2024.11.28 22:50 phatrise Lovely Whole Sale Black Friday Sales 2024
Follow this link for Lovely Whole Sale Black Friday Sales 2024. Access the latest deals and promotions by visiting the link, featuring a constantly updated list of coupons, promo codes, and discounts.
submitted by phatrise to DiscountExpressive [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:50 ThatBenHope Whats the difference between "Go Sport+" and "GO Air Sport" other than the usb cable?
I'm curious to what the differences in model age, sound, features etc between the two.
I bought a JLab Go Air Sport online and picked it up at the store. I didn't notice I had the wrong earbuds until I opened it and saw the charging cable for the case.
The Go Sport+ has a USB-C cable instead of a USB-A like the Go Air Sport. I ended up with a free Usb-c wall charger from the store since I didn't have a way to charge the earbuds and the web order was for the Go Air Sport with a usb-a cable that could be charged everywhere. I was told it was the same product but an updated version.
Is that correct? What are all the upgrades? Any downgrades?
Btw there isn't any information about charging on the packaging, not even if it has a port or cable. And the QR code for the latest manual doesn't work.
submitted by ThatBenHope to JLab [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:50 PolecatVE Click for click!!
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTYkGExNW/ thanks everyone :)
submitted by PolecatVE to PKMNTikTokDeals [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:50 Wamadeus13 Jumped on the spatchcocked and "under cooked" turkey train this year
Bought a butterball so I skipped the brining part, but did make a compound butter with garlic, thyme, and lemon juice that I rubbed down the meat under the skin. Let it sit for a day and a half like that. Put it on the smoker with some cherry wood at 275 for about 2.5 hours before cranking the grill to 400 for the last 15 minutes to crisp the skin. I pulled it when the breast hit 155 and let it rest for about 20 minutes. This may be one of the most succulent juicy turkeys I've ever done. There was a good smoke flavor but wasn't over bearing. Meat was cooked perfectly but the skin wasn't quite crispy. I may crank the heat 130-135 next time instead of 145. Either way I'll definitely be doing this again. submitted by Wamadeus13 to smoking [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 22:50 Glittering-Pass-87 ¿por donde voy?más perdido que payaso en funeral
BuENAS, soy un pibe de 22 años, actualmente vivo con mis abuelos y comparto pieza con mi vieja, y hace 3 años me diagnosticaron depresion grave que en el momento me era super raro porque se me había acomodado un poco la vida, ya que se fue de mi casa el forro de mi viejo y me quedé viviendo sólo con mi vieja que es una madre de oro, la psico me explicó un poco que teniendo en cuenta que mi viejo sufrió depresión, sumado a que tuve una infancia violentada y que mis niveles de dopamina eran bajos no le parecía nada raro que yo sufra lo mismo ajjkads, tuve unos amagues a quitarme la vida pero siempre pensaba en mis sobrinos y mis hermanas y me partía el alma cagarles la vida así. Actualmente si me comparo con el chabon que era hace unos años estoy super bien estudio lo que me gusta, juego en un club, voy a profe particular de lo que me gusta y juego todas las semanas con mis amigos a la pelota pero la depresión no se fue, cada cierta cantidad de días me levanto y todo me cuesta el doble, aunque me distraiga, vaya, corra, coma algo rico, eso sigue ahí
submitted by Glittering-Pass-87 to AskArgentina [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:50 Massil-09 Vous rappelez vous aussi de l’introduction Disney ou la baguette de la fée clochette ne marche pas ?
En 2023, j'ai appris l'existence de l'effet Mandela (auquel je ne crois pas du tout car la plupart ont été débunké ou prouvés faux). Et l'un des effets Mandela était que la fée Clochette n'était jamais apparue dans l'introduction des films Disney. Après quelques recherches, une introduction a été trouvée dans le making of de Bambi sorti en 1997. Ce qui prouve qu'il ne s'agit pas d'un faux souvenir mais qu'elle a bien existé.
Cependant, il existe une version alternative de l'introduction Disney contenant la fée Clochette dont je me souviens précisément, et je ne suis pas le seul. Il s'agit d'une introduction dans laquelle la baguette de la Fée Clochette ne fonctionne pas. Elle utilise sa baguette pour essayer d'allumer le logo Walt Disney, ou pour mettre un point sur le "i" du logo Disney, mais sa baguette ne fonctionne pas, alors elle s'énerve, secoue sa baguette une deuxième fois et cela fonctionne enfin. Pour moi, il s'agissait d'une sorte de gag conçu par Disney pour changer l'habitude de la fée Clochette de réussir du premier coup.
De nombreuses personnes se souviennent exactement de la même introduction que moi et l'ont décrite exactement de la même manière. Ayant vu cela, j'ai vraiment fait plusieurs recherches intensives sur le sujet, mais je n'ai rien trouvé du tout, si ce n'est qu'il s'agirait d'un faux souvenir, donc d'un effet Mandela. Beaucoup de personnes nous disent que nous les confondons avec : Disney Fast Play Le monde merveilleux de Disney Interlude Disney Channel.
Beaucoup de personnes ont essayés de chercher sur leurs vhs et cd mais aucun résultat ce qui me laisse penser que l’introduction etait une exclusivité télé.
J'ai pu parlé de cette introduction à quelqu'un qui avait un ami qui travaillait à Disneyland et voici ce qu'il m’a dit :
" Ces films ont été diffusés par Buena Vista Home entertainment, qui était une filiale de Disney.
Je pense qu'ils ont même été utilisés dans les années 2000. Comme il s'agissait de BVHE, et non de Disney directement, les introductions n'ont pas été sauvegardées par Disney. Il ne fait aucun doute que quelqu'un, quelque part, a enregistré l'une de ces intros sur VHS, mais à moins de savoir exactement ce qu'il cherche, il ne sait peut-être même pas qu'il l'a. Une de mes amies travaillait à Disneyland ou à Disneyworld, et ils avaient une vieille télévision qui diffusait ces anciennes intros, et elle se souvient avoir vu les différentes intros décrites par les gens.
Disney ne les a pas dans ses archives, parce que c'est BV Home Entertainment qui les utilisait et qu'ils n'existent plus. "
En ce moment, j'essaie de rassembler toutes les personnes qui se souviennent de cette introduction sur le subreddit WANDNOTWORKING afin que ce sujet parvienne aux oreilles de Disney pour voir s'ils ont encore des archives de cette introduction.
Ce qui est bizarre est que les personnes qui s’en souviennent le plus sont des français ce aui me laisse penser que c’est peut être une exclusivité française.
Merci en tout cas aux personnes qui vont lire mon message et qui peuvent potentiellement m’aider
submitted by Massil-09 to AskFrance [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:50 AdAdventurous8244 22 [NB4A] #Online - Anyone wanna chat, maybe hold hands..
Yo! I'm Yao or.. whatever you wanna call me. A nerd who just wants..something? Simply looking for friends or whatever comes my way to help me pass time. I like people who are honest and direct! I'm also just waking up at the moment so cut my some slack! And I'd love to hear about your day or night or maybe awful day at home or work. Better yet tell me about your hobbies? Mine.. well it's just reading and gaming but I do wanna learn to draw and stick my hand out there! Bonus points if we share any games we could play. I hope some of you take interest and reach out! Have a good day!
submitted by AdAdventurous8244 to r4r [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:50 gcarpenter3 Dog toy Recommendations
Me and my dog will be moving soon. I will be using a dog transport company but I want to put some toys to keep her busy in her crate. I want something that she can chew on for a long period of time to keep her busy because it will be some long flights (Southwest US to Europe). I also want something that I can train with now to make the journey a little bit easier for her. I also don’t want something that can get caught in her jaw or she could possibly choke on. Any suggestions (I have a budget around $30)?
submitted by gcarpenter3 to DogAdvice [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:50 Adventurous_Juice_20 Catacombs of Doluurh Map
Sharing a map I made for a trip to Doluurh my party made. Actually, I made it a dream sequence, but the consequences were real, so...
submitted by Adventurous_Juice_20 to Eberron [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:50 Gold_Ticket_1970 Presto card found
Found in the Junction keele/Dundas west. 2 p.m today
submitted by Gold_Ticket_1970 to lostandfoundTO [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:50 Familiar_Goose_8933 If I could say one thing
submitted by Familiar_Goose_8933 to sixwordstories [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:50 TabbucatYt What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by TabbucatYt to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:50 bouncingbenji New DLC
submitted by bouncingbenji to VampireSurvivors [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 22:50 cowsarejustbigpuppys How many of you lot tap the side of the plane upon boarding?
submitted by cowsarejustbigpuppys to RandomThoughts [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:50 ShortShelter9898 Ear to heel line question.
Just for some background information, I have only been riding for maybe 7 months and I have mostly been doing walking stuff. I haven't gotten as much time in the saddle as one would expect because I only ride once a week and my instructors have cancelled on me maybe 5-6 times now.
I've heard that when riding you should be able to draw an imaginary straight line from your ear to your heel but this confuses me so much because aren't you supposed to have a deep seat? Whenever I try this my heel comes up and I feel like I'm being forced out of the saddle, unlike when my leg is just slightly in front of my hips. Am I doing it wrong? I really want to become a better rider but this really confuses me and any tips would be appreciated.
Also I think it might be important to note that sometimes my instructors have actually told me to put my leg forward a bit. What's that about?
thanks for reading.
submitted by ShortShelter9898 to Equestrian [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:50 uxmb2024 M19 looking to have a naughty chat with girls who enjoy it
Very bored and alone rn and wanna enjoy my free time. Down for sexting and chatting and will trade if you do too
submitted by uxmb2024 to LetsChat [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:50 ninjadinogaming Staying on after Christmas as a temp?
I started my temp position in foods last week and I am really enjoying the job. What is the best way to ensure that I can stay on after Christmas?
Also, should I mention to anyone that I am interested in staying on after Christmas or just wait and see if it gets brought up?
submitted by ninjadinogaming to MarksAndSpencer [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:50 Ok-GeodesRock49 29 NOVEMBER 2024 ASX: IVZ I OTCQB: IVCTF I VFEX: INV Zimbabwe Petroleum Production Sharing Agreement review completed in preparation for execution
• A final independent review of the Petroleum Production Sharing Agreement (PPSA) by external European legal counsel has been completed and is now with the relevant Government authorities
• Finalisation of PPSA now expected in coming weeks in preparation for execution
• PPSA will provide a stable, transparent, and equitable legal and fiscal framework to govern the country’s oil and gas sector
More information in the ASX Announcement use this link: https://api.investi.com.au/api/announcements/ivz/303ae36b-ad9.pdf
Invictus Energy Managing Director Scott Macmillan commented:
“Completion of the PPSA review by external independent counsel is a significant milestone for Invictus and underscores the Company’s commitment to adhering to international best practices and fostering robust partnerships with host governments.“Once executed the PPSA represents a key step in ensuring the long-term success of the Company’s operations and contributing positively to the development of the region's energy sector.
2024.11.28 22:50 yoitsrach AITA for altering a bridesmaid dress so it's not so revealing?
submitted by yoitsrach to SmoshRedditStories [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:50 Remarkable_Ninja5343 gta5
which trailer do you think is the best that i made in davinci resolve
submitted by Remarkable_Ninja5343 to GTAV [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:50 RapcoPartsCompany Bakelite Magazine Questions About Color
Hi y’all, we are trying to see if we have an orangish color similar to Bakelite or if there is enough market for us to have our lab formulate it if we don’t have it. We’re having a hard time finding a good baseline/sample, much of what we’ve seen online varies from bright orange to a dull almost red color. We currently only have steel AK mags so before we go out and buy some Bakelite mags we would like to know if there is a reason/answer for the variation, such as copies/knockoffs or if it’s an age/style difference.
Does this interest you/would you like to be able to buy a color similar to Bakelite?
Any help/information would be much appreciated!
Thank you!
submitted by RapcoPartsCompany to ak47 [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:50 ace-s Abandoning games should have stricter punishments
I experience atleast 1-2 abandons every day. Sometimes we are winning and someone on the opponent's team abandons and the one having least fun on my team leaves too.
I never experienced abandons in ranked.
Ranked had everything. Proper communication, teamplay, no abandons...etc. people didnt give up and fought till the last second.
submitted by ace-s to DeadlockTheGame [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:50 crownpuff [Headphones] Apple AirPods Pro 2 - $153.99
submitted by crownpuff to buildapcsales [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:50 EpicEagle22 Is my dog a BMC?
She’s a 5-8 year old mutt and we think she’s a BMC/Boxer mix. She’s usually chill but she’ll get hyper and she used to be very active and run around the whole neighborhood and (apparently) she can jump over a 7 foot fence. submitted by EpicEagle22 to Blackmouthcur [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 22:50 Mediocre_Clue_5579 What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Mediocre_Clue_5579 to Pixelary [link] [comments]