
2024.11.29 09:23 cliff-ms Machakos

Machakos submitted by cliff-ms to KenyaPics [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:23 Cold_Code8588 H: fsa mask W: 3 powered mods, and a add on of bolstering and quad mods

submitted by Cold_Code8588 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:23 Comfortable-Hall-188 SQL and Point Clouds

Hello, I have a question.
I know that most people store Point Clouds in las/laz format, or sometimes in some ASCII text format, but I also know that at least PostgreSQL has the pgPointcloud extension for storing the points in a database and to do SQL and PostGIS queries on them.
Does anyone has experience with storing Point Clouds in SQL databases? How does it compare to las/laz, i.e. is it more or less efficient in terms on storage and performance?
For example, I suspect that you could create a spatial index if you had the points in a database, although that also could create some computational overhead, as there could be billions of points.
I ask this more out of curiosity, as I myself have never stored Point Clouds in that way, and searching the internet I also didn't find too much information on that topic.
submitted by Comfortable-Hall-188 to gis [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:23 StarMasterX_ Point with hands

If it doesn’t exist already, I’d like an emote or some mechanic that allows us to point with our hands.
submitted by StarMasterX_ to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:23 jvc72 Buy Signal Arendals Fossekompani ASA - 29 nov 2024 @ 10:05 -> NOK149.80

Ticker: AFK.OL
Exchange: OSL
Time: 29 nov 2024 @ 10:05
Price: NOK149.80
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:23 rennistry Emma Mattress Black Friday 2024 Offers

Check out the link for Emma Mattress Black Friday 2024 Offers. Once on the website, you'll have access to a variety of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly to help you save on your purchase.
submitted by rennistry to ArticulateOffers [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:23 beard__hunter In Busan, India says it will not back ‘use’ of plastic alternatives

submitted by beard__hunter to india [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:23 dirkisgod [OFFER] PLUM - £10 Total - £10 from me - No KYC needed/Quick (UK Only)

PLUM is a finance app, mostly know as a savings app, automating savings for you. Plum works in a unique way to save money. It looks at your spending habits, notices what money comes in, and analyses your spending, to save what you can afford.
Besides the (auto)saving part, they currently are also offering a high interest account - up to 5.15% interest with easy access on your cash. Additionally they offer investments, stocks, pensions and probably have the best cash ISA in the UK atm.
Simple sign up:

  • type $bid in the comments AND click here to send me a DM and ask for a ref link
  • sign up for an account (just name and address needed)
  • connect any bank account (very quick process, just two or three taps to confirm) and set a savings rule, move a quid to your Plum interest balance
  • that is it, I'll send you the cash within 5 days after their app notifies me of your sign up (usually soon after you connect the bank & move cash to Plum interest)
  • no ID, no selfies, just link a bank through open banking, takes a couple of mins to do
  • once you connect your bank, you have to set a "savings rule" (basically set how much money you'd like Plum to save for you --- the money is always yours, there is no cost here, it's just an app that saves money into a pocket and you can always withdraw it back to your bank for free and instantly). With this cash on your Plum balance, you then have to either add it to your Plum interest account or make an investment ---> This is easy to do: sign up, set a savings rule, move £1 to your Plum interest. Job done. You can withdraw this money anytime.
  • I'll send you payment within 5 days from your sign up (they need to validate your sign up)
submitted by dirkisgod to signupsforpay [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:23 wildestcutiepiefun They slash them (stolen from r/196)

They slash them (stolen from 196) submitted by wildestcutiepiefun to BisexualTeens [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:23 bavarian-emt Ausuferende Verkehrssituation in verkehrsberuhigtem Geschäftsbereich

ich poste das im Auftrag von einem Freund, der keinen Reddit-Acc hat, vielleicht kann jemand hier helfen :)
Ich wohne in einer Stadt in einer engen Nebenstraße in einem Wohngebiet, das an ein Mischgebiet von überwiegend Restaurant- und Imbissgewerbe angrenzt. Die Straße, die durch das Mischgebiet führt, ist als verkehrsberuhigter Geschäftsbereich mit Tempo 20 gekennzeichnet, da es dort viel Fußgänger- und Radverkehr gibt.
Nun verhält es sich so, dass die Stadt außerhalb des Wohngebietes eine neue Straßenführung eingerichtet hat und die Zufahrt zu meinem Wohngebiet und zu dem Mischgebiet geöffnet und mit dem Zeichen 253 als reine Anliegerstraße gekennzeichnet hat. Jedoch ist diese Anliegerstraße die kürzeste Strecke zwischen zwei Verkehrsknotenpunkten, sodass sich niemand daran hält und hier seit Monaten tagsüber dauerhaft Stau und Hupkonzert ist, auch im "verkehrsberuhigten" Geschäftsbeeich :DD. Die Straße ist zudem so eng, dass zwei Fahrzeuge kaum aneinander vorbeikommen und es schon mehrfach Situationen gab, wo Rettungswagen oder Polizei mit Blaulicht nicht durchgekommen sind (ich möchte mir gar nicht erst ausmalen, was passiert, wenn es mal irgendwo brennt....). Einmal ist ein Polizist auch ausgestiegen und hat Autofahrende angebrüllt (ja, wirklich), dass sie nicht zu nem Einsatz kommen und was sie hier alle machen.
Ich habe die Verkehrsbehörde mehrfach angeschrieben und angerufen, aber das Problem wurde sowohl mündlich alsauch schriftlich heruntergespielt und mir wurde mitgeteilt, dass dem Amt keine Beschwerden vorliegen würden und sie bei einer Ortsbegehung auch nichts feststellen konnten. Alle Nachbar_innen hier, mit denen ich gesprochen habe, sind genervt und frustriert und haben auch schon sich mehrfach beschwert, aber es passiert einfach nix.
Welche rechtlichen Möglichkeiten gibt es denn, um die Verkehrsbehörde in Bewegung zu bringen?
Mit ist klar, dass die Polizei zuständig für Kontrollen wäre, aber wie will man kontrollieren, ob jemand Anlieger ist, und zudem hat die Polizei genug anderes zu tun......
Wir haben parallel auch schon Kontakt zu Politiker_innen im Verkehrsausschuss der Stadt aufgebaut und überlegen, die Presse einzuschalten.
Vielen Dank für jeden Ratschlag :)
submitted by bavarian-emt to LegaladviceGerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:23 11bit_studios Nominate Frostpunk 2 for Steam Awards 🏆

Nominate Frostpunk 2 for Steam Awards 🏆 submitted by 11bit_studios to Frostpunk [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:23 abjinternational Effective ICT Forex Trading Course: Fair Value Gap\ (FVG)

Effective ICT Forex Trading Course: Fair Value Gap\ (FVG) submitted by abjinternational to FreeUdemyCoupons [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:23 abjinternational Effective ICT Forex Trading Course: Fair Value Gap\ (FVG)

Effective ICT Forex Trading Course: Fair Value Gap\ (FVG) submitted by abjinternational to udemycoursedaily [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:23 capotehead Laser Toys

I can’t remember where, but I read someone’s rejection of laser cat toys this week.
It’s traumatic, apparently, never being able to truly catch the red dot.
Well, how so.
The feline next to me has three options: a soft bird stuffed with catnip; a jangly, feathery wand; or, his favourite, the laser pointer shaped like a blue dolphin.
It’s too bright right now for laser time.
Every time he nudges the dolphin closer to me on the couch, and comes up to gently nudge my knee with a little insistent whimper, he gets an update on the sunset.
He knocks the wand on the ground and sits on it when I try to distract… stares blankly at the bird leaking catnip crumbs… He demands the game where he never truly catches the red dot.
Funny, because a human told me it was traumatic, and the cat tells me he’ll die if we don’t immediately commence the hunt!
It’s also human nature to overlook the calm, even peacocky options, and insist upon chasing the thing that we feel is just out of our reach.
It rewires our brains, we feel pleasure hunting the elusive.
“Yeah but this time, I’m gonna get it.”
submitted by capotehead to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:23 abjinternational Effective ICT Forex Trading Course: Fair Value Gap\ (FVG)

submitted by abjinternational to udemyfreebies [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:22 ejffkebfk Putin’s youngest daughter ‘living in Paris under a pseudonym’

Putin’s youngest daughter ‘living in Paris under a pseudonym’ Nu e Romania relatted, dar indirect e.
submitted by ejffkebfk to Romania [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:22 loharnowbe Shark Clean Black Friday Ads 2024

Follow this link for Shark Clean Black Friday Ads 2024. Access the latest deals and promotions by visiting the link, featuring a constantly updated list of coupons, promo codes, and discounts.
submitted by loharnowbe to LimitedDiscount [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:22 Significant_Mark_809 Perfect for 🛐🛐

Perfect for 🛐🛐 submitted by Significant_Mark_809 to kyliejennerreligion [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:22 zynth- Dissecting JA4H for improved Sliver C2 detections

Dissecting JA4H for improved Sliver C2 detections submitted by zynth- to cybersecurity [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:22 moepossum1 Guys! They're testing!

Guys! They're testing! submitted by moepossum1 to HuntShowdown [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:22 ChemicalRelative4428 *incredible title*

*incredible title* submitted by ChemicalRelative4428 to Kengan_Ashura [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:22 babareto1 Walking towards the factory - Lies of P ITA SUB ENG Walkthrough #05

Walking towards the factory - Lies of P ITA SUB ENG Walkthrough #05 submitted by babareto1 to Soulslike_Games [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:22 brxce01 Nam Et-Phou Louey tours

Me and my friend are currently travelling through Laos and hope to visit Nam Et-Phou Louey after the plain of jars. Has anyone had any experience booking tours of the park, particularly night safaris? We have only found a single website that offers it (, but the information is confusing and slightly out of our budget. Is it something you can book from a hostel in Phonsavan, or is the aforementioned website the only provider?
submitted by brxce01 to southeastasia [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:22 V3cna Jerked right into our laps...

Jerked right into our laps... submitted by V3cna to antimeme [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:22 Wardenofthegrove Get into UUUU before it rockets.

This is huge news!
submitted by Wardenofthegrove to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]