2024.11.29 03:40 Direct_Ad3814 Can someone tell me about this griddle
submitted by Direct_Ad3814 to castiron [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 03:40 Responsible-Floor783 Deleted story
On Sick New Worlds instagram account, you can see they have a story available, but it says it has been removed. Something is going on. submitted by Responsible-Floor783 to SickNewWorld [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 03:40 PacmanAL My Plant Dagobah Terrarium.
Went looking for a great warrior. submitted by PacmanAL to terrariums [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 03:40 spring_ephemeral 「youtube-dl」のホスティングプロバイダーには著作権侵害の責任があるとの判決 - GIGAZINE
submitted by spring_ephemeral to newsokunomoral [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 03:40 Dangerous-Stay9216 Donjek Mist
Low moody clouds shrouding the mountains behind the Donjek glacier, Yukon. submitted by Dangerous-Stay9216 to photographs [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 03:40 TheNekoKatze Am I the only one who wishes for a chiptune instrument?
Sky has always been a very calm game, there are many things one can do, one of which is playing music, guitars, haps, pianos, you name it, but I've never seen a chiptune instrument, I may not be someone very fond of music, but I'd absolutely learn to use an instrument like that
submitted by TheNekoKatze to SkyChildrenOfLight [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 03:40 tgs1611 Are there two guitar tracks playing on A Tear for Eddie or is that just pure wizardry?
It's so good but I just feel like are two separate guitars there because it doesn't seem possible otherwise.
submitted by tgs1611 to ween [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 03:40 reddit_lss_3 Flair test 29/11/2024 03:36:21
submitted by reddit_lss_3 to SubredditExp [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 03:40 _Wanderingwraith I'm pathetic
You don't care I posted about how I miss you and you saw it. Fuck I have to stop becoming so pathetic no wonder he doesn't want me lol. He probably just thinks I'm crazy. I just wanted you to know that I'm hurting what is wrong with me? Fuck I'm so stupid I need to back off I'll leave you alone for good. I wanna forget about you but I cant I'm still pregnant by you and it's making it harder to move on.
Having a child by someone you thought you'd be together with for a long time and they throw you away doesn't feel good. I don't want to hookup with any other guys because it wouldn't feel right but I don't know what else to do I want to forget i wish i could find someone to just cuddle me no sex just cuddling and watch a movie I'd probably feel so much better but most guys wouldent want to just cuddle and watch a movie with me I don't want sex I just wanna feel comfort and security with someone right now and maybe that will help me forget about you.
submitted by _Wanderingwraith to BreakUps [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 03:40 Infamous-Echo-3949 Trump Has Lost His Popular-Vote Majority - Currently at 49.87%
submitted by Infamous-Echo-3949 to Defeat_Project_2025 [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 03:40 Ronaldinho8357 Event Calendar
Long story short, I want to know what events/parties/mabash happened in Kenya this last year that you felt was great and would go again. Also is there ones that happen every year?
submitted by Ronaldinho8357 to nairobi [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 03:40 Destiny_is_coolllll Lf any of these!
submitted by Destiny_is_coolllll to AdoptMeTradingRoblox [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 03:40 Gargarvore I'm going insane trying to choose between Involker and Acolyte
As hyped as I am, I can't sleep, because i start thinking about how each will play out, and get even more indecision! the support gems are all looking really cool too! So should I play as Ang (who can't use earth element shame) or as an Acolyte Thant don't die... all tho don't have much damage support either??? The indecision is killing me and since i can't sleep I'm here to hear the opinions of fellow exiles!
submitted by Gargarvore to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 03:40 Imaginary_Actuary465 🚨 OFFICIAL WORLD RECORD! 🚨
After getting the coolest calling card in the world, I decided to try to set a world record in opened weapon crates. 270 opened and I still haven't received all the items. This is a official world record until someone can post a picture that proves they have opened more WEAPON CRATES than me before they got all the duplicate protected stuff. 💪😎 submitted by Imaginary_Actuary465 to CallOfDutyMobile [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 03:40 ac_8v801dfgfgv Coupon Code: YSBF24 + Rewards Code: BEAUTYBYA123 // Unlock 20% Off Your YesStyle Order - Maximum Savings Inside!
submitted by ac_8v801dfgfgv to referralcodes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 03:40 ProfessorDano Bundle of 1 Stellar Crown BB and 1 Paradox Rift BB for $210. They also have other combo bundles with Paldea Evolved and Obsidian Flames.
submitted by ProfessorDano to PKMNTCGDeals [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 03:40 sugarbutt-buttercup Will the you laugh, we eat vid be available to non-members?
Will it be available after Thanksgiving? Or is it only for members?
submitted by sugarbutt-buttercup to h3h3productions [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 03:40 EnvironmentalYou3433 British people aren't people
submitted by EnvironmentalYou3433 to PopularOpinions [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 03:40 Individual-Gold1845 TEXT TELE FOR LINKS @BOHGAD
submitted by Individual-Gold1845 to NFTMarketplace [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 03:40 snxtgspgt Every time!
submitted by snxtgspgt to memes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 03:40 Queasy_Commercial152 Could these 3 defeat Insomniac Venom?
Could Miles, Peter, and Gwen from the spiderverse defeat insomniac venom? We know it took both insomniac Peter and miles to defeat Venom, but would these 3 be able to do it? submitted by Queasy_Commercial152 to SpidermanPS4 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 03:40 CityBird555 Shrimpie’s house on The Diplomat
I’ve been watching Season 2 of The Diplomat on Netflix and one episode takes place in Scotland at Shrimpie’s castle, Duneagle (in real life, Inveraray Castle). It was fun to see even more of the inside than was shown on DA and they even film in the village.
submitted by CityBird555 to DowntonAbbey [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 03:40 namawanta アキバ週末特価情報リンク(11/29版)
BlackFridayですわよ。 みんな何か買った? ぼくはアリエクで10GbEハブとルーター、ConnectX-4をまるっと買いました。 いま挿してるConnectX-3はWin11用ドライバではないからなのか、設定からはイーサネットとして判定はされるけど通信量計測とか動かないのよねえ。 換装して認識が変わるのか試してみたい。
・SSD Crucial 「BX500」シリーズ 4,380円 2.5インチ/500GB/シーケンシャル読込550MB/sec/期間限定特価
BX500はちょっとアレではある。 PHD-ISM2G4はキャッシュ切れでも1GB/s出るらしいので悪くなさげ。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGRKkwUvT-Y
・SSD プリンストン 「PHD-ISM2G4」シリーズ 8,990円~15,500円 NVMe M.2/1TB~2TB/シーケンシャル最大読込6,400MB/sec/期間限定特価
・切替器 アイネックス USW-01 500円 最大4台のUSB周辺機器を2台のPCで共有できるUSB切替器/期間限定特価
最近は切り替え器とか使わんようなったなあ。 でもワンコインと言われると、ちょっと気になってしまう。 ゲーム機との切り替えは割とアリか。
オリオスペック ・ファン Bitspower Griffin 120 Fan 3,014円 120mm/強度と剛性に優れた液晶ポリマー素材のファンブレードとフレームを採用
液晶ポリマー採用の高静圧120mmファンがBitspowerから、ARGBモデルも おおむね発売時の半額くらいかな? いいお値段だねえ。
・ファン Bitspower Griffin 120 Fan RGB 3,289円 RGB 120mm/強度と剛性に優れた液晶ポリマー素材のファンブレードとフレームを採用
ツクモパソコン本店 ・QNAP製のNASが期間限定特価 11月29日(金)~12月6日(金)まで
TS-433 55,900円で約5,000円引き。 TS-464も5,000円安かな?
・ファン各種の処分特価セールを実施中 ADATA、CORSAIR、NZXT、SilverStoneなど
AKIBA PC Hotline ・AMD製品の購入で最大5,000円分のデジタルギフトがもらえるキャンペーン
これは11月28日(木)~12月27日(金)の期間中に、対象のAMD Ryzenプロセッサまたは、AMD Radeonビデオカード(BTO PC含む)を購入すると、先着550名にデジタルギフト「えらべる Pay」がプレゼントされるキャンペーン。
9800X3Dは流石になかった。 グラボはちょっとアリ……か?
あきばお~弐號店 ・Core i5-8400T搭載のThinkCentre M720q Tiny 中古品が28,000円など
submitted by namawanta to jisakupc [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 03:40 Ouroboros963 Senior Iranian IRGC adviser said killed in Syria
submitted by Ouroboros963 to NihilistNewsNetwork [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 03:40 Jonathan-Smith Here’s Johnny
submitted by Jonathan-Smith to impressively [link] [comments]