Price Check PS4 Slim Used

2024.11.29 09:40 FateStayNoir Price Check PS4 Slim Used

Price Check PS4 Slim Used 1TB, with 2 controllers, and these games
submitted by FateStayNoir to PakGamers [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:39 Existential_Nautico What are your depression symptoms? — My checklist to see how bad my episode is.

Hi lovely humans! Recently I’m experiencing a depression flare up (which surprises me because I don’t see a goddam reason for it). So I thought let’s talk about our personal specific symptoms of depression! (Yay haha.) Here are mine:
Mild depression symptoms: * feeling insecure * feeling ugly * feeling like I’m annoying * tired a lot, more naps * don’t want to get up in the morning * sitting on the couch a lot, unable to get up * I stop cooking full meals * doubting myself and my life choices
Moderate depressive episode: * I wake up ruminating and feeling negative * I feel more disconnected from my friends * I avoid eye contact * texting back is exhausting * face dysmorphia / feeling ugly * all kinds of things can trigger negative feelings and I feel them physically in my body * I get back pain but I still don’t do my yoga
Major depressive episode: * the world feels like a dark place * simple things like shopping give me guilt (because capitalism is bad. Seriously, capitalism guilt is a recurring theme in my depression) * I feel like a burden to others * I feel like nobody can help me anyway * I avoid human contact, my voice becomes more brittle * I take depression naps to escape life (and unfortunately they feel shitty too) * I see the bad in everything * sometimes I cry multiple times a day * nobody can really reach through to me
Oof that went a little dark at the end. Luckily I haven’t had a bad phase like that in over half a year, so that’s a win.
How about you? What are your typical symptoms and how would you categorize them into phases?
Let’s talk about it!
submitted by Existential_Nautico to depressionselfhelp [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:39 ScooterNinja Roast My Japani Bike

Roast My Japani Bike submitted by ScooterNinja to indianbikes [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:39 eef_23 Moved into a house that wasn't prepared.

I have a question if anyone can answer it. I've just moved into a newly vacant house and the old tenants left behind a heap of junk. Is it not the real estate responsibility to get rid of the junk before I move in? Also everything is wildly overgrown and I can't even get to the mailbox. Am I right to be pissed off?? I've already paid bond and 2 weeks rent.
submitted by eef_23 to Tenant [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:39 Dr_more Lap warmer on sleep mode

Lap warmer on sleep mode submitted by Dr_more to cathostage [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:39 midierror Modern Toss Christmas Sh*tnaks at the Whistleblower Gallery, yeah?

Modern Toss Christmas Sh*tnaks at the Whistleblower Gallery, yeah? submitted by midierror to brighton [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:39 Tacktixxx 184743562325 Now

184743562325 Now submitted by Tacktixxx to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:39 YesGabol Eufy wired outdoor camera without drilling

I have been a long time Eufy user. I am considering to replace my outdoor cams. One is the 1080P 2C and the other is S300 4K. The 2C I have been using since it has been released and the battery health is at 85%. The S300 only a month old. Also have a C24 indoor cam in a window mount, recording 24/7. The last one is the most reliable. All 3 are facing to my drive and behind a very busy road. Cars, people passing roughly every 5 minutes. So my main issues are:
My cams battery dying very quickly. The 2C can last about 2 max 3 weeks, the S300 50 days. Obviously I can play with the settings and make them less sensible, but since I had an incident couple of days ago (and all of them failed to record expect the C24) I set up them in to record in the highest sensitivity and record after the motion stopped up to 2 minutes. I need this to our protection. But this kills the battery.
Also the waking up time is much slower then the C24. That is instant. Yes I have checked the signal strenght before installed them. They all good.
And battery powerd are not very relieble.
So I am thinkinkg to purchase the E220 2K or the E330 4K cam.
I do not want to drill any hole instead I am thinking to get the cable out through my window. It is a PVC window frame and I tried it I can put a cable through and I can close the window. The only question is how durable are these cables? Can they managed to withstand the regular window opening and closing force on the cable?
I only open the windows 2-3 times a day average.
Has anyone tried this method before?
submitted by YesGabol to EufyCam [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:39 After-Orchid-1786 Best flow by calm in a song according to you

submitted by After-Orchid-1786 to IndianHipHopHeads [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:39 InternationalForm3 This Is What China's Version of Atlantis Looks Like: In China's Qiandao Lake, an ancient city lies hidden beneath the cold depths - this is Shi Cheng. It's China's very own version of Atlantis.

This Is What China's Version of Atlantis Looks Like: In China's Qiandao Lake, an ancient city lies hidden beneath the cold depths - this is Shi Cheng. It's China's very own version of Atlantis. submitted by InternationalForm3 to fascinating [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:39 caseyrobinson2 Anyone have issue where subscribe and save orders paid with gift card eventually changes to credit card?

Anyone have issue where subscribe and save orders paid with gift card eventually changes to credit card? I place subscribe and save order using gift card but after I make purchase and a few minutes later the order goes to credit card and it does not let me apply gift card balance to order. I can only use gift cards to place regular orders but subscribe and save eventually changes to credit card
submitted by caseyrobinson2 to amazonprime [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:39 Loose_Ad_9433 Cash the bonus bet on turkey day🍀🦃

submitted by Loose_Ad_9433 to fanduel [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:39 P3tr0ooo Can I play forza horizon 5 with this specs?

CPU: Intel i5 2500k GPU: rx580 4gb RAM: 16gb ddr3 1333mhz Can run Forza on ultra in 30fps ?
submitted by P3tr0ooo to hardware [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:39 Mundane_Ad_7326 This is my version of the iconic Wicked poster (this is a repost couse idk how to use reddit)

This is my version of the iconic Wicked poster (this is a repost couse idk how to use reddit) submitted by Mundane_Ad_7326 to Illustration [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:39 pedrulho Always those damn Uchihas...

Always those damn Uchihas... submitted by pedrulho to FunnyNaruto [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:39 No_Faithlessness_984 Golden Teacher muschroms started going blue/black

Hi, I'm after my first harvest and I noticed that legs are getting darker while I'm drying it. Did I do something wrong? Are they going to be Ok or should I throw it out?
submitted by No_Faithlessness_984 to PhillyGoldenTeacher [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:39 Blackdark8 Ecenaz Üçer

Ecenaz Üçer submitted by Blackdark8 to TurkishBeauty [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:39 MissCeliesBlues Slappy the shoes frog is back!

For those of you who don't know, this little frog has lived in some old shoes in the shoe rack on our back verandah, for the last three summers.
He disappears in the winter and returns when the weather warms up. He hangs around under the back light, eating the bugs that the light attracts. I made him a frog hotel and a little frog habitat and he congregates there most nights with his froggy friends.
He has is own instagram
submitted by MissCeliesBlues to australia [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:39 ohlordylord_ Want plants? New to Plants? Well, let me help you.

Want plants? New to Plants? Well, let me help you. This sub is full of lovely tanks and helpfull people but quite often as has been the case for the 20+- years Ive been in the hobby people seems to flock to things like having a carpet or wondering why their dwarf hairgrass is patchy and dying or their montecarlo is growing up instead of as a carpet so I thought I would help out.
My plant list is below!
First rule - carpets aint king! You dont need a carpet for a stunning tank and you can have a stunning tank, lush with plants whether its low tech or high tech, you just need some imagination and a little bit of research.
Second rule - balance is key. Want to add CO2... make sure you have enough light to support, want to add a great big light, make sure you have enouch CO2... want to add a ton of ferts, make sure you have the other things eg. light and co2. Balance balance balance and your tank will thrive!
Third rule - read up! If you dont know how an active substrate works or how it changes parameters then dont use it.... or just read up and learn. I wont detail how things like this works here, but taking 30 minutes to learn will set you up for life. This goes for everything, from CO2, to ferts, to light periods, to active soils, to using RO water etc etc.
Fourth rule - stop using liquid CO2... its poison and stupid
My plant list (below this are some tips regarding lighting, soil, Ro etc... basic stuff)
Crypts - they are king! The love low tech, they love high tech, they get bushy in some case and high in others. There are soooo many crypts that you can have a tank like my Crypt Heaven where the entire tank looks like its made of hundreds of different plants due to their differences in colours and textures. A hardy plant and a plant where the smallest variants can almost become carpets if you plant enough of them. see them here -
Anubias - Slow growing and the variaties make it amazing for any size scape, need something on wood or stone, need something big leaf or small? Anubias are one of the most perfect plants in aquaria as its hardy and loves to cover woods and stones if given enough time! From the mini/nana to the coffeifolia there is a Anubias for everyone! - TIP - do not plant this.... its a water column feeder. Also use superglue/cyanocrylate to attach if you are not good with cotton thread
Bucephelandra - Slower growing and the same as Anubias but sadly doesnt really have the SIZE variety, but the colours make it a winner in any scape!
Echinodorus - Lovely singlular plant, gets bigger but doesnt spread. Easy to grow and will stay nice and tight in high tech tanks but a little looser in low tech.
There are WAY more plants of course, but honestly if you are new OR just want an easy to look after tank then the above should set you up for perfect region biotopes or just mixed plant tanks for almost any fish species.
Crypt heaven - all cyrpts except for the big anubias (right on wood) and ferns (mid and right on wood) This tank was CO2 injected, 2x T5/LED high power lights and a LOT of flow. Using JBL fertilisers. Moved to low tech and remained just as lush!
My very first high tech tank. Anubias is huge on stone left hand side. Anubias Coffeifolia rear right and crypts scattered into the Monte Carlo carpet. 4x T5/LED, CO2 Injected and EI Ferts
One of my current tanks - low tech Betta tank. About 5 types of Anubias, very little flow, some Bucephelandra. Running RO water topups ONLY (after initial mineralisation). This tank is about 5-6 years old and has had 3-4 water changes since initial setup.
submitted by ohlordylord_ to PlantedTank [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:39 TransCuteBaby Game over to my masculinity

Game over to my masculinity submitted by TransCuteBaby to TrapCuties [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:39 burningpieceofpaper I probably broke two brand new tvs that a customer bought

I was helping a customer put two new TVs in his car. I was unaware that they couldn’t be stacked flat on top of each other until he had already driven away. I destroyed this man’s life.
submitted by burningpieceofpaper to confession [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:39 Crackpipejunkie Power outage in Burleigh/Miami

Wonder how long it’ll be out for / what caused it. My guess is tram works accidentally broke something
submitted by Crackpipejunkie to GoldCoast [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:39 Recent-Owl-6928 Looking for a handful betatesters on a privacy enhancing Strava connected webapp

Looking for a handful betatesters on a privacy enhancing Strava connected webapp Have you ever been in the situation where you have done a good workout, but cannot publish it to Strava because you weren't supposed to be training at those hours? Work, wife, boring friends, lover etc..
I am working on a tool called FitBender that can help you define your fitness story by altering the timestamps (and only that*) of the activity files before pushing them to Strava.
If you are a Garmin and a Strava user and want to be an early tester for this please send me a PM or contact me at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
\The tool does not fake your performance. If you want to be faster you must train more..*
submitted by Recent-Owl-6928 to Strava [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:39 DJMoleHill the matrix but they go to a top 40 club

the matrix but they go to a top 40 club submitted by DJMoleHill to Usher [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:39 No_Essay_9379 🤞🍀

🤞🍀 Intuition base
submitted by No_Essay_9379 to ACHR [link] [comments]