Is there a way to identify which video a YouTube Link is?

2024.11.29 12:49 msc8976 Is there a way to identify which video a YouTube Link is?

I say this because I am trying to find a now deleted video, and the WayBack Machine is of no use. Has anyone made a tool that allows you not so much to archive a video as much as it allows you to at least know what the title of the video is?
submitted by msc8976 to youtube [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:49 ScifiMusicSpidersOMy YAML Thermal Vision and Headlights

Hello everyone, I’ve been playing Mercs for years now on console (PS4/5) but after finishing Clans, I decided to get in on the fun that is MW5 modded!
I downloaded Mercs, and all the DLC on my PC (Steam) and, of course, the first mod I get is YAML. It says it has headlights and thermal vision (not night vision) but I cannot find the key binds for either.
What am I missing? Is there equipment I need to install on my ‘Mechs? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I do have some graphics settings turned down because of my PC’s performance limitations, so let me know if that is a contributing factor.
Side note: what other mods should I get? Currently having a blast with : YAML YAML Mechs YA Equipment Collection YA Clan Mech TTRulez_AIMod2 YAW YAW Clan Remove Jumpship Animation
submitted by ScifiMusicSpidersOMy to Mechwarrior5 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:49 Sjeg84 Waystones/Maps sustain and difficulty

It seems to have gone under the rader but Johnathan already explained during the reveal stream that Waystone s are going to drop in maps just like the old system. So far easy. Granted we do not know anough yet to be sure to judge the system but he explicitly said that we will need to craft our maps to sustain. And in the example they've shown tje crafted map had +300% map drop rate due to suffix modifiers, which are those who increase the map difficulty. So thats a massive bonus. This indicates that crafting these maps will in fact be incredible important to be able to sustain and progress your atlas, and going in with a just a magic/blue map will not be good enough in the long run.
This has 2 major issues/challanges. With how crafting works, you cannot reroll your map. You have to take what you get. So you will be incentiviced in playing maps that are potentially a lot harder than what you want it to be, and you cannot dodge modfiers that are especially punishing for you (ailment avoid on ignite builds, reduce armoblock on a shield build, etc....). On top of that you instantly lose the map if you die in it.
I can't see a way how this will not lead to many players getting hard stuck in white maps. I personally hope that GGG does not carve into the inevitable outrage on reddit, both from PoE 1 vets that are not used to having rough time sustaining maps, and from newer players who just aren't good enough at the game yet to overcome this hurdle.
This is all speculation ofc, but from what I've seen and and know about GGG, I belive their intention here is clearly that map sustain is no longer a freebe like it is in PoE 1.
submitted by Sjeg84 to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:49 FairyDustVibes Anyone else just not click with the Iron series?

I know the repetition in Caroline Girvan's Iron Series (YouTube version) is essential for building muscle, but I just couldn’t stick with it. I found it so tedious that it almost made me give up on working out altogether. After taking a long break, I’ve started Epic III, and I’m absolutely loving it so far!
Iron seems to be a fan favorite, and I totally understand why, but it just wasn’t for me. Am I the odd one out here?
submitted by FairyDustVibes to CarolineGirvan [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:49 pompeilonger Joannes Fabrics Black Friday 2024 Promo Codes

Check out the link for Joannes Fabrics Black Friday 2024 Promo Codes. Once on the website, you'll have access to a variety of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly to help you save on your purchase.
submitted by pompeilonger to LimitedDiscount [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:49 the_rumor_burnt Kerela Gold score in Delhi. Got a lot more than what I do

Kerela Gold score in Delhi. Got a lot more than what I do What does Delhi people have.. looking to share some.
submitted by the_rumor_burnt to IndianEnts [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:49 Pogue_Mahone_ My girlfriend (22) left me (28) and the cats (2 & 3)

Yesterdat my girlfriend left me. We're both on the spectrum so our life was never easy but we had it good together, we truly understood one another. The last couple of weeks/months we got stuck in a rut because we both have a lot on our minds. I was/am burning out on my studies and she had symptoms of depression. I knew we were not doing great per se but I truly believed we would work it out eventually but she fell in love with a collegue from her new job and that was that. She just left us and took with her most of my certainties. We talked so often about our plans for the future but I guess they are gone too
submitted by Pogue_Mahone_ to AutisticAdults [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:49 Shenanigans_195 Jones Manoel e Cristiano Caporezzo no podcast 3 Irmãos é a maior aula prática de debate com tiozão do zap até o momento

Moçada, vocês ouviram o podcast 3 Irmãos de debate do Dep. Estadual Caporezzo (PL-MG) e Jones Manoel (PCBR)?
Quem não ouviu, tire aí umas 2h30 do seu dia, vá fazer uma faxina, trabalhar em algo, fazer qualquer coisa e ouça junto o podcast que é bom demais. Serão 2h30 de debate sobre Brasil e Minas Gerais num nível refinadissimo, do lado do Jones, e uma completa aberração e ablublé das ideia do lado do deputado.
É uma aula magna de como funciona a argumentação na cabeça do tiozão do zap, daquele seu parente que acampou na frente de quartel e hoje ta aí gritando "dentadura comonista".
3 manobras que identifiquei no debate: -O deputado só gosta de lacrar, mas mesmo assim, só em coisa moralista e apito de cachorro pra doido, como ficar falando de China, Coreia do Norte, fascismo vs comunismo, e não responder nada com nada sobre nada;
-O deputado fala e fala e fala e fala mais ainda que ele é a favor do trabalhador e empreendedor pequeno, mas apaga da própria fala as práticas dele, o famoso "eu digo moralismo, mas na hora de agir eu cago mesmo".
-A estratégia de atacar o debatente com argumentos ou com as vozes da sua cabeça: o Jones passa 2h amassando o deputado, tentando arrancar todo tipo de resposta dele sobre as práticas dele, e nisso mostra como Minas Gerais precisa do trabalho de bons políticos e dirigentes públicos e o deputado só responde a isso dizendo "famelia, deux, paaiaiatria, vai pra coba" e sequer revisa o próprio trabalho, sequer debate de verdade.
Meu amigo, quero agradecer demais o Jones por mostrar essas táticas, aplicar a prática do bom debate que atropela o debatente mané, e armar o ouvinte com ótimos argumentos e formas de procurar argumentos pra nos preparar pra pior época do ano para discutir política: natal e fim de ano.
O negócio é conversar com seu tio do zap e mostrar como ele é zé mané rindo na cara dele. Que delicia.
Segue aqui o link do pod pra vcs, boa sextada:
submitted by Shenanigans_195 to brasil [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:49 Low-Ad6430 frame removal time?

When will they remove the frames from your legs after lengthening (with and without nail)
submitted by Low-Ad6430 to limblengthening [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:49 manifest_money Good found footage movies like VHS

I love horror found footage. Please recommend some movies I can check out. :)
submitted by manifest_money to foundfootage [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:49 minibuddy0 How important is the exchange you use when you want to invest early?

In the few years I've spent in this space, one of the most important lessons I've learnt is that timing is everything in crypto, especially when it comes to spotting and investing in projects early.
A perfect and very recent example would be what happened with THENA, or even PNUT and BAN. For context I use Bitget exchange, especially for projects like these, and although I missed PNUT and BAN, I saw that both of them listed on the exchange earlier than Binance for example, and by the time it got there it had already done 17x for PNUT and about 500% increase in price for BAN.
For THENA I was able to get it on the exchange quite early and when it eventually listed on others, I checked and I was up about 80%, I'm not even trying to brag, I understand that this would not happen all the time, and I'd like to know if this is something that other people have noticed as well, with these exchanges.
It looks as if it would be wise to seek out these exchanges that are known for listing legitimate projects ahead, because I don't think this is a coincidence anymore, especially as we're in a bull run that favours all of these memecoins.
submitted by minibuddy0 to CryptoMars [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:49 susletam200810 Introdução da minha história (Ainda não está pronto)

CENÁRIO: Uma sala de laboratório, aonde os cinco canídeos estão acorrentados, presos em uma sala. Enquanto que os humanos, estão anotando, de longe, os resultados e observações.
FENRIR (com uma raiva interna): "Os humanos... eles são uma grande ameaça. Tiraram tudo de nós, nossas famílias, nossas vidas. Tudo. E agora, estão brincando de deuses."
RYKER (sarcástico): "Olha só... o lobinho e suas frases motivacionais, como se isso mudasse alguma coisa."
FENRIR (estressado): "Não começa..."
MAX (cansado): "Ele está certo, (olhando para o Ryker), do que adianta reclamarmos sobre eles, sendo que não podemos fazer nada. Até esse ponto, já está na hora de aceitar que eles sempre foram mais fortes. Acabou, pessoal."
FENRIR (com raiva): "Não. Não acabou, precisamos dar um jeito de sairmos daqui e acabarmos com eles."
MAX (curioso): "E qual é o plano?"
FENRIR (focado): "Ainda não sei, mas sei que não podemos ficar mais tempo ficar aqui."
RYKER (sarcástico): "NÃO ME DIGA!!!"
FENRIR (com raiva): "Se você não quer ajudar, então..."
O diálogo é interrompido, quando os cientistas (que são jovens-adultos amadores) chegam na sala, com uma siringa na mão
TRICKSTER (susurrando): "Lá vamos nós... de novo. Quem será que vai ser a vítima agora?"
CIENTISTA 1: "Rápido! Coloque no cachorro! Ele está apresntando falhas!"
MAX (pensando): "O QUÊ? DE NOVO, NÃO!!!!"
Os cientistas, colocam rapidamente a siringa no Max, ele sente uma dor horrível, igual as outras vezes. Mas essa foi a pior, tanto que saiu lágrimas.
CIENTISTA 2: "Pronto, nem doeu. Foi um sucesso." (CONTEXTO: Eles não sabem interpretar emoções de animais)
Após alguns minutos de mais observações e anotações, os humanos saem da sala, ignorando o sofrimento de Max.
TRICKSTER (sorrindo, como se ele estivesse gostando disso): "E AÍ, COMO FOI A EXPERIÊNCIA?"
MAX (suando, com uma respiração pesada): "eu... eu não estou bem... eu..."
Max desmaia e dorme profundamente. Os outros canídeos ficam assustados e preocupados.
JACK (preocupado): "Essa foi a gota d' água... precisamos de um plano."
Mais contexto -
submitted by susletam200810 to EscritoresBrasil [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:49 dailysnowright Dell Black Friday 2024 Promo Codes

Use the link for Dell Black Friday 2024 Promo Codes. The website features a wide selection of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly for you to choose from and make your purchase more affordable.
submitted by dailysnowright to DiscountEnergizing [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:49 Nova__11 120 smoothies order

120 smoothies order Took this order, it was $11 for 1 mile, reached the restaurant and its a massive order and there was 45 minutes wait for the order, so just cancelled and left.
But even if the order was ready, how the fuck am I suppose to fit 120 cups in my car and all that for $11?
submitted by Nova__11 to UberEatsDrivers [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:49 AutoNewspaperAdmin [World] - Lebanon's army chief Joseph Aoun, a man with a tough mission | France24

[World] - Lebanon's army chief Joseph Aoun, a man with a tough mission | France24 submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:49 Gilga27 Liebe Nachbarn…

Liebe Nachbarn… submitted by Gilga27 to Austria [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:49 AutoNewspaperAdmin [World] - British MPs debate contentious assisted dying law | France24

[World] - British MPs debate contentious assisted dying law | France24 submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:49 RedMendelevium132 [M17] I popped my neck and now it hurts when I move it. Should I be concerned?

I woke and tilted my head to the right, I heard kind of like a pop that sounded more like a long “s” sound, I’m not sure. But now my neck hurts, especially when i tilt it to the right. I heard it could be just a pulled muscle. Should I be concerned?
Age:17 Gender: Male Height: About 5’6” Weight: Around 160 lbs Smoking: No Medicine taken recently: none Recent Medical Issues: none Duration of complaint: since 15 minutes ago
submitted by RedMendelevium132 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:49 AutoNewspaperAdmin [World] - Attack-minded Spurs boss Postecoglou says: 'You'll miss me when I'm gone' | France24

submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:49 AutoNewspaperAdmin [EU] - Replay: President Macron speaks at Notre-Dame Cathedral | France24

[EU] - Replay: President Macron speaks at Notre-Dame Cathedral | France24 submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:49 AutoNewspaperAdmin [World] - Replay: President Macron speaks at Notre-Dame Cathedral | France24

[World] - Replay: President Macron speaks at Notre-Dame Cathedral | France24 submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:49 sobri01 LF for 12 stars each

submitted by sobri01 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:49 pit_viper4811 Why is garam masala a thing ?

Why don't we just call each spice in garam masala by its own name instead of just saying garam masala?
submitted by pit_viper4811 to indiasocial [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:49 AutoNewspaperAdmin [World] - Replay: President Macron visits restored Notre-Dame Cathedral | France24

[World] - Replay: President Macron visits restored Notre-Dame Cathedral | France24 submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.11.29 12:49 louvez Remission after a "long" time on medication?

Did any of you go into remission after a long time on medication? I was diagnosed about 2 years ago, and been on medication ever since, with varying doses. It seems that anytime I'm reaching the point of stopping medication completely (with antibodies in normal range and all) I catch a virus or something and my levels go crazy once again. Is it delusional to continue hoping for remission?
submitted by louvez to gravesdisease [link] [comments]