2024.11.29 00:59 rtrolley Found these in Grandpa’s Closet. Worth anything?
submitted by rtrolley to CURRENCY [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 00:59 idfalra This ain't happening
submitted by idfalra to JOJOLANDS [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 00:59 Affectionate-Pin3221 I feel like a glass child.
I'm a 9th grader in Highschool and female and I feel as if I'm overseen and my problems don't matter. I know I may be young but I just don't know where else to go. My brother 21 has cystic fibrosis and that's a disease that mainly affects his lungs but he doesn't get treatment because when he did if felt like it was just getting worse. He still lives with me and my family to and has a really bad cough. Ever since I was very young I remember that I've had to stay with my nana for whenever my parents would have to take him to the hospital and I was young yeah I missed them but I was able to be with my nana and one time I was able to see my cousins. But here's the issue they really worry about him and every time I have a problem that I'm complaining about my parents are like oh do we just need to take you to the hospital. And it's not like I don't feel loved cause I know I am. But it just seems like I'm ignored with my problem and that they don't matter. I love my brother I really do and I hate that he has this disease but I don't like being ignored. My parents would say to me sometimes that they didn't really want a second child because they were scared I would get cf. which I see the point but that doesn't make a child feel better. And then my parents would say that I was the happy child the one we didn't have to really worry about. And they joke to me about how bad I am at stuff and it just really hurts and like how clumsy I am. It feels they get mad at me for being in a good mood sometimes. I just don't know what to do anymore.
submitted by Affectionate-Pin3221 to venting [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 00:59 Aggravating_Tune_846 M20, brutally honest
submitted by Aggravating_Tune_846 to amiugly [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 00:59 Due-Bottle-5280 Swords and Sandals GRIME EDITS & INSTRUMENTALS
Hey guys,
really wanted to share my new grime edits here. feedback welcome!
Swords and Sandals Vol.2 GRIME EDITS + INSTRUMENTALS
A concoction of 4 well known grime mc's formed over traditional yet contemporary instrumentals edits. Bringing it back to old school grime with a tinge of modern production chops. Best Track: Dont Holla At Me
2024.11.29 00:59 irobinso Finally joined up!
Happy Turkey Day Y’all! Thankful for these cool automobiles and this community. After a while of lurking I finally have an elco of my own. ‘81 with a 350 swap and a swathe of electrical gremlins but I’ll mechanically sound 🤘 submitted by irobinso to ElCamino [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 00:59 Guilty-Two2005 Azhak Gorefist, Warlord of the Brazen Gorefist
My custo submitted by Guilty-Two2005 to WorldEaters40k [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 00:59 InevitableAd6135 Daft Punk - Touch (Official Audio) ft. Paul Williams
submitted by InevitableAd6135 to Autismophrenia [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 00:59 Dana_Diarrhea ¿Como limpiarme al hacérmelo encima?
Tengo problemas de ansiedad y a menudo me hago mis necesidades encima cuando sufro mucho estrés. Me solía pasar en la escuela, aunque conforme avanza mi edad va a peor, y me suele pasar cuando me grita mi jefe en el trabajo. A menudo he tenido que usar pañales para evitar ensuciarme los pantalones cuando esto pasa, pero cuando esto pasa suele ser diarrea pastosa medio blanda medio sólida, es una absoluta asquerosidad y limpiarme es largo y agotador, además de que si no voy con cuidado me puedo poner hasta las cejas de mierda. Saben de alguna forma rápida para limpiarse? A veces uso toallitas húmedas pero son muy caras y malas para el medio ambiente, así que las evito. Por favor, soy miserable, ayúdenme.
submitted by Dana_Diarrhea to AskRedditespanol [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 00:59 Top-Dog2399 My favorite bun
submitted by Top-Dog2399 to Catbun [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 00:59 ADAMANT1001 Stuck at 1 share
Everything was working great for a while. Now stuck at one share, it never goes up on axeos dashboard. Another thing I’m curious about is that before bitaxe would be on random IP address ex 192.168.1.xx and one day it just started picking the same one (.221) Heres some recent log text: ₿ (48893) http_server: Handshake done, the new connection was opened ₿ (51143) stratum_task: rx: {"params":["67444bb000002abb","33bc429664cc3b9e85f8fdf8510811f938fc1f12000027fc0000000000000000","01000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffff3503d84f0d00040510496704791a54040c","0a636b706f6f6c112f736f6c6f2e636b706f6f6c2e6f72672fffffffff03e832cb1200000000160014088269766376e175594a726e56bdab9df0a5cb390f3062000000000016001451ed61d2f6aa260cc72cdf743e4e436a82c010270000000000000000266a24aa21a9edad9a73a2fee1d183cc199ca1f743c313eb76cf810c7f80f8d58dcae7fa03744100000000",["1ed9f520fd3a3640dd28563a46e60cc519c09ba8f7b4c13794a1620cf5c62489","1b9dc14623c3f901878b176c7952f01fa5258fc3956ca6120c9a2ec28ddeca60","bf6f7963c61bd14b10f40c6a5e57444d81718dbcff340314cded10a9aaaf4358","053626052851756f79b447196c25eb9012c46535109c57469d99d3fb1d2f4a65","eb3dbf1cd3fcdc029203598ba01555724ad68a447005fabfc7a7f22ca9b52f09","2cd2178718dfe04536133fee4424f5ba8a95cdd9b5428bfd707e28095f71cab2","998fcfb049e4db9234ff44e98b9aca7a84a09e8289a748f169d3bd94c79a3fd9","98c1bbb4038d3cb9c4dc4a11eb4a1f5bbe7921cf6e4b2da048a4b2aea8c22e78","3314bdce6a874bccf9d921ed8437ad80a4d99733f5c3dfc6573c3769a9fc7443","6810813dc2223b821528def9b3f32ec7bcb37e13aacae4d3f2b6a7d503eb876f","d3e2baf187136b7c3a3911ffdb612321b72170b00e8a9b664fa4512592435df4","5e924d266f01fa1f0191e09adc9bdb4c610543ed38f903399892d7dc10478e1a"],"20000000","1702c070","67491005",false],"id":null,"method":"mining.notify"} ₿ (51333) create_jobs_task: New Work Dequeued 67444bb000002abb ₿ (81143) stratum_task: rx: {"params":["67444bb000002abc","33bc429664cc3b9e85f8fdf8510811f938fc1f12000027fc0000000000000000","01000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffff3503d84f0d000423104967044308a3040c","0a636b706f6f6c112f736f6c6f2e636b706f6f6c2e6f72672fffffffff03f813cc1200000000160014088269766376e175594a726e56bdab9df0a5cb39a73462000000000016001451ed61d2f6aa260cc72cdf743e4e436a82c010270000000000000000266a24aa21a9edd0b473ce20016f598f75c1af94b04b878b14bc09b7cc48519982ae7264f30c8800000000",["1ed9f520fd3a3640dd28563a46e60cc519c09ba8f7b4c13794a1620cf5c62489","1b9dc14623c3f901878b176c7952f01fa5258fc3956ca6120c9a2ec28ddeca60","bf6f7963c61bd14b10f40c6a5e57444d81718dbcff340314cded10a9aaaf4358","053626052851756f79b447196c25eb9012c46535109c57469d99d3fb1d2f4a65","16c2a9bfcbd2c438e1f12d5180849b918f3827a6d6489ec9b9279fdaef5a82b2","2f02ba46630878494ccf2088fa0a75014253b48dfd53d5f9c7378a4650ca16f8","631024cf786987fb3f5855ec65ca5868650ee76cf6937b3a8298f28703660a35","ea4f6c797066f9d1c862b42645d53a13e0bbd9b7c7defc96a98c526379d3bddc","783414d29be950078d6f92dc600028d7f902dce96ad516f08155df9e310571a6","f4c73e9805636173f441b44af08535edf00869fd8c204513576e54701bcdf7fd","09def074708c3a9f9ba27fa32e04f9abaec21d12ababc2fc584527e086febcd5","67f2ac5113cd02efe19a2b86834e1f400f310218fdb0993515ef4bc7d36486f6"],"20000000","1702c070","67491023",false],"id":null,"method":"mining.notify"} ₿ (81333) create_jobs_task: New Work Dequeued 67444bb000002abc submitted by ADAMANT1001 to BitAxe [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 00:59 jay_0_0 Michael Jackson - Smooth Criminal
submitted by jay_0_0 to freshalbumart [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 00:59 CommanderBeth Now that we know the deeper bond between Ethan and Victor
Now that we know that Ethan and Victor are both sons of "Tabitha" her in different incarnations,which is possibly why the the boy in white tries to befriend the both of them, how do you think their special status will play out?
It's likely that the town has never seen her children stay alive long enough to meet each other, so this could be a huge turning point.
Also, it's clear that the Ankghooey kids know who she is, and obviously the Man in Yellow does too, but do you think the monsters know exactly who she is yet? They don't seem to be targetting her or her family especially.
submitted by CommanderBeth to FromTVEpix [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 00:59 FluffyIchigoNyarla Kratos vs Goku Black
submitted by FluffyIchigoNyarla to PowerScaling [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 00:59 TurbulentSoup_24 First time I legit rage quit over something
I don't know how to save the captures i got on roblox, but I got a glowtail mutation for like the first time ever. I then tried to leave so I could celebrate and IMMEDIATELY someone killed me. They CHASED me through the air as I was like "bro please I just got this 🙏🙏". I got away to lay down because I was abt to die. THE MOMENT I laid down, I died. What the hell submitted by TurbulentSoup_24 to CreaturesofSonaria [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 00:59 Just-Asparagus2225 Derek Hough
Listen okay I know some people might say I’m crazy or overreacting but I am so attracted to Derek Hough from DWTS. I’m not usually into guys who look like him or dancers even but like idk every time I see videos of him I just am like damn😛
Someone tell me am I over reacting and no one gaf or do some people think I’m weird ?
submitted by Just-Asparagus2225 to dwts [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 00:59 messy_blood_lust Hi chat would any of you know what this rash is?
I've had those before, in the same places too, we were sure it's heat rash and recently we moved to a different state (a much colder state 😮💨) and I got a mysterious illness, my throat hurt for awhile but that went away and then I had a mad cough and a really weird rash on my face which has since gone away and then came back and then disappeared, almost immediately after the the rash on my face went away this appeared as little red bumps which was like heat rash and now it's developed to this. I think it's heat rash my mum thinks it's an allergy reaction but I'm not allergic to anything but poison oak and this state doesn't have poison oak nor have I been leaving the house- it itches only occasionally and burns under soap (as I assume most rashes do) and a note to add is I've never had eczema, any help would be appreciated submitted by messy_blood_lust to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 00:59 v7xDm1r Found these yesterday while shopping for Thanksgiving.
submitted by v7xDm1r to HotWheels [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 00:59 Tard_Nation What's Your Top 10 Songs By The Simpsons?
2024.11.29 00:59 nlitherl 100 Rumor Mongers and Information Brokers - Azukail Games | People | DriveThruRPG.com
submitted by nlitherl to cepheusengine [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 00:59 danielhandley The SCC has granted leave to appeal in Ryan Alford v. Canada. Does anyone else think the SCC will use this opportunity to make a broader statement on Parliamentary immunity, similar (albeit much narrower in scope) to the SCOTUS Presidential Immunity decision?
submitted by danielhandley to LawCanada [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 00:59 juhbuh 5 Best feature phones under $100 for digital detox
submitted by juhbuh to AntiPhonePeople [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 00:59 hercs247 Ring pulls have a cutout of a bull on Red Bull cans
submitted by hercs247 to mildlyinteresting [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 00:59 Snoop_____ Morning Commute at the Colosseum
15 Seconds exposure during blue hour
submitted by Snoop_____ to SonyAlpha [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 00:59 Oscar1625 Smooshed
Found this cute artwork. Looks like he saw something in a store he really likes Source: https://x.com/FULL_M00NY/status/1568002341345046528 submitted by Oscar1625 to lucario [link] [comments] |