May be a very stupid question, but why doesnt A- attack the O+ as a nucleophile? Steric hindrance? (A is likely an alcohol)

2024.11.29 04:40 ptatoe15 May be a very stupid question, but why doesnt A- attack the O+ as a nucleophile? Steric hindrance? (A is likely an alcohol)

May be a very stupid question, but why doesnt A- attack the O+ as a nucleophile? Steric hindrance? (A is likely an alcohol) submitted by ptatoe15 to chemhelp [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:40 Cautious-Yogurt6626 Is there somewhere that doesnt suck?

Is there somewhere in america that isnt shitty? If you think there is, i would be happy to tell you why youre wrong.
submitted by Cautious-Yogurt6626 to travel [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:40 No-Feeling-3194 Happy Thanksgiving šŸ˜Š

Happy Thanksgiving šŸ˜Š submitted by No-Feeling-3194 to SelfieDump [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:40 Ethaniscool02 No way

Other day I complained about by other save having terrible gold card luck on termite king. Then this happens.
submitted by Ethaniscool02 to GroundedGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:40 yunn67 Day 0 / 29 - Trying to unfuck my life until new years

Hey, I'm a 18 yo with no life, no job, failing classes and no drivers license, overall I'm really behind people my age. I have ADHD and my daily routine is basically to stare at things I need to do, get overwhelmed and not do it.
That creates a cycle and it gets worse everyday since the longer my to-do list gets, the deeper the hole gets and it worsens my depression and anxiety, which results on worsening my task paralysis to a point where I can't even do basic tasks like like basic hygiene, organization or even eat lol
Is very tiring because I feel bad about it everyday, I want to do those things and they are in the back of my head 24/7, I just can't bring myself to do it.
I have tried every planner, calendar, alarm and to-do lists out there but nothing seems to work. I'm glad I found this sub because I know myself and having to post daily updates to internet strangers sounds like something that would motivate me to do at least the bare minimum
I'm doing a 29 day challenge so I can do things until the new years. But I'll continue the challenge after the 29 days, I just want to have a sense of deadline
My goals are:

submitted by yunn67 to NonZeroDay [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:40 Comfortable-Snow-857 Win

Anyone mind using Prize PicksCode itā€™s a thanksgiving promo Iā€™ll get a 50 and you get a 50 for being a new customer : PR-D776O4K
submitted by Comfortable-Snow-857 to FanduelBettingLocks [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:40 n8dogg55 How was everyoneā€™s Thanksgiving?

Itā€™s double elimination week in my league. I had Monty and Achane. I canā€™t complain but I wish they did more you know?
submitted by n8dogg55 to GuillotineLeagues [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:40 LowYak3 Guy loses the girl of his dreams while trying to help his brother get revenge.

submitted by LowYak3 to ExplainAFilmPlotBadly [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:40 adam_throwaway101 22m first time heading to Japan in April looking for to do Adult activities would love it if I could have some pointers

submitted by adam_throwaway101 to JapanTravelTips [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:40 lookinlazyatthesea 241129 ILLITā€™s ā€œMagneticā€ was added to the The 100Best Songs of 2024 on AppleMusic

241129 ILLITā€™s ā€œMagneticā€ was added to the The 100Best Songs of 2024 on AppleMusic submitted by lookinlazyatthesea to illit [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:40 Ausrasterix PC EA-Key Giveaway 4th december

PC EA-Key Giveaway 4th december
Rules to enter the giveaway pool:
  • post a comment (What are you looking forward to most about PoE2?) here until 4th december 8 PM CET (UTC+1)
  • one post per account only (I will check the thread before selecting the winner)
  • Link your Steam Account (public profile) + your Path of Exile Playtime
To redeem the Key, you need an account and you have to be logged in:
I wish you good luck! May RNGsus be with you and have fun playing POE2 EA!
submitted by Ausrasterix to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:40 ItsJustJohnCena Male photographer recommendation for attire

Male photographer recommendation for attire Iā€™m thinking of purchasing this blazer for weddings as the price seems really good. Anyone use this or have any reviews about their experience with this jacket? I currently use a blazer from Zara which has been great as it is super comfortable, it fits nice, plus itā€™s stretchy for constant movement throughout the day for those low and high angles. Is this a good jacket?
submitted by ItsJustJohnCena to WeddingPhotography [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:40 ThxForAnswer My face when I drag myself out to try jogging

My face when I drag myself out to try jogging submitted by ThxForAnswer to Faces [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:40 Brandon_M_Gilbertson New video released! Missouri Empire redoes the Treaty of Versailles

New video released! Missouri Empire redoes the Treaty of Versailles submitted by Brandon_M_Gilbertson to MissouriEmpire [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:40 NickP-1 Today's Fight Contract is just an ad for Ranked Stand and Bang

Today's Fight Contract is just an ad for Ranked Stand and Bang I don't think I've ever had less fun playing this game
submitted by NickP-1 to EASportsUFC [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:40 BroMandi [Amazon] $25.49*: 5-Piece Wiha Insulated SoftFinish Screwdriver Set (Slotted/Phillips/Square) at Amazon [Deal: $25.49, Actual: $29.99]

[Amazon] $25.49*: 5-Piece Wiha Insulated SoftFinish Screwdriver Set (Slotted/Phillips/Square) at Amazon [Deal: $25.49, Actual: $29.99] submitted by BroMandi to RedditShoppingDeals [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:40 Arzlo as usual when something major happening in the bubble

as usual when something major happening in the bubble submitted by Arzlo to EliteDangerous [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:40 Ryu_Kolob It's true!

It's true! submitted by Ryu_Kolob to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:40 stonerbbyyyy custom paint job on 4 wheeler plastics

Long story short we have this old 4 wheeler that was given to us, itā€™s original plastics are blue but itā€™s a 90s model so itā€™s scuffed up, old, dirty, and i just donā€™t really like the color. I want to make it look brand new.
My plan is to take off the plastics and completely repaint them while my husband fixes it but i was thinking of going full custom on it.. and not just like regular flames or camoā€¦ but my problem is i want to sell it when iā€™m finished, and iā€™m afraid if its too personalized i wonā€™t find a buyer thats willing to pay the price id be asking, but then a piece of me is telling me that thereā€™s SOMEONE that will. Although Iā€™m a little afraid i might make it ā€˜too girlyā€™ but i also kind of donā€™t mind, in hopes it will be a woman buying it.
I guess my question is how do you feel about charging for personalized or custom art that fits into a certain niche? and how common is it to find a buyer for it? i paint, but not for profit. i just do it because i like to, but Iā€™ve been trying to find a way to start doing bigger projects that will pay bigger money.
i donā€™t think iā€™d be upset if it didnā€™t sell, but idk, might be pretty discouraging tho lol.
have yā€™all done anything similar? how did it go for you?
submitted by stonerbbyyyy to ArtistLounge [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:40 GusGangViking18 (Berserk)

(Berserk) submitted by GusGangViking18 to MangaFrames [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:40 Extra-Status6438 How does this guy has Lvl 12 brain rot goblinstein in Arena 12?

How does this guy has Lvl 12 brain rot goblinstein in Arena 12? submitted by Extra-Status6438 to ClashRoyale [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:40 Aburridisima12 Pueden preguntarme lo que quieran sobre mi, disfruto mucho de platicar con la gente, aunque no se si eso sea raro?

Pueden preguntarme sobre musica o deportes oo juegos o serieeees, o de lo q sea pero no es invitaciĆ³n a que me manden mensaje, solo contesto comentarios
Gracias por entender
submitted by Aburridisima12 to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:40 Nervous-Donut-1310 H: Glow robot W: Glow alien 1:1

submitted by Nervous-Donut-1310 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:40 anarchyart2021 Could Kamala Harris be the next Richard Nixon? - A California senator turned vice-president who lost an election?

Could Kamala Harris be the next Richard Nixon? - A California senator turned vice-president who lost an election? submitted by anarchyart2021 to politics2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:40 QualitySound96 When your last leg was sketchy so you take a hedge. Rarely do both hit but worked tonight.

Jacobā€™s was ass tonight!
submitted by QualitySound96 to fanduel [link] [comments]