Deine Mutter bringt Lieferhelden zum weinen

2024.11.29 11:50 _akadawa Deine Mutter bringt Lieferhelden zum weinen

submitted by _akadawa to witze [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 andrekuniscki Agro é consciência? Agro é tudo?

Agro é consciência? Agro é tudo? submitted by andrekuniscki to Flanelaa [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 front-page-watch [#91|+3448|796] Deposition about That flight with Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie that lead to their divorce [r/interestingasfuck]

submitted by front-page-watch to undelete [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 54Cupcake İ need a partner for a complex story

Baisic premise : the Workin title is don't read
Don't Read is an interactive story centered around a magical, sentient book. That was abandonee by it's writer
The reader, by flipping its pages can cause the story events to continue.
The reader is warned by the bitter and jaded narrator—who is also the book’s soul—about the dangers of continuing. Since the writer left the book abandoned and the stories unfinished lm
Despite these warnings, the reader comtinues unless you leave the book down. And as a result causes a series of events where they have to finish the stories the author left behind
they must solve mysteries, complete quests, and interact with characters, all while uncovering the complex and emotional history of the book's creation. As the reader explores, they learn about the bond between the book and its original author and the painful past of the book's narrator. The journey through the stories ultimately reveals deeper truths about creation, abandonment, and the relationship between the book, its characters, thier writer and the reader.
And this is this very baisic premise.
Genre/s: the core story is Meta fiction , interactive fiction , interactive reading , mystery , adventure with a small elemtent of psychological thriller.
However since it is a story that deals with a book that have many stories there are so many genres writing styles present too
• Goals/expectations/commitment: to finish the novel.
• Writing/experience level: i am fine with any as long as you are committed and creative
• Meeting place: reddit dm is fine and telegram is fine too
• [Writing groups only] Max size: i deally one or two is enough but i wouldn't mind mote to join
So far i have the concept finished and i have ideas on the execution i just need to polish more details and more ideas are welcomed to enhance this story.
submitted by 54Cupcake to WritingHub [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 Slyshoota23 What y’all think?

What’s yall input on PG? I usually play big (C) I’m transitioning to pg. So yea I love interior defense
submitted by Slyshoota23 to NBA2k [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 salm0nsuitcase [searching] th8

Im crystal 1 looking for a clan to do cwl
submitted by salm0nsuitcase to ClashOfClansRecruit [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 wealthybxtch He (25M) said that I'm (23F) his best friend

I’ve been talking to this guy for about a month now. I set my dating app location to his country, and things have been going pretty great so far. Lately, we’ve been having lots of phone calls, and honestly, I’ve really enjoyed getting to know him better. But here’s the thing: he called me his “best friend.”
Wtf does that even mean? Like, does he not want to be with me? He’s super interested in my life asking about how things are in my country and even how to open a business. But he’s never mentioned anything about “us” or a future together.
Then, he says things like, “I miss you,” and tells me not to “entertain” other guys when I go out. I mean, his actions seem like he’s really into me between all the voice notes and phone calls, he’s definitely putting in the effort. But then… he hit me with the “you’re my best friend” line, and now I’m just confused.
How to make sure that he's into me romantically? Other things he's done: - send me voice notes - send me videos - send me pictures of his family - really interested about my lifee
Tl;DR! He (25M) said that I'm (23F) his best friend (we've been talking for a month)
submitted by wealthybxtch to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 New_Pop_7917 [241011] LOVEONE update

[241011] LOVEONE update submitted by New_Pop_7917 to LOVEONE_ [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 angrykappa D4dj songs you'd like to see other artists cover?

Any bops that would be cool covered/remixed by another artist?
submitted by angrykappa to D4DJ [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 Jiro007 Siamese • Heye • 1000 pieces

Siamese • Heye • 1000 pieces submitted by Jiro007 to Jigsawpuzzles [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 RUMBLEFEEDBACK If you could only play one video game for the rest of your life, what game would you choose?

submitted by RUMBLEFEEDBACK to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 Pasti101 I didn't really know my Grandad loved me until he was dieing

My grandad was one of those types of people who just sort of put up with you. We went to his house once a week as a kid, we would get sent off to play whilst the talked to adults. If we spoke to him about anything he never was interested, or excited, but sort of scoffed at anything we had to say. We never slept over at his house, he never asked to spend time with us and even when he did there was zero interest. As I got older I learned what he was interested in so we could hold a semi functional conversation but he always made us aware that he was smarter than us, focused on what he found interesting and tell us to leave when he got bored. Or sometimes just go to bed whilst we were still there.
He got cancer and deteriorated quickly, my dad and aunt looked after him around the clock but cousins and I were not allowed to help although we were all early 20s. We did try to help but they were insistant we didn't. Near the end I was speaking to my dad (I don't remember what about) and he said ' he does love you, you know that right!' and I realised that I didn't and wasn't sure I believed him
The next time I saw my grandad he was laid in bed and my aunt and dad were getting him situated, he didn't realise I was there but when he saw me his eyes lit up. He was so happy to see me and asked me loads of questions forgetting how ill he was.
That was the last time I saw him. And that is the memory that is burned into me, him frail and sick but his eyes lighting up just from seeing me, full of love.
I wish I'd tried harder with him. It wasn't until years later I realiesed he was like that with us because he had some from of autistim. Nothing mean was ever said out of malice, it was just facts. He approached everything so logically and could not understand alot of things that we all took for granted. It's all clear now but the adults in the family hadnt realised either, it was just how he was. We could of had such a different relationship and I wish I knew how to see his love earlier.
submitted by Pasti101 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 Flanchiscat Finally un my hands🙌

Finally un my hands🙌 I'm soooooo happy 🥰
submitted by Flanchiscat to SkipToLoafer [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 agentofhermamora At what point do I say, I have too much anubias?

I have a 4.5 yr old planted 20 gal tall with a full cover of duckweed and anubias, and various bits of driftwood. There's a clown pleco (same age as the tank), some unknown amount of otos (4 to 6, maybe less because I usually only see one), and copepods. Fluval Stratum for the substrate.
I won the anubias three or four years ago at a fish swap meet. In the past few months, the anubias has grown wildly and sprouted lots of little babies. The parent anubias takes up a quarter of the tank and the leaves on the 'parent' are probably three to four inches long. It's almost as tall as the tank.
I've been in the fish hobby for almost twenty years but I've never been that great with plants. I don't know when or if to cut down on the anubias or the right way to do it. I don't even know how or why these plants are propagating so well and fast. The only change i made in their care is switching from Niloc G to Aqueon plant food. I don't do anything to the tank aside from water changes and gravel vac.
submitted by agentofhermamora to PlantedTank [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 ratsalloverhere BEAUTIFUL BC FLOWERS/PINK ZOMBIE/ MR NICE GUYS

BEAUTIFUL BC FLOWERS/PINK ZOMBIE/ MR NICE GUYS Grabbed this from local guy in Hamilton Mr Nice Guys. Free delivery great service. The buds are nice. Strong pink nose sticky and burn great. Not the strongest pink I've ever had, gets me where I want so im happy with that. Solid pick and great vendor.
submitted by ratsalloverhere to CanadianMoM2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 EggEquivalent1660 Han euch des herteste Maimai für Ende vong NeinNussNovember aufbehalten. Achtung: Triggerwarnung weil so prutal ist

submitted by EggEquivalent1660 to OkBrudiMongo [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 No-Mycologist5401 I'm trying to export a transparent video in toon boom harmony

I'm trying to export a transparent video in toon boom harmony When I export it it's just all black. I don't have any idea on what to do, cause I tried everything and I don't have a png4 image format option. I'm just confused, hope someone can help. Thats how it looks if this helps. Thanks in advance
submitted by No-Mycologist5401 to ToonBoomHarmony [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 AutoModerator 241129 Weekly Discussion/Questions/Favorites Thread

Welcome to the Weekly Discussion/Questions/Favorites thread!
Want to share content of individual contestants? Post them here!
Have any questions you want to ask regarding the show? Ask them here!
Want to discuss the show as a whole? Feel free to discuss here!
submitted by AutoModerator to project7_jtbc [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 Verycoolguy-ye That feeling when ____ surgery is tomorrow

that feeling when the surgery is tomorrow
submitted by Verycoolguy-ye to AskOuija [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 fatlip22 Lost PLA / Lost Polycast Burnout

Hello together,
having hard times to get PLA or Polycast burn out of my sand mould.
is 450C / 842F too low temperature? maybe more hours? i tried 3
thank you
submitted by fatlip22 to MetalCasting [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 AutoModerator Afghan urial wild animal species

Afghan urial wild animal species The Afghan urial (Ovis vignei cycloceros) is a subspecies of the urial, a type of wild sheep found in western and central Asia. Here are some interesting facts about this fascinating animal:
1. **Habitat*\*: Afghan urials inhabit the rugged mountainous regions of Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran. They prefer open, hilly terrain and can be found at elevations ranging from 600 to 3,600 meters (1,970 to 11,810 feet).
Afghan urial
2. Appearance: Males are notable for their impressive, spiraled horns, which can grow up to 100 cm (39 inches) long. Females also have horns, but they are much smaller, usually less than 20 cm (8 inches) in length. Both sexes have a reddish-brown coat that turns lighter in the winter.
3. Diet: Afghan urials are herbivores, primarily feeding on grasses, herbs, and shrubs. They are well-adapted to their arid environments and can go for extended periods without water, deriving moisture from their food.
Watch complete video
submitted by AutoModerator to Thinkersofbiology [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 JeffLais Thrustmaster T598: FFB Settings in games

Here are some settings for few games with the T598 (with the latest firmware version = V2.07)
GT7 (in Blue Mode)
On the screen Dashboard of the T598:
- Select "FFB3"
- Master gain = 100%
- Mode = E (Extreme) (or S if you want a less reactive FFB)
- Inertia = According to your preference (MID or HIGH if you have some oscillations)
- Friction = OFF (or LOW or MID if you want to decrease oscillations)
- Boost Low = + 2 (less if you want less vibrations effects)
- Boost High = + 2 (less if you want less vibrations effects)
- Speed = EXT (Extreme)
- Damper = always keep at 0% (important as damper will reduce a lot FFB details)
- Spring = the slider is automatically adjusted by the game (not necessary to change)
- Gear Jolt = High
- End Stop = High

In the options of the game: (in Options / Controller Settings / Force Feedback) :

About FFB Maximum Torque = definitively not recommended to set it at the maximum (except for very old cars or for cars with poor powerful).
Setting to high this slider (especially for modern & powerful cars) will increase a lot the SPRING strength and will automatically destroy the feeling of all small effects.
About the "FFB Sensitivity" slider in GT7: The lower this value, the gentler steering becomes when driving in a straight line.
For not DD wheels (with some mechanical and internal friction) you can increase this slider, but your FFB will not be linear.
For DD wheel (with no mechanical friction) it's better to keep the slider at 1 (to have linear FFB and to limit oscillations).
About the TCS (Traction Control Settings), this setting will also affect the FFB = Less TCS give better FFB details.

F1 24 - PS5 (in Blue Mode) and F1 24 - PC (in Green Mode)
On the screen Dashboard of the T598:
- Select "FFB3"
- Master gain = 100%
- Mode = E (Extreme)
- Inertia = HIGH
- Friction = OFF
- Boost Low = + 2 (less if you want less vibrations effects)
- Boost High = + 2 (less if you want less vibrations effects)
- Speed = EXT (Extreme)
- Damper = always keep at 0% (important as damper will reduce a lot FFB details)
- Spring = the slider is automatically adjusted by the game (not necessary to change)
- Gear Jolt = High
- End Stop = High

In the options of the game:
- Vibrations & Force Feedback = On
- Vibrations & Force Feedback Strength = 70 or 75
- On Track Effects = 100
- Rumble Strip Effects = 100
- Off Track Effects = 100
- Pit Stop Effects = 100
- Wheel Damper = 0
- Maximum Wheel Rotation = 360

iRacing - PC (in Green Mode)
On the screen Dashboard of the T598:
- Select "FFB3"
- Master gain = 100%
- Mode = E (Extreme)
- Inertia = Off (except if you have some oscillations)
- Friction = OFF
- Boost Low = + 2 (less if you want less vibrations effects)
- Boost High = + 2 (less if you want less vibrations effects)
- Speed = EXT (Extreme)
- Damper = always keep at 0% (important as damper will reduce a lot FFB details)
- Spring = the slider is automatically adjusted by the game (not necessary to change)
- Gear Jolt = High
- End Stop = High

In the options of the game:
- Select "USE LINEAR MODE" (same for all DD wheels)
- Select "REDUCE FORCE WHEN PARKED" (same for all DD wheels)
- STRENGTH = click on "AUTO" when you are in the race = around 10.0
- Wheel Force = 5Nm
- Intensity = 50%
- Smoothing = 0%
- Damping = 0%
- Min Force = 0,0%

rFactor 2 - PC (in Green Mode)
On the screen Dashboard of the T598:
- Select "FFB3"
- Master gain = 100%
- Mode = E (Extreme)
- Inertia = According to your preference (MID or HIGH if you have some oscillations)
- Friction = OFF
- Boost Low = + 2 (less if you want less vibrations effects)
- Boost High = + 2 (less if you want less vibrations effects)
- Speed = EXT (Extreme)
- Damper = always keep at 0% (important as damper will reduce a lot FFB details)
- Spring = the slider is automatically adjusted by the game (not necessary to change)
- Gear Jolt = High
- End Stop = High

In the options of the game:
- In FORCE FEEDBACK SETTINGS apply these settings:
* Type = Wheel
* Smoothing = 0
* Car specific multiplier = 100%
* Minimum steering torque = 0%
* Force Feedback strength = -100%
submitted by JeffLais to granturismo [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 Zoeslays123 what's y'all favorite thing about RH?

submitted by Zoeslays123 to rhnerds [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 nazrd Wtf is YouTube on about

Wtf is YouTube on about submitted by nazrd to danandphil [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 EthynylRadical " put tank in a mall. "

submitted by EthynylRadical to Asia_irl [link] [comments]