2024.11.29 00:59 sosaltycalypso [EUW] Looking for friends to play ranked with!
I started playing video games last year, and I absolutely love the competitiveness of League. I mainly play support, but I'm trying to learn jungle (and I have a love-hate relationship with it. Anyone willing to give me a chance to learn and have fun with you?
Low iron since my original duo doesn't really want to rank up, but I've made up my mind that I would like to.
submitted by sosaltycalypso to LeagueConnect [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 00:59 whatelseyagaht best source for not a lot of firewood?
looking for a couple nights worth of firewood - I have a source for a cord or so, but I'm just looking for a juat a few bundles. thought they were for sale at grocery stores but haven't seen any one my usual path. is this something I could find at Lowes, or maybe a garden center? thx in advance!
submitted by whatelseyagaht to Charlottesville [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 00:59 sunnicurls FINALLY randomly got shards, but i need help figuring out which katar set to get. if anyone has these specific skins can you tell me your opinions (kindly) thank you
submitted by sunnicurls to apexuniversity [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 00:59 XxDarthGxX Finished my combat patrol after a year! C+C welcomed!
submitted by XxDarthGxX to WorldEaters40k [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 00:59 CelebBattleVoteBot2 Kate Winslet vs Blake Lively
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submitted by CelebBattleVoteBot2 to CelebbattlePolls [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 00:59 Designincase Eradicator - I think my Gyroscope is not working
submitted by Designincase to Mafex [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 00:59 chubachus Milliner model doll that has a papier mache head and wooden limbs, c. 1840. She is wearing an ecru dress with a red, brown, and ecru checked apron. [2912x4368]
submitted by chubachus to ArtefactPorn [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 00:59 Traditional_Bath_649 I have tried to do the password game thats on neal.fun but one of the questions says: "Your password must include the best move in algebraic chess notation" I dont know how to play chess and I need help! (It's white to move btw)
White to Move submitted by Traditional_Bath_649 to chessbeginners [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 00:59 Few-Package4743 I’m getting her tomorrow!
She’s a 3-month old rescue that was found outside with her mom and siblings. I’m naming her Olive! 🥰 submitted by Few-Package4743 to cat [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 00:59 Rzeszow2083 Max/minimum voltage
We have a Caldera seychelles, and I’ve installed an ICM493-60 to protect the electronics. I know the pumps are rated at 240 on paper- however much of our grid runs spicer than that- often times 248-250. I know that the utility has a 7% margin to play with- which I’ve set the ICM to disengage electrical service at 7%..Which the ICM does nightly between 6-10 because the voltage goes over 255vac. But what is the max allowable voltage as well as the minimum? Will it work on 208? I’ve asked caldera and they haven’t gotten back to me. Knowing that our voltage tends to run a little higher- I was debating picking up a Buck/Boost transformer to regulate the incoming- if the spa will work on 208, I’ll get a higher turn down buck/boost.
submitted by Rzeszow2083 to hottub [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 00:59 16ozactavis Best Ultraboost for standing all day? 1.0 vs 5x?
Trying to get a couple of pairs as gifts, my cousin stands in place almost ~8 hours a day on a hard surface. He said his heel has shooting pain recently (I believe it's Plantar fasciitis as he said it's the worst in the morning). We've always worn Ultraboost 1.0 and regular NMDs before that, with UB 1.0 being way better. Just saw the UB 5x and was wondering if anyone has any insight on the new 5x.
Also -
Should I be looking for a low heel to toe drop?
Too much cushioning could make the Plantar fasciitis worse right?
Been looking at HOKA Bondi 8 as well if anyone's tried those.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by 16ozactavis to Ultraboost [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 00:59 Lanky_Biscotti_1099 my account has been ban 10 years
I received a 10 year ban today for no apparent reason!! Please check the reason for the ban and send me the reason with details to find out the reason. I do not violate the rules of the game to receive a 10-year ban suddenly . Please pay attention because I am an old player sinc my id : 51352663922
submitted by Lanky_Biscotti_1099 to PUBGM_Support [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 00:59 toysnbricks [US] LEGO Disney and Pixar ‘Up’ House (52% off)
submitted by toysnbricks to legosalez [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 00:59 Leah__Annelise Most toxic couple
I love duncney don’t get me wrong but they were toxic.Gwuncan could have been good but I hated the love triangle.I honestly like Cody+sierra but in the beginning of world tour sierra was creepy. Heather and Alejandro aren’t really that toxic but the did betray each other a lot. submitted by Leah__Annelise to Totaldrama [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 00:59 Dahlya-K Coyote spotted crossing the street in front of the 420 Leacock drive plaza!
Seen just now. Posting this so y’all can bring in your pets if they’re the outside or anything like that. 🙏
submitted by Dahlya-K to barrie [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 00:59 CelebBattleVoteBot2 Kate Hudson vs Zoe Kravitz
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submitted by CelebBattleVoteBot2 to CelebbattlePolls [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 00:59 BobbyFruitman14 Idk why I made this
submitted by BobbyFruitman14 to lookismcomic [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 00:59 Solanium Streak 1265 - Lo malo de los aranceles
Todos ya conocemos el plan de Trump de imponer aranceles a todos los productos importados desde el extranjero, ya que desea fomentar la compra de productos domésticos y el desarrollo de las industrias nacionales. De hecho, muchos compatriotas míos creen lo mismo que él y algunos siempre me dicen que el plan de Trump funcionará a la perfección debido a su creencia de que los otros países pagarán los aranceles. Sin embargo, los que no comprenden es que somos nosotros los que tenemos que pagarlos, pues las empresas prefieren pagar las tarifas y repercutir el coste a los consumidores, en efecto, causando el aumento de precios de todos los bienes a venta.
También he buscado en Internet los argumentos a favor de la imposición de los impuestos y parece que no lo entienden de verdad. En realidad, piensan que tal acción hará que se reduzca la importación de productos extranjeros, lo cual va a reducir el precio de todos los que se venden en las tiendas. Por desgracia, la última vez que ocurrió esto, justo antes de la Gran Depresión de 1929, muchas industrias recurrieron a repercutir el coste adicional a sus clientes. Por consiguiente, casi todas las personas, excepto las más ricas, dejaron de comprar cosas para protestar contra el aumento de precios. Luego, muchas empresas tuvieron que reducir las horas de trabajo o eliminar los empleos de millones de ciudadanos, lo que provocó que la crisis económica estallara de golpe.
Tengo miedo de que lo mismo vuelva a suceder con la llegada de Trump al poder el año que viene. Esto puede arruinar la economía y puede hacer que los ciudadanos salgan a la calle a fin de influir los precios de los bienes. Es más, los pobres y los de la clase media, al verse desesperados, querrán echarle la culpa a alguien. No tenemos mucha fama de comprender las divisiones claras entre los cargos gubernamentales, por lo que es posible que la gente culpe al nuevo presidente y, en definitiva, que estas mismas personas lo saquen del poder.
submitted by Solanium to WriteStreakES [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 00:59 LordCrusader These pillars are all the prospecting holes i've made on an area that has "ultra high" copper, yet I can find none. I've prospected at 8 and 16 levels down.
submitted by LordCrusader to VintageStory [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 00:59 scuzzbo98 Testing silver before purchase
Any tips or suggestions to testing silver before buying?
What sort of things to people use?
Any recommendations,
Reason I ask is I'm looking at groups on other platforms selling metals at a really competitive price compared to bigger websites which charge massive premiums.
So it would be good if I can utilise this and pick up some good deals
submitted by scuzzbo98 to Silver [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 00:59 Dismal_Option4437 A very powerful post from JVP
submitted by Dismal_Option4437 to Hasan_Piker [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 00:59 Kell_Galain Feels like my soul came back into my body.
I used to drink 6-8 beers on weekdays and 10-16 pints of beer a weekend for a long time. I'm not a fun drunk, just depressed and mean. I noticed I didn't clearly remember anything anymore and i felt empty. I wanted to get sober, relapsed dozens of times, each relapse took away my self esteem. Some really nasty s*it happened and i wanted to finally give another try. It's almost my first week sober in 3 years and i wanted to post here since, no-one actually knows my problem. I want to have another beer but im terrified of losing my mental clarity again. I am irritable and anxious now and have slight tremors but it's okay. This will pass.
submitted by Kell_Galain to stopdrinking [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 00:59 Commercial-Fan9734 15 To 25
submitted by Commercial-Fan9734 to uglyduckling [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 00:59 Jinxchaoseffect99 Now, in case all that smiling didn't cheer you up, there's one thing that never fails: A nice glass of Diet Coke, some Big Macs, and a total frontal lobotomy.
submitted by Jinxchaoseffect99 to simpsonsshitposting [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 00:59 averagereddituser265 first spirit petal
i macro so should i get belt or wand first (belt gonna be so grindy)
submitted by averagereddituser265 to BeeSwarmSimulator [link] [comments]