2024.11.29 05:41 kietbun [FOR HIRE] CUSTOM Holiday/Greeting Card! Design + Physical copy
submitted by kietbun to HungryArtists [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 05:41 marco_ex_impuls Litecoin Hashrate
Thoughts? submitted by marco_ex_impuls to litecoin [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 05:41 grey_carbon Gente que se cambió a algún producto Apple, que cosa descubrieron luego de usar la marca?
Sigo pensando en la idea de comprar un Mac pero sigo sin estar completamente convencido. Ahora último leí por ejemplo que el OS del iPad no era muy bueno y bastante limitado en el sistema de archivos, supuestamente para no competir con los Mac. Lo otro que estoy pensando son los "gastos ocultos" de la marca, osea que empiezas comprando una cosa
Y luego te das cuenta que necesitas comprar otra cosa, y otra, y meterte a una suscripción o al Apple care o un accesorio que no planeaban, etc.
Lo otro que me preocupa es que Apple está muy bien afinado para funcionar dentro de los límites del ecosistema, pero te pone muchas trabas si tratas de hacer un uso distinto al flujo de trabajo que Apple pensó para el producto.
Lo otro que me he dado cuenta es que muchas personas que están satisfechas con los Mac los usan básicamente como Chromebooks, para hacer cosas con el navegador. No creo que tener un Mac te aporte nada en ese flujo de trabajo.
Así que es una pregunta abierta en realidad. Que peculiaridad descubrieron luego de adquirir un producto Apple que no se les había pasado por la cabeza por anticipado?
submitted by grey_carbon to chileIT [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 05:40 subscribeorelse I tried stylizing BFDI characters
submitted by subscribeorelse to BattleForDreamIsland [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 05:40 CardiologistNew701 The M3 lee is my favorite tank
Oh I also love the 7tp and the t28 fit no reason submitted by CardiologistNew701 to TankPorn [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 05:40 joshua0005 Vi las estrellas y ya me quiero mudar a un pueblo
Vivo en una ciudad y además vivo tan lejos de donde hay poca contaminación lumínica que tengo que viajar más de 1,000km para estar en un lugar con ninguna contaminación lumínica. Desde mi casa se ven algunas estrellas, pero solo a veces y son muy pocas.
Esta semana he estado de vacaciones en un pueblo y la primera mañana me levanté 1.5 horas antes de que salió el sol y salí fuera y vi tantas estrellas y me recordó de cuando vivía en un pueblito de menos de 200 personas. Hace unas horas salí al campo donde no hay ninguna contaminación y fue muy lindo.
No fue como se ve el cielo en las fotos, pero aún así fue muy lindo y creo que sería muy genial vivir en un pueblo y poder salir a verlas cuando quisiera. El problema es que encontrar trabajo sería complicado.
submitted by joshua0005 to espanol [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 05:40 wilddoggaming 🚨 🔥 Beach Buggy Racing 2 - ALL Packs on Steam! 🔥 Hey, WildDogGaming fam! Steam is offering a super awesome deal on Beach Buggy Racing 2 - All Packs right now! If you’ve been waiting to unlock everything in the game, this is the perfect opportunity. 🚗💨 🌟 Huge discount – don’t miss out
submitted by wilddoggaming to WildDogGaming_comm [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 05:40 lss_bvt_ios_07 TestPost-Title-lOVUANrhhY
submitted by lss_bvt_ios_07 to LssAutomation [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 05:40 Bobthebudtender [WTS] Seiko Presage - SARY175 / SSA143J1.
submitted by Bobthebudtender to Watchexchange [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 05:40 lilbooty2 I got hacked what should I do
I got hacked what should I do?
So I’ll admit it’s my fault. I was downloading a game but the website is widely trusted and so I blindly followed the steps to download a patch but the link I clicked gave a zip file with a sketchy setup.exe file and I have Adblock but I still went ahead and ran it but all it did was close my chrome so I immediately deleted it. Malwarebytes diddnt find anything but a full Microsoft defender scan said it was a Trojan.
1 day later I get a notification on steam for a friend request. Hours later open my gmail and a notification from steam that I gifted a game to a random account. I logged in and see I’m friends with and account I’ve never seen and my most recently launched game is the same they gifted themselves.
I checked around and it seems that’s all they did but I’m freaked how they were able to bypass steam guard and login to my account. I changed my steam and google and Microsoft passwords but I’m still scared is there anything I should do? My google is linked to nearly everything I’d hate to lose it. Do I need to change my number? I’m so stressed it’s hard to think about everything I have accounts in
If anyone could give helpful advice I’d really appreciate it
submitted by lilbooty2 to antivirus [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 05:40 ComplexFragrant5139 Today You Should Know
Check out my daughter’s weekly newsletter.
submitted by ComplexFragrant5139 to morbidcuriosity [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 05:40 easylearn__ing Test Course (4.3 stars)- Ethical Hacking Mastery: Expert MCQ Practice Tests
submitted by easylearn__ing to udemyfreebies [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 05:40 AudioPluginGuy [Rob Papen] Get 30% off in the Rob Papen Black Friday Sale. Expiry: December 2nd [Affiliate Link]
submitted by AudioPluginGuy to newplugindeals [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 05:40 putsomerespekonit45 Capital one
Did anyone ever get their statement credit from that capital one offers 30%? Mine went from pending to inactive. Looks like capital one isnt gonna honor it for me.
submitted by putsomerespekonit45 to PalmettoStateArms [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 05:40 SLiMELORD-13 H: 5k Leaders W: Responder ID
submitted by SLiMELORD-13 to Market76 [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 05:40 thatgoesthere timmies & nineteen95 - i was lost (losing you)「AMV」
submitted by thatgoesthere to AMVmakers [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 05:40 reddit-echochamber Never again.
5th time in a row being delayed from the departure, 3rd time in a row being booted from the connection before even landing because of that delay, 2nd time in a row being sent to a hotel to fly on Alaska Airlines the next morning at 3AM with a downgrade and refund for my Premium Economy fare, 1st time being challenged on refunding my Premium Economy fare, last time I’m stupid enough to fly with them.
This company is actually insane.
submitted by reddit-echochamber to westjet [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 05:40 AnAceWolfie TIFU by being forgetful
For thanksgiving, I went to my grannies house, since a lot of extended family will be attending, the house will be full. So me and my twin, are sleeping in her camper. She got it a few years back, theres a pull out couch for my twin, and I have the main bedroom, which connects to the bathroom via a door on the right side of the bed. But from the left side, theres a step you have to go down to get to the door. My mom originally was going to go to the camper and I was to take the room she sleeps in, but I was like “Wouldnt it be easier to just shove me into the camper?” So I got placed in there instead.
Now, for a bit of context. I have to take medicine to go to sleep. This is my new meds, which stimulates my appetite (Why I got it), it also makes me extremely tried whenever I wake up. Like to the point I fall back asleep, which is also why I hate it.
Now I woke up this morning, at around 5 or so. Which meant my twin wasnt even up to go hunting yet. (Though to be fair, I couldve misread my phone and it couldve been after they woke up.) But either way, it was early, I was dead tired, and I had to use the bathroom. So I got up and in the pitch black 5 AM brings, I walk to the door… And promtly fell right onto the floor. Hard. My right leg got a little scrape on it. But my left foot… Oh it was bad. Though I didnt break or sprain it. I bruised it… So bad it caused a large bruise on it. And I kid you not. I cant walk without pain. It hurts to walk. Plus! I have a very, very obvious limp. Its so bad that I also curse or exclaim my pain with every step. I cant even touch the stupid bruise without pain, no pressure at all. Im hoping this will all blow over and I can at least walk again before the weekend is over, though it probably wont. Fun.
To add salt to the wound, or in this cause bruise I guess, my twins dog, Rosie, who has to be away from other dogs if my twin is around, ran out of the camper when I went to go grab my food, it was agonizing because I had to walk over to her, grab her by the collar, limp back to the camper, but because she sped up I also had to limp faster. And get her back inside before I could eat.
TL;DR: At 5 AM, I forgot a step when I went to the bathroom, I bruised my foot and can no longer walk.
submitted by AnAceWolfie to tifu [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 05:40 OkDragonfruit2141 C4C US Free Gift 41492317
I need clicks for free gift. I have existing clicks for fish, free gift, hattrick, water and fertilizer for coffee. I also have new farm for 2 clicks.
I have 2 users that could be appear as:
de***op or Temu User_205a4
co***on or Temu User_acd65
code: 41492317
submitted by OkDragonfruit2141 to temu_old_users [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 05:40 Fredioramas Your best swap/custom ?
Whats the best combo / swapo , you possess using mostly only figma parts ?
submitted by Fredioramas to figma [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 05:40 Junior-Cantaloupe502 I want to replace seiko 5606 7231 hands
my seiko lordmatic 5606 7231 hands condition is like this picture.Where could I find parts for this?
submitted by Junior-Cantaloupe502 to VintageWatches [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 05:40 Zer0dias Ficha promocionais do duel links
Eu queria saber onde que eu posso conseguir aquelas cartas promocionais do duel links que vem com decks estruturais
submitted by Zer0dias to YuGiOhBrasil [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 05:40 LowMeaning2302 The singing Parrot ❣ so adorable!
submitted by LowMeaning2302 to PetsareAmazing [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 05:40 VisibleReading3465 Pre-Res & Residency Program
Hi! For those who are currently struggling to find a pre-res/residency training hospital. Can we help each other and comment
Pre res/Residency Program: Hospital: Salary: How long is the duration of pre-res: Toxicity level: Consultants/Seniors attitude:
Okay lang kahit di sagutin lahat for privacy purposes, except for the SALARY PART HAHAHA!!!
I’m moonlighting now, and plan ko mag residency next year pero ayoko sa hospital where I graduated PGIship kasi mamamatay ako nang maaga haha
No gatekeeping pls. Let’s help each other!!! Hahaha
submitted by VisibleReading3465 to medschoolph [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 05:40 TrailMixedd Has Anyone Tried Mixing Different Protein Powders with Different Sodas?
Given the protein coke (vanilla protein shake + diet coke) trend, has anyone tried mixing different protein powders with diet sodas? Thoughts on the taste of protein coke?
submitted by TrailMixedd to Soda [link] [comments]