30 M - would like to exchange old (pre-2000s) music with someone

2024.11.29 09:22 veggiesnrice 30 M - would like to exchange old (pre-2000s) music with someone

I don't really listen to one artist or one band's entire discography—| just listen to songs. I may like several of their songs, too. I don't have a favorite artist, band, or genre—so please don't ask :) Not a fan of hip-hop or anything with screaming (Deftones is an exception). Generally, I am usually listening to rock, pop, synth, jazz, electronic, samba, and (not very often) classical. I enjoy the occasional film/video game OST too. I enjoy music in all languages as well.
submitted by veggiesnrice to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:22 Mikey77777 Estate agent has informed me they are aiming for completion in 11 days, but solicitors still haven't settled on an exchange or completion date, and it's going to cause me a lot extra in rent. How common is this?

FTB, bottom in a 2-house chain, in month 4 of purchasing. Apparently the seller at the top of the chain has holiday plans, so wants to complete on 10 December, but the middle solicitors (i.e. my seller's solicitors) still have outstanding queries before they can agree on a completion date. Meanwhile I'm renting on a rolling contract and need to give 1 month's notice aligned with the first of the month, which means if I don't give notice today or tomorrow, I'm on the hook for January 2025 rent. I was prepared to overlap mortgage and rent for a few weeks, but 7 weeks overlap seems excessive. I'm considering requesting a delay till the new year. Any advice?
submitted by Mikey77777 to HousingUK [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:22 disgustinghonnor Quasao

Quasao submitted by disgustinghonnor to HollowKnightMemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:22 geekyplug Coupon LiquidWeb Black Friday 2024

Do you want to host your website with LiquidWeb and waiting for the Black Friday Sale?
If yes then using our SPECIAL LINK (LiquidWeb Black Friday discount code attached), you will get 85% OFF for 3 months for a LIMITED TIME ONLY.
submitted by geekyplug to WPTUTX [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:22 BrainstormBot 🗾 Near West Coast Of Honshu, Japan: 地震 - Earthquake (M4- estimated, at 09:21 UTC, from www.kmoni.bosai.go.jp)

地震警報 / EARTHQUAKE WARNING for Near West Coast Of Honshu, Japan (地震 reported near Kahoku?) (www.kmoni.bosai.go.jp)
submitted by BrainstormBot to EEW [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:22 Anotherriley Diet bepis

Diet bepis Guess I’m not allowed aspartame
submitted by Anotherriley to corgi [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:22 Zoey-Lin Updated🔥Warhammer 40k Astra Militarum Death Korps of Krieg Veteran Squad Sergeant、Guardsman and Guardsman Demolitions Specialist. They will be released in April 2025.

Updated🔥Warhammer 40k Astra Militarum Death Korps of Krieg Veteran Squad Sergeant、Guardsman and Guardsman Demolitions Specialist. They will be released in April 2025. submitted by Zoey-Lin to WarhammerActionFigure [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:22 457655676 Husband of Unite chief in bullying row rocking key Labour donor

Husband of Unite chief in bullying row rocking key Labour donor submitted by 457655676 to unitedkingdom [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:22 Acrobatic_Bug_3329 Do you believe in me Reddit?

Do you believe in me Reddit? I want to get my town hall to 4200 trophies (I’ll be highest rank so far if done) 100 levels (326 is the highest so far 200 wins (340smth is the highest so far) A scenery skin And moving all the trees via shovels I started two days ago I raid and donate close to 25 times a day each
submitted by Acrobatic_Bug_3329 to ClashOfClans [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:22 Narrow-Ice-2483 Wrp drop

Pag po ba drinop ung wrp need parin magcomplete ng flj?
submitted by Narrow-Ice-2483 to feumanila [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:22 Edmund_Lim My ex-friend sexual assault me in 2022, now he live Scot-free and still haven't apologize to my mom

So I know him in 2015, back then in secondary school, then we been see each other until 2017, as he is my senior and he was graduated on that year, so for 4 years I never contact him, until I got a phone on 2021, at first when we see each other again, at first he quite ok, then slowly his old behavior came back, sensitive emotions, always think that he is not in wrong, and small matter like to make it big, then on December on 2021, he started to emotion manipulate me by scolding me infront of his neighbor friend, saying that I was "not grateful of what he did" also "like to make use of his emotions" so on that point of time I decided to give up on him and try to stay away as possible from him, then for unknown reasons, he started to forgive me, that treat me well again, I felt abit strange, but I just don't care about him, as I given up on him already, so what ever he did, I just don't care what he did, and pretend that do accept whatever he do and I hope that he would understand and will try to take a break from outing with me, then he planning for staycation on June of 2022, I agree about it, as I already given up on him, and I don't want to argue with him, then when we in the hotel, he started to say "do you want to try or not", when he say that I know what he means, as this is not the first time he did this, back then he just molesting me, never do the act, then I reluctant agree as he keep asking non-stop, then after the act I felt so traumatize that, I tell to the church group that I know, then my father bring me to police station, after the report, I wait about 5 months, then the police drop the case as they say it was consensual, then I was like if police drop the case, I feel like he should be responsible for his mistake, like apologize to my mom, or maybe do something to end the situation peacefully, 2 year in, still nothing, never reach out to me and my family especially my mom, as my mom trusted him so well that, they chatted almost everyday before the incident, I hope that this post that expose him about it, so that he would responsible for his actions and try to end the situation peacefully, instead of leaving people in traumatize and sadness for me and my family
submitted by Edmund_Lim to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:22 uniqueyweirdo Remember that oc I made that I needed a name for?

Okay so y'all probably don't remember since it's been a couple months since but I'm glad to say I do have a name for her that fits. Took me wayyyy too long and this name had to sit on me for a while
btw art was made by me, it's just I have saved it for when I transition to that name completely as this is my new persona :] which- I haven't done yet because I feel like I haven't fully made the right preparations just yet- cause honestly it's a whole aesthetic change LMAO, a lot of things to edit n change like making a carrd/socials/etcetc
So I decided to name her v!ra. I originally thought of v1ra, but I thought that would be more idk too much edgy (which she already is but she's also kinda like poison in a way, metaphorically that is) so I wanted to give it a sting. In the post where I said I wanted something purple themed or like a name that would sound badass in an mk announced voice it kinda fit better than the other ideas I had in my head for her
Which is funny cause I actually got her name inspo from SADIRA of all people from killer instinct (I like her 2013 I think- version and the vibe she gives off is kinda almost the same) so I just kinda played off from it, I think I mained her actually at the time
submitted by uniqueyweirdo to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:22 babareto1 Walking towards the factory - Lies of P ITA SUB ENG Walkthrough #05

submitted by babareto1 to fairytales [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:22 LeBoredMemer living the life rn

living the life rn we dying alone with this one
submitted by LeBoredMemer to OkayBuddyLiterallyMe [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:22 Impossible-Rope7054 FS25 joining fields bug - is anyone else experiencing this?

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I have tried a couple of little tricks I've read online like having the GPS lines on while joining, and sometimes this works sometimes not. The AI stops recognising the field.
Any ideas of how to make this work? I realise it is a bug, and I have submitted a bug report, just wondering if someone had discovered a workaround.
Map: Riverbend
Example: field 36 & 37. One save I was able to join them no problem, then I restarted and did it exactly the same way and it wouldn't work.
submitted by Impossible-Rope7054 to farmingsimulator [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:22 Alternative-Sky-3669 Trade?

Trade? submitted by Alternative-Sky-3669 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:22 JohncurtisHolmes Request to be Mod of r/janhvikapoorfc, I am appropriate to be Mod of this subreddit,u/sigma_lord is not appropriate, previous moderator r/marathonracer got permanently banned for violating rule no.3 of reddit.

submitted by JohncurtisHolmes to redditrequest [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:22 nakaryle Questions about color management (YRGB vs YRGB color managed)

Here is my situation :
I will edit and grade footage coming from 1 camera only.
For color management, am I correct in assuming that setting the color science to "Davinci YRGB Color managed", unchecking the "automatic color management", using a "custom" color processing mode and in there selecting my specific camera input color space, my timeline color space as Davinci WG/intermediate, as well as my output color space to Rec.709 Gamma 2.4 is exactly the same as working with a "Davinci YRGB" color science with the same settings, it's just that the input and output CST nodes would be shown, instead of hidden with the first method ?
It is my understanding that the result is exactly similar, but if you only work with 1 camera (so, 1 input color space), you'd be better off just using the first method, YRGB color managed with the settings I mentionned ?
Or in my situation, do I have any advantage in using JUST YRGB and dabbling with input and output CST nodes on every clip ?
I have another question regarding this topic : to insert a LUT, if I work with the first method, am I correct in assuming that the whole node tree is considered to work in Davinci WG, and anything I use in that tree (like a LUT), should be set to input from and output to Davinci WG/intermediate ? With a CST in between to change the color space to the specific camera the LUT is using ?
Thank you for clarifying this matter to me... I am watching a lot of Cullen Kelly to try to understand this, but I haven't found the answer yet.
submitted by nakaryle to davinciresolve [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:22 Total-Caterpillar736 Nov 14-18

Hello! Solo traveler here, let’s connect!
submitted by Total-Caterpillar736 to SiargaoPH [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:22 sinaxrox CCR trebuie desființat

Să vă spun de ce:
Cei 9 ”judecători” de la CCR și-au arogat un lux și-o opulență faraonice, direct în Casa Poporului pe care-l fute cu fiecare ocazie. Fiind toți niște parveniți de la coada vacii, îi vezi efectiv cum au câte un mic orgasm de fiecare dată când sunt întâmpinați cu plecăciuni de toată lumea prezentă. Se cred dumnezei fiindcă așa i-a făcut clasa politică: le-a dat super-imunitate, pot capitula țara în fața Rusiei și nu pățesc nimic.
Problema de bază este că acești ”judecători” nu știu Drept. Un fost coleg de-al lor (Morar) care mai știa Drept cât-de-cât, a zis că toți ceilalți 8 la un loc nu știu Drept cât știe un student de anul 2 & că n-are cu cine schimba o vorbă juridică lângă dozatorul de apă. Bineînțeles - a zis asta după terminarea mandatului - că Morar, deși știa Drept, tot o zdreanță slinoasă era. Toți 9 sunt, practic, niște nulități politice care au fost recompensate cu funcția actuală pentru variate manțocării, prăduieli sau crime împotriva poporului român.
Unii din ei au fost strungari înainte să devină super-judecători care se pișă cu boltă și stropi pe tot poporul deodată. Conceptul în sine de a avea niște strungari și faianțari în funcții supreme care nu pot fi trase la răspundere este ceva profund neconstituțional. Căcații ăștia cu robe trebuie demiși tot de cin-i-a pus acolo, că altfel nu pot fi dați jos. Cu o singură excepție: dacă se desființează CCR, sunt trimiși și ei la muncă pe undeva pe câmp - după capacități.
Nu contează cât e de greu, cât durează, etc.: zdrențele umane de la CCR trebuie demise și pericolul perpetuu reprezentat de ei îndepărtat definitiv - până nu se duce iar șeful lor în Rusia să ia lumină, împotriva obiecțiilor ferme ale SRI.
submitted by sinaxrox to Romania [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:22 gioryiis Regieleki 2 locals add 872981135004 or 175013955954

Regieleki 2 locals add 872981135004 or 175013955954 submitted by gioryiis to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:22 grandesample CanvasPeople Black Friday Ads 2024

Follow this link for CanvasPeople Black Friday Ads 2024. Access the latest deals and promotions by visiting the link, featuring a constantly updated list of coupons, promo codes, and discounts.
submitted by grandesample to GlibDiscount [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:22 idrkwhattoputlolz online friends !

13F and wanna make some online friends! If you play Fortnite or Roblox, lmk! Doesn’t matter if you’re a boy or girl, just around 13-14.
submitted by idrkwhattoputlolz to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:22 Mediocre_lad I need the names, passwords and nazi party ID of the person from this group whose games were used for GPT tarining! I give you 24 hours!

I need the names, passwords and nazi party ID of the person from this group whose games were used for GPT tarining! I give you 24 hours! submitted by Mediocre_lad to AnarchyChess [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:22 Late_Caregiver_2109 Is there a hidden logic behind legendaries?

Pretty much the title. I understand that in gold stake you are guaranteed a legendary that you haven't beaten gold stake with(or so I was told).
I also think I saw somewhere that soul cards are more common in higher stake? I would love to have this confirmed. It certainly feels like the case.
I also want to know if the probability cares about anything else, mainly because I've gotten 5 canios and no other legnedary while I was running through abandoned deck (from white to gold stake, which was a good 20+ tries) and that sucked.
submitted by Late_Caregiver_2109 to balatro [link] [comments]
