Why we crying for?

2.crying sun(哀怮之日) 震撼人心的像素roguelike科幻神作。 很难想象一款像素游戏能将真正的宇宙展现的淋漓尽致,我第一次看到游戏画面真的是震撼。 ill Gates is NOT Jewish. His lineage is a mix of English, German, and Scotch-Irish, with no discernible Jewishness anywhere on the family tree, going back to the 1700s. He's William Henry Gates III, for crying out loud, named after his father, grandfather, and great-grandfather! His mother is a pure WASP! His sister's name is Kristi! He...

2024.11.29 10:20 Shaun_Whiteside Why we crying for?

Honestly, only have way through the album but I'm vibing and enjoying it, the mixing could be a little better yeah, but honestly if they just released all the leaked songs over the years all the same people would have cried about not having new music. All the leaks we've had over the years absolutely slap but honestly if it was just all them leaks it wouldn't be fresh and wouldn't be new, and I bet all the same people would have cried for the opposite reason
submitted by Shaun_Whiteside to JuiceWRLD [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 mrtakashihongo31 I need outside opinion.

Just need some random look on my dilemma. Got offer to new place, not too far from my current workplace, basically new company looking to open new branch. Went for open interview last month, got offered the job but offered around 4k basic. Previous place i get 3200 but plus overtime and allowance sometimes i get 5k. In this new place i dont know how they pay allowance and if there are overtime. Any opinion?
submitted by mrtakashihongo31 to Bolehland [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 Knid123 We're making a SNES styled Horror!

We're making a SNES styled Horror! submitted by Knid123 to indiegames [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 Bloggerneo I want to be single life....

I want to be single life.... submitted by Bloggerneo to motivation [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 shushups WHO'S WINNING? #18

WHO'S WINNING? #18 submitted by shushups to PedroPeepos [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 dailysnowright Modern Bathroom Black Friday Ads 2024

Use the link for Modern Bathroom Black Friday Ads 2024. The website features a wide selection of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly for you to choose from and make your purchase more affordable.
submitted by dailysnowright to DiscountEnergizing [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 asdasdwqwdqwd Refs in the Series

Bruh straight up, whats wrong with these dudes I dont care about the counting wich in it self is infurating at times but the late stoppages in every fight got me tweeking I swear some of these dudes should loose their jobs Mario Yamasaki ass lame whacko referees this show got lmao.
submitted by asdasdwqwdqwd to hajimenoippo [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 OriginalGoat1 Lift Vertical mouse not recognised when changing users

I've been using a Logitech Lift vertical mouse (bluetooth) on my MacBook for a couple years and it has been rock solid. Recently, however, I started using a second account on my MacBook and now I find that when I switch users, Logi Options no longer recognises the mouse. To be clear, the Mac recognises the mouse so it still works, but the Logi Options customisation doesn't work (the scroll wheel direction goes back to "natural" instead of "standard". When I open Logi Options, the mouse is not shown even though I can still move the pointer around with the mouse.
My guess is that the Mac recognises the Lift as a normal mouse, but the Logitech Lift-specific driver doesn't get loaded. Any solution to this issue ?
Using Logi Options+ 1.84.641293 and Mac OS 15.1.1 on a MacBook Air M2
submitted by OriginalGoat1 to logitech [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 ArrisaLibby Made some deco for garden

Made some deco for garden submitted by ArrisaLibby to crafting [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 Icy-Mixture3251 First bingo card, lets make it a race between M and F who can fill their squares first

First bingo card, lets make it a race between M and F who can fill their squares first submitted by Icy-Mixture3251 to nudebingo [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 Head-Garlic-5273 5% Tax

So i did some freelancing job for 2 months. The eork was from Spain and I received payment in dollar. I received payment twice. Bank deducted 5 % tax on each transaction. Kamako cha 20k, tax matrai 1k katyo hau...I know paying tax in imp tara I am still a student and paying that much as tax was heart wrenching for me...any tips?
submitted by Head-Garlic-5273 to NepalSocial [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 futureDRAtomasian leapmed takers 2024

hello guys! sa mga nagtake ng leapmed exam last oct 20, kamusta naman? super hirap ba? huhu and what are the problems that u encountered?
submitted by futureDRAtomasian to Tomasino [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 xmKvVud They should give me a medal...

...for the amount of pixelization I had to do within these images to make them publishable. But hey, that's the price of glory if you're doing anything sensitive.
So, here's my Hyprland look after circa 1 month of tuning. As you can see, I'm a scientist, I have an unconditional, one-sided love relationship with the Terminus font (and no love for anti-aliasing), and I have remade half of Waybar into something that resembles my life with the Notion WM, albeit partially. This has a themed/riced: Waybar, terminal (it's foot actually), Gnuplot, zathura, emacs-nox, and well... I themed mutt allright but when I change the terminal size, it un-themes again going back to it's .muttrc colors. The launcher is not rofi, it's fuzzel. Note that Waybar includes quite a few modifs I had to write myself, as the music piece displayed, number of received emails, and some other... Tones of pywal here too, of course, but that's another subject.
[distro: I'm using Debian, since 2009. I know 90% of this sub uses Arch, but I don't care. I think the best side of Arch is it's fantastic online documentation, which, so happens is 99% valid for Debian so a win-win situation if I use Debian and Arch wiki :(]
For someone who has been using a dotfile-controlled WM for the last 15 years, Hyprland is pretty trivial to use and quite pleasant. However, there's this one last thing driving me mad: 90% of the times when switching from eDP1 to HDMI (external monitor), it'll die on me. (I do it using hyperctl). That drives me mad and makes me even return to X11 when needed - because some window sessions are precious, and I can't waste time re-creating my setups each time Hyprland buys the farm.
Okay that's it... More showing off in the future after I've finally riced Waterfox...
submitted by xmKvVud to hyprland [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 insegniah1 $KENDU - Working, Building, Growing.

$KENDU - Working, Building, Growing. submitted by insegniah1 to Memecoinhub [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 drsrrrsr LET'S GOOOO!!!

LET'S GOOOO!!! I'm finally at 3 stars!! It begins!!
submitted by drsrrrsr to AnimalCrossing [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 Scr4wnyy Minha namorada surtou por não ter conseguido ido ver ela, é normal?

Bem, eu sou empreendendor e algumas vezes é bem difícil equilibrar o relacionamento com a empresa, porém ultimamente sempre dou prioridade pra ela, até mesmo as vezes largo o que estou fazendo para ir ver ela em um dia cansativo. Essa semana estava desde terça-feira avisando ela que ontem teria uma mentoria a noite, e provavelmente não iria conseguir ver ela, porém que sexta tiravamos um dia para ficarmos juntos, sempre falo isso com muito carinho, demonstrando que realmente queria estar com ela, porém que quero estar com ela em dias que realmente estou livre e quero dar 100% de atenção. Ontem, desde manhã falei a mesma coisa, porém acontece que o dia dela em um novo emprego foi muito cansativo, passou o dia inteiro em pé, estava com muita saudades mesmo de mim, acolhi ela da melhor forma possível por mensagem e disse que amanhã iria fazer massagem nela e tudo mais, e ela disse que não importava de segurar a saudades mais um dia, se dessa forma fosse melhor.
Boa, fui terminar a mentoria 23 horas da noite, e ela estava bem seca comigo, disse que chorou, pedi perdão por não ter conseguido ir e ela só disse "tudo bem, agora é hora de dormir e não quero ficar pensando sobre isso". Me justifiquei, dizendo que realmente queria estar com ela e com a família dela em um momento que to de fato livre, porque se eu tivesse ido teria ficado no PC, com fone e focando na mentoria, e não daria atenção, mas que de fato queria cuidar dela. Ela pegou e disse "eu sei me cuidar, o que aconteceu foi que desaprendi desde que te conheci". Enfim, creio que minha sanidade também foi embora nessa, e comecei a pedir perdão sem parar pra ela, sentindo uma culpa imensa, disse pra ela que eu fui idiota e que vou buscar melhorar. Ela disse "eu que tenho que pedir perdão, criei expectativa em algo que você já tinha avisado", porém continuei falando que o erro era meu. Acordei hoje e percebi que fui muito afobado e sem controle emocional ao começar a pedir desculpas, me sinto arrependido e muito mal, além de refletir sobre como essa pressão é foda. E também uma reflexão se eu deveria ter ido e largado a mentoria, pra poder cuidar dela nesse dia difícil.
submitted by Scr4wnyy to relacionamentos [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 Wild-Description-878 Disgusting interaction (rant)

So I've been selling alot of party items for ridiculously cheap prices, including a handful of items for as low as 300 gems. Yesterday I had a pretty unpleasant interaction with a few players about this. I was going on about my day, advertising my shops and mentioning the starting price is 300 gems. A player traded me and asked where the items for 300 gems were. They always sell out incredibly fast for obvious reasons. So I told them they are scattered around in the shops (there are 22 shops located in my den) or they are sold out and that I'd be there in a minute to restock the gem items. Right after I sent that they called me "twisted evil". I went into my den, put in a few of the gem party items and they began to spam buy all of them. A few minutes later my den began to fill with a few players, they began to trade me and calling me names and calling my behaviour disgusting and weak. I am genuinely still very upset about this. I'm just trying to do something nice and give back to the community and not sell my party items for ridiculous amounts and keep them affordable for everyone. It genuinely breaks my heart. I'll consider recycling my party items next time, it really sucks how some people need to ruin the fun for others
submitted by Wild-Description-878 to AnimalJam [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 20240415 static mut

static mut submitted by 20240415 to rustjerk [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 RecommendationNo4757 ¿Soy una mierda de persona por ser solitario?

Antes de empezar a contar está mini historia, me gustaría contar un par de cosas sobre mi, siempre he sido callado y reservado lo cual me provocó ser muy anti social y eso me generó depresión, por bastante tiempo me sentí mal por no saber socializar en secundaria (esto me hizo perder 1 año de estudio por mi depresión).
Un día me cance y empecé a tratar de socializar y debo de admitir queenfunciono, empecé ha hacer amigos pero al precio de mi salud mental ya que es cansado dar una cara falsa a la gente (cara que aún uso cada que puedo).por 6 años estuve haciendo lo mismo, fingiendo ser algo que no soy,chistes,sátiras, ridiculeces y decirle adiós a mi dignidad. Es cansado (era el payaso de la clase).
Actualmente he dejado de lado todo eso y he empezado ha ser yo otra vez, más reservado y solo siendo una persona que habla lo mínimo, y para mis compañeros, esto los saca de pedo, puesto que me conocen desde hace 3 años en la prepa (ven una versión falsa de mi), ahora que realmente me siento bien sin tener que decir un chiste ridículo y siendo la burla de los demás, a los demás se les hace raro y no los culpo, literal fue de un día para otro.
Aquí es donde empiezan los problemas y como otra vez me estoy aislando de los demás. Algo curioso es que a nadie le importo, realmente no me había dado cuenta de eso, cuando empezó a ser yo, solo una amiga se me acercó preocupada preguntado cómo estaba y si estaba bien. Solo a una persona le importo, así que decidí dejar de lado a los demás, ni siquiera mis amig@s que prometieron estar hay para mi (para ellos solo era una burla), Mientras que la chica que se preocupo por mi, no quería que se preocupe por mi, pero Devo de admitir que es bastante persistente, la única manera que logro hacer que ella dejara de preguntar por mi y por más feo que suene, empecé a ser grosero con ella, ella se empezó a alejar y actualmente ella y yo estamos peleados, yo quiero que ella no se preocupe pero a la vez quiero que lo haga (actualmente he pasado por varios problemas familiares). Con decirles que le demostré a ella que desconfío de ella, que la aparte cuando me abrazo, le rechaze un apretón de manos, estoy siendo bastante grosero con ella y realmente me siento mal por eso ya que ella me importa y mucho, pero no puedo parar y asta cierto punto no me se disculpar con las personas, vivir reprimiendome mucho tiempo me hizo incapaz de expresar mi sentir y ahora ya no se ni cómo disculparme. (Con mis demás compañeros y amigos he sido igual sino es que asta más grosero, pero a ellos no les importa)
Aquí es donde entra ustedes gente de redit,soy incapaz de disculparme y a la vez ella ya ni me dirije la palabra, creo que es mejor que me empiece a olvidar de ella.se que mis acciones no fueron las correctas pero....¿Que debería hacer para no perderla?
submitted by RecommendationNo4757 to Preguntas_de_Reddit_ [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 777michael7 CL Andyr/datboigetro FLPs

I’ve got a couple of FLPs from producers Andyr and Datboigtro, PM
submitted by 777michael7 to drumkitsleaks [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 astral_dancer_ Raskid ugovora internet

Ostalo mi je još 10 meseci internet ugovora, a selim se u drugi grad, gde ne mogu verovatno da me prebace. Zanima me da li imam pravo da raskinem internet ugovor bez naknade ?
submitted by astral_dancer_ to pravnisaveti [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 MikageHisoragi 【歌ってみた】ドーナツホール 2024 / Covered by 日暮水影

【歌ってみた】ドーナツホール 2024 / Covered by 日暮水影 submitted by MikageHisoragi to utaite [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 Electrical-Aspect-13 Actor Rudolph Valentino in 1923, showing how he worksout.

Actor Rudolph Valentino in 1923, showing how he worksout. submitted by Electrical-Aspect-13 to OldSchoolCool [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 Right-Jelly-6421 This is unfair what shohie Ohtani is doing

This is unfair what shohie Ohtani is doing submitted by Right-Jelly-6421 to Baseball9 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 10:20 forfunpak Lenovo M9 vs M11

I want to purchase a Lenovo tablet. but which one is better for some multimedia consumption(Social media apps, watching films etc)and browsing and sending emails or writing few things on MS words documents. not into gaming at all only for basic needs Both of them are on black Friday deals M9 is for 129$ and M11 is for 229$(CAD) with pen and folio Case
asking because I want one that can last at least 2/3 years without problems Thanks
submitted by forfunpak to tablets [link] [comments]
