static mut

2024.11.29 10:20 20240415 static mut

static mut submitted by 20240415 to rustjerk [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 RecommendationNo4757 ¿Soy una mierda de persona por ser solitario?

Antes de empezar a contar está mini historia, me gustaría contar un par de cosas sobre mi, siempre he sido callado y reservado lo cual me provocó ser muy anti social y eso me generó depresión, por bastante tiempo me sentí mal por no saber socializar en secundaria (esto me hizo perder 1 año de estudio por mi depresión).
Un día me cance y empecé a tratar de socializar y debo de admitir queenfunciono, empecé ha hacer amigos pero al precio de mi salud mental ya que es cansado dar una cara falsa a la gente (cara que aún uso cada que puedo).por 6 años estuve haciendo lo mismo, fingiendo ser algo que no soy,chistes,sátiras, ridiculeces y decirle adiós a mi dignidad. Es cansado (era el payaso de la clase).
Actualmente he dejado de lado todo eso y he empezado ha ser yo otra vez, más reservado y solo siendo una persona que habla lo mínimo, y para mis compañeros, esto los saca de pedo, puesto que me conocen desde hace 3 años en la prepa (ven una versión falsa de mi), ahora que realmente me siento bien sin tener que decir un chiste ridículo y siendo la burla de los demás, a los demás se les hace raro y no los culpo, literal fue de un día para otro.
Aquí es donde empiezan los problemas y como otra vez me estoy aislando de los demás. Algo curioso es que a nadie le importo, realmente no me había dado cuenta de eso, cuando empezó a ser yo, solo una amiga se me acercó preocupada preguntado cómo estaba y si estaba bien. Solo a una persona le importo, así que decidí dejar de lado a los demás, ni siquiera mis amig@s que prometieron estar hay para mi (para ellos solo era una burla), Mientras que la chica que se preocupo por mi, no quería que se preocupe por mi, pero Devo de admitir que es bastante persistente, la única manera que logro hacer que ella dejara de preguntar por mi y por más feo que suene, empecé a ser grosero con ella, ella se empezó a alejar y actualmente ella y yo estamos peleados, yo quiero que ella no se preocupe pero a la vez quiero que lo haga (actualmente he pasado por varios problemas familiares). Con decirles que le demostré a ella que desconfío de ella, que la aparte cuando me abrazo, le rechaze un apretón de manos, estoy siendo bastante grosero con ella y realmente me siento mal por eso ya que ella me importa y mucho, pero no puedo parar y asta cierto punto no me se disculpar con las personas, vivir reprimiendome mucho tiempo me hizo incapaz de expresar mi sentir y ahora ya no se ni cómo disculparme. (Con mis demás compañeros y amigos he sido igual sino es que asta más grosero, pero a ellos no les importa)
Aquí es donde entra ustedes gente de redit,soy incapaz de disculparme y a la vez ella ya ni me dirije la palabra, creo que es mejor que me empiece a olvidar de que mis acciones no fueron las correctas pero....¿Que debería hacer para no perderla?
submitted by RecommendationNo4757 to Preguntas_de_Reddit_ [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 777michael7 CL Andyr/datboigetro FLPs

I’ve got a couple of FLPs from producers Andyr and Datboigtro, PM
submitted by 777michael7 to drumkitsleaks [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 astral_dancer_ Raskid ugovora internet

Ostalo mi je još 10 meseci internet ugovora, a selim se u drugi grad, gde ne mogu verovatno da me prebace. Zanima me da li imam pravo da raskinem internet ugovor bez naknade ?
submitted by astral_dancer_ to pravnisaveti [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 MikageHisoragi 【歌ってみた】ドーナツホール 2024 / Covered by 日暮水影

【歌ってみた】ドーナツホール 2024 / Covered by 日暮水影 submitted by MikageHisoragi to utaite [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 Electrical-Aspect-13 Actor Rudolph Valentino in 1923, showing how he worksout.

Actor Rudolph Valentino in 1923, showing how he worksout. submitted by Electrical-Aspect-13 to OldSchoolCool [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 forfunpak Lenovo M9 vs M11

I want to purchase a Lenovo tablet. but which one is better for some multimedia consumption(Social media apps, watching films etc)and browsing and sending emails or writing few things on MS words documents. not into gaming at all only for basic needs Both of them are on black Friday deals M9 is for 129$ and M11 is for 229$(CAD) with pen and folio Case
asking because I want one that can last at least 2/3 years without problems Thanks
submitted by forfunpak to tablets [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 Historical_Design_21 Estratégias de Autocompaixão para Enfrentar Desafios

Estratégias de Autocompaixão para Enfrentar Desafios submitted by Historical_Design_21 to sejahojediferente [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 Cutiepatootie65072 AIO by going through my friends phone phone to see if he talks about me :/

Context: I 24F have known this “friend” 34M for about four years now and at the start of our relationship we were trying to become a couple, but it’s never seem to work out that way. Also like to mention that I lost my V card to him as well. Every time I mention or bring up that I wanna be with him and I want to become more he tells me that he’s not ready to be relationship and that was that…. He says that there could be a potential for one in the future. so for four years st8, I kind of held onto that hope with the occasionally bring it up every now and then. Time-skip to this year on thanksgiving day. I decided to go through his text messages and see if he talks about us being together with his best friend. And lo and behold I find out that everything he’s been telling me about not wanting to be in a relationship is not true. Apparently, according to the text messages, he is in love with someone else entirely. But this person does not want to be with him. Yet he is steadily trying to get her affection and love buying gifts taking out to trips the whole nine yards. Telling her everything I wanted to hear from him. This hurt me sooo much but to be honest I feel like it was needed because we also have a planned trip in a couple weeks and the flight is already paid for and nonrefundable. Yes I feel guilty for going through his privacy but at the same time also feel like I needed this closure because otherwise he would’ve never told me and at this point I just feel used, dirty and mistreated.
P.s the last time, I confessed my feelings to him was towards the end of our trip and he kind of reiterated the same thing that he does not want to be with me and don’t wanna be in a relationship and it kind of ruined the rest of trip. I also already told him I went through his messages Was I overreacting by going through his phone?
submitted by Cutiepatootie65072 to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 Grimm_SG Recommended Christmas 2024 menu?

Hi, does anyone have recommendations for Christmas menu this year?
Bought from Morganfield's the last couple of years so thinking of a change this year.
submitted by Grimm_SG to askSingapore [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 JumpUsual8781 This years tubers

This years tubers These are so massive that the challenge will be to separate them! But overall very satisfied with the harvest :D.
submitted by JumpUsual8781 to dahlias [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 princesito Centennial Bridge near Panama Canal.

Centennial Bridge near Panama Canal. submitted by princesito to ArchitecturePorn [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 CompetitiveHelp5156 What would you call my style????

submitted by CompetitiveHelp5156 to scene [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 neneaRedLIKE What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by neneaRedLIKE to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 reshopi Negative Bias Intensifies

submitted by reshopi to exatheist [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 significantsk How do you maintain high self-worth when your workplace gaslights you otherwise?

Hi all, I was recently fired for standing up for myself in an emotionally abusive work environment and it has left my confidence very shaken.
I was doing a job worth beyond my title, pay or seniority for many years prior to leaving my previous role. I have no references from people of influence/authority at the organisation. I was stripped of my influence and reputation, singled out and bullied by multiple leaders ganging up on me.
I am now applying for jobs of the seniority equivalent to what I was doing in the past (I.e, leadership roles) and asking for a salary to match.
I am wondering how I can communicate this situation, without perpetuating the narrative of the workplace I had just left behind?
submitted by significantsk to auscorp [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 BluebirdTypical2154 Asking for opinion

I (19M) recently got interested in combat sports and martial arts. I recently joined a club in which I do MMA. And im wondering if I talk about it to a girl it might look like an activity that could be scary or I might seem violent maybe ? What do you think about it ?
submitted by BluebirdTypical2154 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 k10001k What does/did comphet feel like to you?

I think I’m experiencing it, not being able to tell is so so difficult. I’m 20 and have always loved women, and almost always been confused about men.
Saying to myself “I might be lesbian” feels right, but yet scary at the same time. I keep saying to myself “but what if there is one guy some day” or “I don’t want to rule it out just incase”
I always knew I liked women, and I had my first love very young (14-16) and I never put a label on myself until she asked me one day. I kind just went “oh I’m bi” because I hadn’t thought about labels and sexuality, I just knew I loved her.
It’s also very confusing because I have physically enjoyed sex with men in the past. Penetration is enjoyable for me. But that’s it. There is no emotion or love with it. I don’t and have never enjoyed giving men head or touching them, I can and have done it but I don’t enjoy it. I don’t look at a penis and want it. And with sex I just kind of lay there? Even when I’ve been consensually thrown around and had someone know what they were doing, it felt nice physically but it was like I was disconnected and didn’t care for it. But that’s not how it is with women, I enjoy it on every level and very deeply. I’m also a top with women and absolutely love doing the work. It feels so right.
I’ve dated and been sexual with both men and women. But I’ve only ever been with men because it was easier to hookup (as I’m a very sexual person). I imagine marrying a woman, having a family with a woman, I crave women emotionally, physically and sexually.
There has only ever been one guy that I thought I had feelings for. We dated for almost a year but I’ve been very confused about it. I loved being loved by him, and the way he took care of me emotionally. There was times I felt like I enjoyed the sexual stuff? But I don’t fully know. I think maybe I just felt safe with him because he looked after me the way my father did (daddy issues yes lol). But when we broke up it briefly hurt but I just dealt with it? Whereas with the 2 women I’ve dated it really hurt. It’s just so confusing. Other than him, I’ve never had real interest in men and it’s still confusing with him. I appreciate their appearance but I don’t crave dick or them.
I know I don’t have to label it, but I really want to know, for myself.
If I am lesbian, how do I come to terms with it? Why is it such a struggle? Do you think this is comphet?
submitted by k10001k to LesbianActually [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 memesfromthevine well, this is awkward...

well, this is awkward...
submitted by memesfromthevine to MyHeroUltraRumble [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 Appropriate-Monk-287 Talah can finally be mysterious

I love Hamarun, and I can FINALLY show my Na'vi's personality and overall vibe through his clothing (accurately, too). - Besides that, I wanted to say that the NPC voice acting in this DLC is pretty impressive. (Even for the non-interactable characters) It seems like they had some accent training! (If only the MC could sound like them, but alas..)
Enjoy Talah smiling for the first time since his birth in the first photo
Our ikrans are so much cuter now, buttttt...they do seem a lot less fierce. It would be cool if we could have a description for our ikrans like other characters. We could select a few keywords from a list (like we did when we first got our ikran) and get a generated description about our ikran and how she matches us.
I know people are disappointed about the lack of animals (or an animal) with fur because of the outfits (me too) and what was shown in the promo material. It's safe to assume the "fur" is actually just plant fiber from one of the fluffy plants in the area and that it's purely cosmetic. (I knew way too much skin was showing in that promo image for this to be even a remotely arctic region.)
submitted by Appropriate-Monk-287 to FrontiersOfPandora [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 LectureSea7537 Time Lapse: 10 000 Mealworms vs Watermelon 🍉

Time Lapse: 10 000 Mealworms vs Watermelon 🍉 submitted by LectureSea7537 to timelapse [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 mistikempire Suggestions before order is placed

Suggestions before order is placed Close to adding these to my collection, any suggestions guys before i go ahead?
submitted by mistikempire to hookah [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 BubbaBlossom19 Wifi question

Im looking into setting up a unifi network. Im looking into a u7 pro max for an access point. But I don't know what to use as a gateway and switch from unifi. I currently have 1gig but plan on getting 2 or maybe 5 depending on if I can do 5. Anyways, what do I need as a gateway for the access point and switch? My budget is $1200 to $1500
submitted by BubbaBlossom19 to HomeNetworking [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 kyskys03 Fissured tongue pain

Hello, M21 I burnt my tongue on scorching hot water when i was 15 I went to a fam med doc and he told me it’ll heal on its on Since then the fissures got deeper and more numerous They have been getting more of a discomfort over the yrs
Today i woke up with needle pricking pain in one small area
I’m just wondering wut’s the cause of the little punctuate hemorrhages and sudden pain? Why is it not healing? I dont eat any type of vegetables so is it a type of nutritional deficiency? Vitamins? Zinc?
And what type of doctor should i go to? An ent? A gastroenterologist?
Any assistance would be appreciated thanks in advance
submitted by kyskys03 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 jimmyhartington Hole with support built into the model

Hole with support built into the model Model in onshape
I am design a part in OnShape which has a hole in it. Would it be a good idea to create a second part as seen in the screenshot, which fills the hole, so I can pop it out after the print? Have printede a tolerance tester to find out which distance I should use.
submitted by jimmyhartington to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]