2024.11.29 04:29 Philosophat87 JUST PURCHASED 1/1

First 1/1 First Walk off Grand Slam in world Series History.
submitted by Philosophat87 to baseballcards [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:29 Jazzlike_Clock8238 Does BetUS, Bovada and Caesars limit winning bettors ?

I average about $2800 a week sports betting and need some sportsbook or bookmakers that don’t limit in case I get limited on my account.
submitted by Jazzlike_Clock8238 to sportsbook [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:29 mimetz99 Audio query Chatgpt via Tesla ?

Per title, I’d like to query chatgpt by audio while driving in my Tesla, which has premium internet connectivity. Is this possible using the app on my phone, which is tied into the car’s speaker system, but I don’t want to be pressing phone buttons while driving. So, hands free, via audio commands. Possible?
submitted by mimetz99 to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:29 KauztiK What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by KauztiK to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:29 lousystone Agar ye stock upar nhi gaya to investing chod dunga! Sahi faisla? 🥴

Agar ye stock upar nhi gaya to investing chod dunga! Sahi faisla? 🥴 submitted by lousystone to NSEbets [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:29 No-Document6990 @Zach_Hurth And Nightmares: Meek Mill & Clay Krucial Perry III X Lil Migo X Hitkidd [ravedj]

@Zach_Hurth And Nightmares: Meek Mill & Clay Krucial Perry III X Lil Migo X Hitkidd [ravedj] submitted by No-Document6990 to ravedj [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:29 Travel_Tomatoes TIL - you can customize workouts screens

Go to Workout - Workout that screen you want to customize - push 3 dots button - go all way down - push Preferences - Workout Views. And here you can customize your screen, add another one screen and Heart Rate Zones screen
submitted by Travel_Tomatoes to applewatchultra [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:29 This_is_113 carla diaz

carla diaz submitted by This_is_113 to This_is_awesome [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:29 Twinklex_xToes Why o why??

Why o why?? submitted by Twinklex_xToes to funnymeme [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:29 SufficientPrune890 Someone tell me what's this ? Over bite or what?

Someone tell me what's this ? Over bite or what? submitted by SufficientPrune890 to jawsurgery [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:29 Practical-Display-49 Anyone ever experienced this?

Anyone ever experienced this? Like one day your just scrolling through chikn nuggit, find something that’s the smallest bit of sad, and all the sudden your like:
Sucks man… suck’s
submitted by Practical-Display-49 to ChiknNuggit [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:29 DowntownRow3 WHAT happened to my feed?

The majority of subs are "because you've shown interest in a similar community" and are all political. Is this happening to anyone else? I barely see anything I'm actually subbed to
submitted by DowntownRow3 to meta [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:29 SH3ATH_ I AM GALVATRON!

RIP Rachel I guess
submitted by SH3ATH_ to transformers [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:29 ineditab Titan Mattress Black Friday Sales 2024

Visit this page for Titan Mattress Black Friday Sales 2024. The website offers a wide selection of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly, just visit the website to find the perfect one for you.
submitted by ineditab to FluentDiscount [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:29 xXtremkillahXx50 24/7 Survival Bedrock Realm anyone is welcome to join!

Looking for a fun Bedrock Survival Realm? We are looking to expand and find more players, anyone is welcome to join! Bedrock Realm🪨 Hard Difficulty🖤 1 year old realm🥇 Strictly Survival🛡 Coordinates Enabled🧭 No cheating (except for OP)❌️ No griefing spawn❌️ ✨️Realm Code✨️ - fK57smY9rYG8pPo
DM me if you have any questions!
submitted by xXtremkillahXx50 to BedrockMultiplayer [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:29 AdvancedCabinet3529 30 [M4F] Missouri/Online - Chamomile in the Rain

It's been a long week here, with a long day of festivities.I'm enjoying some tea with my cat while I watch the rain outside, and I'd love some company.
I've been told I'm an old soul. Sensitive, sensible, sensual. My friends call me a hobbit. I bake bread when I'm bored. I water my flowers every day. I enjoy a drink or a pipe here and there, but all things in moderation.
I'm looking for someone to connect with romantically. Someone to light up my smile when you light up my phone. Someone with stars in her eyes that I can name constellations in.
I'm 5'9, with an average build, and green eyes. Clean-shaven, clean-cut. I train and workout hard for the sake of health, for the discipline of it, and because I like to make and eat delicious food.
I'm a teacher, and it comes with the territory that I love to read. But more so I love a good story - do you have any?
submitted by AdvancedCabinet3529 to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:29 ThinkInvestigator614 Mega Altaria have 2 local 828597417588

Mega Altaria have 2 local 828597417588 submitted by ThinkInvestigator614 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:29 No_Pattern_2819 What are your guys HCS for some of the playable/npcs?

submitted by No_Pattern_2819 to LiarsBar [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:29 Alone-Policy6838 Policy

Can you cancel a purchase if you win a drop?
submitted by Alone-Policy6838 to Goatapp [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:29 Hi_LikeToGame Who else has finished thang thieving

Just left my party
submitted by Hi_LikeToGame to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:29 Independent-Bird-968 Hi, i’m look for a non-acquaintance in Porter Ranch for a small favor. It involves relaying a letter from USPS to someone on the road that leads to the porter ranch branch library, both very close to each other. Please reach out if you able to, thank you!

submitted by Independent-Bird-968 to SanFernandoValley [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:29 Lanky_Rhubarb1900 A new one (for me)

A new one (for me) Croatian white, and the staff at our lovely local package store said it’s a hit with fans of Sancerre. It was truly lovely: Peachy but not sweet, light but just enough bite to hold up to brisket (we’re not Thanksgiving turkey fans), a hint of minerality, and - the best part - $20 🙌
submitted by Lanky_Rhubarb1900 to wine [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:29 GoldenOreoos Finally enjoying some cool nights in Texas

Finally enjoying some cool nights in Texas Some x-mas lights, a fresh breeze, and a comfy chair.
submitted by GoldenOreoos to Gameboy [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:29 b4r4t3l1 Sou babaca por não comprar remédio pra minha esposa?

Título meio chamativo mas a história é a seguinte.
Eu (27H) sou casado com uma pessoa que chamaremos aqui de Maria (27M).
Antes de mais nada um pouco de contexto. Moro em São Paulo e hoje tive um imprevisto no trabalho e acabei saindo apenas as 21h (geralmente saio as 18h). Alem disso tambem foi um dia que precisei acordar mais cedo pra ir na academia, enfim um dia bem atípico. Por fim, trabalho presencialmente e comecei um trabalho novo essa semana e por isso ainda estou me adaptando, fiz horas extras todos os dias desde segunda. O trajeto do trabalho de casa dura uma hora (quando da tudo certo, o que nao foi o caso hoje visto a tempestade que aconteceu.
Pois bem, quando saía do trabalho Maria me pediu para que, no caminho, passasse na farmácia e comprasse remédios pra ela. Nada de vida ou morte, apenas vitaminas e coisas do tipo. Perguntei se era urgente pois poderia ir no dia seguinte, ela respondeu que sim. Perguntei se ela poderia adiantar e fazer a compra pela internet para que eu só retirasse e ela respondeu que nao queria parar o treino (estava acompanhando uma aula gravada de algo) Por fim disse que nao buscaria pois estava chovendo, eu estava cansado e que era melhor pedir para entregar e pagar os 5 reais da entrega.
Quando cheguei em casa Maria estava brava e mal falou comigo. Disse que se sentiu frustrada e decepcionada pelo que fiz.
Fica a pergunta. Sou o babaca por nao ter comprado o remédio?
submitted by b4r4t3l1 to EuSouOBabaca [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 04:29 Hungry_Dimension_812 A knight in the rain

A knight in the rain submitted by Hungry_Dimension_812 to aiArt [link] [comments]
