Looking for raids plz

Dabei werden die Eigenschaften der beiden RAIDs kombiniert: Sicherheit (geringer als beim RAID 10) und gesteigerter Datendurchsatz. Häufig wird behauptet, ein konventioneller aktueller RAID-01-Verbund benötige mindestens vier Festplatten. Das ist nicht ganz richtig. RAID-Systeme basieren Speicherkonzepte um Daten redundant zu speichern. In der Regel erreicht man dadurch eine Steigerung der Geschwindigkeit der Schreib- und Lesezugriffe (RAID-Level 0) oder die Verbesserung der Datensicherheit (RAID-Level 1). Das eigentliche Ziel beim Einsatz eines RAIDs ist die Verfügbarkeit der Daten zu verbessern. RAID (/ r eɪ d /; "redundant array of inexpensive disks" [1] or "redundant array of independent disks" [2]) is a data storage virtualization technology that combines multiple physical data storage components into one or more logical units for the purposes of data redundancy, performance improvement, or both.This is in contrast to the previous concept of highly reliable mainframe disk drives ... Dies gewährleistet hohe Fehlertoleranz: Wenn eine Komponente ausfällt, kann weiterhin eine Kopie der Daten, die sich auf der anderen Komponente dieses RAIDs befindet, verwendet Die Spiegelungstechnik ist in RAID Level 1 implementiert. Abhängig vom jeweiligen RAID Level ermöglicht es sowohl höhere Ausfallsicherheit als auch höhere Performance als sie mit einer Festplatte erreichbar ist. RAIDs können dabei mithilfe von Hardware RAID, Software RAID oder Firmware/Driver RAID verwendet werden. Allerdings liefert RAID 6 bereits ab einer Zahl von fünf Festplatten eine bessere Ressourcen-Nutzung (die sich zudem mit jeder hinzukommenden Platte verbessert) als RAIDs, die auf eine vollständige Spiegelung der Daten setzen. In diesem Artikel gehe ich auf die einzelnen RAIDs kurz ein und erkläre mit jeweils einem Beispiel, wie man die verfügbare Kapazität ermittelt. RAID 0 RAIDs stellen eine gute Lösung dar, um die Leistungsfähigkeit von Festplatten zu verbessern. Die einzelnen standardisierten Level liefern dabei unterschiedliche Ansätze, um die Ausfallsicherheit oder die Durchsatzrate zu erhöhen. A RAID 0 array of n drives provides data read and write transfer rates up to n times as high as the individual drive rates, but with no data redundancy. As a result, RAID 0 is primarily used in applications that require high performance and are able to tolerate lower reliability, such as in scientific computing [5] or computer gaming. [6]Some benchmarks of desktop applications show RAID 0 ... Die Rolle von RAIDs in heutigen Serverumgebungen; Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Hardware- und Software-RAIDs? Die gängigen RAID-Level im Überblick; Was ist bei der Einrichtung und Anpassung von RAIDs zu beachten?

2024.11.29 02:00 oOinfinity17Oo Looking for raids plz

Looking for raids I'm in a remote area and none around 0836 1335 8255 add me an send those invites plz
submitted by oOinfinity17Oo to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:00 LengthyNoodle Jonnu is the last leg. Should I cash? This game is starting to look like a blowout

submitted by LengthyNoodle to fanduel [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:00 Usual_Currency_4537 Anyone wanting any lessons on the occult?

Hi, I am here Because I wanted to see if anyone wanted to learn about the occult. I love teaching people, and this comes at no cost at all, the only thing I want is for you to ask questions so I can help you understand. Another important note is that I teach more of the dark arts but I can help with general spirituality too. I am also a no BS teacher I will tell you what I see. I am open to all ages as well.
And I can also Scry, and channel as well.
submitted by Usual_Currency_4537 to occultlibrary [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:00 kswizl89 Thanksgiving leftover inspiration

Taking any and all suggestions for blackstone magic with thanksgiving leftovers. Who's got recipes?
submitted by kswizl89 to blackstonegriddle [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:00 Santiaho19 cual es la mezcla de trago mas pesada que han hecho?

la mia fue cerveza con aguardiente y fourloko. tambien otro dia fue tequila con whiskey
submitted by Santiaho19 to Preguntas_de_Reddit_ [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:00 AutoModerator Daily Q&A Megathread

All simple questions regarding player builds, skills, comparisons, and simple team-building questions, must be posted in this thread. Any other posts on these topics will be removed.
While you are here to ask a question, please answer someone else's as well. It takes only a minute.
submitted by AutoModerator to pesmobile [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:00 etherd0t The Day of the Jackal (2024) | Season 1 - Episode 07

(No spoilers or reveals ahead, please)
submitted by etherd0t to peacock [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:00 ProfessionalMath8873 I feel like I have some sort of mental illness, how do I tell my parents?

I feel like I have most the symptoms of anxiety ADHD or autism. I don't wanna sound weird but I legit feel like I do, either that or I'm just paranoid.
submitted by ProfessionalMath8873 to askteenboys [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:00 variousberries00 Giddy up Oscar.

submitted by variousberries00 to Yorkies [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:00 rckn00 for u/ClaClaClouds

for u/ClaClaClouds submitted by rckn00 to DrawForMe [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:00 No-Bother-6970 After School Fight

After School Fight submitted by No-Bother-6970 to schoolfight2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:00 Spoolbus500 (WTB) Blue Alpha Hybrid EDC Belt

Looking for a blue alpha gear hybrid belt with cobra buckle. Size 30 or 32. $50
submitted by Spoolbus500 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:00 Existing-Complex6718 I made a poem.. uh rate it?

You left me lying there My clothes were ripped My hair a mess And you left me crying in a puddle of our sweat I was just a plaything, i know A doll in your inventory you could use for whatever And i stayed, i would've forever But you broke me down You said i got rusty and you complained I apologized and then i went my own way
submitted by Existing-Complex6718 to writing [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:00 Plugist For the Railroader players in here!

For the Railroader players in here! This Railroader server is 100% ops based, feel free to join and help the server grow! It's in the early stages of development so be among the first to help expand the Ponderosa route!
Invite Link: https://discord.gg/vmDKXJ7W
submitted by Plugist to trains [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:00 abitStoic Norwegian Parliament approves $3.17 billion Ukraine aid for 2025, up from initially proposed $1.36 billion, after calls from opposition

Norwegian Parliament approves $3.17 billion Ukraine aid for 2025, up from initially proposed $1.36 billion, after calls from opposition submitted by abitStoic to ActionForUkraine [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:00 leadretention Any decent THCa online stores or recommendations?

Title pretty much sums it up. Non legal state looking for something decent from time to time.
submitted by leadretention to weed [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:00 AutoModerator Your Sendwave Promo Code 2024 : TUE67

Get €10.00 for your first transfer!
Use code TUE67 on sendwave, or try it here:
#sendwave 2024
submitted by AutoModerator to sendwave_officials [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:00 tea8030 Drilled through shower while hanging TV.. Help! Where do I put the second TV

submitted by tea8030 to homedecoratingCJ [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:00 sims_Steven Anti-Social Legacy Challenge

Is the worst part of playing a life sim all the socializing you have to do? Explore what the Sims 4 has to offer without all the pesky socializing! Just search Tumblr for #antisociallegacy
submitted by sims_Steven to Sims4Challenges [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:00 Frederick_kiessling Quest 9 make_purty_pitcher() Question

Hey guys, maybe I am just not understanding or misread something but I am a bit confused about the make_purty_pitcher() function. All my tests for miniquests 1-6 are passing, but then for the 7th miniquest make_purty_pitcher() function it does not really give me an error mesage it just gives me for example "Zach's Icosahedron" graph structure and says "Wow! A really cool Graph. Thanks #0:" and then for my structure it also just writes out the strucutre and says "Wow! A really cool Graph. Thanks #1:"
So I am a bit confused because the instructions seem to suggest we can create any graph... I guess it also says as long as it "it's purty nuff" so I am assuming theree is a certain threshold of complexity that the code tests for? However, I already made some pretty "complex" structures and it still does not seem to work.
Maybe I am just completely misunderstanding here but if anyone knows please let me know
submitted by Frederick_kiessling to cs2b [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:00 United_Gur_9639 Vill du se hennes hängtuttar? Om du gillar dom. Så får du se hennes rejäla bullfitta. DM

Vill du se hennes hängtuttar? Om du gillar dom. Så får du se hennes rejäla bullfitta. DM submitted by United_Gur_9639 to Borlange [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:00 stopgreg Should you get a penalty if you "leave" match once in blue moon?

Power went out during a game, received bigger LP loss and low que priority. I feel like if I never leave games, there should be some kind of leniency?
Also, proof you should NEVER SURRENDER. You might get a DC in enemy team for free LP
submitted by stopgreg to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:00 BeauIvI My players meeting their first dragon, is it too soon?

My party are now level 5, and I had an idea to have the next session drop hints of a dragons lair in the mountains nearby.
A PCs backstory had a dragon destroy their city of origin, and thought to bring this to light, maybe delve into the "why" adding to the campaigns plot.
But, am I preparing for a TPK? How do other DMs have a big bad meet the party without wiping the floor with them?
Most of our encounters, they've done pretty good, beating them without too much consequences, almost had 1 PC drop get close to 0hp recently, raised the stakes.
But the dragon would easily TPK, so should I have him for story and dialogue only, then he flies away, having given the party a quest or more information? Or can I have combat?
submitted by BeauIvI to DungeonsAndDragons [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:00 Important-Ad-2376 Anyone else find it hypocritical?

She says thanksgiving is trash but celebrates it every year. Just seems so...like you don't have the ability to actually stand up for your beliefs.
submitted by Important-Ad-2376 to CarrieDaytonYT [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 02:00 Admirable_Staff_265 what mod is breaking my dang game

heyyy so im super confused :( ever since the update then update for the new life and death expansion my game has been completely broken and I literally cant figure out what mod it is the mods I have are: MCC, Xmlljector, Unlimited jobs, UI cheats, More traits, Adeepingo divergent-healthcare-education-dental-uni application, slice of life, littlemssam foster-spend weekend-first love, Carl gameplay overhaul, Lumipino RPO collection and moodpack. I also have small amounts of CC I've already updated MCC, Xmlljector, UI cheats, and more traits since they usually cause problems after updates for me but now I cant figure out whats wrong :(
submitted by Admirable_Staff_265 to TheSims4Mods [link] [comments]
