So… the track list has been maybe leaked, I’ve never listened to leaks so are we cooked

2024.11.29 01:30 OpportunityAny7594 So… the track list has been maybe leaked, I’ve never listened to leaks so are we cooked

Also,maybe It’s not the full one 🤷‍♂️because no empty out your pockets and rental so u,bibby lock in and don’t do your normal thing
submitted by OpportunityAny7594 to JuiceWRLD [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:30 thebunnyboii Looking for Business Analyst Roles: Need Advice and Leads After Unfortunate Start. Any leads?

Hello everyone,
I recently graduated with a degree in Computer Science from NIT Calicut. During my final year, I realized software engineering wasn’t my ideal career path, but I secured a placement with an ed-tech company through campus. Unfortunately, the company misrepresented its CTC, lacked transparency, and eventually shut down, leaving me and several other students stranded.
I worked there as a Business Development Associate for two months and gained some valuable experience, but the abrupt closure has left me seeking a fresh start. I am currently looking for opportunities in Business Analyst roles where I can utilize my problem-solving skills and strategic thinking.
If anyone has leads, advice, or guidance on how to pivot to such roles, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you in advance for your support!
submitted by thebunnyboii to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:30 bobfugger Unsung Nav/Climate Feature

Unsung Nav/Climate Feature One of my favourite features of my EV6 is one that a lot of folk will likely never see, especially living out in the country.
The George Massey Tunnel burrows under the Fraser River coming from the ferry terminal into Vancouver.
It never fails to put a smile on my face when as I’m approaching the tunnel, the climate control - by virtue of being linked to the navigation system - automatically switches off the outside air intake and goes into recirculation mode, so the car isn’t sucking exhaust fumes into the cabin.
Well done, Kia!
submitted by bobfugger to KiaEV6 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:30 ace_angel1 Books

Books Hi, I wanted to know if any of you know where can I buy this book (with shipping to south America) and if you could tell me the name too in chonese please
submitted by ace_angel1 to ChineseLanguage [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:30 ItsDanaMarie13 ZAMAZENTA 2743 9307 1502

submitted by ItsDanaMarie13 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:30 purplewookie617 32[M4F]Arizona/Anywhere - Anyone else feeling bored and lonely? Let me give you the affection and attention you deserve!

Hello, I hope everyone's having a nice day! Anyways im feeling a little bored and pretty lonely, so I figured I'd try and meet some new people. So Iv usually been the quiet shy type, the one that tends to sit in the back of class and hope i don't get noticed. People tend to judge you before they get to actually know you, so its always been kinda hard meeting new people for me. I am trying to work on being less introverted and more social, plus lately iv been feeling kinda lonely so I would like to find a chat buddy. Short-term chat is fine but preferably id like a long term friend. I would like someone that wants to talk about both serious topics and silly topics. Also if you have anything on your mind and need to vent i dont mind listening.
So a bit about me im about 5'10 with brown eyes and long dark brown hair. I have 2 cats with plenty of pictures! Im a pretty big geek, I love comic books some of my favorites would be The walking dead, Spawn, Invincible, Batman, HellblazeConstantine, Spiderman, Old man logan to name a few. I also enjoy reading books like The expanse, ready player one, Lord of the rings. I am currently reading The witcher series. i also enjoy hiking, sleeping, going to the movies,mall,bars, concerts.
I Also enjoy video games and I usually just play on my xbox. Some of my favorites would be Red dead redemption 1&2, Fallout New Vegas&4, Assassins creed 2 and origins, Pubg, skyrim, Bioshock, mass effect, i have plenty of more
If you would like to know my music tastes i am very much a punk,metal, classic rock type of guy but that doesn't mean I won't listen to other stuff. If you enjoy bands like Greenday, The adicts, The misfits, Ramones, Weezer, Foo fighters will get along.
For Movies and Tv i like scifi fantasy but ill watch anything. Some of my likes would be , a good amount of marvel and dc shows and movies.
As for who im looking for age, ethnicity,location dont matter just be fun and nice! Of course it would be great to find someone with common interests but its not a deal breaker im willing and want to learn about new hobbies. So if you think we might make great friends lets chat, we can chat on reddit or whatever app you might use.
submitted by purplewookie617 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:30 xportbob The greatest 27 Hours of my life

The greatest 27 Hours of my life submitted by xportbob to NineSols [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:30 Alternative-Fox6236 Did I damage my rotator cuff?

Male, 6'4, 170lbs. No prior existing health issues. Non smokedrinker.
Link to location of discomfort -
I was doing a back workout last week (11/19) and later that evening the first sign something felt off was when I reached up to grab something in the cabinet. No pain but the best way to describe it was just like somebody tapped it or touched the bone, enough to where I could feel sensation, but not pain or anything just more "hmmm that was odd. Never felt that before" type of feeling.
When through the rest of that week working out with nothing of note. From what I remember everything felt normal.
Yesterday was my first day back at a commercial gym (in about a year after doing primarily home workouts) and I trained back again. No issues or anything of note during the workout. Everything felt great actually. However, driving home, I had that strange odd feeling on the back of my scapula again. The best way to describe it was just like somebody tapped it or touched the bone, enough to where I could feel sensation, but not pain or anything just more "hmmm that was odd. Never felt that before" type of feeling.
The rest of the evening I just felt like I always wanted to stretch my shoulder out and move it around. No loss of ROM. Still have the same irritating feeling and discomfort this AM as well.
Just a very dull almost burning sensation in the indicated area.
I never felt this before in this shoulder and now I'm concerned I tore something in my rotator cuff.
submitted by Alternative-Fox6236 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:30 SpaceMan2764 THE TOWERS ARE OP???

THE TOWERS ARE OP??? I started this morning about to grind, i decided to do some towers and i went from power 126 to this….
submitted by SpaceMan2764 to MinecraftDungeons [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:30 B3RGT Por que mulher bonita sempre é arrogante?

Notei recentemente que as pessoas bonitas em geral, mas principalmente mulheres, são MUITO arrogantes!
Hoje eu tava na academia e tinha uma mulher que eu podia jurar que já tinha visto ela em outro lugar. Depois de um tempinho pensando, lembrei que eu não tinha visto ela, mas ela parecia muito com a minha nutricionista.
Aí eu pensei, ah, vou lá perguntar se elas são da mesma família, ou se uma conhece a outra (moro em cidade pequena).
Rapaz, eu fui ignorado completamente
Eu chamei - Ei moça - quando ela passsou por mim. Ela simplesmente olhou pro lado oposto, como se tivesse procúrando alguém. Eu chamei novamente, dessa vez ela olhou pra mim, mas com uma cara... Sabe quando você tá no ônibus e vê aqueles vendedores ambulantes entrando? Aquela cara de impaciência que você faz. Foi exatamente essa cara que ela fez.
Eu perguntei - Você conhece Amanda (a nutricionista)? Não é por nada, é que você parece muito com ela.
Ela ficou pensando um pouco, enquanto repetia o nome "Amanda"
Respondeu - Amanda... Não conheço não.
Virou abruptamente e foi embora.
Sei que ela não foi exatamente grossa, ou mal educada. Mas, sei lá. Acho que não cústava nada ter sido um pouquinho mais simpática, né?
Enfim, eu sei que falta empatia em grande parte da humanidade. Mas, ao meu ver, quando a pessoa tem um nível de beleza um pouco maior, ela fica bem mais arrogante.
Mas o que vocês acham? Concordam comigo? Acham que eu me ofendi por besteira, ou a moça em questão foi um pouco ríspida?
submitted by B3RGT to RelatosDoReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:30 Dazzling-Slice-796 New to silver lined copper

I will soon be the proud owner of a silver lined duparquet silver line sauté pan with lid.
Some care questions if you don’t mind.
How long does the lining last without scouring?
If I have to scrub on it a bit what should I use? (I’m planning on boiling water to release most of the food)
Cast iron handle: rust prevention needed?
If I need the silver redone in the future who do I talk to? I don’t expect duparquet copper to be around forever.
Thank you for the advice fine chefs of Reddit
submitted by Dazzling-Slice-796 to Coppercookware [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:30 Certain_Orange_527 21st birthday. Where to stay?

Hi I currently live in New York and I’m planning a trip to LA for my 21st birthday. What area in LA is the most hip and has a lot of other young adults. I really want to dive into the indie/rock music scene of LA. What part of LA is considered the “cool” part of LA? Like in New York no one is really hanging out in Times Square or on Broadway. I want to avoid these type of places in LA. I’m going solo btw
Aaaaand anything fun happening in January 16-22??
submitted by Certain_Orange_527 to AskLosAngeles [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:30 MagAqua How often do you buy Barstool merch

View Poll
submitted by MagAqua to barstoolsports [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:30 guysmith1 Give Binx 2nd place and all of the leftover plushies. She'd appreciate it more than 50k (32)

submitted by guysmith1 to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:30 bot_neen Tras Operación Enjambre, vinculan a proceso a alcaldesa de Amanalco por homicidio

Tras Operación Enjambre, vinculan a proceso a alcaldesa de Amanalco por homicidio submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:30 FootballHuman357 Should I leave him or stay and bear this all?

He is the nice man only if I tolerate his family drama . And now it messing up with my mind and relationship
So i got married to this man 2 years ago and his mother is so toxic . I lives in uk she lives in other country. Every time I asked him to speak for myself he didn’t and we ended up fighting where he always said he have power coz he’s the earner. So that’s my money blah blah you have no right on anything in this house. His mother always do dirty drama where she doesn’t effect any relation with his son. So now i said to him I’ll call your father and tell him about all her dramas in return of it he threatened me to hit me and than my child. I’m on dependent visa . I have a toddler. I give up my education and career after meeting him of course he trapped me. What should I do?? Don’t have a finically strong background. Should I continues for the sake of my child’s life . As he every time make me feel like I couldn’t afford a good future for him. Should I bear this mental torcher???
submitted by FootballHuman357 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:30 Forsaken_Common_9318 my fico score 8 at 577

what can i do to improve it? i have like 13 late payments and 8 collections
submitted by Forsaken_Common_9318 to CRedit [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:30 keenantheho Oh, but it is

submitted by keenantheho to LooneyTunesLogic [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:30 2sus-4u Mother asking for 8 things can’t respond to 1, been going on for 9 months now ☹️

Mother asking for 8 things can’t respond to 1, been going on for 9 months now ☹️ submitted by 2sus-4u to mildlyinfuriating [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:30 softhartedfungi Multi bin/ Arequipa grafted to spach root stock $35 each shipped

Multi bin/ Arequipa grafted to spach root stock $35 each shipped Variegated Arequipa grafted spach root stock and already pupping in all stocks. asking $35 each shipped, payment method preferred Zelle\Venmo|CashApp. Ship US the lower 48 only. 72 hours heat pack available by request for additional $5.
submitted by softhartedfungi to sanpedrocactusforsale [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:30 BitterComplainer I just recently got a new keyboard with hall effect switches and it lags behind whenever I try typing anywhere with a game running, well with Red Dead Redemption 2 anyways, as my currently only example.

So. I'm a cheater as my friend likes to say because I like to look a lot of things up when I'm playing games. Whenever I used to do this with my old keyboard the typing in windows outside of the game was never slowed to a crawl but now with this new one it is. I do have a theory as to maybe why. My guess is that with my old mechanical keyboard the key presses were registered by an actual physical switch with 2 contacts connecting and the key either being on or off. But maybe with hall effect keys they actually have to be processed through software, and that software is sharing resources with the game that is running. Can anyone let me know if I'm on the money or if I'm completely out of left field?
submitted by BitterComplainer to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:30 Melodic-Chipmunk9585 NEED TEXT BOOK

submitted by Melodic-Chipmunk9585 to queensuniversity [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:30 dawwel "I'm trying to save them"

I was just watching Captain Fantastic (a movie), and the father has 7 kids and has them living in the forest to avoid capitalism and brainwashed people, basically Christians, materialistic people, the police, fascists, fat people, etc...
And his wife's sister told him that he's going to get them killed. which is absolutely true, I mean, he gave a 7 year old child a hunting knife as a gift. Anyway, he said, "I'm trying to save them," basically from society, from hyper consumerism, from becoming slave obsessed with money, etc...
And isn't that ironic? You could've saved them from all the bad things in this world by simply not creating them. Anyway, I'm going to finish this pretentious movie
submitted by dawwel to antinatalism [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:30 rennistry Foot Locker Black Friday Sales 2024Footaction Black Friday Sales 2024

Use the link for Foot Locker Black Friday Sales 2024. The website features a wide selection of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly forVisit this page for Footaction Black Friday Sales 2024. The website offers a wide selection of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly, just visit the website to find the perfect one for you. you to choose from and make your purchase more affordable.
submitted by rennistry to ArticulateOffers [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 01:30 riddleman01 Eén maat is nogal dun. (3) letters

Eén maat is nogal dun. (3) letters
submitted by riddleman01 to dailytriviaanswers [link] [comments]