2024.11.29 09:39 MissCeliesBlues Slappy the shoes frog is back!
For those of you who don't know, this little frog has lived in some old shoes in the shoe rack on our back verandah, for the last three summers. He disappears in the winter and returns when the weather warms up. He hangs around under the back light, eating the bugs that the light attracts. I made him a frog hotel and a little frog habitat and he congregates there most nights with his froggy friends. He has is own instagram https://www.instagram.com/slappy_the_little_green_frog submitted by MissCeliesBlues to australia [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 09:39 Crackpipejunkie Power outage in Burleigh/Miami
Wonder how long it’ll be out for / what caused it. My guess is tram works accidentally broke something
submitted by Crackpipejunkie to GoldCoast [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 09:39 Recent-Owl-6928 Looking for a handful betatesters on a privacy enhancing Strava connected webapp
Have you ever been in the situation where you have done a good workout, but cannot publish it to Strava because you weren't supposed to be training at those hours? Work, wife, boring friends, lover etc.. I am working on a tool called FitBender that can help you define your fitness story by altering the timestamps (and only that*) of the activity files before pushing them to Strava. If you are a Garmin and a Strava user and want to be an early tester for this please send me a PM or contact me at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) \The tool does not fake your performance. If you want to be faster you must train more..* https://preview.redd.it/s3q8elfp8t3e1.png?width=760&format=png&auto=webp&s=24463e75bd8f706f1cda9ab9b704b30bc2eedad9 submitted by Recent-Owl-6928 to Strava [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 09:39 DJMoleHill the matrix but they go to a top 40 club
submitted by DJMoleHill to Usher [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 09:39 No_Essay_9379 🤞🍀
Intuition base submitted by No_Essay_9379 to ACHR [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 09:39 WCente53 Fabienne
Dm mich submitted by WCente53 to LeaksxxxOF [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 09:39 Typical-Bed-2057 Pay / Questions
I have an interview for a substitute teaching position on Monday!
I was wondering which grade level is generally the easiest to substitute for, how often you get to teach your preferred grade, and what the pay is like depending on the city.
Also, I’m assuming high school students usually know what to work on—so what does a typical day look like when you’re subbing for them?
Thank you!
submitted by Typical-Bed-2057 to SubstituteTeachers [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 09:39 hippor_hp Cool awp atheris craft
https://preview.redd.it/ez7aaezk9t3e1.png?width=1058&format=png&auto=webp&s=c5f012f2b6633d174777e082a14cb6120af3d274 just wanted to share this because I thought it was cool submitted by hippor_hp to ohnePixel [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 09:39 Hlb5005 I’m new here…but here is my friend code :)
submitted by Hlb5005 to finchfriendsgive [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 09:39 dailysnowright L'urv Black Friday Ads 2024
Follow this link for L'urv Black Friday Ads 2024. Access the latest deals and promotions by visiting the link, featuring a constantly updated list of coupons, promo codes, and discounts.
submitted by dailysnowright to DiscountEnergizing [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 09:39 Wayoutweststarlets December 7th at Jean Cocteau is our second show ever !! Come watch us perform !
submitted by Wayoutweststarlets to santafelocals [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 09:39 Aerodynamics-100 wow so I really feel like biologists exist just so we physicists can point at them and laugh and giggle
submitted by Aerodynamics-100 to AskPhysics [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 09:39 HonksTheWhite 🦃 Thanksgiving Post Roundup Gallery 🦃
submitted by HonksTheWhite to TeenMomOGandTeenMom2 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 09:39 Slow-Quarter4141 Is smoking unattractive
Is smoking weed unattractive?
submitted by Slow-Quarter4141 to dating_advice [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 09:39 BeyondUniverses New Mut 😩✨️
Angelic Ennedi with 7x B.O 🫶🏽
submitted by BeyondUniverses to lioden [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 09:39 SoLostInAStrangeCity I'm lost in a strange city where people forget everything every few days. (Part 7)
For context, here are my previous posts:
[First Post]
[Second Post]
[Third Post]
[Fourth Post]
[Fifth Post]
[Sixth Post]
(11:11 AM - 12:21 PM)
I’m sorry for the lack of an update yesterday, but I really just needed a break from all of this. I already knew there was a very high probability that the reset was going to happen yesterday to begin with (which, it did happen), and Clay really wasn’t doing great, either, so I wanted to just focus on keeping both of our spirits up and making the most of what little time we still had in Hortens.
It’s not like I could’ve done much of anything else, anyway; visiting the cabin my family owns was beyond out of the question with how long it would’ve taken to get there, even if we’d gotten lucky enough to get a full other day before the reset, the only records that both Clay and I wanted to check were the ones back here in Myosotia, which we knew the reset would also inevitably bring us to faster than the carriage if it happened yesterday, and locating someone to interview who had lost their mind will hopefully be something I can knock out at the same time as further researching the histories of the known victims here at Clay’s archive.
That means that the only thing I still could’ve done was break into someone’s business after nightfall, and I’ll be honest with you — I just didn’t want to do that. Not yesterday. Not after everything we’d had on our minds already.
That’s why I made the choice to do nothing. We just lived like normal people for the day — or, at least, as much as we could, all things considered. And I don’t regret it. I know, this whole place we’re living in could be a lie. We could be trapped in someone’s little mind game, we could be living like nothing more than puppets for someone else’s entertainment. There could be a big conspiracy that right now only we have a hope of ending and unveiling. But we also could be five seconds away from making a choice that ends in either one or both of us turning out just like every other missing or catatonic victim who got too curious and saw something there was no coming back from. We could be dead tomorrow, or even today.
At least now, no matter what happens, I can say that we had just one full day where we didn’t feel like two ants floating on a leaf out into the ocean more vast than we can imagine, with storm clouds looming overhead that will eventually sink our ship, even if the tide doesn’t somehow claim us. We felt like humans. Two human beings who had come together in the face of great uncertainty and somehow formed the start of a meaningful bond because of it.
…Or at least, that’s what I’d like to say, if it weren’t for the fact that I’d been periodically still checking your comments throughout the day just to make sure you all hadn’t said anything urgent, and one well-meaning commenter had the incredibly serendipitous timing of suggesting we might be long lost brothers just after we’d snogged for the first time.
Now, I’m back to believing life is meaningless, and if there is a God out there watching over us, he exists purely to spite me and make me thoroughly disgusted with myself at every waking moment.
I know all of you reading this are probably in shock right now, but there’s a lot I just haven’t said about myself or the feelings for him I’ve been trying to sort out, because I just didn’t think they were relevant to mention. It’s not like saying I found him attractive was going to help lead to some important revelation that would get me out of here. I’ve had a small crush on him ever since I’ve been waiting on him in the theatre.
Now, I just feel really conflicted.
I’ve removed the pages of yesterday’s events from the book, and I’ll decide whether or not to give them to Clay only after I can in some way confirm we’re not related; for the sake of my own sanity, I’m hoping that’ll be today, when I visit the archives. I was originally going to prioritize checking the histories of people who vanished or went mad for some common thread, but now I think my very first priority will be getting more answers on Clay’s family line.
I really wish I had thought of that possibility back when he mentioned his parents disappeared from this world.
Well, it’s not like I can change it now. I need to go have a talk with him again, remind him of what’s going on in this place and everything we’ve learned, and then get back to work on finding my way home.
(4:00 PM - 4:36 PM)
We’ve been at the archive for about two hours now. I’ve been sitting at a desk going through all of the books Clay knew of that pertained to the victims of the disappearances, including his parents.
So far, I haven’t found a lot that’s of use; most people’s recorded history in these books is…frustratingly simple at best, except for those who really made a big impact on Myosotia itself, and the metaphorical Venn diagram between influential individuals in this society and people who disappeared or lost their minds isn’t exactly overlapping as much as I’d hope for in this situation. At least, not yet.
Clay is right, though; all documentation of his family line outside of his father and mother is practically nonexistent, even in name only. I’ve yet to read the one he said refers to his parents and their disappearance — mostly because the existential dread of finally knowing his parents’ first names is gnawing a hole through my stomach every time I so much as glance at it — but at least any of the other family members he’s mentioned Margaret saying he used to have are either barely mentioned by name once or twice or just not even listed anywhere I can see at all.
He’s assured me that he’s searched every book in the years that those people should have been alive, and I have no reason to doubt him when he tells me that there was nothing on them other than the ones he’s given me. Still, I think after I’m done with this stack, I’m going to browse a bit, anyway. Even if I don’t find something he missed about his family, I might find something we both missed about one of the other victims I’ve been trying to research, or I might even encounter a new one.
Clay himself has been searching the shelves he’s less familiar with for empty books like the ones we found in Hortens’ Archive. Margaret assured him when he asked that she’s been working in this place for most of her life, and there aren’t any “unused books that snuck themselves into the shelves”, but he seems determined to confirm that with his own eyes. I can’t blame him.
He’s gone upstairs by now. He asked me to come with him, because the search will go easier that way, but I told him I needed to take care of this first. This is the first time I’ve turned down the option to go somewhere with him. I hope he doesn’t take it the wrong way; being around him is just awkward right now.
One thing I can at least say for now is that we don’t share the same last name; because of this subreddit’s rules of not naming any real persons, I obviously (and ironically) can’t tell you my last name, but I will leave it as that it is not anywhere close to his.
Unfortunately, I know that doesn’t mean anything, as they could’ve simply changed their names when they came to my world, but it is one of a few reasons why I have hope we might not be related — the other main reason being that if they are my parents, that means they would have to have found and somehow convinced my grandparents to pretend to be their parents, and my Uncle to pretend to be my father’s brother, since Clay never mentioned having grandparents or an Uncle who disappeared. That’d just be really hard to pull off, wouldn’t it?
(6:42 PM - 7:58 PM)
Alright, so…I have a major update — maybe even the first of two, depending on how things unfold later tonight.
Going through the archives has actually led to a lot more information for both of us than I thought it would, so I’ll break it down into parts:
1) I finally worked up the courage to look, and our parents have different first names. Still doesn’t mean they couldn’t have changed them when they left this world, but it’s worth saying.
At some point, I’m going to ask Clay if he has that book he was compiling about his parents when he was little, and if I could see it; I want to know if any of the other information matches. I also want to ask him if he has any sort of paintings of them around, or something else that describes them visually.
The only trouble is doing this without making him wonder why.
2) I didn’t find any significant ties between the people who have disappeared or the cases of insanity/people who mysteriously ended up catatonic state yet; it’s obviously likely that those who developed these sudden conditions were likely to have broken one of the cardinal rules of the town and seen too much, but beyond that, I don’t see any commonalities that matter.
We do finally have a small lead on someone who is still alive whose case seems to suggest they may have seen whatever is going on outside at night. I found an article mentioning a man — a former shopkeeper in the southeastern edge of the city — who went out on a carriage ride just some 38 years ago to forage for plants in the forest down south, and returned “not quite right” from it.
He was 27 then, so if he was still alive, he’d be 65. It’s stated he became a recluse after those events, and eventually a family member moved in to take care of him, but beyond that, the records aren’t very specific on what’s become of him.
I guess we’ll have to ask around town to try to find out if he’s still around today, and if he is, what his exact address would be.
3) Clay is…absolutely horrified. Stacks of the books upstairs are just like in Hortens’ – empty, like they’ve never even been touched. He’s sitting at the table now where I was sitting just a few hours ago, trying to get his bearings over the fact that all of these years, he’s lived among proof positive of the issues we’re all facing, and he never even noticed.
The worst thing for me, though, is that this means Margaret lied to us.
After I was finished looking into everything I could surrounding Clay’s family and finding this out, I admit, I became curious to know more about her – if she has some kind of motive to lie. As far as I can tell, she doesn’t; maybe in all her years, she just never took the time to check every possible shelf, herself – I can’t say. But I did find something interesting.
It turns out she doesn’t have anything on record, either. I found who her parents were, but beyond their names being listed, that was it; there was…nothing. No information of any kind, and no family lineage to trace back. I’m starting to become really uneasy. Why do so many people have little to no history? Were the resets that severe back then? Is that why there are these huge blanks in the history records?
How can we learn about what happened during certain times or to certain people when history seemed to stop being recorded about them altogether?
Should we tell Margaret about what we found?
Clay said she might be a good place to start in asking about where that shopkeeper is these days, if he’s even still around, since she’d have been alive back when it happened and might have kept up with the story; he wants to at least ask her about that. I guess there isn’t too much harm in it, but I do wonder if she’ll even tell us the truth. If she did lie about the records being complete on purpose, there’s no guarantee she won’t lie about another thing, too.
Maybe I’m just starting to get paranoid, but she did raise Clay. What if she was trying to keep him in the dark, for some reason? Is that why she told him so little about his parents, despite supposedly being so close to them?
I’m going to ponder all of this for awhile — as best as I can, at least.
After Clay’s asked her about that shopkeeper, I vowed to myself that I would ask him to go on ahead and search for any more leads in town, while I’ll sneak off and break into one of those businesses. Whatever he really is to me, I know that I don’t want him getting in trouble for a crime that I committed.
All of the shops have already closed up for the night, and I’m sure I can find something lying around in an alley to break a window on one of them and climb in.
I’ll update you all after the deed is done. For now, in the event that I do get arrested for what I’ve done, I’m going to leave this device with Clay and just log out so he can’t read this draft. Wish me luck.
(10:31 PM - 7:03 AM)
It’s been an entire day, and I still don’t know how to explain what I saw last night when I made the mistake of shattering that window and stepping inside.
Clay is legitimately worried for me because I told him I just needed to get home yesterday when we met back up, and I haven’t wanted to tell him what happened since. I feel terrible for pushing him away like this for so many reasons, but there’s so much going on in my head right now, and even if I wanted to, I just legitimately can’t figure out how to break it to someone that so many of the people they know effectively don’t even exist once the night falls.
I’m so sorry for the lack of eloquence tonight while telling you of everything I saw, but as I’m sure you can imagine, worrying about my storytelling prowess at a time like this just isn’t one of my highest priorities. If I waited another few days for my sanity to return to a more stable state, maybe I could do a little better, but none of us have that kind of time to waste for something so trivial. And my family back home doesn’t deserve to be made to wait longer for me to return, either.
If I even can.
When I stepped in the building I honestly wasn’t sure what I was going to find, but it definitely wasn’t that. I guess a part of me just wanted to believe that it would be the store owner sleeping in her bed, or eating dinner, trying to wind down from a busy day selling her gardening supplies. That early in the evening, I was almost sure I was risking arrest.
But I wasn’t. I’m not. I got away with it and I’ll continue to get away with it, because there was no one outside who saw me going in or coming out, and if she hasn’t already, she most definitely isn’t going to tell anyone what she actually saw, because I don’t think she truly even saw it.
She was just standing there, around the corner, in a back hallway, eyes wide open, breathing, blinking, but saying nothing — frozen, with a dim light shining against her back from further down the hall. I waved my hand right in front of her face and she didn’t even react. I touched her, talked to her, even tried jostling her around a little, and nothing. She didn’t say anything.
She was fine earlier today. I saw her in the shop as we walked past, helping a customer pick out something at one of the shelves.
At first, I tried to convince myself that it was just a wrong choice in buildings, that she must have somehow become one of the people who’d seen too much, that maybe she took a carriage out of the city walls while we were busy in the Archives, and decided to look out the windows. In my head, it made sense. It was the only thing I could think of.
But no. I went past her shop today. I convinced Clay I needed to go to the café down the street past her place, in order to get something to help calm my nerves. They sell tea there – Clay was telling me of the calming properties of his favorite tea just the other day, so I knew he’d agree if I said something like that.
And when we walked past, she was just fine. She was outside, watching a man replace her glass window that I’d broken the night before. Clay even stopped to ask her what happened to her window, and she told him she didn’t know, that it was just like that when she woke up this morning and went to get ready to open shop for the day.
What happens to these people when night falls that they end up this way? Are they all really like that behind closed doors after a certain hour? Do they just cease to exist mentally? Clay isn’t like that. I’ve seen him sleeping at night. He sleeps like a normal person. He can stay up as long as he wants. He can lose sleep. He can oversleep.
Margaret can stay up past nightfall. I’ve seen her at the archives late into the night, not even making any deal of it. Is it only people who businesses close at nightfall that are like that? What makes them different?
I’m sorry today’s message is going to be so short, and that I could only send yesterday’s out now along with it. There’s still a lot I wanted to talk about, some messages I need to answer, but right now, it’s just hard to focus.
I had to take a lot of breaks while trying to write this. I didn’t sleep well last night, and I don’t know if I will now, either. Tomorrow could be a reset day. Maybe I’ll just sleep in, if I actually end up able, and use whatever time I have left after that to finally answer my father’s email and respond to all of your comments.
For now, I hope life is treating you kinder than it has for anyone living here.
submitted by SoLostInAStrangeCity to nosleep [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 09:39 Confident_Slip999 Even tho juice loved markami I don’t think he would have done it this way sorry
It’s not that good
submitted by Confident_Slip999 to JuiceWRLD [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 09:39 TheActOfTrylng S1E3
Is it only me or did Charles touch a crowbar in the end of S1E3 and he didn't go "aaah, hurts"? Blooper?
submitted by TheActOfTrylng to Dead_Boy_Detectives [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 09:39 usntailnGPa How to whiten teeth? Try this hack
submitted by usntailnGPa to fixedbytheduet [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 09:39 loharnowbe Spot & Tango Black Friday Ads 2024
Follow this link for Spot & Tango Black Friday Ads 2024. Access the latest deals and promotions by visiting the link, featuring a constantly updated list of coupons, promo codes, and discounts.
submitted by loharnowbe to LimitedDiscount [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 09:39 Friendly-Tutor-2504 my three moods during thanksgiving lol
submitted by Friendly-Tutor-2504 to SelfieDump [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 09:39 elwoolfio Cautionary Tale
Don’t start writing a text to your wife with dictation enabled, while listening to Anthony Jezelnik in the background. submitted by elwoolfio to AnthonyJeselnik [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 09:39 Smooth-Ad-7838 CA m132 extended barrel
Im planning to put 455mm maple leaf inner barrel on my ca m132 but im looking for an extended outer barrel ir adaptor that fill fit since it doesnt have thread.
Any reco?thanks
submitted by Smooth-Ad-7838 to airsoft [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 09:39 Radiant-Ear4301 Do you biohack for beauty? What supplements and devices do you use? How much do you spend monthly on it?
What's your monthly beauty budget? - Skincare + Supplements + Devices.
Help me with details please.
Do state your age/gendetier city
Let's see how Indians are doing self care.
submitted by Radiant-Ear4301 to AskIndia [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 09:39 reddituser1775 Save 94% on Borderlands Collection: Pandora's Box on Steam
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