2024.11.29 11:50 Direct-Design8449 Thought I'd start sharing some of my old artwork
Right boob might have gone out of hand.
Drawing the nude human figure is one of my favourite things in life. And when you start learning about the human body and its anatomy, you start gaining a deep sense of appreciation towards the beauty and complexity of the human body. All human bodies.
submitted by Direct-Design8449 to AllHayganeen [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 11:50 GroundFluid2023 Cutting Vs Recomp
Cutting Vs Recomp
I watched Dr. Mike's video on recomp, where he mentioned that after your progress slows down, you should either choose bulking or cutting. However, I don't understand the difference between recomp and cutting. In both methods, you need to eat at a calorie deficit and do resistance training. Can someone explain the difference?
submitted by GroundFluid2023 to beginnerfitness [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 11:50 cybermallory can you help me with Tomb raider remastered?
idk why, i run the game and this is the I noticed the game just downloaded from steam, and this screen appears, I don't understand why😭 it doesn't start at all, it just freezes on this screen. Can anyone help me? Anyway, I also put the information about my PC in case it was useful, I don't think it's a video card problem as the game is old anyway, I don't know submitted by cybermallory to TombRaiderClassics [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 11:50 Goldie46 [Game Thread] Bowling Green vs Miami (OH) (12 PM ET)
Bowling Green (7-4) vs Miami (OH) (7-4)
Location: Doyt Perry Stadium, Bowling Green, OH
Time: 12 PM ET
Watch: ESPN U
Listen: WFRO EAGLE 99
Odds: Line: BG -2.5, O/U: 39
All-Time Series: MU 47-25-5
Last Meeting: 2023 Miami 27-0
submitted by Goldie46 to BGSUFB [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 11:50 Lru024 Super thanks; a video…
submitted by Lru024 to PeterMonntheConnsnark [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 11:50 nincsbikiniBody23 Avdenti időszak.
Hogyan tudtok készülődni az adventi időszakra/időszakban amikor ti nem vagytok abban a hangulatban,érzelmi fázisban és szinte meg kell erőszakolnotok magatokat az egésszel. Nehéz évünk volt,sok negatív tapasztalat a családban és életben.A hátam közepére kívánom az ünnepet meg az egészet.Közben meg nyomás van rajtam,hogy magam miatt nem ronthatom el a gyerekek ünnepét.Nem vagyok rossz anya,lesz karacsyon,kapnak ajándékokat,csak látom másoknál a sok közös programot,kézműveskedést,előre tervezett programokat,előadásokra elmenni stb stb amire nekem se időm,se kedvem se energiám.Tudom biztosan örülnének a gyerekek mert már a nagy is 6 éves és másoktól tuti hallani fogja,közben meg az itthoni meghittséget sem tudon megteremteni mert a kicsi meg abban a korszakban van amikor mindent kipakol,levesz,mindenhova felmaszik,semmit nem tudok eldugni tőlük. Bocsi ha hosszúra sikerült ,ventilálásszerű lett de egyre jobban nyomaszt a dolog ahogy következik a Mikulás. Közben meg nekem is annyira hiányoznak a gyerekkorom ünnepei de az teljesen más volt,lassú és csendes.Itthon meg jelenleg csak a rohanás iskolából haza aztán egyik programról a másikra. Ti hogyan lendultok túl ezeken a dolgokon ,amikor a csapból is ez folyik,hogy mindenki tökéletes anya és jut ideje mindenre is!Nyomtatni adventi kartyakat,beszerezni mindent,diszitgetni.
submitted by nincsbikiniBody23 to csakmamik [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 11:50 Kind_Parsnip720 Who to captain?
Considering Wissa over Salah, because Leicester are pretty poor defensively and Liverpool are playing city. Good choice?
submitted by Kind_Parsnip720 to fantasypremierleague [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 11:50 Medi0creMe Do I need Income Insurance?
Kia Ora,
I am graduating at the end of this year as a healthcare professional. I am debating if I need income/recovery/trauma insurances.
For context I am in my mid 20s, I don't have a mortgage or dependents. As my career progresses it will become more specialised, I feel like income insurance will be more relevant then as opposed to now when I am just beginning my career. I am considering MAS insurance as that seems to be the one that majority of health professionals use, I also like their values/collective structure. The cost of the insurance is around $200 a month atm. Which I dont think is too bad in the grand scheme of things. however, I also have the mindset this could be 200 that I could invest or save instead.
I have looked at other threads on here, and it appears most people take out insurances once they have a mortgage/dependents.
What was your reasoning for or against having income insurance? Any advice is greatly appreciated. I would also love to hear from fellow health professional too!
submitted by Medi0creMe to PersonalFinanceNZ [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 11:50 SquirrelMaleficent54 Remote Lua Loader per console PS4 e PS5: Compatibilità estesa e funzioni avanzate
Best curtains shop in DubaiRemote Lua Loader per console PS4 e PS5: Compatibilità estesa e funzioni avanzatehttps://www.biteyourconsole.net/wp-content/uploads/HackPS5-1.jpghttps://dubaicurtainshops.com/Il developer Shahril amplia il supporto ai giochi basati sul motore Artemis Engine e compatibili con Remote LUA Loader, consentendo l’esecuzione di script Lua personalizzati su console PlayStation 4 e PlayStation 5.\ Oltre ai titoli inizialmente supportati, la lista dei giochi compatibili si arricchisce di nuove aggiunte, offrendo maggiori possibilità per gli utenti di sperimentare ed estendere le funzionalità.\ Il Remote Lua Loader è una funzione rivoluzionaria che permette di caricare file Lua arbitrari nei giochi sviluppati con il motore Artemis Engine, sfruttando una vulnerabilità scoperta dal developer gezine.\ Questo loader non dipende dal firmware della console ed è stato testato con successo su PS5 Pro che monta il firmware 10.20 al momento del lancio. Attualmente, è compatibile con i seguenti titoli:\ \ \ Raspberry Cube (CUSA16074)\ Aibeya (CUSA17068)\ Hamidashi Creative (CUSA27389)\ Hamidashi Creative Demo (CUSA27390) – La versione demo richiede il firmware più recente per essere scaricata da PSN.\ Making*Lovers (CUSA27828)\ Tenpure!! (CUSA28636)\ Sanoba Witch (CUSA23225)\ Kakenuke Seishun Sparking! (CUSA30738)\ \ Guida all'uso su PS4 con disco di gioco\ (Jailbreak necessario)\ \ Creazione del salvataggio: Avviare il gioco e giocare fino a poter creare un file di salvataggio.\ Esportazione del salvataggio: Utilizzare Apollo Save Tool per esportare il salvataggio decriptato su una chiavetta USB.\ Modifica del salvataggio: Copiare i file del salvataggio decriptato dalla chiavetta USB nella directory specificata (x:\PS4\APOLLO\id_YOUR_GAME_CUSA_ID_savedata), sovrascrivendo i file esistenti.\ Configurazione del file Lua: Assicurarsi che la variabile PLATFORM in cima al file inject.lua sia configurata correttamente.\ Importazione del salvataggio: Utilizzare nuovamente Apollo Save Tool per importare il salvataggio modificato.\ Esecuzione del gioco: Avviare il gioco e verificare la comparsa di un popup relativo al Lua Loader.\ Invio del file Lua: Utilizzare lo script send_lua.py per inviare il file Lua al loader.\ \ Se si possiede una PS5 jailbroken con un account non attivato, è possibile utilizzare lo strumento OffAct (scaricabile da questo link) per attivare l'account offline e trasferire i dati di salvataggio con l'ID account corrispondente tramite FTP.\ \ Guida all'uso su PS5/PS5 Slim/PS5 Pro\ Requisiti\ \ PS5/PS5 Slim/PS5 Pro attivata con un account PSN. Può essere anche un firmware offline non recente, purché l’attivazione sia avvenuta in passato.\ Una PS4 jailbroken con una versione del firmware uguale o precedente rispetto alla PS5/PS5 Slim/PS5 Pro. Consultare la tabella di compatibilità. Ad esempio, una PS4 con firmware 9.00 può essere utilizzata per creare salvataggi compatibili con PS5 >=4.00 ma non inferiori.\ \ Primo step\ \ Individuare l’ID account PSN attivo su PS5/PS5 Slim/PS5 Pro:\ \ Tramite le impostazioni della console oppure utilizzando questo sito web.\ \ \ Convertire l’ID account (circa 19 caratteri) in formato esadecimale utilizzando questo sito web.\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ PS4 Jailbroken - Procedura\ \ Giocare fino a quando è possibile creare i dati di salvataggio.\ Collegare un’unità USB alla PS4.\ Utilizzare Apollo Save Tool per esportare i dati di salvataggio decriptati su USB.\ Assicurarsi che la variabile PLATFORM nella parte superiore di inject.lua sia impostata correttamente.\ Copiare e incollare tutti i file dalla cartella dei dati di salvataggio su USB (x:\PS4\APOLLO\id_YOUR_GAME_CUSA_ID_savedata), sovrascrivendo quelli esistenti.\ Creare un nuovo account offline fittizio.\ Utilizzare Apollo Save Tool per attivare l'account fittizio utilizzando l'ID account esadecimale convertito (dal passaggio 2).\ Passare all'account fittizio attivato.\ Importare i dati di salvataggio dalla USB utilizzando Apollo Save Tool:\ \ (USB Saves -> Seleziona il gioco -> Copia salvataggio -> Copia su HDD).\ \ \ Utilizzare il menu delle impostazioni della PS4 per esportare i dati di salvataggio crittografati su USB:\ \ (Impostazioni -> Gestione dati salvati dell'applicazione -> Dati salvati nella memoria di sistema -> Copia su dispositivo USB).\ \ \ \ PS5/PS5 Slim/PS5 Pro con account PSN attivato\ Procedura\ \ Assicurarsi di essere connesso con l'utente PSN attivato.\ Collegare l'unità USB alla PS5/PS5 Slim/PS5 Pro.\ Utilizzare il menu delle impostazioni della PS5 per importare i dati di salvataggio crittografati dall'unità USB:\ \ (Dati salvati e impostazioni dei giochi/app -> Dati salvati (PS4) -> Copia o elimina da unità USB -> Seleziona il gioco e importa).\ \ \ Avviare il gioco e verificare se compare un popup del lua loader.\ Utilizzare send_lua.py per inviare il file Lua al loader.\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Download: Source code Remote Lua Loader\ \ Fonte: github.comDiscover the best curtains shop in Dubai, where style meets quality and customization. Offering a vast selection of luxurious fabrics, blackout options, and motorized systems, top curtain shops in Dubai provide tailored window treatments to match any interior. From elegant drapes to modern blinds, these stores prioritize premium craftsmanship, exceptional service, and professional installation, ensuring a perfect fit for every space. Whether you seek classic designs or contemporary aesthetics, Dubai’s curtain shops offer solutions that enhance privacy, block out light, and elevate your decor, making them the ideal choice for all your window covering needs. submitted by SquirrelMaleficent54 to BiteYourConsole [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 11:50 LuckyOwlCritic I Want to Play with Multiple Mods!
Hello! You saw the flair and the title, so you know what I'm after. I'm critically dumb and easily confused, so this whole mess has been mystifying to me.
Here's the list of mods I want to play with;
Longhaft Arms
Boss Resurrection
Gliese's Blade Conjuring
Better Maliketh's Black Blade
Rekkaryujin - Flameforge Duality Moveset
Clever's Moveset Modpack
I also want to play Convergeance, but by itself, not with any of these. It looks like that would take no effort on my part, just launch the game from the Convergeance launcher when I want Convergeance, launch it from somewhere else when I don't. Am I wrong?
submitted by LuckyOwlCritic to EldenRingMods [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 11:50 Fresh-Supermarket-44 Aurora Europe
submitted by Fresh-Supermarket-44 to auroracannabis [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 11:50 yumibumsyy sweet like sugar, but i can be your spice too.
submitted by yumibumsyy to MirrorSelfieSFW [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 11:50 BorisBeast What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by BorisBeast to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 11:50 Mindless_Equal_9874 What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Mindless_Equal_9874 to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 11:50 Crossstich_Queen My sister and her wedding drama
I already posted this on my account but I love the channel and thought I'd repost it here with names changed.
Part 1 - AITA for telling my sister I'd attend her next wedding?
I (19F) have a sister I'll call Princess (26F).
Princess got engaged to her current fiance (Now husband as of currently), a guy called Harry (20M) about a month ago and they have their wedding set for August.
For some background on Princess, she has been married and divorced 3 times now. She married her highschool sweetheart at 19, got knocked up, and divorced by the time she was 20. Her ex-husband, Prince, won custody of their daughter, Sophia, as Cindy did not fight for it. She started dating right after, and met her second husband, A. They where divorced by there first anniversary. She then married her 3rd husband, J. J was great and a lot of my family really thought he would be the one. They were married for 2 years before they divorced.
Now, she's engaged and planning a life with Harry. Harry for the most part, is a good guy, though she hasn't told him about her 3 ex-husbands. A week ago, we got the wedding invite. I ended up telling my mom to not RSVP for me this time. The reason behind it being that I have a boyfriend I'll call P (19M) and our anniversary falls about 2 days before the wedding. This being our 3rd anniversary (3 is our lucky number) we have already planned and scheduled a trip to Cancun. We had this planned since February and wasn't going to bail on it for my sister.
The thing about my sister, is she is a complete bridezilla. She is super super nitpicky and will spend everyone but her own's money on her wedding. She demands a new dress for every wedding, a huge wedding cake and so on. She went dress shopping recently and ending up dragging me and our mother along with her, as well as my grandpa because he would be the one paying. Now, Princess already has 3 perfectly good wedding dresses at home and when she went shopping, she ended up picking out a dress that was nearly identical to a dress she wore to her first wedding, the only difference being this one has lace and the other didn't. The dress was $434,00 and I know, wedding dresses are expensive but it was very much outside the budget. When she was told this she through a complete fit, screaming and crying and rolling on the ground like a toddler.
We managed to console her by convincing her to go look for bridesmaids dresses. She shopped for a while and picked a teal dress she really liked but she said she didn't want it because "teal looks horrible on you Cori" (i'm Cori). I was confused and told her I wouldn't be wearing it to the bachelorette party. She got huffy and said said she knew that and that she was talking about the wedding. I calmly told her I couldn't go to the wedding because I had plans with P. She looked really surprised and I gently reminded her I did not RSVP.
She got really mad and said she felt betrayed because I was quote, "abandoning her for my man wh*re". I was startled by her language and hurt by her attitude. I told her that I was hurt by her words and that I was sorry, but I couldn't attend. She throw another hissy fit and started throwing things and yelling profanity and sobbing on the floor. In a moment of frustration I snapped "I'll just go to your next one, it'll be soon enough anyways". She screamed and me and shoved me and later my mother said what I said was over the line. I feel bad about it but it feels almost deserved.
Part 2 - AITA for refusing to leave a family event per my sisters demands? (sorry did some of this is redundant)
I (19F) have a sister (26F) who got married for the 4th time this August to her now husband Harry (20M). I did not end up attending the wedding as I went on a special anniversary trip with my fiancé P.
This was our 3rd anniversary and it was super special as 3 is our lucky number. On the trip, we went to a nice fancy restaurant and he proposed to me there. I obviously said yes.
When we returned home and I told my parents who were both thrilled by the news.
Last weekend, my parents hosted a Labor Day cookout/party. In attendance was my grandparents, my parents, my uncle, some neighbors and family friends, my brother and my sister with her new husband. For the first half, the party was great. We mingled and had an overall good time.
That evening, around dinner P and I made the announcement we were engaged. At the news, my sister, Princess, had a total meltdown.
After 20 minutes of tears, a glass is wine and several of our relatives consoling her she was calmed down but requested I leave. My mom came to me and asked me to leave on behalf of my sister. I refused and that caused meltdown number 2.
My sister yelled at me and called me a copycat and said quote, "you and your man whore won't make it 6 weeks! I bet he doesn't even love you! How dare you abandon me on my special day for him!"
At this point, I was frustrated and replied that I would not be taking relationship advice from someone on their 4th marriage. Her husband (who thought he was her first and only husband) looked stunned and she threw a glass of wine in my face.
I did my best to clean up in my parents bathroom and P and I ended up leaving before dessert. My sister later texted me, expecting an apology for what I said about her 4th marriage and my mother sent me a whole paragraph explaining that I was wrong to treat her like that when I know Princess is delicate and sensitive to such topics.
I ended up leaving them on read. I don't think what I did was wrong, but I'm starting to question. So, AITAH?
submitted by Crossstich_Queen to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 11:50 Wonderful-Hearing161 Hi. Receive a SMS verification with a Japanese phone number, when currently out of Japan?
Hi. I have an active Japanese sim, with phone number. I am hoping to transfer my Line account. I am not going back to Japan till January. Is there a get around to receive the SMS from Line to verify my account somehow?
Any help much appreciated
submitted by Wonderful-Hearing161 to japanlife [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 11:50 yeahno110 Late Aunt Neck Brace Removal
Hello! My beloved aunt passed away earlier this week. Can anyone help me remove the neck brace from these photos? Can tip $10, thank you <3 submitted by yeahno110 to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 11:50 Voldechrone Just wanted to share this ridiculously lucky board I had today
submitted by Voldechrone to BobsTavern [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 11:50 Conscious_Ad716 Recomendações de Home Theather
Bom dia! Estou querendo comprar um home theather para colocar na sala. Eu estava pensando em um sistema 5.1. Não sou tão chato com som, a única coisa que queria mesmo era o som surround e um bom subwoofer, então não precisaria ser o mais top, um mediano acho que já supriria. Estava pensando em gastar até R$2.000,00 (quanto menos melhor, claro!). Mas não sei também se há opções boas nesse valor.
Então, queria saber se vocês tem recomendações de home theathers nessa faixa de preço!
Obs: minha sala é num quarto fechado, de aproximadamente 20m2.
submitted by Conscious_Ad716 to brasil [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 11:50 Shiro1066 Settle a bet for me
Saw this little worm thing last night I was thinking it's a fungus knat larva but my friend thinks it's a nematode. submitted by Shiro1066 to Vivarium [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 11:50 jacetzy 31 [M4F] Quick fun for tonight
Hi there I'm 31 from qc ( cubao area) looking some quick fun tonight.
About me:
about you
the older the better
chubby and plus size are welcome
hit me up!
submitted by jacetzy to PHR4Rhookups30up [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 11:50 TensionSame3568 So true!...🤣
submitted by TensionSame3568 to scifi [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 11:50 StarsSingSongs15 When you dream your lucid dreaming
I've tried to start lucid dreaming in the past and both times I've had the same experience. I'll go to bed trying to reinforce my mind to lucid dream but I only ending up in dreams where I dream I'm lucid dreaming. Like my dream self will say this is a dream, but I realize when I wake up that the dream self was not fully aware, like I said it without fully realizing it, and usually the thought slips away quickly enough.
submitted by StarsSingSongs15 to LucidDreaming [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 11:50 ChemicalNext2464 This week on huntsman or wolf... (Sydney)
submitted by ChemicalNext2464 to AustralianSpiders [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 11:50 openingthecloset New dress for my birthday
submitted by openingthecloset to crossdressed50 [link] [comments] |