Vincent Price and Carol Ohmart in House on Haunted Hill (1959)

2024.11.29 11:31 bil-sabab Vincent Price and Carol Ohmart in House on Haunted Hill (1959)

Vincent Price and Carol Ohmart in House on Haunted Hill (1959) submitted by bil-sabab to classicfilms [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:31 wewdwtnizrub Dolce Vita Black Friday 2024 Promo Code

Catch the Dolce Vita Black Friday 2024 Promo Code
Unlock Savings of up to 20% with Dolce Vita Promo Codes in November 2024.
submitted by wewdwtnizrub to YoursCoupea [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:31 HQna Verjährungsfrist von Schulden (nach Vollstreckungsbescheid)

Hallo zusammen,
ungefähr 2016 habe Schulden ich beim örtlichen Energieversorger gemacht (Umstände weiß ich ehrlich nicht mehr genau, muss aber während mehrerer WG-Umzüge passiert sein). Diese wurden dann an ein Inkassobetrieb weitergegeben. Auf Grund von psychischen und finanziellen Schwierigkeiten blieben diese Briefe meist ungeöffnet und immer unbeantwortet.
Am 13.02.2019 erging dann wohl ein Vollstreckungsbescheid des Amtsgerichts. Wegen o.g. psychischen und finanziellen Schwierigkeiten blieben auch diese Briefe meist ungeöffnet. Irgendwann kamen dann wohl keine mehr, ich habe so langsam mein Leben wieder in Griff bekommen und habe viele andere Schulden und Problemherde aufgeräumt und hatte diese Sache aber aus den Augen verloren.
Nun kam am 18.11. diesen Jahres ein plötzlicher Brief des Inkassounternehmens. Ich zitiere:

[...] in vorgenannter Angelegenheit ruhte das Verfahren längere Zeit. Die Gesamtforderung (zzgl. noch entstehender Zinsen und Auslagen) beträgt: [niedriger dreistelliger Betrag]
Unser Auftraggeber ist nicht gewillt, die Sache einfach auf sich beruhen zu lassen. Daher dürfen wir Sie um Einreichung eines angemessenen Rückzahlungsvorschlages bitten, damit die Angelegenheit außergerichtlich bereinigt wird.
Zögern Sie nicht, sich mit unserem Büro in Verbindung zu setzen.
War natürlich erstmal ein kleiner Schlag ins Gesicht. Aber auch wenn die Summe sehr weh tuen würde, würde ich es wohl hinkriegen (nach etwas Verhandeln) diese zu zahlen.
Dann habe ich mich aber gefragt, warum sie sich plötzlich jetzt melden und habe etwas recherchiert. Nach meiner Recherche gilt bei Schulden mit Vollstreckung eine Verjährungsfrist von 5 Jahren, gerechnet ab Ende des Kalenderjahres. Wenn der Beginn der Vollstreckungsbescheid ist (und nicht z.B. der erste Mahnbescheid aus 2016/2017), dann wäre ja diese Schuld ab 01.01.2025 verjährt, verstehe ich das richtig?
Wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe: was würdet ihr mir raten? Briefe einfach ignorieren (was ich auch aus rein persönlichen Gründen eigentlich ungerne machen würde)? Mich unverbindlich melden um die Sache hinauszuzögern (Aktenanforderung, etc.)? Andere Vorschläge?
Wenn ich das nicht richtig verstanden habe, könnt ihr mir das kurz erklären? Ich würde mir dann wohl auf jeden Fall einen Anwalt suchen (ggf. übers Sozialamt, weil so gut geht es mir finanziell dann doch noch nicht), aber damit ich schon mal eine Richtung weiß.
submitted by HQna to LegalAdviceGermany [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:31 TranarchyMTG Decorated our caravan

submitted by TranarchyMTG to mtg [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:31 FareonMoist I'm not looking forward to this rebooot "Forward to the Past"....

I'm not looking forward to this rebooot submitted by FareonMoist to FunnyandSad [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:31 ApprehensiveEdge8136 Are tactile transducers (bass shakers) any good for masturbation?

I am wondering if bass shakers can be used to vibrate your dick? I never used them so I'm not sure what's the amount of vibration they produce however I can assume it should be very powerful since they're uses to vibrate entire big surfaces like sofa or chair so they should be extremely powerful for masturbation, is that correct? Has anyone had experience with this?
submitted by ApprehensiveEdge8136 to subwoofer [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:31 dailysnowright Bake Me A Wish Black Friday 2024 Promo Codes

Use the link for Bake Me A Wish Black Friday 2024 Promo Codes. The website features a wide selection of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly for you to choose from and make your purchase more affordable.
submitted by dailysnowright to DiscountEnergizing [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:31 Frosty_Chest8025 7900 XTX vbios upgrade in Ubuntu

Where should I upgrade 7900 XTX vbios? Is it possible in Ubuntu?
submitted by Frosty_Chest8025 to radeon [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:31 bil-sabab Bill Robinson (1935)

Bill Robinson (1935) submitted by bil-sabab to OldSchoolCelebs [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:31 grandesample Shmoop Black Friday Ads 2024

Check out the link for Shmoop Black Friday Ads 2024. Once on the website, you'll have access to a variety of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly to help you save on your purchase.
submitted by grandesample to GlibDiscount [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:31 Ash_kae111 CURRENT Bank REFERRAL

CURRENT Bank REFERRAL Hey! We'll both earn $50 when you join Current and receive a qualifying Direct Deposit. Just use my link or code when signing up.
Code: CVRUBM376
submitted by Ash_kae111 to Referrallinks [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:31 Repulsive-Rush7334 Trains in megabase - I am lost

Yet another post about trains in mega base. Some back story: I played some time ago and made few bases, but never went too extensive into trains. My basic train setup was: Train go to 'Location A' pick up 'material 1' go to 'Location B' drop 'material 1'. Now with the release of 2.0 I wanted to build first megabase, so I am at the stage of trying to understand how trains will work here and the materials online mostly refer to pre 2.0, so it is difficult to make sense of it. Is there any resource that would explain how to setup the train schedules + loading/unloading stations that is up to date? What I am struggling with is: Let's assume I have 3 iron plate smelters and 5 stations that will require iron. How do I setup train, that will pick up plate from one of the smelters and go to the station that needs iron the most? If I do it brute force, then I end up with 4 trains clogging the rails, because they are delivering 100 plates to nearly full station, and 1 stations gasping for plates, but the train which is suppose to deliver it is stuck in traffic. Can I schedule trains somehow that they only go if there is demand for it? and hypothetically, can I set it up in a way that one/any train could pick up from any smelter and deliver to any drop of location? Trying to understand trains more, thanks for any help
submitted by Repulsive-Rush7334 to factorio [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:31 gunlukyasamdan23 Şeki

Şeki submitted by gunlukyasamdan23 to azerbaijan [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:31 Baathovan 2. El PC fiyatları ve fiyat önerisi.

2. El PC fiyatları ve fiyat önerisi.
1.5 sene garantisi devam eden bilgisayarımı satışa koydum. Pazarlık payında göz önüne alarak bi tık fazla yazdım. Sadece monitör ve mouse'da garanti yok, diğer parçaların hepsi yeni ve ilk günkü gibi.
İŞLEMCİ: Intel Core i3-13100F 4.5 GHz
EKRAN KARTI: Galax GeForce RTX 4060 Ti EX 1-Click OC 8GB
RAM: 1x Corsair Vengeance 16GB 5200MHz CL40 Intel XMP 3.0
SSD: WD Green SN350 500GB PCle Gen3 x4 - Okuma 2400MB - Yazma 1500MB M.2
KASA: ENERMAX StarryFort SF21 RTainbow Tamperli Cam Mesh USB 3.2
POWER: 600W 80+ Bronze (Kasayla beraber)
MONİTÖR: Dell Se2416hgx 23.6" 75Hz 1Ms
KLAVYE: XPG Summoner Mini RGB Blue Switch Türkçe, Kablolu
MOUSE: SteelSeries Rival 3 1Ms, Kablolu
KULAKLIK: XPG PreCog S, Kablolu
submitted by Baathovan to Turkey [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:31 Dontwhinedosomething A year into the job, Texas A&M president performs balancing act with growth, tuition, faculty and state leaders

A year into the job, Texas A&M president performs balancing act with growth, tuition, faculty and state leaders submitted by Dontwhinedosomething to aggies [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:31 Novel-Respect5610 Is it possible to put a nuclear missile in an underground silo and cover the top with vegetation/crops/disguise/grass/trees (think about the roots) and not compromise the ability to safely fire the missile without having an implosion underground because the weight of the trees?

submitted by Novel-Respect5610 to AskPhysics [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:31 EnesBaratheon Independence factions should be targeted for de jure kingdoms

When romans lost to control of britannia or when hre lost to control of italy they didn't only lost rebelling lords territory, they had to withdraw from all territory of region. For example I win my independence as matilda from hre but hre still controls some land south of me that they have no connection. I think it doesn't make sense. So my suggestion is independence factions should be targeted for de jure kingdoms. What are your opinions?
submitted by EnesBaratheon to CrusaderKings [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:31 Historical-Dot1714 Hosting ongoing regieleki raid 994167453036

submitted by Historical-Dot1714 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:31 Previous-Gas The Samoan Werewolf Jacob Fatu

The Samoan Werewolf Jacob Fatu submitted by Previous-Gas to ActionFigureGeek [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:31 WW77W How did anri die I thought I followed the quesline

How did anri die I thought I followed the quesline submitted by WW77W to darksouls3 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:31 Temporary_Cover_3071 🪄🔮 You have the magic powers to change any three things in SSO. What will you choose?

submitted by Temporary_Cover_3071 to StarStable [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:31 LexD1vina Looking for best WordPress + AI setup for medical consultation network

Hi people, we're launching several medical consultation websites (5 to 10) targeting Dutch markets. Each site focuses on specific conditions and symptoms. The goal is to help patients easily submit their medical history for remote consultation evaluation.
**Current tech stack plans:**
- WordPress multisite
- Page builder (torn between Elementor Pro and Divi, or are there better alternatives?)
- AI content assistant (open to suggestions)
**Key requirements:**
- Smart intake forms
- Timed pop-ups for visitors to leave their info as a call-to-action
- Emergency/urgent case CTAs
- Multilingual support (EN/NL)
- AI-powered content generation for articles, news, medical information and patient resources etc.
Most guides I've found focus on simple business sites or e-commerce. Has anyone built something similar in the healthcare space? Specifically interested in:

  1. Which page builder handles complex forms better?
  2. Recommended AI tools for medical content generation?
  3. Best practices for conversion optimization in healthcare?
Budget isn't an issue as we have backers - focus is on quality and professionalism.
submitted by LexD1vina to Wordpress [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:31 Poutcheki Combats en Syrie: les jihadistes et leurs alliés ont pris le contrôl...

Combats en Syrie: les jihadistes et leurs alliés ont pris le contrôl... submitted by Poutcheki to Seneweb [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:31 itrustpeople Ce se întâmplă dacă România nu alege un nou președinte până pe 21 decembrie. Mihai Tudose: „N-are nimeni un răspuns”

Ce se întâmplă dacă România nu alege un nou președinte până pe 21 decembrie. Mihai Tudose: „N-are nimeni un răspuns” submitted by itrustpeople to Romania [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:31 NoConcentrate2961 Thunderstruck Endrick Concept 🇧🇷

Thunderstruck Endrick Concept 🇧🇷 submitted by NoConcentrate2961 to fifacardcreators [link] [comments]