[Environment] - Nature boys and girls – here’s your chance to get published in the Guardian | Guardian

2024.11.29 09:38 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Environment] - Nature boys and girls – here’s your chance to get published in the Guardian | Guardian

submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:38 TheYellowEvo2000 An actual airing of Hey Arnold: The Movie on Cartoon Network Brasil. Yes this is real.

An actual airing of Hey Arnold: The Movie on Cartoon Network Brasil. Yes this is real. submitted by TheYellowEvo2000 to CartoonNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:38 AutoNewspaperAdmin [World] - Justin Hemmes’ Merivale to pay $19.25m to ex-staff who allege they were unpaid | Guardian

[World] - Justin Hemmes’ Merivale to pay $19.25m to ex-staff who allege they were unpaid | Guardian submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:38 Pitiful_Calendar2102 Diljit Bangalore 2 silver tickets @7k physical ticket

submitted by Pitiful_Calendar2102 to diljitconcert [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:38 Clxbsport "Earl on a Porsche? what?!"

that's every single one of you everywhere when the Vol. 9 trailer dropped. as a resident Evo fanboy, those were also my first thoughts when i worked on this car. putting a wrap famously on a Lancer Evo on a Porsche 911, and not in either Evo that are already in the game?! and the incoming mob when i realized this was gonna be officially in the game...
lore-wise, it's simple: we aren't in Rockport anymore, and the Lakeshore racers were anticipating Racer X's arrival and chaos. so what way to welcome him than to pay homage to the original Blacklist? the Creative Director himself, John Stanley, confirmed this: https://x.com/JsLockload/status/1861838598737170532
whatever you think of it, that's the lore implication. technical-wise, it's a lot more complicated - i see some of you seem to get what it is, but i'll leave that up to Criterion to confirm what that exactly is... if they ever do (sorry!)
so, among the Lakeshore racers, Chase - who drives a 911 GT3 RS - decided to pay homage to Earl. however, i didn't want to just copy-paste Earl's wrap, so i went through Chase's character bio and incorporated aspects of his personality to the wrap
as he was poised as a pure bred racer (arrogance included), and with a car that looks like a race car from the getgo, i decided to draw inspiration from the actual 911 RSR that competed in GT3 and GTE championships, like the one you see below. this also explains why his name adorns the sides of the car, and not Earl's
i also made sure all sponsors and parts should make sense to what was and can be equipped on the car, so i went with the brands and wheels that you see. for a highlight, Rotiform OZRs were picked as they were centerlock wheels, which both the production GT3 RS came in, as well as the RSR - as a result, the Enkei decal on the side had to go, and replaced with the Falken logo since the car was on Azenis RT660s
i was honestly surprised with how it came out, considering underneath it's just a carbon-copy of Earl's
the big-ass scratch on the side was also intentional. we all know Earl being a rubberbandy mf in the original, so some battle scars were in order
i hope that explains a lot more on why the car is what it is. even if you might not like the car (i see you guys have STRONG feelings about this...), i'd say it's a pretty cool addition to your garage :)
submitted by Clxbsport to needforspeed [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:38 ItsInfinityTV *REPOST FOR HELP* Unjustified Removal From Outlier Due To Technical Issue

*REPOST FOR HELP* Unjustified Removal From Outlier Due To Technical Issue submitted by ItsInfinityTV to outlier_ai [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:38 dailysnowright Kirklands Black Friday Ads 2024

Check out the link for Kirklands Black Friday Ads 2024. Once on the website, you'll have access to a variety of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly to help you save on your purchase.
submitted by dailysnowright to DiscountEnergizing [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:38 CatharticRoman SLEDGE THREAD SPECIAL EDITION: PRO(VO)S vs CON(VICT)S

submitted by CatharticRoman to rugbyunion [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:38 Fuckmepotato Government looking to expand road user charges by 2025

submitted by Fuckmepotato to newzealand [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:38 el_furachier How to use Qt Design Studio

I have started using the Qt framework and I want to design my own custom look. It seems like Qt Design Studio is meant for this. Design Studio has now the possibility to run Qt Design Studio projects with Python. Because I want to use Python as my backend calculation and data handling I thought this fits very good.
For example designing buttons works very well, but when it comes to the logic of the UI I’m facing some issues. As soon it gets more complicated, like dynamically adding buttons and not just setting them from invisible to visible. Is Qt Design Studio only meant for simple logic?
Maybe someone can give me advice how to use the Qt apps to build a solid UI with Python as backend.
submitted by el_furachier to QtFramework [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:38 Grimuar_Reader What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Grimuar_Reader to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:38 kloyoh Local artist

I'm looking for a local tucson artist that could draw or paint a picture of someone's house. It would be a gift...I don't want to use ai art from online.
submitted by kloyoh to Tucson [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:38 pentizikuloes_ quer mit Christoph Süß: Klimawandel in den Alpen: Starkregen, Dürre und teure Folgen für den Wegebau - hier anschauen

quer mit Christoph Süß: Klimawandel in den Alpen: Starkregen, Dürre und teure Folgen für den Wegebau - hier anschauen submitted by pentizikuloes_ to umwelt_de [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:38 WCSO3137 Old breakup letter

Old post relationship letter I came across today. Sure, its not a love letter per se, but even at the end, love of a sort can still exist sans relationship.
submitted by WCSO3137 to LoveLetters [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:38 bfloblizzard Guess What Day It Is

Guess What Day It Is submitted by bfloblizzard to futurama [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:38 trappedinthisxy Can we PLEASE teach Ego how to play the game, on even a basic level?

Why is it that Ego consistently makes the dumbest plays possible? Even if “he can only see cost and power” were true he still makes horrible choices when better ones using that same logic are right there. Where’s the fun in “what if the game lost for you and you had no say in the matter?
submitted by trappedinthisxy to MarvelSnap [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:38 TemptressSammi It’s so easy to hold power over your mind. Keep spiralling over me beta

submitted by TemptressSammi to CashCowChannels [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:38 Cool-Pen6092 Csak az étellel volt gond vagy valami más féle betegség áll a háttérben?

Tegnap olyan fél öt fele ettem egy pizzát. Már többször voltam ott enni, eddig semmi gond nem volt, de most kicsit furának érződött az egész. Olyan hajnal fél egy körül kezdett el görcsös fájdalom jelentkezni a hasamban. Szinte egész este alig aludtam a fájdalomtól majd reggel ki is hánytam a pizzát. A hasi görcs azóta sem múlt el és még két alkalommal kellett hánynom. Egyéb tünetet nem tapasztaltam. Szerintetek csak az étellel lehetett valami és elmúlik magától vagy érdemes lenne ezzel orvoshoz fordulnom?
submitted by Cool-Pen6092 to askhungary [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:38 Nittarab Jobs for Non-EU students, companies that apply for your work permit

Hi to all, I have a lot of friends who are students, specifically no-EU students. They are struggling a lot to find companies that can help them obtain work permits.

Please note: Bachelor students from third countries (countries outside EU/EFTA) must have lived in Switzerland for at least 6 months to obtain a work permit. The same is true for Master students from non-EU countries unless they get a job at their UZH institute.
The ones that I know have all the prerequisites, and normally, companies make them an offer, but then they ask the employee to apply for a work permit. Suddenly, something happens. The message they receive look like this:
"Sorry... bla bla bla, come back when you have the permit."
But is impossible to get a working permit without an Employer.
During the semester, you may accept a paid part-time job of no more than 15 working hours a week. Full-time employment is permitted during the regular semester vacations. However, in both cases, your employer will have to apply for your work permit at the cantonal office for economy and labor (AWA). Your future employer will need a letter confirming that your employment will not interfere with your studies
I'm mostly talking about Master's students who want to work in their field.
Do you know companies that facilitate this step? Or a website where all the early careers job post are listed?
submitted by Nittarab to zurich [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:38 ceesaart Dutch Chief of Defense cautions against premature delivery of Swedish Gripen jets to Ukraine amid pilot shortages

Dutch Chief of Defense cautions against premature delivery of Swedish Gripen jets to Ukraine amid pilot shortages submitted by ceesaart to russiawarinukraine [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:38 grandesample Code Academy Black Friday Ads 2024

Check out the link for Code Academy Black Friday Ads 2024. Once on the website, you'll have access to a variety of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly to help you save on your purchase.
submitted by grandesample to GlibDiscount [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:38 dispatchdcu Batman #155 Preview

submitted by dispatchdcu to Comicbookdispatch [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:38 Triple-AAA-Battery A bug? [Fluff]

A bug? [Fluff] submitted by Triple-AAA-Battery to battlecats [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:38 CherryBlossomEnding LE'V - Shinsekai·Tanjyou (Dance Practice)

submitted by CherryBlossomEnding to kpop [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 09:38 Bulky_Acadia_663 Quanti gg per ricevere il tfr e tassazione?

Mi sono dimesso il 1 ottobre ma ancora non ho ricevuto nessuna busta paga di chiusura contratto.
Sul fondo pensione avevo accumulato circa 4500€:
3100 TFR 800 versamento volontario 600 versamento aziendale
2000 di trattenute son sicuri per via di roba contrattuale da contratto estero.
Inoltre non ho rispettato il preavviso di 15 gg per le dimissioni; stipendio lordo mensile di 1830€
Con il TFR e versamenti riuscirò a coprire tutti o probabilmente andrò sotto e dovrò risarcire l'azienda?
submitted by Bulky_Acadia_663 to commercialisti [link] [comments]
