2024.11.29 10:29 akita13 So, it seems the resounding sentiment from this sub is: DON'T choose nursing. For us suckers who are currently studying to become one, what now? What jobs can we divert into? Do I give up my degree?
There's many years of experience on this sub, and a majority of that wisdom has loudly warned us wee students that nursing is a shithole. Every hopeful "is nursing worth it?" type question has been a showcase of nurse after nurse lamenting entering this role. As a student about to start an accelerated bach for RNs, it's been a solemn and depressing awakening to a bleak future ahead. What would you recommend instead?
I chose nursing because I want a flexible, dynamic, and exciting job that's active. I have an interest in medicine and healthcare, in particular acute care and mental health. Is there another educational direction I should be going, or is it worth getting the degree and following a particular path of nursing?
Any advice would be welcome. I'm feeling discouraged but grateful for the insight, so your guidance would be very much appreciated!
submitted by akita13 to NursingAU [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 10:29 Khardum Made this Custom Salamanders Veteran life size helmet
submitted by Khardum to Salamanders40k [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 10:29 WhyHowForWhat Jika kalian memiliki anak atau sudah memiliki anak, kalian ingin menjadi ayah/bapak/papa/papi yang seperti apa?
Buat gambaran, ini sepertinya model ayah/bapak/papa/papi yang bokap gua inginkan. Dia itu kalau gua perhatikan dia lebih deket sama anaknya, banyak senyum2, jarang marah sama anaknya, can be a bit more emotional (I was told that he cried when I was still in Jakarta for collegue because he missed me), rajin sembahyang + ngaji kalo ada waktu, serta kadang terlalu banyak membantu ketika anaknya bermasalah. Well dia punya naik dan turunnya juga karena dia sendiri bukan sosok yang sempurna. Why? Soalnya gua nih masih lumayan ngeri sama kondisi finansial dia yang mungkin bakal turun ke gua (lets just day that we are pretty "well off" right now iykwim). Its not like my mother doesnt have the same problem with him but at least he is far far better than her. The fact that he is a sane individual who doesn't call his children in an unforgetably hurtful way just because he is too emotional is more than enough for me.
Sejujurnya, gua pribadi ga tau nasib gua gimana kalo bokap gua itu bermasalah juga sama gua dan orang lain. I bet I will be an emotional wreck worse than this and my distrust to others will be higher than what I have rn (tbh he contribute ti my sense of distrust as well). Btw walaupun dia jarang marah, gua malah paling takut kalo dia marah, serem banget soalnya + takut jantungnya kenapa2 (udh pasang ring + kontrol ke dokter skrg).
So yeah, thats my father. So kalian mau jadi ayah/bapak/papa/papi seperti apa?
submitted by WhyHowForWhat to pria [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 10:29 Elianabolly My face comes out very seductive in any photo
submitted by Elianabolly to SFWsoftcore [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 10:29 peterh1979 Bleed Cultivation and Echoes Question?
So the building that converts algae into echoes gets a buff 0f .6 if built on bleed. However if you use cultivate bleed on a tile it reduces the slots by 1.
Is it just me or is the buff of .6 just not enough to warrant losing a slot?
submitted by peterh1979 to Zephon [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 10:29 CaptainNamko Who wins?
submitted by CaptainNamko to PowerScaling [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 10:29 arisutan looking for a small inexpensive projector that I can connect to a bluetooth speaker
hello! i just sold my tv because i only used it for chromecast/watching movies on. i'm looking to replace it with a preferably small/upright projector. I only have a bluetooth speaker so I want to be able to play the audio via my bluetooth speaker if possible. It would also be great if the projector had an HDMI slot to plug my chromecast into. However i don't know much about projectors and i don't know if there is a good product that can bypass my chromecast altogether and just use via my smarptohne or something.
My budget is not very big, maybe 20,000 JPY / $150 USD. I want the projector to go on a small shelf that I will attach to the wall with push pins, so a compact size/weight is kind of important, but if that makes it really expensive i will try and find a solution.
Any advice is really appreciated, thanks in advance!!
submitted by arisutan to projectors [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 10:29 Phantom-Squire Can you take two majors in University of Jordan.
Greetings everyone. I was wondering if someone applying to the University of Jordan from outside of the country could take two majors. If not, can you choose your own minors?
submitted by Phantom-Squire to jordan [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 10:29 7Prometheus2 Impossible! None has ever been able to call him!
Exodia! Obliterate
submitted by 7Prometheus2 to inscryption [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 10:29 Fortune_Box An old friend has crossed over to the other side.
submitted by Fortune_Box to Fortune_Box [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 10:29 True_Donut_657 Berserk manga is on another level in art
submitted by True_Donut_657 to Berserk [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 10:29 GotYourBackAlways Will the world go crazy before 2025?
submitted by GotYourBackAlways to HomeworkHelp_Tutors [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 10:29 Watman_1 Я проктолог. Вопросы???
submitted by Watman_1 to rusAskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 10:29 Typical-Future-3610 Abluft gesucht
ich bin auf der Suche nach einer Abluft für mein 60x60x160 Zelt. Im Moment stehen 2 Pflanzen in der Veg drin und werden mit einer Viperspectra 1500 XS Pro mit Licht versorgt.
Vielleicht gibt es ja ein gutes Angebot zum Black Friday?
Hat jemand Tipps?
Besten Dank im Voraus
submitted by Typical-Future-3610 to germantrees [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 10:29 GyatSkibidiToiletRiz STOP UPDATING THE APP!!! And PC users, just pirate the PRO version
submitted by GyatSkibidiToiletRiz to CapCut [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 10:29 elch077 [OC][Art] Kintsugi | What once was broken has been reforged with renewed beauty in this legendary armor.
submitted by elch077 to ElchRPGFantasy [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 10:29 Consistent-Step-6510 Check my magic website
submitted by Consistent-Step-6510 to Wicca [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 10:29 SympathyExtra6564 What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by SympathyExtra6564 to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 10:29 Illustrious-Grape897 Namrata Shirodkar
submitted by Illustrious-Grape897 to ClassicDesiCelebs [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 10:29 cote_martina First STIM
Hi! It’s my first time doing ivf, and everything is new. I have low AMH for my 36 years old, and I started Gonal F on Tuesday with 300 units… So far so good, but I started to have a discomfort in my lower belly, and lower back… my clinic when I asked to tell me about side effect they just told me that everybody is different, and to don’t worry. I know they’re right, but I know myself and more I know more I can be prepared. What side effect did you have with stims? Especially with Gonal f. So far I’m really tired I can’t do any peloton class, I will try some barre later on… and some headache but after some electrolytes is better… the only things is worry me is some light abdominal pain in my lower abdomen and back pain…
Sorry for this post, but I really feel nothing is in my control, and nobody to talk…
submitted by cote_martina to IVF [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 10:29 kaydyday Freelancer needs new desk. Hunting BF deals
Happy Thanksgiving guys! So i've been using the same old wooden desk for years and it's time for an upgrade. Problem is im on a budget. Anyone know of any affordable Black Friday deals on sit stand desks? Help a freelancer out. Thanks all
submitted by kaydyday to HomeDecorating [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 10:29 Shoppin_ BIDA, weil ich überlege, eine Kamera in meinem Zimmer zu installieren, nachdem meine Mitbewohnerin mein Zimmer unbefugt betreten hat?
Hallo zusammen, ich (m, Mitte 20) wohne mit einer Mitbewohnerin (Anfang 40) in einer WG. Vor Kurzem habe ich meine Kündigung des Mietvertrags eingereicht, weil unser Zusammenleben zunehmend schwieriger wurde.
Ein großer Streitpunkt ist, dass sie mehrfach ohne meine Erlaubnis mein Zimmer betreten hat. Teilweise war das, um Dinge zu lagern (nach Absprache), aber sie hat auch den Zustand meines Zimmers (z. B. zwei saubere Wäschestapel auf der Couch und zwei laufende Nähprojekte auf dem Boden – wohlgemerkt, in meinem eigenen Zimmer!) mit anderen geteilt. Ich war oft nur auf der Durchreise und hatte daher keine Gelegenheit, alles perfekt aufzuräumen. Das empfinde ich als klare Grenzüberschreitung.
Zusätzlich hat sie mich mehrfach unter Druck gesetzt, etwa mit der Drohung, ihren Bruder einzuschalten. Außerdem fordert sie, dass ich die Kosten für eine Reinigungskraft mittrage, was jedoch nicht im Mietvertrag geregelt ist. Um das klarzustellen: Es sieht nicht aus wie nach einem Weltuntergang – die erwähnten Dinge waren nur temporär da und haben niemanden gestört.
Ein weiteres Problem ist, dass sie regelmäßig die Wohnungstür abschließt, sodass ich gezwungen bin, mich an- oder abzumelden, wenn ich komme oder gehe. Das schränkt meinen Zugang zur Wohnung stark ein.
Jetzt überlege ich, eine Kamera in meinem Zimmer zu installieren, um sicherzustellen, dass sie es nicht erneut ohne meine Erlaubnis betritt, während ich nicht da bin. Die Kamera würde ausschließlich mein Zimmer filmen – keine Gemeinschaftsräume, keine Türen oder andere öffentliche Bereiche.
Ich weiß, dass das eine drastische Maßnahme ist, aber ich fühle mich zunehmend unwohl und möchte meine Privatsphäre schützen. Gleichzeitig frage ich mich, ob diese Idee übertrieben oder unverhältnismäßig ist.
2024.11.29 10:29 schwartz881 Good morning
submitted by schwartz881 to Actifit [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 10:29 Party-Ostrich-581 The internet is undefeated
submitted by Party-Ostrich-581 to stephenking [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 10:29 kaylee-erin train bathrooms?
might be an odd question but for the first time i’m catching the queensland rail train from brisbane to bundaberg in economy seating. does anyone know if there is bathrooms?
submitted by kaylee-erin to brisbane [link] [comments]