Aussies set to spend nearly $7 billion on Black Friday sales in 2024 | 7NEWS

2024.11.29 12:40 alexlaverty Aussies set to spend nearly $7 billion on Black Friday sales in 2024 | 7NEWS

Aussies set to spend nearly $7 billion on Black Friday sales in 2024 | 7NEWS submitted by alexlaverty to AussieNewsVideos [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:40 Ill-Yak527 Mango Smile -Day 50

Second time running Mephisto. Nice easy grow so far. Jacks 321 nutes. Xl autopots. 50/50 coco perlite.
submitted by Ill-Yak527 to MephHeads [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:40 Chilena_87 AITAH

We live out skirts of town and usually loose power often in the winter...needless to say my house is in a different grid square then the neighbourhood! So we always have power! AITAH THAT I GIGGLE EVERY TIME THE NEIGHBOURHOOD HAS NO POWER AND WE DO LOL
we do help the neighbours, hot water, pug things in etc. But secretly just giggle lol
submitted by Chilena_87 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:40 alexlaverty Police called in to control fan frenzy over American YouTuber IShowSpeed | 7NEWS

Police called in to control fan frenzy over American YouTuber IShowSpeed | 7NEWS submitted by alexlaverty to AussieNewsVideos [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:40 SadMeasurement7899 3 comments | #model #modeling #modelingagency #bsri #neilyhoops #content #neilyhoopsx #contentcreator #doctorshoops #goldenbear #lifeofluxury #baitshop72 #statenislandsimone #trintrinity #jadeglass #kittyka | Doctors Hoops

3 comments | #model #modeling #modelingagency #bsri #neilyhoops #content #neilyhoopsx #contentcreator #doctorshoops #goldenbear #lifeofluxury #baitshop72 #statenislandsimone #trintrinity #jadeglass #kittyka | Doctors Hoops submitted by SadMeasurement7899 to bestass9999 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:40 rrrb50 Switch V1 Jailbroken doesn't charge with anything above 5V, got M92 Repaired

So, I have a Switch V1 jailbroken and it stopped charging because of some issues and I got my M92 chip repaired, and after that it has been working great and I usually use my laptop charger to charge but ever since the repair, it stopped working and even the original charger stopped working. I can't dock it as well because of the Adapter not working and it starts blinking only. I asked the person who repaired my Switch and he couldn't really figure out why it was having such issues.
I asked him what he tried and said that whenever the PD charger is attached even the 5V aren't initiated, when you connect and CC Pin resistance changes but it doesn't push the 5 Volts either, and secondly the BQ and M92 are working and there are no error, and 15 V negotiations aren't working either and CC Pin is connected and working as well so what could be the issue?
submitted by rrrb50 to Switchrepair [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:40 luffy_jz Got brawl pass for free randomly???

Opened brawl stars after a few days and I was just scrolling through the rewards page, and it said brawl pass unlocked! 💀 I got all the stuff from it. I am a f2p. Is this a big or something??? And now it's on maintenance break I'm afraid they're gonna take it back 😭
submitted by luffy_jz to Brawlstars [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:40 External_Page4246 Aiats 2 result out

Detailed analysis nhi dikha rha. Anyways, kitne bane? W And what's a good score in this test???
submitted by External_Page4246 to MEDICOreTARDS [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:40 Indefens3 Crush came out as trans and I’m disappointed, I know it sounds so messed up to say

They came out using they them and she her pronouns. It’s bad but I am sad because I thought they were a guy, and I liked that they were a guy, a feminist guy, and knowing that they’re trans makes me sad because it’s like, are no biological men feminists? I know this is so selfish, but I liked that I was attracted to them as a guy because I’m bisexual and I don’t find many men attractive, and he was the ideal type of guy I like, knowing he’s a she now, makes me question things
submitted by Indefens3 to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:40 Mazayaz Qual TV 4K comprar para assistir?

Então tenho uma Samsung Crystal 55' 4K 2022 que após 1 ano o display começou aparecer umas listras pretas, acionei a garantia e consertaram. Agora 1 ano e meio depois desse conserto o mesmo problema voltou e o display ainda esta descolando.
To querendo comprar uma TV de 55 até 65 polegadas e na faixa de preço de 3mil reais (podendo subir até 3500 se valer a pena)
Mas o que vejo pelas pesquisas é que todas TVs são descartaveis e após um tempo dão problema no display, é isso mesmo? Estou entre essas duas opções (estou descartando Samsung por causa da minha experiência ruim):

Usarei exclusivamente para assistir filmes e séries, não para jogos, mas quero algo com qualidade e durável.
submitted by Mazayaz to hardwarebrasil [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:40 dailysnowright ContactsDirect Black Friday 2024 Promo Codes

Use the link for ContactsDirect Black Friday 2024 Promo Codes. The website features a wide selection of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly for you to choose from and make your purchase more affordable.
submitted by dailysnowright to DiscountEnergizing [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:40 ExpertNormal3315 Progression question

My father has had a slow progression. Two years to not walking and just now losing the use of his hands. He is incontinent though, and struggling to stand to go to the bathroom. Also unable to tell if he needs to go, or initiate. I think this will be the thing that requires him to have an aide. He is living alone with no help. He can use his arms to pull to transfer, but honestly I have no idea how. He is very stubborn. I'm wondering how far into the disease progression you saw these issues? His breathing also sounds very labored, despite having a completely normal work up from his doctors. I'm trying to figure out how much help he will need and how quickly. If anyone has seen a similar progression it is helpful, I know it's all so variable.
submitted by ExpertNormal3315 to ALS [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:40 brightesthour98 Problems with starting to say something in prayer

I have an issue with starting a sentence in prayer. Once I start it, I can go on. But If I stop in between, I can't catch up the sentence from middle, and have to repeat the entire sentence again.
It is like, while starting the sentence, void simply doesn't come out. No matter what, voice doesn't come out. I have to try so hard and then finally after many minutes the voice comes out. It is maybe due to the anxiety that I am not in the right position or etc. Actually, I used to be very worried about staying in the right position and then starting to say the prayer sentences, but it wasn't this bad back then. Now, even when I am in the right position, I cannot say anything coz my brain assumed it will anyway not be valid so it fears a lot... I guess I can call it anxiety mostly.
I am simply unable to say things in prayer... it is getting worse everyday I think... it all started almost a week ago so yeah
Also, I am not a Christian, so the 'position' I am talking about is not what you might have thought it is.
Kindly please tell me what to do. It is kind of urgent.
submitted by brightesthour98 to OCD [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:40 grandesample EveryDrop Water Black Friday Ads 2024

Follow this link for EveryDrop Water Black Friday Ads 2024. Access the latest deals and promotions by visiting the link, featuring a constantly updated list of coupons, promo codes, and discounts.
submitted by grandesample to GlibDiscount [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:40 SmartButRandom What do I do in this position (I’m poor)

What do I do in this position (I’m poor) If you can’t see it well it’s cybertruck out in the wild. Probably driven by j*ssica
submitted by SmartButRandom to AnarchyChess [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:40 bryceBri Found this on the city map today

Found this on the city map today submitted by bryceBri to torncity [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:40 WonderIll4755 KOI NS SIR SE KAR RHA HAI

Zero hu should I go to fastllan or Praveen normal lane for oc only
submitted by WonderIll4755 to JEE [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:40 Huasito_Ergy Convince me

What the title said, pretty much a min-max of health, but so far I have no good tracking. I was looking to buy the Oura Ring, but three quick Google links led me to the UltraHuman one. So far, it seems like a better option, not only because I don’t need to pay a subscription but also because it has a few more features. Please convince me as to why I should buy this one. How has your experience been? Is a new release coming that I should hold off for?
submitted by Huasito_Ergy to Ultrahuman [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:40 Slight_Ad8374 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Slight_Ad8374 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:40 Wet__Sand Crab

Crab submitted by Wet__Sand to pokeplush [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:40 Real_Minecraft999 Hopka Vaseline in real life

submitted by Real_Minecraft999 to Tarkov [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:40 Eloise_1848 🥹 Farbenspiel ❤️

🥹 Farbenspiel ❤️ submitted by Eloise_1848 to Blumenundgarten [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:40 nikman24 Hiby R1

Hiby R1 Hiby R1 Набор компромиссов с хорошим звуком
Информация о плеере: ЦАП: Cirrus Logic CS43131 Поддержка форматов: DSD256, PCM 32/384 Аудиовыход: 3,5 мм Мощность: 101 мВт Поддержка беспроводных технологий: Bluetooth 5.1, WiFi, DLNA, AirPlay, HibyLink (?) Bluetooth-кодеки: SBC, AAC, aptX, LDAC Стриминговые платформы: Qobuz, Tidal Поддержка SD: до 2 ТБ Операционная система: обновлённая HibyOS Размеры: 83,551,112,35 мм Материал корпуса: поликарбонат/стекло Вес: 70 г Диагональ: 3” Разрешение экрана: 800*480 Процессор: Ingenic X1600E Тюнинг звука: MSEB Время работы (музыка/спящий режим): 15 часов /400 часов Время зарядки: менее 2-х часов Актуальная цена (AliExpress): ~85/100$
Комплектация: В топовом варианте кроме плеера мы получаем: - наушники Hiby Yves с комплектом амбушюр - микрофибровый чехол - ремешок на плеер - Карта памяти SanDisk Ultra на 32 ГБ - запасная защитная плёнка
Плюсы: Плеер имеет оптимальный размер. Он лёгкий, компактный и при этом не слишком маленький, хотя некоторым всё-же захочется побольше. Батарея на 15 часов также является плюсом. Управление довольно простое и интуитивно понятное. Есть поддержка OTG, можно подключать свистки и внешние накопители. Главным преимуществом плеера является звук, но про него чуть ниже.
Комплект: Что мешало Hiby сделать нормальный чехол, в котором можно пользоваться плеером? Умышленное ограничение удобства? Комплектные наушники имеют ужасный кабель, о котором я писал в обзоре на них. К слову, на одном из корпусов уже из коробки присутствовала царапина.
Плеер: Устройство довольно компромиссное, что вполне ожидаемо за эту цену. Для меня главным расстройством оказалось отсутствие возможности использования плеера как ЦАП. Также есть проблема поддержки некоторых обложек. Хоть проблема и решилась заменой обложки с JPEG на PNG, но это лишние хлопоты. Очень нелепым недостатком оказалось отсутствие перемотки назад и обещанного HibyLink. А если вы вышли из композиции, то назад можете вернуться только запустив её заново. Отсутствует привычный графический эквалайзер, а про параметрический даже речи не идёт. Вместо них мы имеем MSEB. Работу экрана сложно назвать плавной. Касаемо качества сборки тоже есть вопросы. Корпус из поликарбоната чувствуется откровенно дёшево, а на следующий день после распаковки и вовсе возникла микротрещина между кнопками громкости и паузы/перемотки вперёд. Есть подозрение, что при таком количестве косяков плеер не доведут до нормального состояния.
Звук: Плеер имеет слегка светлую подачу звука, что является плюсом для некоторых моделей наушников. По частотному диапазону вопросов нет, плеер отлично отрабатывает каждый участок. Плеер отлично спелся с комплектными Hiby Yves, а по звуку эта связка вполне сравнима с моим сетапом, который состоит из Shanling UA4 и Truthear Nova. Уверен, что каким-нибудь Artti R2 или Tangzu Fudu это устройство отлично подойдёт.
Итог: Hiby постарались вложиться в звук, но абсолютно забили на всё остальное. За 100$ это терпимо, но лучше подкопить на что-то более совершенное.
Моя оценка: Комплект: 4/5 Качество сборки: 2/5 Функции: 2/5 Управление: 3/5 Звук: 5/5
submitted by nikman24 to DigitalAudioPlayer [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:40 RisottoPensa [NPD] Stilo&Stile Leonardo Kintsugi

[NPD] Stilo&Stile Leonardo Kintsugi submitted by RisottoPensa to fountainpens [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:40 Melwambo It's friday time yippee

Hello 👋 I legit missed doing these so let's fucking go lmao
Rules are the same as always: No NSFW, no overcomplicated ocs and mechs. Last week I only did one but I'll try doing more this time, so comment a photo of your oc with a Lil fun fact and a personality description (optional but welcomed) and I'll pick the ones I like and draw them over the weekend :]
submitted by Melwambo to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]