Battle discussion

2024.11.29 09:30 lowadministrator526 Battle discussion

Whoever ‘Nailz’ is a LOSER. Love how MFs like you who buy yourself up to lvl 10, and talk shit w emojis 😂 Like bro youre fully leveled up and you wanna sit there and laugh at a level 8 who played you at 1:30a lmaoo The fact that you still have around 3,300 win points and a level 10 is crazy buddy. Hope this finds you well
submitted by lowadministrator526 to TransformersTactical [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:30 AJW7310 Can any RoyalMail employee here help?

So I have a HMV order that it says was sent on Tuesday (Nov 26th) but now it’s Friday and the tracking information hasn’t updated at all. I have spoken to HMV and they said they are aware of delays on Royal Mail’s end but just curious as to any other issues.
submitted by AJW7310 to royalmail [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:30 Vampymarz Advice!

Hello, I’m a 19 y/o female (turning 20 in December). I am currently unemployed, although I’ve been searching a job. For context, I come from a very poor immigrant family, and unfortunately, my parents have a stubborn and close-minded attitude toward veganism. I do love my family very much, so I don’t want responses such as, “Cut them out of your life!”
I don’t want to sound as if I’m throwing myself a pity party, but sometimes it feels impossible to maintain a healthy diet here! I’ve asked my parents to consider adding more fish and veggies to our diet instead of chicken and beef every single day, but they refuse to change. They just say, “Get a job and buy your own groceries if you’re so ungrateful.”
Which, to be fair, they’re right— I do want to start cooking my own meals, especially at my grown ass age. But it’s difficult. I pay a monthly rent of $400 to my father (whenever I do have a job) while also saving up for college. (Minimum wage is $16.00 where I live) and buying myself other necessities like body wash, shampoo & conditioner, tooth brushes, and more. I’m at a loss here. I’m not sure what to do, or how I’m going to juggle all that while sticking to my preferred diet. Please, any advice would be appreciated.
submitted by Vampymarz to Pescetarian [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:30 D-AYI Sipariş usulü diorama veya custom yapsam ilgilenir misiniz beyler bayanlar

Sipariş usulü diorama veya custom yapsam ilgilenir misiniz beyler bayanlar Yaptıklarımın bazılarının fotoları. Custom araç diorama beraber de yapabilirim.
submitted by D-AYI to HotWheelsTr [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:30 InternalChip1691 XTB promo code PT (acaba hoje)

Ainda tenho código promocional disponível para quem quiser se registar na XTB e ganhar logo 30€ no registo. Apenas necessitam: 1.º Entrar pelo link abaixo e registar o email com o qual pretendem criar conta. 2.º Abrirem conta com o email que registaram no link. 3.º Verificar a conta 4.º Depositar qualquer montante para ativar a conta.
submitted by InternalChip1691 to XTB [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:30 loharnowbe Sixt Black Friday Ads 2024

Follow this link for Sixt Black Friday Ads 2024. Access the latest deals and promotions by visiting the link, featuring a constantly updated list of coupons, promo codes, and discounts.
submitted by loharnowbe to LimitedDiscount [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:30 Totalsupreme [@PONINK0] Message from Luz.

[@PONINK0] Message from Luz. submitted by Totalsupreme to Lumity [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:30 urdadsfavdaddy bored zz lets chat!

submitted by urdadsfavdaddy to gaybrosgonemild [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:30 Mr_Skyscraper NPO 2 Top 2000

De NPO 2 Top 2000 zit er weer aan te komen! Nu is de vraag, willen wij als community een poging wagen om een bepaald nummer de lijst in te stemmen? Zo ja, welke?
submitted by Mr_Skyscraper to metaalfanaten [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:30 Funny-Entrance-4271 Was there ever a mention of a ghoul vs humans war? )

(before the dragon)Im confused cause i could have sworn there was but i cant find anything online about it and I'm not rewatching season 2 to find it
submitted by Funny-Entrance-4271 to TokyoGhoul [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:30 Defiant_Gazelle919 Can we use leftover energy from last season's expedition in the upcoming expedition, or do we have to start from scratch?

I have more than 2k left, and i have claimed all the rewards, so should I save them up for next expedition?
submitted by Defiant_Gazelle919 to Gardenscapes [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:30 JimHint 124539088335 - 3 locals

124539088335 - 3 locals submitted by JimHint to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:30 S-BG KFZ Versicherung - günstiger als in allen Vergleichsportalen

Hallo, nachdem in letzter Zeit hier viele Leute massivste Preiserhöhungen bei der KFZ Versicherung bekommen haben kam jetzt auch meine Mitteilung und ich habe schon das schlimmste befürchtet, aber letzten Endes hielt es sich doch im Rahmen (die Erhöhung von SF23 auf SF24 ändert halt die Prozente nicht mehr).
Was mich aber sehr wundert ist das ich letzte Woche schon mal meine Daten auf Verivox, C24 und HUK24 eingegeben habe um zu schauen, und bin dort deutlich teurer als das was ich jetzt zahle. Neuer Beitrag für 2025 sind 460€ pa und das günstigste Angebot das ich online gefunden hatte waren 503€ pa - und der Knaller: das ist genau der Vertrag den ich bei meiner aktuellen Versicherung habe. Also es scheint das Bestandskunden bessere Tarife bekommen als Wechsler? Sehr ominös...
HUK24 übrigens nicht die günstigste (aber mit 513 nicht weit weg).
Einzige Überlegung ist jetzt ob man wirklich für ein 12 Jahre alten 1er BMW noch eine VK mit 150SB braucht oder ob man da noch mal ein paar Euro sparen kann, das muss ich mir mal am Wochenende überlegen.
submitted by S-BG to automobil [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:30 DFWdrummer Best John (or Paul) followed by a Paul (or John)

What’s the best example of a song so clearly devised by either John or Paul on an album followed directly by a song equally clearly devised by the other?
For instance, my best example would be Mother Nature’s Son (Paul) followed by Everybody’s Got Something to Hide Except Me and My Monkey (John). The yin and the yang of the pair are so perfectly present in those two songs, in my opinion.
submitted by DFWdrummer to beatles [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:30 Most_Departure2195 u/themcjoker reckons a post I put on r/mildlyinteresting (and originally r/funny) actually belongs on here. My caption was: My plant looks like 'The Scream'

u/themcjoker reckons a post I put on mildlyinteresting (and originally funny) actually belongs on here. My caption was: My plant looks like 'The Scream' Thoughts?
submitted by Most_Departure2195 to Pareidolia [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:30 Excellent-Row-9009 Need entertainment, talk to me!

I went a little too hard tonight on the partying and I’ll be up all night. To add to it, I HAVE to stay awake because my 4 year old puppy is sick and needs to be monitored. Texting AI isn’t doing much for me & want replies with a bit more humanity behind them.
Will delete after I get some sleep but figured I’d give it a shot right now?
submitted by Excellent-Row-9009 to bored [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:30 FluidQuantity3396 To those who've lost a long-term friend.

This is for those who are confused or need closure after losing someone they thought would never have left. I heard this from someone else, but it helped greatly.
There are times when people change in different ways, where both individuals are at different psychological and mental states. It doesn't have to mean one has grown while the other didn't, rather, the changes were in different aspects overall. If you cut off or were cut off from a friend due to this situation but still feel distraught, do ask yourself - what version of them are you holding onto in your mind?
The person you miss may not even exist anymore, and the one you've lost may be another person entirely. It's hard to accept a loss of any kind, and you're always allowed to grieve. However, when you come to the point of mentally and cognitively processing it, this is one thing you need to be sure of so it helps you process it more clearly. Knowing the answer to the above question can help you understand that it wouldn't have mattered whether you had cut them off sooner or held on to your friendship any longer, because you may have just been holding onto the memories of the past.
Sometimes, it feels better knowing that you've lost that person to the past as an unchangeable outcome of life, and it becomes easier to let yourself be happy for the person your ex-friend has grown to become, even if it meant losing them in the process. :)
submitted by FluidQuantity3396 to lostafriend [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:30 Garden_Aria Data Analysis: Insights into Base Development from the 2024 Roadmap

Data Analysis: Insights into Base Development from the 2024 Roadmap submitted by Garden_Aria to ethtrader [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:30 Kisbucka I want a traditional family-23F

Im 23F, living in EU (central). I have always dreamed of a traditional family. I want to be a wife and have a wife too. Not a “gay stereotype “ like butch, masc, femme, art ho, idk what. Not a pronoun warrior. Not a loud, political person. Just someone normal, chill who also happens to be wlw. Someone who can wear a dress and heels but also wears a flannel with a beanie. Someone who can cook and clean but can also fix the car. Someone who matches my energy, because I can do the same things.
We would have kids, 2-3. Adopted ones. Have a big family home with land and animals. A few dogs, cats, chickens, maybe a goat too. A HUUUUGE garden. We would sit on the porch, read, drink tea, talk about our day. During winter we would do the same thing just by the fireplace with the kids. Church time, be a part of the community, we would help to take care of the town/village. Have a good relationship with neighbours the kind where I give them eggs and they give me apples or pears in exchange. The kids would learn about important life skills. Healthcare, how to debate, their own rights, how to protect themselves, how to grow food, cook, clean. Be respectful and responsible adults.
I wanna grow old with this person and have like 6 grandkids.
Honestly just a chill HALLMARK MOVIE like life.
No politics ( I feel like everytime I start talking with a lgbt person we end up discussing political stuff. I hate politics) just literature like classics, movies, humorous stuff, cooking, kids, special interests etc.
submitted by Kisbucka to GayConservative [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:30 Adzy7777 Bookmark manager

What’s a good bookmark manager that doesn’t need an account to sign up and it’s all stored local
submitted by Adzy7777 to ios [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:30 Madagascar003 This is the sad reality, poor Sumire

submitted by Madagascar003 to Boruto [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:30 MyronCollins Pia Skrzyszowska

Pia Skrzyszowska submitted by MyronCollins to PolishTrackGirls [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:30 Choryujin Please help, virgin DM and touched for the very 1st time.

So hi there, Thanks for reading,
the long and short of it all is I am part of an established crew. I am their newbie/novice. An opportunity has arised for me to try my hand at DM'ing a 1 shot. We played Sunless citadel and it was hella fun I went full murder hobo and my character stayed with the kobolds. A wizard. So fast forward to now and me DM'ing the baddy is my wizard from the previous 1 shot and I want to set it in the same citadel but with a twist. I have questions and I can't ask my crew because I want to DM it for them. So I am calling on you lovely peoples to see if y'all can help. So I have an idea of what I want, a direction and the framework of the whole thing. I just need help with development as I have never done it before.
Any directions or suggestions on how to write it and develop it would be very very appreciated. Im stumped on how to write and account for all scenarios and outcomes. How do you make it not boring or to cerebral? How do you balance action and roleplay etc? So any help really yeah. Thanks in advance and be gentle please spit on it before you rail me.
submitted by Choryujin to AusDnD [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:30 CronoDroid izna - Debut Interview (with MCs ILLIT Minju & Moon Sangmin) @ KBS Music Bank (241129) [ENG SUB]

izna - Debut Interview (with MCs ILLIT Minju & Moon Sangmin) @ KBS Music Bank (241129) [ENG SUB] submitted by CronoDroid to kpop [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:30 fiddlesticks-app Fiddlesticks Match #1497

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by fiddlesticks-app to Fiddlesticks [link] [comments]