How was your Thanksgiving?

We have the word "eve" to mean the day before a specific day, like a holiday. The day before Christmas is "Christmas Eve". Is there a word that can be used to concisely say "the day after Christm... The rest of many sentences may make clear as to whether you are referring to a past or future activity, but not always. Consider this Thanksgiving (in US, late November) dinner conversation. When did you rent the cabin? This summer. It was lovely in 2012? It will be lovely in 2013? I think you've got it about right. I would think in terms of the duties of the US President. The Constitution requires him to sign or veto bills, to appoint Supreme Court Justices, etc. These things are mandatory. Tradition requires him to do the annual Easter Egg Roll, to pardon a turkey at Thanksgiving, to give speeches all the time, etc. Where does the expression "ta" come from? Wikipedia has only this to say: "ta!", slang, Exclam. Thank you! {Informal}, an expression of gratitude but no additional information or links about its Part of the reason for this may be that for some Americans Christmas consists only of the 25th, whilst in Britain, as one American ex-pat. put it to me, "Christmas in the UK seems like 4th July, GW's birthday, Thanksgiving, and American Christmas all rolled into one." For many in Britain it is a ten-day holiday (for some a ten-day booze up!). – We (Americans) would use 'at' for a festival, party, gathering, etc. For holidays like Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc., we can use 'on' for the day (or add the word 'day'), but we use 'at' for the period, allowing time for preparing gifts, food, and decorations, and for travel. – 3 It should be noted that not too many Ngram results link to references of birds falling to (or on) the ground, but far more refer to people instead – sometimes in drunken stupors, sometimes from sheer exhaustion, sometimes in shows of repentence or thanksgiving, or even as a result of battle wounds. In contrast, Thanksgiving (the U.S. holiday) does not fall on this or that day of the week. It is on the third Thursday of November and falls on a different calendar day every year. So, for commemorative days with a set date, we say: X day is on [date: May 10th] and this year that falls on a Saturday. It's generally seen in stores only around Thanksgiving and is principally decorative, as all that husbandry has produced a much sweeter and more tender vegetable. However, even the particolored corn differs from the original, which was smaller, because of pre-Columbian agriculture. I grew up in the midwest—small town, rural area in the 1950's. The meal in the morning was always breakfast. The meal in the evening was always supper. The mid-day meal was either lunch (a light meal, maybe a sandwich and soup) or dinner (large, like Sunday Dinner or Thanksgiving dinner).

2024.11.29 03:50 Kittycat_2010 How was your Thanksgiving?

submitted by Kittycat_2010 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 03:50 CirusTheDivider FS 25 Store

I can't be the only one having an aneurism over the layout for the shop?? Like. What. Couldn't they have just kept the same layout as 22? So easy to find things. The harvesters were together!!
Oh and the way the ai's now work the fields. They either start in the middle to the damn thing or do the headrows first...
submitted by CirusTheDivider to farmingsimulator [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 03:50 dee_com09 Is this PC good for 560$ ?

Is this PC good for 560$ ? submitted by dee_com09 to gamingpc [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 03:50 jaz_skinn_ Can we replace my dog? It looks like I’m kicking him :(

Can we replace my dog? It looks like I’m kicking him :( submitted by jaz_skinn_ to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 03:50 Scrapy_hraje Man uses a 100,000 lumen flashlight to escape from the cops

Man uses a 100,000 lumen flashlight to escape from the cops submitted by Scrapy_hraje to MildlyBadDrivers [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 03:50 Roninsmight Hello

Increasing karma
submitted by Roninsmight to DesiMemeCentral [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 03:50 Newport_Box Opio - Mind, Body, And Soul

Opio - Mind, Body, And Soul submitted by Newport_Box to BeatsNRhymes [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 03:50 manmanKelliBerglund we are making a discord server

making a discord server.. coming
submitted by manmanKelliBerglund to manmanKelliBerglund [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 03:50 FastEye5200 This Goes To Primarily Mobile Players.

Has anyone had the issue where you can heasee your punch land and the animation play and yet they manage to dodge out of it? I don’t know if it’s some kind of animation cancel or an exploit. I play on a newish IPad and a IPhone 12 so maybe it’s just hardware or lag.
submitted by FastEye5200 to untitledboxinggame [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 03:50 fullofhong Losing jobs to AI

If we are worried about AI taking our jobs, why don’t we make the meta data behind machine learning messy. This will slow down machine learning?
submitted by fullofhong to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 03:50 phatrise Ashley Furniture Store Black Friday 2024 Offers

Visit this page for Ashley Furniture Store Black Friday 2024 Offers. The website offers a wide selection of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly, just visit the website to find the perfect one for you.
submitted by phatrise to DiscountExpressive [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 03:50 GayCatgirl [Actives] Too much moisture in the brown rice? I was given some brown rice and wanted to try it but I think I may have booked it too long before adding to the bags.

[Actives] Too much moisture in the brown rice? I was given some brown rice and wanted to try it but I think I may have booked it too long before adding to the bags. submitted by GayCatgirl to MushroomGrowers [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 03:50 Zealousideal_Rice662 Wonder if he went home to see his dad for thanksgiving that he said was about to pass last year,or his family. Just kidding we know he didn’t

submitted by Zealousideal_Rice662 to tharookhaulersnark [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 03:50 bloomberg China Resumes Multiple-Entry Visas for Shenzhen to Hong Kong

submitted by bloomberg to China [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 03:50 soggysocks6123 For hot tent campers, what color do you prefer?

I’m looking at some of the white duck and other like canvas brands. Bell tents mostly. I’m mostly looking for a solo/with dog head quarters for hunt camp as I go out after small game each fall, will also probably use it chasing spring trout.
I like the ideas of lighter colors because they seem to let in a fair amount of light but I imagine a brown or green may look cleaner from inside longer. (The lighter I see, the more grime that seems to be visible from inside when looking up).
It’s probably not that important but maybe darker heats up too much in sun? I see white duck had a black one and I gotta imagine that would be hot.
So far I’m leaning brown but looking for opinions on if you think it matter much at all? Or what color you prefer?
If it matters, I disperse camp much more often than I use campgrounds.
submitted by soggysocks6123 to HotTentCamping [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 03:50 agarret83 Why does my rank in ranked keep going up even if I don’t kill anyone?

I’ve gone from Silver 3 to Gold 2 in 3 games despite not killing a single person. How does this even work? I don’t understand
submitted by agarret83 to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 03:50 TopOutrageous1394 Yellz0 - Masturbate New Video

submitted by TopOutrageous1394 to futapornytr [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 03:50 rennistry Vitamin World Black Friday 2024 Offers

Visit this page for Vitamin World Black Friday 2024 Offers. The website offers a wide selection of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly, just visit the website to find the perfect one for you.
submitted by rennistry to ArticulateOffers [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 03:50 TemperatureWeird2827 Chapter 6 (don't mess this up epic)

Chapter 6 (don't mess this up epic) submitted by TemperatureWeird2827 to sypherpk [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 03:50 Interesting-Clock114 Subscribe To My Youtube! I Just Dropped Vids!🔥💯

submitted by Interesting-Clock114 to AdvertiseYourVideos [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 03:50 Own-Location3815 How to Add mods to EU4?

So I downloaded pirated EU4 but I want to add missions expanded mod. How?
submitted by Own-Location3815 to PiratedGames [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 03:50 Harmonyepic Yay!!

I got so lucky today - I got 2 five stars I needed to finish the set
submitted by Harmonyepic to GossipHarbor [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 03:50 Quick_Boss_7188 Kurtis Conner completely copied Chris

Kurtis Conner completely copied Chris Maybe i'm missing something in the video or description, but I watched the whole thing and there's no mention of Chris's video. Kurtis basically just makes the same points, with the same episodes, the same jokes, and the same critical commentary. Not trying to start anything, i love both these guys, but i'm not seeing anyone talking about it
submitted by Quick_Boss_7188 to ChrisJames [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 03:50 Technical-Tooth-46 Huge oiled up pawg ❄️🐰

Huge oiled up pawg ❄️🐰 submitted by Technical-Tooth-46 to snowbunnyonlys [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 03:50 Fyrewall1 Calling all players and GM's: I need as many classic character ideas as you can get your hands on.

I know you have 18 characters on DNDBeyond right now. You have fantastic ideas. Feed them to me.
I need basic, fundamental(almost trope) ideas. I'm writing a TTRPG right now and I essentially want to write a HUGE list of rocks/ribbons for almost every class or character combination. The only restriction is no magic, so no magic classes. I'll start:

  1. Ranger type, expert in tracking. A monster hunter who learns the weaknesses of creatures.
  2. Duelist type, straight backed. Parries, deflects, and ripostes.
  3. Berserker type. Double battle axes and nerves of steel.
  4. Assassin Rogue with a grudge.
  5. Tanky type, Dwarf with heavy armor and a stupid big hammer.
Keep it going!
submitted by Fyrewall1 to d100 [link] [comments]