I Want to Play with Multiple Mods!

2024.11.29 11:50 LuckyOwlCritic I Want to Play with Multiple Mods!

Hello! You saw the flair and the title, so you know what I'm after. I'm critically dumb and easily confused, so this whole mess has been mystifying to me.
Here's the list of mods I want to play with;
Longhaft Arms
Boss Resurrection
Gliese's Blade Conjuring
Better Maliketh's Black Blade
Rekkaryujin - Flameforge Duality Moveset
Clever's Moveset Modpack
I also want to play Convergeance, but by itself, not with any of these. It looks like that would take no effort on my part, just launch the game from the Convergeance launcher when I want Convergeance, launch it from somewhere else when I don't. Am I wrong?
submitted by LuckyOwlCritic to EldenRingMods [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 Fresh-Supermarket-44 Aurora Europe

Aurora Europe submitted by Fresh-Supermarket-44 to auroracannabis [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 BorisBeast What is this?

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submitted by BorisBeast to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 Mindless_Equal_9874 What is this?

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submitted by Mindless_Equal_9874 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 Crossstich_Queen My sister and her wedding drama

I already posted this on my account but I love the channel and thought I'd repost it here with names changed.
Part 1 - AITA for telling my sister I'd attend her next wedding?
I (19F) have a sister I'll call Princess (26F).
Princess got engaged to her current fiance (Now husband as of currently), a guy called Harry (20M) about a month ago and they have their wedding set for August.
For some background on Princess, she has been married and divorced 3 times now. She married her highschool sweetheart at 19, got knocked up, and divorced by the time she was 20. Her ex-husband, Prince, won custody of their daughter, Sophia, as Cindy did not fight for it. She started dating right after, and met her second husband, A. They where divorced by there first anniversary. She then married her 3rd husband, J. J was great and a lot of my family really thought he would be the one. They were married for 2 years before they divorced.
Now, she's engaged and planning a life with Harry. Harry for the most part, is a good guy, though she hasn't told him about her 3 ex-husbands. A week ago, we got the wedding invite. I ended up telling my mom to not RSVP for me this time. The reason behind it being that I have a boyfriend I'll call P (19M) and our anniversary falls about 2 days before the wedding. This being our 3rd anniversary (3 is our lucky number) we have already planned and scheduled a trip to Cancun. We had this planned since February and wasn't going to bail on it for my sister.
The thing about my sister, is she is a complete bridezilla. She is super super nitpicky and will spend everyone but her own's money on her wedding. She demands a new dress for every wedding, a huge wedding cake and so on. She went dress shopping recently and ending up dragging me and our mother along with her, as well as my grandpa because he would be the one paying. Now, Princess already has 3 perfectly good wedding dresses at home and when she went shopping, she ended up picking out a dress that was nearly identical to a dress she wore to her first wedding, the only difference being this one has lace and the other didn't. The dress was $434,00 and I know, wedding dresses are expensive but it was very much outside the budget. When she was told this she through a complete fit, screaming and crying and rolling on the ground like a toddler.
We managed to console her by convincing her to go look for bridesmaids dresses. She shopped for a while and picked a teal dress she really liked but she said she didn't want it because "teal looks horrible on you Cori" (i'm Cori). I was confused and told her I wouldn't be wearing it to the bachelorette party. She got huffy and said said she knew that and that she was talking about the wedding. I calmly told her I couldn't go to the wedding because I had plans with P. She looked really surprised and I gently reminded her I did not RSVP.
She got really mad and said she felt betrayed because I was quote, "abandoning her for my man wh*re". I was startled by her language and hurt by her attitude. I told her that I was hurt by her words and that I was sorry, but I couldn't attend. She throw another hissy fit and started throwing things and yelling profanity and sobbing on the floor. In a moment of frustration I snapped "I'll just go to your next one, it'll be soon enough anyways". She screamed and me and shoved me and later my mother said what I said was over the line. I feel bad about it but it feels almost deserved.
Part 2 - AITA for refusing to leave a family event per my sisters demands? (sorry did some of this is redundant)
I (19F) have a sister (26F) who got married for the 4th time this August to her now husband Harry (20M). I did not end up attending the wedding as I went on a special anniversary trip with my fiancé P.
This was our 3rd anniversary and it was super special as 3 is our lucky number. On the trip, we went to a nice fancy restaurant and he proposed to me there. I obviously said yes.
When we returned home and I told my parents who were both thrilled by the news.
Last weekend, my parents hosted a Labor Day cookout/party. In attendance was my grandparents, my parents, my uncle, some neighbors and family friends, my brother and my sister with her new husband. For the first half, the party was great. We mingled and had an overall good time.
That evening, around dinner P and I made the announcement we were engaged. At the news, my sister, Princess, had a total meltdown.
After 20 minutes of tears, a glass is wine and several of our relatives consoling her she was calmed down but requested I leave. My mom came to me and asked me to leave on behalf of my sister. I refused and that caused meltdown number 2.
My sister yelled at me and called me a copycat and said quote, "you and your man whore won't make it 6 weeks! I bet he doesn't even love you! How dare you abandon me on my special day for him!"
At this point, I was frustrated and replied that I would not be taking relationship advice from someone on their 4th marriage. Her husband (who thought he was her first and only husband) looked stunned and she threw a glass of wine in my face.
I did my best to clean up in my parents bathroom and P and I ended up leaving before dessert. My sister later texted me, expecting an apology for what I said about her 4th marriage and my mother sent me a whole paragraph explaining that I was wrong to treat her like that when I know Princess is delicate and sensitive to such topics.
I ended up leaving them on read. I don't think what I did was wrong, but I'm starting to question. So, AITAH?
This was a while ago now so things have mellowed out a little but Princess still has a sour attitude toward me. Thought you'd find the story entertaining and hope you get a kick out of it. Love your channel!
submitted by Crossstich_Queen to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 Wonderful-Hearing161 Hi. Receive a SMS verification with a Japanese phone number, when currently out of Japan?

Hi. I have an active Japanese sim, with phone number. I am hoping to transfer my Line account. I am not going back to Japan till January. Is there a get around to receive the SMS from Line to verify my account somehow?
Any help much appreciated
submitted by Wonderful-Hearing161 to japanlife [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 yeahno110 Late Aunt Neck Brace Removal

Late Aunt Neck Brace Removal Hello! My beloved aunt passed away earlier this week. Can anyone help me remove the neck brace from these photos? Can tip $10, thank you <3
submitted by yeahno110 to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 Voldechrone Just wanted to share this ridiculously lucky board I had today

Just wanted to share this ridiculously lucky board I had today submitted by Voldechrone to BobsTavern [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 Conscious_Ad716 Recomendações de Home Theather

Bom dia! Estou querendo comprar um home theather para colocar na sala. Eu estava pensando em um sistema 5.1. Não sou tão chato com som, a única coisa que queria mesmo era o som surround e um bom subwoofer, então não precisaria ser o mais top, um mediano acho que já supriria. Estava pensando em gastar até R$2.000,00 (quanto menos melhor, claro!). Mas não sei também se há opções boas nesse valor.
Então, queria saber se vocês tem recomendações de home theathers nessa faixa de preço!
Obs: minha sala é num quarto fechado, de aproximadamente 20m2.
submitted by Conscious_Ad716 to brasil [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 Shiro1066 Settle a bet for me

Settle a bet for me Saw this little worm thing last night I was thinking it's a fungus knat larva but my friend thinks it's a nematode.
submitted by Shiro1066 to Vivarium [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 jacetzy 31 [M4F] Quick fun for tonight

Hi there I'm 31 from qc ( cubao area) looking some quick fun tonight.
About me:
about you
the older the better
chubby and plus size are welcome
hit me up!
submitted by jacetzy to PHR4Rhookups30up [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 TensionSame3568 So true!...🤣

So true!...🤣 submitted by TensionSame3568 to scifi [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 StarsSingSongs15 When you dream your lucid dreaming

I've tried to start lucid dreaming in the past and both times I've had the same experience. I'll go to bed trying to reinforce my mind to lucid dream but I only ending up in dreams where I dream I'm lucid dreaming. Like my dream self will say this is a dream, but I realize when I wake up that the dream self was not fully aware, like I said it without fully realizing it, and usually the thought slips away quickly enough.
submitted by StarsSingSongs15 to LucidDreaming [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 ChemicalNext2464 This week on huntsman or wolf... (Sydney)

This week on huntsman or wolf... (Sydney) submitted by ChemicalNext2464 to AustralianSpiders [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 openingthecloset New dress for my birthday

New dress for my birthday submitted by openingthecloset to crossdressed50 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 Josua171 The UK Is in a Wig Crisis!!!!!

The cost of living crisis in the uk is very apparent this season. Every wig is either flat or glued up into spikes of hell.
Releasa is the only one who consistently wore professionally styled and beautiful wigs and gets chopped before the final lipsync??? That’s the true injustice.
Meanwhile Kyran’s hair is so thin and full of, it’s see through.
Worst culprits of horrible wigs: Actavia, Kyran, Marmalade, Kiki and Charra Tea. They need to apologize for what they’ve done to our eyes!!!!!!
submitted by Josua171 to rupaulsdragrace [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 BobbywiththeJuice Cameltoe Battle: Kelsey Plum vs Elsa Hosk

Cameltoe Battle: Kelsey Plum vs Elsa Hosk submitted by BobbywiththeJuice to CelebBattles [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 Chese-is-good We got him!

We got him! submitted by Chese-is-good to JackSucksAtLife [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 Stepharadox Guess what this distinguished gentleman ordered

submitted by Stepharadox to cats [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 Rivoy_mitai Poster for the Protagonist?

Poster for the Protagonist? https://preview.redd.it/a0nn8jp9wt3e1.jpg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9aadba3fbb3decc297a9ea1012d02ea527465d03
At first from afar, i thought it was a 2B poster. But at a closer glance, it looks like the protagonist. Was it always there or it's for the popularity?
submitted by Rivoy_mitai to MetaphorReFantazio [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 genbuz My first bit of animation for a video clip

My first bit of animation for a video clip submitted by genbuz to animation [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 hotnews331 Fuse Partners with Stargate to Enhance Cross-Chain Liquidity and Interoperability

submitted by hotnews331 to CryptoNewsAI [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 Bitter-Platypus1855 Prolonged bleeding

I want to preface this by saying that I have PCOS, not endo. However, my symptoms are very untypical for PCOS and I think this is probably the largest community of women with dysfunctional bleeding so I hope it's okay that I'm posting this.
I (22f) struggle with constant bleeding/spotting, and I've had this issue since I was 14. I used to be on the combined pill which worked well, but it made my migraines worse and eventually I started getting auras so I had to come off it. I have since tried Cerazette and I'm now on Slynd. Neither of them do anything for my bleeding. My gyno then wanted me to add Provera which I did, with no improvement at all (this was also the first treatment I tried at 14, and I saw no difference then either).
Though I'm very lucky that my bleeding is painless and light enough to avoid anemia, it's still very detrimental to my quality of life. I know that my gyno wants me to try Mirena but I had bad experiences with levonorgestrel in the combined pill (30-40 lbs weight gain, hair loss, depression etc) so I'm very hesitant, though I also don't feel like I can live like this...
If you have prolonged bleeding, especially treatment resistant, what has helped you?
submitted by Bitter-Platypus1855 to endometriosis [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 SympathyExtra6564 What is this?

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submitted by SympathyExtra6564 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 11:50 Apprehensive_Bed3172 Need Advice on Pmax Campaign for a Local Clinic

I am running a Pmax campaign for a Physiotherapy clinic to get more calls and local visits. But mostly campaign pushing impressions to Youtube, lot of clicks happened but no conversions happened. I want to limit the impressions on youtube and to push more into maps and search. How to control the Pmax campaign? my ad account the smart campaign type is deprecated.
submitted by Apprehensive_Bed3172 to googleads [link] [comments]
