didn't do and on top of that the audio is longer then the video, so doesn't syn. What the hell is happening here and how I solve it?
submitted by Cyrus3v to CamtasiaStudio [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:50 parweb JUST IN: 🇬🇧🇷🇺 British mercenary who was captured by Russian forces in the Kursk region. "We shouldn't be here. The Russians really don't want us here. They have a lot more weapons, a lot more manpower, and they will do everything to get you out.

JUST IN: 🇬🇧🇷🇺 British mercenary who was captured by Russian forces in the Kursk region. submitted by parweb to BRICS_NEWS [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:50 Frst97 Firefox Update 133 tabs on top again

I had tabs on bottom. Now they are on top of address bar. And I don't know where to start. Any ideas how to get them back to bottom?
submitted by Frst97 to FirefoxCSS [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:50 CzarTong [QUESTION] Show with scene on a 3-country border

I remember seing a while back (2018-2019) a show about 2 cops being paired to solve a international crime. I remember one scene where the female cop chases a criminal into a 3-country border in Europe (I think it was Drielandenpunt), and ends up shooting and killing him by accident to stop him from leaving her country. Anyone knows which show this is? I know I havent described much, but thats all I remember clearly. It was a crime comedy.
submitted by CzarTong to television [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:50 catsruletheworld8 Wo gibt es Heiße Schokolade/Kakao bei Weihnachtsmärkten in Graz?

Gibt es irgendwo in Graz auf den Christkindlmärkten einen Stand der Heiße Schokolade oder Ähnliches verkauft? Bin nicht so der große Glühweihn/Punsch-Trinker ://
Habe bis jetzt nie einen Stand gefunden der Heiße Schokolade verkauft, vielleicht kennt ihr einen?
submitted by catsruletheworld8 to graz [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:50 PIRATFOXYYT5365 Are those people in costumes in Get Born Again music video AiC band?

Are those people in costumes in Get Born Again music video AiC band? I was always wondering if they were actually on set because these costumes really made it hard to identify.
To make me think about it's the fact that during those time Layne was very weak and he could barely do anything.
I mean i have no idea if the person on the left is Jerry or Layne.
submitted by PIRATFOXYYT5365 to AliceInChains [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:50 Own-Gas-9510 Feasting!

Feasting! Terry woke up briefly to share a thanksgiving meal with us!!! After a few minutes he went back to brumating beneath his rock :)
submitted by Own-Gas-9510 to reptiles [link] [comments]

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2024.11.28 21:50 No-Statement-4082 Best friends❤️

Best friends❤️ Show me your best friends! This is my 4 month old little bestie beau❤️ he is absolutely crazy but don’t know where I’d be without him!
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submitted by XL-Ahmet to KGBTR [link] [comments]