Regielky 776894490060

2024.11.29 12:50 alessandro_maioranaa Regielky 776894490060

submitted by alessandro_maioranaa to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:50 remvs98 Zeker 29 minderjarige slachtoffers in Barendrechtse zedenzaak

submitted by remvs98 to NUjijDiscussies [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:50 SnooCakes6034 Don't waste your time

So the black Friday ad said fullsize fugglers at five below and yet they did have fugglers but they are actually dog toys with a fake button hole cause they are dog toys lol
submitted by SnooCakes6034 to FugglerCollectors [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:50 KlonoaTheYoutuber Avatar Tournament: Results of group 3, 4 and 5

Avatar Tournament: Results of group 3, 4 and 5 submitted by KlonoaTheYoutuber to RobloxAvatars [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:50 Fuzzy_Damage_2046 CA membership losgement

Does anyone know if it's possible to expedite CA's processing of all the required membership forms to become an official CA? Wanting to leave my current firm but curious if there's a way to speed up the process once you get your final results.
submitted by Fuzzy_Damage_2046 to AustralianAccounting [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:50 iwantfunn69 Samantha

submitted by iwantfunn69 to SouthIndianAngels [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:50 Kazuruma Scolile din Iasi au primit fonduri europene

Scolile din Iasi au primit fonduri europene Unul dintre liceele care a primit founduri europene pentru a achizitiona aceste banci si scaune pentru elevii sai pentru toate clasele de 9-12. Mi se pare o gluma proasta sa pui elevii (chiar si cei majori de a 12-a) de liceu in banci pentru scoala primara. Daca comparam dimensiunile unui copil de 8 ani cu unul de 18... Clar ca o sa fie ergonomic 6 ore pe zi. Pana si elevi au zis ca erau mai bune erau alea vechi.
submitted by Kazuruma to iasi [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:50 Bossie81 35% Chance on a Buy Out. $AKTS. Would you take that gamble?

submitted by Bossie81 to Value_Gambling [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:50 VitalKnights Why Mixed Reality Games Are the Future of Fitness (and Why Your Treadmill Is Jealous)

Let's face it, traditional workouts are boring. Running in place on a treadmill? Meh. Endless burpees? Double meh. But what if getting fit felt more like slaying dragons, solving puzzles, or dancing your way to victory? Enter Mixed Reality Games – where fitness meets fun, and your workout feels less like a chore and more like an epic adventure.
🎮 What’s Mixed Reality Anyway?
Imagine this: You’re wearing a sleek headset, gripping controllers (or just moving your body), and you’re transported into a hybrid world where physical reality blends seamlessly with digital magic. Think battling monsters in your living room or climbing virtual mountains while dodging obstacles. It’s fitness, but make it FUN.
🏃‍♀️ Why It Works (Spoiler: It's Addictive)

  1. No More "Ugh, Do I Have to?" Say goodbye to dragging yourself to the gym. Mixed Reality Games trick your brain into thinking you’re playing, not exercising. It’s all fun and games until—oops—you just did 100 squats chasing a virtual villain.
  2. Goal-Oriented Fitness Completing quests, unlocking achievements, or beating high scores makes workouts ridiculously rewarding. Plus, bragging rights are a great motivator.
  3. Customizable Challenges Whether you’re a beginner or a fitness beast, games adapt to your level. Want to sweat buckets or just take it slow? There’s a mode for that.
  4. Social + Solo Options Connect with friends (or strangers) and crush multiplayer challenges or go solo for some “me time.” Either way, it’s way better than feeling lonely on a treadmill.
🚀 What’s the Future Look Like?
The fitness industry is shifting. Instead of memberships to a gym, we’re seeing subscriptions to interactive worlds. With tech evolving, expect haptic feedback suits (feel every hit!), enhanced environments, and even smarter AI to tailor workouts specifically for YOU.
💪 Why You Should Join the Revolution
Mixed Reality isn’t just a trend; it’s a movement. It’s where gaming becomes your gym and fitness becomes FUN. So ditch the dumbbells (well, keep them for now) and strap on that headset. Your body (and inner child) will thank you.
🌟 Are you ready to game your way to a healthier you? Let’s hear your thoughts! Have you tried a mixed reality workout yet? What’s your dream fitness game scenario? Drop your ideas below! 👇
submitted by VitalKnights to beginnerfitness [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:50 jvc72 Buy Signal Swipe USD - 29 Nov 2024 @ 07:46 -> USD0.407

Ticker: SXPUSD
Exchange: CRYPTO
Time: 29 Nov 2024 @ 07:46
Price: USD0.407
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:50 MackerelMackerel How can I create a map of a road trip? (After it's happened)

I want to create some kind of map to show my stops and route of a road trip I took recently. I was in New Zealand for a couple of months and kept a diary of everywhere I visited and stopped.
I was wondering if anyone had good suggestions for apps, websites or whatever where you can input locations, pins and stuff like that to map out the whole journey, maybe get a a big printout or something later.
I'm also doing something similar in the future somewhere else so I'm also wondering if there's an alternative to do as you go that's easier, or if doing it after the whole trip is easier?
Open to any suggestions, the above is just what I had in my head of something that would help me get to where I want for a visual with a map.
submitted by MackerelMackerel to travel [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:50 jvc72 Buy Signal Photocure ASA - 29 nov 2024 @ 13:32 -> NOK49.05

Ticker: PHO.OL
Exchange: OSL
Time: 29 nov 2024 @ 13:32
Price: NOK49.05
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:50 Mysterious_Sorcery Frank Cadogan Cowper,(1877-1958), The Blue Bird [2590 x 3200]

Frank Cadogan Cowper,(1877-1958), The Blue Bird [2590 x 3200] submitted by Mysterious_Sorcery to ArtPorn [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:50 DismalContribution20 First time trying to hot foil with a laminator

First time trying to hot foil with a laminator Hello, I've been making cards and other stationary for a bit now and I decided to try my hand at hot foiling using a laser printer and laminator. This was my first attempt. I only want the foil to stick to the lettering. What could be causing this?
submitted by DismalContribution20 to cardmaking [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:50 Itsa_Me_YaBoi 30/PC/NA warframe, D4, project zomboid, and space marines 2 anyone?

How's it going? Looking for a server, or 1 - 2 other people to play the games i mentuoned above. I'd be cool with also starting a server and have more people join in. I'm also cool with playing other games than the ones above but that's what I'm currently fixated on.
submitted by Itsa_Me_YaBoi to GamerPals [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:50 keksivaras Hellsweeper VR or Green Hell VR?

Need a game that I can play for hours. Both games are the same price and on sale. I'm worried Green Hell isn't going to be a long game, since it has story, so I guess you can't just keep surviving and building. But I read bad reviews about Hellsweeper, so I'm not sure which one is going to be better.
submitted by keksivaras to PSVR [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:50 wweyonce Card for Smackdown | Survivor Series Go-Home Show - 11.29

submitted by wweyonce to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:50 Metrosaurus Pirate crew I made for a friend of mine's Pirate Manga. I named him Sutar Taruga.

Pirate crew I made for a friend of mine's Pirate Manga. I named him Sutar Taruga. submitted by Metrosaurus to krita [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:50 HannTwistzz Way too early trade targets

Anybody got anyone in mind. We will have around 4.5 million in cap space this deadline. Personally I think we need a middle 6 forward and a solid 3rd pair dman. I’m decently interested in the rangers situation, Kreider, Lingrend, or Kakko could be interesting. Is Howard untouchable, what about Geekie? Only way I trade Geekie is for a young star.
submitted by HannTwistzz to TampaBayLightning [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:50 No-Beyond-4723 Why do people in the sols rng question discord have so much attitude (I think) like damn😭🙏🏾

I asked a few questions and they responded so sarcastically, and did the same to other people. Don’t do that, ur supposed to be helpful💀 and then I asked a question about rolling globals and what devices I can use. And I said I have all accept the new ones except exo and windstorm. THIS PERSON TOLD ME TO USE WINDSTORM AND GRAV WHEN I DAMN WELL TOLD THEM THAT I DIDNT HAVE IT! Incan craft the glove without any issues, I’m just working on darkshader or nightshader (idk what its called again). But yeah, have y’all had any rude conversations with the mods in that server😭🙏🏾
submitted by No-Beyond-4723 to SolsRNG [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:50 Osaitt Win The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt 1/6 Scale Diorama from PureArts (11/12/2025) {WW}

submitted by Osaitt to giveaways [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:50 Nachtopus69 HEY!

HEY! submitted by Nachtopus69 to Opeth [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:49 soerc Spent more than 40K for no goku black copy. Bought him with 50 coins. Atleast I got thus guy after 2nd rotation.

Spent more than 40K for no goku black copy. Bought him with 50 coins. Atleast I got thus guy after 2nd rotation. submitted by soerc to DBLegendsReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:49 MiragliottaRosario Questa è la copertina

Questa è la copertina Questa è la copertina "The World Ahead 2025", a il simbolo dalla "bomba atomica". Il 28-11-2024, circa alle ore 21:00 sul canale focus hanno fatto un programma che parlava della bomba atomica. Io a questo tipo di coincidenze non ci credo. Circa 25 mesi fa, fonte: "nda", mi hanno detto che L'Ucraina avrebbe buttato la bomba atomica alla Russia. Dietro ha tutto ci sono gli stati uniti d'america. Gli usa hanno un progetto dal 1945, per distruggere la Russia con testate nucleari. Poi hanno il coraggio di parlare pace, in realtà sono delle Nazioni guerra fondaie, gli usa, inghilterra e israele.
29-11-2024 Miragliotta Rosario
submitted by MiragliottaRosario to Miragliotta [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:49 OkSuit94 Need friends

submitted by OkSuit94 to PokemonFriendExchange [link] [comments]