2024.11.29 11:50 joe6484 Did noble couples have to sleep in separate bedrooms if they didn't want to?
Like, was it considered inappropriate? I know that a lot of married couples grew fond of each other so they wouldn't mind sharing a bedroom
submitted by joe6484 to MedievalHistory [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 11:50 RockyMarsh90 111854
submitted by RockyMarsh90 to CountOnceADay [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 11:50 Impossible-Net-6069 Vc já pensou que vc pode não ter problemas? Me diga o que pensa.
Oi, pessoal. Espero que estejam todos bem!
Eu queria conversar com vocês mais do que desabafar. Acho até que isso pode ajudar algumas pessoas.
Então... Eu acho que não tenho (muitos) problemas reais! A maioria deles são inventados por mim, senão todos, já que eu exagero muito na criação de problemas imaginados.
Assim, claro que todo mundo tem problemas pra resolver. Ter problema é ter qualquer tipo de pendência, na minha opinião. Tipo, "tenho que ir ao banheiro" é uma forma de problema que precisa ser solucionado indo ao banheiro. Ou então "estou com depressão", seguido de "preciso ir ao psicólogo/psiquiatra" é um problema com duas formas de lidar com ele.
Mas, no meu caso, eu sou meio indiferente com a maioria das coisas também. Então, no geral, pouquíssimas coisas são problemas reais pra mim. As coisas sempre tomam uma proporção muito grande na minha mente porque eu não tenho nada melhor pra fazer, senão ficar pensando nelas. Que grande privilégio, certo?
Então eu acho que depois de tantos anos, está na hora de eu assumir (e talvez algum de vocês) que não tem problemas tão grandes para ficar se preocupando. Falo seriamente isso! Isso pode nos libertar e nos ajudar a olhar pra realidade. Mas essa ideia eu acabei de ter. Por isso vim ao Reddit comentar pra ver o que vocês acham porque nem o ChatGPT sabe me explicar isso direito. Ele fica falando que é irrealista pensar que não se tem problemas. Mas o ChatGPT não entende certas nuances que seres humanos entendem.
Sei lá, espero que que faça sentido. Eu ainda estou pensando sobre isso... Eu acho que não tenho muitos problemas reais para me preocupar e estou me preocupando que nem um doido. Por isso, andei desmotivado, desorientado, pensativo (claro) e com o hábito de procrastinar muitas coisas porque eu tinha "problemas" pra resolver sobre situações que pensei na minha cabeça.
Enfim. O que vocês acham dessa ideia? Claro que não vou me basear totalmente no que vocês pensam porque eu acho que eu tenho que confiar mais em mim. Mas eu gosto de saber de vários pontos de vista.
Mto obrigado!
submitted by Impossible-Net-6069 to desabafos [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 11:50 SogianX weather app
looking for a foss weather app,
submitted by SogianX to degoogle [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 11:50 Unable-Ad681 Y’all were probably asleep! She got on early af this morning like 4am her time. Crying non stop saying she got postpartum now!!🙄 remember she was good and didn’t have no PPD!! 😅😅 she cried three times then got off.
submitted by Unable-Ad681 to customsbyjazsnark2 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 11:50 ElectronicHousing656 What is your favorite work by a famous actor, outside of movies and TV shows?
submitted by ElectronicHousing656 to moviecritic [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 11:50 melisawitoneS Leftover baked potato, any takers?
This is King aka Kingybear and he hopes you had a nice thxgiving 💙 submitted by melisawitoneS to DOG [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 11:50 LibreLivre Completing a session but using up a freeze the next day.
I’ve had this a few times, I’ll complete my session for the day and once the session is complete and the ad starts playing I’ll close out the app.
I can’t stand watching an ad and then another ad for Duolingo’s subscription on top of that.
I’ll reopen the app and see it has registered that I’ve completed my session, extending my streak. This often works but sometimes even after confirming that my streak has extended logging in the next day it says I’ve used a freeze to cover the previous day…
Has anyone else had this issue? With the other recent negative changes towards the quality of this app I’m close to just abandoning it altogether. I currently have a streak of 1395 and I’ve seen this app deteriorate over the years for the sake of maximizing sales.
submitted by LibreLivre to duolingo [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 11:50 AutoLovepon Shinkalion: Change the World - Episode 31 discussion
Shinkalion: Change the World, episode 31
Alternative names: Shinkalion, Shinkalion Change the World
Reminder: Please do not discuss plot points not yet seen or skipped in the show. Failing to follow the rules may result in a ban.
Show information
Episode Link Episode Link Episode Link 1 Link 14 Link 27 Link 2 Link 15 Link 28 Link 3 Link 16 Link 29 Link 4 Link 17 Link 30 Link 5 Link 18 Link 6 Link 19 Link 7 Link 20 Link 8 Link 21 Link 9 Link 22 Link 10 Link 23 Link 11 Link 24 Link 12 Link 25 Link 13 Link 26 Link
submitted by AutoLovepon to anime [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 11:50 Devil-Eater24 Rule
submitted by Devil-Eater24 to 197 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 11:50 EconomistMany What do you think about my setup in the day!
After posting it in the night, got a few messages regarding the daylight then here you go! :) Again, any suggestions are welcome Specs: CPU- Ryzen 5 5600 GPU: RX 6600 RAM: 16GB DDR4 PSU: MSI 550W Peripherals- Keyboard Razer Huntsman Mini Mouse- Razer Deathadder Essential Monitor: Acer ENK20Y 24in submitted by EconomistMany to IndianGaming [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 11:50 check_out_time Emma Stone
submitted by check_out_time to CelebPortraits [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 11:50 xonohan looking for a club
please name the conditions, cheers submitted by xonohan to Eatventure [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 11:50 rusakovic 📩 Customer Success Manager Salary: 💰$80,000 - $100,000. 📍Remote job in 🇺🇸 United States
submitted by rusakovic to likeremote [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 11:50 KipferlAG Graffiti „Crazy times by David de León in Acapulco, Mexico“
submitted by KipferlAG to BeAmazed [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 11:50 Any-Explanation4101 I need help with my series x for cleaning it and repaste
Hi, i'm new in this reddit so I don't know if someone else made the same question, after how many years i should clean and repaste my series x? I have it since 2021
submitted by Any-Explanation4101 to XboxSupport [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 11:50 Puzzleheaded_Fox_974 Nut width, string spacing and scale length
I have three guitars, at least two of which need the nut replacing: - twenty-five and a half inch scale, forty-three mm nut, eight mm tall nut, E-e thirty-five mm (HH strat) - twenty-four and three quarters inch scale, forty-two mm nut, seven mm tall nut, E-e thirty-five and a half mm (SSH strat) - twenty-three and one eighth inch scale, forty-two mm nut, nine mm tall nut, E-e thirty-five and a half mm (tele)
It occurs to me that the widest nut has the narrowest spacing. Could this be due to shorter scale length (don't need as much space either side of strings) or just the whim of the manufacturer? Can I change the string spacing on the widest nut to match the other two or is it best to leave it?
submitted by Puzzleheaded_Fox_974 to Guitar [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 11:50 cordeliusisAwesome if your main was a toy what would it be?
i would imagine melodie as a barbie doll and then i could just break her apart :D submitted by cordeliusisAwesome to TierStars [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 11:50 Lazy-Sweet-2637 Entrada concierto dei v
Wizink center Madrid submitted by Lazy-Sweet-2637 to conciertosespana [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 11:50 Direct-Design8449 Thought I'd start sharing some of my old artwork
Right boob might have gone out of hand.
Drawing the nude human figure is one of my favourite things in life. And when you start learning about the human body and its anatomy, you start gaining a deep sense of appreciation towards the beauty and complexity of the human body. All human bodies.
submitted by Direct-Design8449 to AllHayganeen [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 11:50 GroundFluid2023 Cutting Vs Recomp
Cutting Vs Recomp
I watched Dr. Mike's video on recomp, where he mentioned that after your progress slows down, you should either choose bulking or cutting. However, I don't understand the difference between recomp and cutting. In both methods, you need to eat at a calorie deficit and do resistance training. Can someone explain the difference?
submitted by GroundFluid2023 to beginnerfitness [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 11:50 cybermallory can you help me with Tomb raider remastered?
idk why, i run the game and this is the I noticed the game just downloaded from steam, and this screen appears, I don't understand why😭 it doesn't start at all, it just freezes on this screen. Can anyone help me? Anyway, I also put the information about my PC in case it was useful, I don't think it's a video card problem as the game is old anyway, I don't know
submitted by cybermallory to TombRaiderClassics [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 11:50 Goldie46 [Game Thread] Bowling Green vs Miami (OH) (12 PM ET)
Bowling Green (7-4) vs Miami (OH) (7-4)
Location: Doyt Perry Stadium, Bowling Green, OH
Time: 12 PM ET
Watch: ESPN U
Listen: WFRO EAGLE 99
Odds: Line: BG -2.5, O/U: 39
All-Time Series: MU 47-25-5
Last Meeting: 2023 Miami 27-0
submitted by Goldie46 to BGSUFB [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 11:50 Lru024 Super thanks; a video…
submitted by Lru024 to PeterMonntheConnsnark [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 11:50 nincsbikiniBody23 Avdenti időszak.
Hogyan tudtok készülődni az adventi időszakra/időszakban amikor ti nem vagytok abban a hangulatban,érzelmi fázisban és szinte meg kell erőszakolnotok magatokat az egésszel. Nehéz évünk volt,sok negatív tapasztalat a családban és életben.A hátam közepére kívánom az ünnepet meg az egészet.Közben meg nyomás van rajtam,hogy magam miatt nem ronthatom el a gyerekek ünnepét.Nem vagyok rossz anya,lesz karacsyon,kapnak ajándékokat,csak látom másoknál a sok közös programot,kézműveskedést,előre tervezett programokat,előadásokra elmenni stb stb amire nekem se időm,se kedvem se energiám.Tudom biztosan örülnének a gyerekek mert már a nagy is 6 éves és másoktól tuti hallani fogja,közben meg az itthoni meghittséget sem tudon megteremteni mert a kicsi meg abban a korszakban van amikor mindent kipakol,levesz,mindenhova felmaszik,semmit nem tudok eldugni tőlük. Bocsi ha hosszúra sikerült ,ventilálásszerű lett de egyre jobban nyomaszt a dolog ahogy következik a Mikulás. Közben meg nekem is annyira hiányoznak a gyerekkorom ünnepei de az teljesen más volt,lassú és csendes.Itthon meg jelenleg csak a rohanás iskolából haza aztán egyik programról a másikra. Ti hogyan lendultok túl ezeken a dolgokon ,amikor a csapból is ez folyik,hogy mindenki tökéletes anya és jut ideje mindenre is!Nyomtatni adventi kartyakat,beszerezni mindent,diszitgetni.
submitted by nincsbikiniBody23 to csakmamik [link] [comments]