2024.11.29 12:31 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Top Stories] - Will the election boost Black Friday and holiday spending? It may depend on how you voted | NBC
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 12:31 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Top Stories] - World gets first look at Notre Dame's new interior 5 years after devastating fire | NBC
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 12:31 nadennik random lags ps5
hey so i start a game, play with no lags and suddenly during second or third period lags start, i need to click 3 times to switch players, players have slow reactions etc, then it goes back to normal..
i play on wireless internet
any help pls?
submitted by nadennik to NHLHUT [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 12:31 Opposite_Anxiety_223 I think my ex must have bought this one.
submitted by Opposite_Anxiety_223 to ObviousPlant [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 12:31 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Health] - Undiagnosed depression in cancer patients is one of the biggest gaps in treatment | NBC
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 12:31 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Top Stories] - Undiagnosed depression in cancer patients is one of the biggest gaps in treatment | NBC
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 12:31 pompeilonger iMomoko Black Friday 2024 Promo Codes
Follow this link for iMomoko Black Friday 2024 Promo Codes. Access the latest deals and promotions by visiting the link, featuring a constantly updated list of coupons, promo codes, and discounts.
submitted by pompeilonger to LimitedDiscount [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 12:31 yulil0 Upgraded GPU, Out of video memory crash when compiling shaders at the exact same spot every single time.
SPECS Ryzen 5 5600g 32gbs of ram RX 6700 XT 12 gbs
Alright, to explain it more, i just upgraded from a GTX 1660 to the amd card previously mentioned, previously i had literally not a single crash related to out of video memory bs that im getting, after changing GPUs and being excited to play the game without the depressing stuttering i used to have with the GTX, it was compiling shaders and then crashed with that out of memory error, spawning like 10 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ error boxes that all say the same, out of video memory, you might think the gpu is defective but no, it plays cyberpunk, helldivers 2, space marine 2, the forever winter, every game that i have all flawlessly at ultra, STALKER 2 though? legit not even getting past the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ compiling shaders, always crashing at the exact same spot, between the M and the P of "compiling"
Any help would be much appreciated because i have been trouble shooting for more than 24 hours at this point and with no success, ive tried overcloacking the VRAM. increasing the page file, no help, if you have any questions to ask for more informations feel free, i just wanna get it to work
I've been awaiting this game for more than a decade, its depressing i cant play it
submitted by yulil0 to stalker [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 12:31 Henrique_Fagundes Música para Sexta-Feira - Profissionais de Verdade Usam Linux
Profissionais de Verdade Usam Linux
(Verso 1) Quem sabe o que faz e já escolheu seu lugar, Linux é o caminho pra quem quer programar. É liberdade no código, poder na mão, Enquanto o Windows trava na próxima atualização.\
(Pré-Refrão) No Linux a máquina dança, flui como canção, No Windows, é travamento e reinicialização.
(Refrão) Profissionais de verdade, no Linux estão, Construindo o futuro com inovação. Amadores e leigos no Windows vão ficar, Enquanto o mundo open-source começa a dominar.
(Verso 2) No terminal eu crio, no shell eu componho, No Windows é "clique aqui", e lá vai mais um sonho. Liberdade é preço e recompensa pra quem crê, Enquanto paga licença, quem usa o ".exe"
(Pré-Refrão) Pacote snap, apt-get, no ritmo do amanhã, No Windows, é um vírus que sempre te engana.
(Refrão) Profissionais de verdade, no Linux estão, Construindo o futuro com inovação. Amadores e leigos no Windows vão ficar, Enquanto o mundo open-source começa a dominar.
(Pré-Refrão) Pacote snap, apt-get, no ritmo do amanhã, No Windows, é um vírus que sempre te engana.
(Refrão) Profissionais de verdade, no Linux estão, Construindo o futuro com inovação. Amadores e leigos no Windows vão ficar, Enquanto o mundo open-source começa a dominar.
(Ponte) Kernel robusto, ninguém pode falar mal, Enquanto o Windows espera a hora de dar pau O pinguim sorri, livre pra voar, Enquanto janelas fechadas só querem te travar.
(Refrão Final) Profissionais de verdade, no Linux estão, Onde tem criatividade e revolução. Amadores e leigos no Windows vão ficar, Enquanto o Linux reina e o mundo vai libertar!
(Final) É mais que um sistema, é uma filosofia, No Linux, o futuro é feito de autonomia. Profissionais de verdade sabem onde pisar, No mundo do open-source, prontos pra inovar.
submitted by Henrique_Fagundes to TecnologiaInformacao [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 12:31 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Top Stories] - It started with Elon. Now there’s another celebrity Musk in China: His mother. | NBC
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 12:31 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Top Stories] - Black Friday gift alert: Get the Skylight Calendar for $70 off | NBC
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 12:31 dep0 Exclude github-classroom bot from triggering workflows
How can I exclude the github-classroom bot (see attached image) from triggering workflow runs?
this is how it's mentioned on the workflow message
submitted by dep0 to github [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 12:31 BerliozKant Como desligar corretamente o pc?
Gente, já ouvi tanta indicação q realmente fiquei com dúvidas.
O ideal é desligar segurando Shift (sem inicialização rápida) ou não precisa?
Outra coisa, desliga-se no botão liga/desliga da fonte ou deve tirar da tomada (com a fonte ligada) após desligar o pc?
submitted by BerliozKant to hardwarebrasil [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 12:31 ExtraProfessional933 Wo bekommt man eine gute operative Ausbildung in der Herzchirurgie?
Ich interessiere mich sehr für Herzchirurgie und plane, eine Facharztausbildung in diesem Bereich zu beginnen. Mir ist bewusst, dass die Ausbildung in der Herzchirurgie sehr uneinheitlich ist, besonders in Bezug auf die operative Ausbildung.
Ich schreibe diesen Beitrag in der Hoffnung, von Leuten zu hören, die mit ihrer herzchirurgischen operativen Ausbildung zufrieden sind, und vielleicht einige Kliniken nennen können, in denen die Ausbildung wirklich gut ist. Ich bin nicht unbedingt an einer akademischen Karriere interessiert, sodass es keine Uniklinik sein muss.
Ich möchte auch erläutern, was ich persönlich unter „guter operativer Ausbildung“ verstehe: Ich würde eine Ausbildung als gut definieren, wenn ich sie in 6-max 8 Jahren abschließe und in der Lage bin, das gesamte Spektrum der allgemeinen Herzchirurgie (z. B. Bypass-Operationen, Herzklappenersatz, Schrittmacherimplantationen, dann wenn möglich Aneurysmen-Operationen und nach Prüfung andere kompliziertere) alleine oder fast alleine durchzuführen. Ich gehe nicht davon aus, dass ich überdurchschnittlich komplexe Eingriffe wie Transplantationen oder angeborene Herzfehler-Operationen durchführen kann, da ich weiß, dass diese nicht für Assistenzärzte geeignet sind.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass ich sehr gut verstehe, dass vieles von meinem Engagement und Interesse abhängt. Ich hoffe, nicht arrogant zu wirken, auch wenn das so erscheinen könnte. Seien Sie bitte ehrlich, aber freundlich.
Ich freue mich auf eure Antworten. Vielen Dank
submitted by ExtraProfessional933 to medizin [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 12:31 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Top Stories] - What next for Gaza after Lebanon ceasefire, and a muddy ancient discovery: Morning Rundown | NBC
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 12:31 Significant_Green320 A lot of sat takers say that all you need is to understand the concept. How to do it?
I always see the same thing about understanding the concept. It's like "make sure to understand topics you're studying" "remember that, remember this." I just want some useful tips💔
submitted by Significant_Green320 to Sat [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 12:31 Twd_2001 Big 3!
Sag Sun, Cancer Moon, Leo rising
submitted by Twd_2001 to Sagittarians [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 12:31 Formal_Knowledge_603 Judge me by my flair.
I’m ready for it, remember this. I love hiyoko saionji.
submitted by Formal_Knowledge_603 to DanganAndChaos [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 12:31 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Tech] - It started with Elon. Now there’s another celebrity Musk in China: His mother. | NBC
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 12:31 edutyngbhv Inversion - CDPFSUWGMCW 2 YHP. #287
Welcome to... Creating a daily power for Saiki until we get more content or when 2 years have passed. (CDPFSUWGMCW 2 YHP.) #287
Let's start and I hope you like it
Inversion Classification: Supernatural Powers, Support Powers, Conceptual Powers, Reality Manipulation, Transportation
Type: Thought-Based
Energy Consumption: Astronomically High
Threat Level: 1
Inversion is a curious ability, it is the opposite of Immersion (Ability that allows to enter or bring people into fictional worlds). Inversion, on the other hand, transports the entire cast of Saiki K into the real world (it also works with characters from other books).
2024.11.29 12:31 daily_bargains UNice Black Friday Sale 2024: Incredible Discounts Await!
This Black Friday, UNice is rolling out jaw-dropping discounts, offering shoppers the chance to save up to $200 on a wide range of products. If you're in the market for high-quality wigs, hair extensions, or other beauty essentials, now is the perfect time to stock up!
The following offers are available:
2024.11.29 12:31 Unusual_Ad4384 Help for my base
Good my brothers in arms, I come with a question, I'm making a somewhat elaborate base (at least for my level) and I'm wondering if my knight will be well fixed to the penalty, the idea is to simulate a trench and for them I used some white cork, my question is, any way to fix it? The superglue is discarded and the white glue does not give me much security. submitted by Unusual_Ad4384 to ImperialKnights [link] [comments] |
2024.11.29 12:31 Irreasonable Not getting sub notifications
I had a mod takea dislike to my Frank opinions but has no grounds to admonish me for breaking sub rules. However, even though I've opted in to receive notifications I checked my settings again and notifications had been turned off. I turned it back on but still not getting anything. I messages the Mods and buy his time I'm sure I got this guy with a problem, and explained my issue. His response was that everything looked good on his end but I don't believe him.
It's a favourite sub as well and its posts never appear in my Home feed.
I even made a complaint and got no response.
What can I do?
submitted by Irreasonable to help [link] [comments]
2024.11.29 12:31 No_Leg_1116 tried to do a soft type style of character, how did i do, and glasses or no glasses?
2024.11.29 12:31 DaigoMiyazaki Next game should be souls like
Zelda only show like 1 possibility (link reuniting with Zelda) unlike souls like which shows you the various possibilities that can play out ( like infinite different endings given the infinite different characters that can possibly be created).
Zelda literally has so much civillians. Like it is a fantasy world full of monsters and demons, it makes sense for there to be like only 5 serving civillians or something, given everyone in such a world that is not trained in combat will probably die.
Zelda literally has zero ambiguity. Like everyone knows that Zelda is purely looking out for her kingdoms interests and Ganondorf genuinely wants to just hate and suffer because he likes it.
Zelda literally never confronts the possibility of a civil war between rivalling hyrulean factions unlike the fromsoft games which showcase civil wars and succession crisises.
Zelda literally has no op characters. All characters are like generic fantasy mortals or deities. Unlike patches from the fromsoft games who probably can use the power of mods.
submitted by DaigoMiyazaki to tearsofthekingdom [link] [comments]