[QConcursos] Assinatura vitalícia por R$ 219,00 à vista ou 12x R$ 21,90 No plano vitalício avançado: https://www.qconcursos.com Editado por PCJunior em 07-05-2022 às 15:06 Mas a comunidade é muito menor que o QConcursos, por exemplo. No entanto se tu é um usuário que gosta de fazer filtros, parametrizar as questões, tipo escolher somente um determinado assunto de direito administrativo, de determinado área (técnico e analistas judiciários), o TEC é pra ti. Já usei TEC, Qconcursos e agora peguei a vitalícia do Estratégia, faz cerca de 4 anos que estou nessa de fazer questões em sites para concursos, minha opinião: - TEC: o mais "polido" de todos, mas caro demais, não tem desconto pra quem pega um ano inteiro, é 29,90 por mês só questões (que dá quase 360,00 por ano!) ou os absurdos 59,80 pelo plano de questões + acesso ao material ... Eu tinha comprado uma vitalícia dessa no ano passado ou retrasado, bem mais barato. Acho que não vinha essas firulas que vem nessa ilimitada agora, tipo mapas mentais e etc. QConcursos acaba de lançar sua assinatura vitalícia. Quem já assina plano anual paga 263,94, quem não fica R$439,90. To pensando em pegar o Qconcursos para ter os dois e se complementarem. To analisando se vale a pena ter os dois vitalícios. Meu Medo é o qconcursos quebrar ou ser vendido e ficar muito ruim, pq eles nunca tinham feito nada de promoção vitalícia antes e agora fizeram 2x em menos de 6 meses. Qconcursos ou focus concursos, qual é mais vantajoso, tenho esta dúvida, por favor, alguém podem opinar? Um é complementar ao outro. O focus concursos é totalmente voltado a videoaulas , enquanto o QC é focado em exercícios. Direção está saindo por 12x R$ 209,90 a Vitalicia, é uma piada cara. Eu já assinei quando era integrado ao Qconcursos, e sinceramente nao chega nem perto do Estrategia e do GranCursos. A individual do GranCursos sai por 189,29x12. Nao preciso discutir muito mais, abraços amigo. Para cada plano, existem vantagens diferentes. Na Assinatura Ilimitada, você tem acesso a todos os recursos da plataforma Qconcursos e a todos os cursos completos para concursos públicos do Direção Concursos, que são consumidos na nossa Mesa de Estudos, com recursos como marcação de trechos dos materiais, tira-dúvidas com o professor de uma aula, organizador de tarefas e muito mais. Fala Galera!! Criando o tópico oficial para concursos da sala E&P! Vamos usar esse tópico de forma inteligente, evitando desviar do assunto e focando no que interessa: Tudo sobre concursos!
2024.11.29 12:33 Life_Attorney_520 QConcursos x Tec concurso
Qual é o ponto positivo e negativo de cada Qual é melhor e porque
Me conte qual é a sua experiência boa e ruim com cada um deles ou com qual você usou. Obrigado 🙂
submitted by Life_Attorney_520 to concursospublicos [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 12:33 Bossie81 $AKTS Bounced off 0,05, accumulated at 0,1. Next leg up! Xmas Bones BK-bounce baby!
submitted by Bossie81 to roaringkitty [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 12:33 More_Neat_9599 Can you Guess where I am from?
submitted by More_Neat_9599 to TravelMaps [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 12:33 cen13lax For Sale 2 tickets for Monday Orlando show
Selling for face value $100 for both. Can transfer on Ticketmaster.
submitted by cen13lax to TheFrontBottoms [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 12:33 ChargeMaleficent182 صاحبي طلع يصور لناس
قبل شهر تقريبا اكتشفنا انا واصحابي انه يصور جسمه للناس
ونبغى نخليه يتوب بس ماعرفنا كيف
الي قد صارله نفس الموقف يقول كيف تعامل معاه
للمعلوميه هو مايدري اننا ندري
submitted by ChargeMaleficent182 to SaudiForSaudis [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 12:33 Hopeful_Bullfrog_376 Need help with speakerbox/bassreflex
submitted by Hopeful_Bullfrog_376 to hifiaudio [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 12:33 Full-Discussion3745 ESA boss Josef Aschbacher: How space travel could make Europe strong - Comments from others - derStandard.at › Discourse
submitted by Full-Discussion3745 to EU_Economics [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 12:33 everyday-normal-mofo Hasta la vista, baby.
https://preview.redd.it/u83jo1122u3e1.png?width=1547&format=png&auto=webp&s=26d96513524518c065d177c066b3a7bdb4f8a847 Slot 2, GEM, first attempt, close to zero (dedicated) CAT prep. submitted by everyday-normal-mofo to CATpreparation [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 12:33 ApartRain5506 Ivale enth cheyyanem
submitted by ApartRain5506 to MalluBiForCelebs [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 12:33 Alone-Chocolate-5981 protein intake is so stressful when ur parents wont let u cook chicken at home
f20 5’8 75 kgs (goal weight 60 kgs) feeling pukish even reading all this lol ! i cant do more than 100 gm protein i really cant im so tired😭😭😭
submitted by Alone-Chocolate-5981 to indiasocial [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 12:33 cennep44 White House pressing Ukraine to draft 18-year-olds so it has enough troops to battle Russia
submitted by cennep44 to ukraine [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 12:33 Lanky-Finding-4105 Salary Rs 25000/- per month. Family of 3 members.
Can you provide a budget? [No discussion needed, other than budget]
submitted by Lanky-Finding-4105 to indiasocial [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 12:33 warrenmax12 StupidPol Gamers. Let's play together.
I know there are gamers here. Let's chat and play together. Steam sale is on right now, so a lot of choices.
submitted by warrenmax12 to stupidpol [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 12:33 stomarian_patriot New video drop…”From A Flag To An Empire” a short that highlights the desire to forge our own paths.
submitted by stomarian_patriot to micronations [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 12:33 Darkinthecity_ What is a situation you thought was very niche but ended up being relatable to you?
submitted by Darkinthecity_ to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 12:33 Mr-Epic-2459 How to Quit Watching Porn in 35 Minutes
It is one of the best videos, with research papers and notes. Note: Self-control is self-awareness
So when you get a craving, don't avoid it try to acknowledge it as a craving, and try to talk with yourself, Remind yourself: "It's just a craving, and I don't have to act", give you logically why this craving is not worth the trade, "Craving are only signal not instruction, you always have power", "Your life is what you make"
submitted by Mr-Epic-2459 to NoFap [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 12:33 itnolo What got you into punk rock?
submitted by itnolo to punkrock [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 12:33 Recent_Librarian6073 PME envelope still not a single update in 3 days. Other PM packages moving though?
So this package was dropped off around 1 on the 26th as you can see, was labeled as Priority Mail Express 1-Day, scheduled for delivery the day before thanksgiving. I made a post and after the responses just assumed this was a result of thanksgiving shutting down the offices. Then I took the time to check out some other posts here, and also checked another package I have and it is getting scanned through thanksgiving and the day before, and it is just a regular priority mail label. TLDR: Why do I see priority mail packages getting updated through the holidays, and getting closer to their destination, but not PME packages, which are 3x the price and advertised as one day? I definitely should practice more patience here and I’m aware of that, I’m more or less just really annoyed a cheaper service is being given much better service. submitted by Recent_Librarian6073 to usps_complaints [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 12:33 Sea-Lifeguard9581 which one is better?
submitted by Sea-Lifeguard9581 to CamellyaMains [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 12:33 TrueGokuto Stop the cap
"Part 1 is oh boo woo my cousin who's my slave hates me. And I sure do like Naruto ain't I special" "She has no character outside of liking Naruto or something to do with Naruto, and 95% of her dialogue in part 1" Hinata hate is dumb. There i said it. She was forced to fight against an adult man at the age of 3, probably even before then. She was constantly put down in her life and grew up to have insecurities. Her cosuin began to unfairly blame her, a 3 year old for being kidnapped and was endlessly berated for it. She was berated by her father and called a failure. Yet even then she tries her hardest to grow as a character, to try harder to better herself and to help others. She was sent into ventricular fibrillation and was put to near death, yet she still only worried about her cousin as she recognised the pain she was in. She's also without a mother and neglected by her father and clan. But you'll still have people who haven't read the series calling her a shit character who does nothing. And claiming 95% of her character in part 1 is doing nothing. Top 3 female characters in part 1 alongside Tsunade and Sakura. submitted by TrueGokuto to Naruto [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 12:33 throwaway83736365372 Chaeryeong
submitted by throwaway83736365372 to LeeChaeryeong [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 12:33 jackal_boy Do femboys with long hair who also wanna date long term even exist?
No, this isn't a bait post. I'm serious.
I hate i have such a specific type and I'm trying to deal with it in therapy too. (I need a reality check STAT)
I have some trauma.... And now that's my type. And it sucks so bad i can't even hookup or anything. I just want someone like that all to myself.
Sadly the only place I find guys that are my type are on NSFW subreddit, and I've gotten to the point where I've even tried asking them out in DMs (never got a reply back. They probably think it's some trick, and I don't blame them).
.... I'm scared and sad that I'm gonna die never having experienced sex, and die in pain and loneliness.
I'm trying my best to open up to guys and girls who are not my type physically and who have a good personality.... But they all always end up living far away and it's hard to connect emotionally online. And even if I find someone who is starting to get into me, I push them away coz my heart wants something else 😭
I'm planning on joining a offline course and hoping i could find someone i could love irl for how they are on the inside.
Tho sometimes I genuinely doubt if I'm even worthy of love. (All this shallones and emotional baggage. Who would wanna date me?)
Never experiencing an IRL relationship before in life sucks :/
I wish the perfect femboy emo or goth bf would just drop from the sky and hug me and call me theirs 😭
I'll keep looking..... I can't help but look for what's my type.
But you know what's worse? I am my type, lol Probably the most cruel joke the universe has played on me 🤣
The closest I've gotten to love IRL is hugging the mirror and telling myself it's gonna be okay. I guess if no one else, i could try to atleast love myself, and go out to do fun things alone like cosplay and going to watch movies.
Atleast that's better than nothing, right?
submitted by jackal_boy to LGBTindia [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 12:33 bellaballerina_ Bella Ballerina
submitted by bellaballerina_ to perfectonpointe [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 12:33 GodNops Any other way to get grain?
I just got the challenge for the 800 oat, wheat, and rye. I’ve bought all the grain in the world and am 50 oat short. Is there anyway to get oat outside of buying it or am I doomed to fail the challenge?
submitted by GodNops to MedievalDynasty [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 12:33 Clarinhaa-i13 Alguém sabe pq em certos posts os comentários não aparecem? Tipo, a pessoa te responde mas não dá pra ver?
submitted by Clarinhaa-i13 to PergunteReddit [link] [comments]