Transport secretary Louise Haigh resigns after mobile phone 'mistake'

2024.11.29 08:26 alexlaverty Transport secretary Louise Haigh resigns after mobile phone 'mistake'

Transport secretary Louise Haigh resigns after mobile phone 'mistake' submitted by alexlaverty to AussieNewsVideos [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 08:26 Obvious_War_1341 Help choosing woven wrap

Help choosing woven wrap I’m between three options, looking at a Lorena from Amitra Tattva and either the Zircon or Sapphire from Little Frog, pictures included for reference. This would be my first wrap. The Lorena is more expensive and I do like the design, but the little frog ones are about half the price. Any experience with either of these? Do the little frog ones last until as long as the Lorena would? Will I be able to use them when my LO is a toddler? (She is 3 months right now) Any feedback is appreciated.
submitted by Obvious_War_1341 to babywearing [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 08:26 Flat-Value296 How to get closer to God?

Hello everyone, please delete if not allowed. I have been struggling with my mental health for a while. However, truthfully there is nothing wrong in my life: I have a supportive family, a great boyfriend, i’m on a full ride private scholarship for college with straight A’s but I’ve always felt this pain in my heart while feeling lonely. I saw a post similar to my situation and the comments were telling the poster they’re missing God.
I am born and raised Catholic but I’ve never really gotten into it like that besides getting my sacraments. I would love to hear other’s similar experiences or advice on how to begin fostering my relationship with God. Thank you so much for your time.
submitted by Flat-Value296 to Catholicism [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 08:26 le_chat_anglaise Anyone know what this is? Just some random ant?

Anyone know what this is? Just some random ant? I found this in a bathroom. Can’t identify it. Cheers
submitted by le_chat_anglaise to brisbane [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 08:26 ilikepancakes7 my sim smells and the green cloud won’t go away even after showering.

basically what the title says. pls help!!!
submitted by ilikepancakes7 to thesims4 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 08:26 BIueknight123 Mega Altaria Raid - add 0444 3028 2228

submitted by BIueknight123 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 08:26 Enjoytime88 The bigger the goal, the bigger the obstacle

The bigger the goal, the bigger the obstacle The bigger the goal, the bigger the obstacle
Greetings. I was looking for an example of the really successful traders and have found an example in the movie Dump Money about Keith Gill. He has invested $50,000 on Wallstreetbets into GameStop. shares in 2021, and he shared on Reddit, YouTube and Twitter his forecast, to hold, that stocks and others followed his example and price increased rapidly. After it, he should pass testifying at the Congress about his activity and was approved. Now he has 9 million shares of GameStop valued at approximately $250 million, making him one of the 5 top largest shareholders but not taking a spot in a head of a company. From that story, I took two points. The first one is that if you hold or day trade, it is still possible to find your asset, which will make you wealthy, but the second one is that if you want to achieve a goal, the bigger the goal, the bigger the obstacle. That statement based on my experience is right.
submitted by Enjoytime88 to InvestingandTrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 08:26 Administrative_Win79 Quiero encontrar a alguien, pero donde?

Hace ya varios meses que la curiosidad de tener alguien íntimo virtual me come la cabeza, deseo encontrar en internet a alguien (Mujer, soy hombre hetero) con quien tener charlas sin rodeos y hablar morbosamente mientras hay nud3s de por medio, la idea de tener alguien justamente solo para eso y el hecho de no conocernos en persona, ni saber más allá de lo que pase en el chat, por lo cual todo podría ser tan privado me llena mucho de curiosidad.
Sin embargo no encuentro la manera hallar a esas personas que estén buscando exactamente lo mismo que yo, no hay red social para eso ya que involucra conocer a detalle de la vida del otro, había pensado en páginas de videochats con extraños pero las mujeres que conozco por ahí no se ven en búsqueda de lo mismo que yo.
Tienen alguna sugerencia o idea de cómo podría solucionar esta necesidad?
submitted by Administrative_Win79 to AskArgentina [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 08:26 maleficalruin Please don't use this as an excuse to be misogynistic or shit on women's literature and romance please.

Please don't use this as an excuse to be misogynistic or shit on women's literature and romance please. submitted by maleficalruin to CuratedTumblr [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 08:26 Pleasant_Horse_1838 Help with Invincible Sentinel

I’m on Xbox and need help with TVHM Invincible Sentinel boss.
submitted by Pleasant_Horse_1838 to BorderlandsPreSequel [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 08:26 GGGdiddy FREE17

FREE17 submitted by GGGdiddy to Torontology [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 08:26 Bright-pokefan50 Opinions on Beyond the Rainbow.

It was sad to see ash and his friends say goodbye to goodra but I’m sure they will meet again
submitted by Bright-pokefan50 to pokemonanime [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 08:26 dailysnowright GEICO Black Friday Ads 2024

Follow this link for GEICO Black Friday Ads 2024. Access the latest deals and promotions by visiting the link, featuring a constantly updated list of coupons, promo codes, and discounts.
submitted by dailysnowright to DiscountEnergizing [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 08:26 Professional-Leg-757 Why my posts are getting instantly deleted? I don’t have a right to have an opinion?

Why my posts are getting instantly deleted? I don’t have a right to have an opinion? Please MODS, stop instantly deleting my posts. What wrong did I write? …
submitted by Professional-Leg-757 to JuiceWRLD [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 08:26 bluecactus777 How much $$$ do u guys make a day?

In regards to multiapping, I was wondering roughly how much others seem to make. For me personally I get about $25 ish an hour from multiapping, however I've seen other people talk about how they can get up to 300-400 or even 500 in a day, so I'm just curious what numbers others are racking and what their markets look like lol. My market seems to be a bit smaller here but I was wondering what it was like for other ppl
submitted by bluecactus777 to doordash_drivers [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 08:26 BruhStop_26 How to expand storage on Palma 2?

I have a game emulator where I had to follow a guide to format and partition a micro sd card before I could put it in my device, then follow a set up procedure, and was wondering if I had to do that here? I’m getting a 256gb micro sd tomorrow but I have no idea what I’m doing.
I assume I don’t just plug and play, but I can’t find any guide online, but maybe I just don’t know the ereader jargon to search (this is both my first ereader AND android device, go easy on me I’m beggin you)
Also any recommendations for type of sd card? There’s a million and one different sub types and acronym names for micro sd’s, like I wouldn’t use a gaming micro sd for this, I assume?
submitted by BruhStop_26 to Onyx_Boox [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 08:26 Brief_Librarian7943 [Selling] Rs. 749+free shipping

[Selling] Rs. 749+free shipping submitted by Brief_Librarian7943 to IndiaThriftCorner [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 08:26 LifeSuccessful3054 Ideal Partner

INFP is known to fantasize about their ideal partner. Well...describe your ideal partner or a fictional character who is very similar to your ideal partner (like qualities etc).
Mine: Historia Reiss from the anime "Attack on Titan"
submitted by LifeSuccessful3054 to infp [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 08:26 GirlNextDoor__15 [I ate] Tres leches

[I ate] Tres leches submitted by GirlNextDoor__15 to indiafood [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 08:26 Trimack_R After 20 rounds I welcomed the sweet embrace of death.

After 20 rounds I welcomed the sweet embrace of death. submitted by Trimack_R to Roboquest [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 08:26 Grey_Piece_of_Paper Mocks vs CAT score

There is huge disparity between Mocks and CAT scores, Although it can be attributed to easier CAT.
I had never scored more than 55 OA in Mocks. In CAT i have scored 79.
submitted by Grey_Piece_of_Paper to CATpreparation [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 08:26 HerzlichLabs Today I'm releasing Solist, a four channel vactrol mute and performance mixer with digitally controlled mute and solo function

Today I'm releasing Solist, a four channel vactrol mute and performance mixer with digitally controlled mute and solo function Hello! A while ago, I was approached by Bries (@bries_from_earth) with an idea for a module - now, months later, I am proud to present the result of our collaboration: a four channel performance mixer with vactrol mutes, as well as digitally controlled solo state logic.
With Solist, you can smoothly transition between different mute states by clever use of the solo switches - once solo is on, it will suppress any channel not currently in solo mode, but once all solo channels are off, it will revert back to the current state of the mute buttons.
While the mixer and vactrol mutes are completely analog, the logic circuit is digital, but completely separated from the audio circuit - no need to worry about noise and digital nonsense. Furthermore, the mute switches are high end mechanical switches, which offer very satisfying feedback in the form of an audible and tactile click.
Bries says it much better than I in his demo of the module, which you can find on YouTube.
Thank you for taking a look at my new thing!
submitted by HerzlichLabs to modular [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 08:26 JJNotFunny_Real1 Who the fuck did this.

Who the fuck did this. submitted by JJNotFunny_Real1 to OkBuddyPersona [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 08:26 Crazyleg-art Another wacky one where i just ended up letting myself go

Another wacky one where i just ended up letting myself go submitted by Crazyleg-art to Portraitart [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 08:26 Anonim_x9 Blender poszukiwany

Blender poszukiwany Dzień dobry drodzy e-polacy. Szukam blendera, a dokładniej potrzebuje jakiegoś małego, z pojemnikiem 0,3-0,5l (może być jako pojemnik dodatkowy w zestawie, a sam ”główny” pojemnik może być większy. Z dużą mocą- 1000wat minimum, i dużą ilością obrotów na minutę. Pojemnik w kształcie bardziej miski, niż długiego dzbana. Budżet do 300zł, może trochę więcej. Nigdy nie kupowałem blendera i ciężko mi powiedzieć cokolwiek więcej, nie do końca wiem co może być ważne w jego zakupie. Zależy mi żebym nie musiał 30min zeskrobać zawartości z ścianek, bo jak robie jakieś małe wypieki dla jednej osoby to kończę z 1/3 masy , a reszta na ściankach. Dzięki!
submitted by Anonim_x9 to Polska [link] [comments]